OCCURRENCE OF CATERPILLAR NUCLEI WITHIN NORMAL IMMATURE AND NORMAL APPEARING AND ALTERED MATURE HEART MUSCLE CELLS AND THE EVOLUTION OF ANITSCHKOW CELLS FROM THE LATTER GEORGE E. MuRPiHY, M.D., and Cma G. BECKE, M.D. From the Department of Pathology, The New York Hospital-CorneU Medical Center, New York, N.Y. In I9OI von Oppell reported changes that occurred in rabbit myo- cardium in reaction to implantation of a sewing needle. Twenty-four hours after the implantation frank necrosis of muscle fibers was evident in the puncture canal. A little distant, less altered muscle fibers had lost striations and were coarsely granular. In their enlarged elliptic nuclei the chromatin had become distributed in granules or clusters of granules or condensed in a "single thread running in the long axis" of the nucleus. Among these degenerating muscle fibers, cells ("free cells") appeared with nuclei like those in the altered muscle fibers. Subsequently Anitsch- kow2 observed these myocardial changes in reaction to celloidin con- taining foreign bodies. He emphasized the condensation of chromatin into a "serrated stripe" in nuclei of some of the altered muscle fibers at a distance from the puncture canal and in nuclei of some of the cells ("myocytes") that appeared among the altered muscle fibers. These "free cells" or "myocytes" have come to be known as Anitschkow cells or myocytes. Because such elements are often prominent components of Aschoff bodies, the myocardial lesions characteristic of rheumatic heart disease, they are sometimes referred to as Aschoff cells. The chromatin structure of Anitschkow cells is known to occur in embryonic and postembryonic hearts in members of all classes of verte- brates,3'4 and is one of the most distinctive nuclear forms. From the central axial body of chromatin very fine fibrillar extensions radiate to- ward and sometimes to the nuclear membrane. In longitudinal section this chromatin pattern resembles the structure of a caterpillar. In trans- verse section the nuclear appearance has been likened to an owl eye. The cytoplasm of Anitschkow cells is usually scant and in many of the cells is barely or not detectable when they are observed with the light micro- scope, even when magnified as much as I,200 times. This investigation was supported by research grant HE-o0803 of the National Heart Institute of the National Institutes of Health, a grant of The Cross Foundation, and training grant 2G-78 of the Division of General Medical Sciences of the United States Public Health Service. Accepted for publication, February s, I966. 93' 932 MURPHY AND BECKER Vol. 48., No. 6 From experiment and histologic study conflicting opinions have arisen concerning the origin of Anitschkow cells.4'5 It is widely believed that they are histiocytes or reticuloendothelial cells never derived from muscle cells of the heart.8''7 It is also widely held that nuclei with structure like that characteristic of Anitschkow cells never occur in muscle cells of the heart. In contrast, such nuclei have been reported to occur in striated heart muscle cells5,8'9 and in fragments thereof and in smooth muscle cells of the heart.5'10 Others6'11 have interpreted these nuclei as residing not within striated muscle cells but within non- myogenic cells juxtaposed to the muscle cells. The purpose of the present communication is to demonstrate I) the occurrence of nuclei identical in structure to those characteristic of Anitschkow cells within striated muscle cells of the human heart, and 2) the evolution of Anitschkow cells from heart muscle cells. MATERIAL AND METHODS Sources and Treatment of Material Examined. Myocardia of 56 patients were examined. Fourteen were immature infants, 7 of which weighed between 390 and 699 gm and 7 between 700 and 999 gm at the time of death within several days after birth. Six were premature infants who weighed between I,ooo and 2,499 gm at the time of death i hour to 30 days after birth. In the majority of these immature and premature infants birth was preceded by spontaneous rupture of the fetal membranes or by premature separation of the placenta. In I premature there were multiple cardiac anomalies. In the remaining I9 prematures and all the immatures the hearts were anatomically normal. Ten patients were full-term infants who weighed between 2,900 and 3,600 gm at the time of death in the neonatal period. In 4 of these there were cardiac anomalies, in 2, anomalies of the brain or urinary tract, and in 2 others sub- dural hemorrhage occurred. Of the remaining 2 full-term infants one died of menin- gitis due to Hemophilus influenzae at 3 weeks of age. The other died with widespread petechial hemorrhages i day after birth. Six weeks after the beginning of gestation 2 other children of the mother of this infant developed rubella. The mother