FREE! Published as a Service of The Memphis Gay Coalition Volume 9, Number 3 Memphis, Tennessee February, 1988 r:�::w��"Partners" -�:� AlphaIt was a darkHouse and ramy rught. Opens ATEAC submttte�· First a proposalHousing in Especiallyfor PWA's which it would pay for upkeep, Denmark is about to become the The Aid To End AIDS Committee · insurance, utilities, etc., and house first country in the world to grant buddy sent to piCk up the firstPWA PWA's if the county could provide Gays the legal status of married to be housed in ATEAC housing the house. 'We're still pursuing couples. A bill introduced in Par- could not find the rundown hotel that idea," said Stewart, "but the liarnent in January provides that where he was staying. The curtains were the living oo need is immediate. We had two Gay couples registering as "part- not up in r m, and bed people who needed housing now, ners" will automatically gain the the wasn't made up yet. These were not auspicious beginnings; not next month or next year." same rights to inheritance and trx Donations of household items deductions, the same access to On Jan. 21, the first patient to came in quickly with a couch, social services, and the some obli- take up residence in Alpha House, theATEAC house forPWA's, microwave oven, beds, clothes, gations to pay alimony as a hus- was silverware, and other household band and wife. moved in. His reaction: "I love it." Alpha House came goods filling up the heretofore The measure was supported by a· about once approval of the empty space. · majority of the members in the quickly ATEA ard of According to Stewart,ATEAC 179-seat Folketing. It will proba- � bo directors was . given. "!his is something we've has an ongoing committment of . bly become law beginning July 1 _ people with AIDS in the Mid- been trymg to get started for some over $400 per month in rent and work, wtthlittle or no money.Once In an attempt to silence criticism South. time," said Tommy Stewart,presi- utilities for the house. Residents . their checks get started, they can l the_ i.Qclud�d a biJI'ssponsQ�.S pro� t " <ho er -. -- J.T.,EAC.�s..a tedendly . bJ"_ �',�­ dent of ilie Committee. �·IEAC are expec1edtopay �m1tnofme' J!l�k� cu OK. PWA,'s� � � visio which precluded Gaysfroin financial aid wtn . empt, cnantable orgamzatmn: � board embers voted to stgn the costs, based on thetr mcome. Ste- CelVlng adequate adoptmg children. � DonationsmaybemadetoATEAC I lease on the property on Jan. 13. I wart says oneofthebigproblemsin be encouraged to seek other hous- ing to-make way for those who are by sending checks toATEAC, P.O. A!EA� officials hav been �etting disab�ity payments star.Led � not. Box 40389, Memphis, TN 38174- C our t R ejects. meetmg Wlth county officials for lS that there lS a five month wait. to Alpha House is the first specili- 0389. G' town u. case about seven months in an attempt "Many of th_e peoplewho come to get them to donate a house. the Committee for help are out of cally designated housing for Washington, DC - The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected a bid by GeorgetownUniversity to delay Much AIDS Testing May Be hnproper enforcement of a court order re­ m th A��ordmg to a report the Jan medical reason. For the 44% who than 700 labs which perform e curate results. (see related story quiringtheRoman Catholic School 8 edi on of th Journal ?f the had a reason, no consent or coun- test in the wake of reports of inac- inside on page 7.) � � . to let Gay Rights groups meet on Amencan Medzcal Assoczatwn, seling was reported. campus. A_ District Court of Ap­ mu�h of the AIDS testing in the Six patients