developed no signs or symptoms of rubella. From the myocardium and many other tissues of this infant rubella virus was cultured at necropsy. Sixteen of the patients died of active rheumatic heart disease; and numerous Aschoff bodies were found in the myocardium in every case. The ages of the rheumatic patients were as follows: 3 were from 14 months to 5 years, 6 from 6 to I0 years, 4 from 14 to 25 years, and 3 from 33 to 6o years. Another patient died at 29 years of age with bilateral salpingitis, pelvic abscess, and peritonitis; an anaerobic streptococci and E. coli were cultured from peritoneal exudate. An additional patient died at 37 years of age of cardiac failure caused by widespread degenerative changes in the heart muscle. The remaining 8 patients died of myocardial infarction one day to 3 weeks after onset of chest pain at ages ranging from 54 to 68 years. Two of this latter group suffered with angina pectoris for about 3 years before death. An additional 2 of this group had experienced myocardial infarction several years previously. Blocks of myocardium were fixed in Zenker's, 5 per cent formalin solution, and sec- tions cut at approximately s,u were stained with hematoxylin and eosin or by the Masson trichrome technique. Optical Equipment. A Zeiss photomicroscope was used with a Zeiss iooX plana- chromat objective lens with oil for examination, photography at magnification of 400 to 1,260 X, for all measurements of striated heart muscle fibers and nuclei with lune, z966 CATERPILLAR NUCLEI 933 caterpillar-like intranuclear structure. We are informed by Carl Zeiss, Inc., that they have calculated the depth of field in focus to be less than i g (0.4 to 0.7 ,) when this lens is used for magnification in the range stated above. Measurement of Heart Muscle Fibers and Caterpillar Nuclei and their Axial Chromatin Bars. The diameters of striated cardiac muscle fibers and caterpillar nuclei and their axial chromatin bars were measured with a Zeiss ocular micrometer. Diameters were only measured when transverse striations of the muscle fibers and the membranes and chromatin bars of caterpillar nuclei were sharply and simul- taneously in focus. Diameters of striated muscle fibers containing either caterpillar nuclei or ordinary nuclei were measured at a point 4 Ai to 8 ,u away from any nuclei of those muscle fibers. RESULTS In all of the hearts examined, except those with myocardial infarcts, caterpillar or owl eye nuclei identical to those characteristic of Anitsch- kow cells were present in immature or mature striated heart muscle cells or in fragments of the latter. Measurement was made of the transverse diameters of 40 of these nuclei and the transverse diameters of their axial chromatin bars in each of 2 hearts, I from a 14-month-old infant and the other from a 3-year-old child who died between 2 and 3 weeks after the first signs and symptoms of the first evident attack of rheumatic fever. Diameters were only measured when transverse striations of the muscle fiber, the membrane of the caterpillar nucleus, and the axial chromatin bar of the nucleus were all simultaneously and sharply in focus, as illustrated in Figures I9 to 2 2. The arithmetic mean of the diameters of the nuclei was 4.64,P (standard deviation, -+- o.86 u) and that of the axial chromatin bars was I.83 ,u (standard deviation, ± 0.25 ,). If these caterpillar nu- clei resided outside the muscle fibers, then the average distance between the center of the nucleus (or center of the axial bar) and the surface of the muscle fiber would be at least 2.32 /. Because this distance is be- tween 3 to 6 times the depth of field in focus (0.4 to 0.7 ) with the lens used, it would not be possible to have the membrane of the nucleus, the axial chromatin bar of the nucleus, and striations of the muscle fiber all sharply in focus in the same plane. Yet, all of these elements could be seen to be sharply in focus in the same plane (Figs. I9 to 22). The hypothesis that these nuclei resided outside the muscle fibers is, there- fore, not supported by the data. The alternative hypothesis, definitively supported by the above measurements, is that these caterpillar nuclei resided within the muscle fibers. The latter hypothesis is further sup- ported by the occurrence of owl eye nuclei, which are transversely sec- tioned caterpillar nuclei, well within the cytoplasm of myoblasts in the myotube stage of differentiation in an immature infant (Fig. 5) and within heart muscle cells in a I4-month-old infant (Fig. 4I) who died of active rheumatic heart disease. 934 MURPHY AND BECKER Vol. 48, No. 6 Observations were made on the incidence and location of nuclei with fully formed caterpillar-like chromatin pattern in all of the 56 myo- cardia examined (Table I).
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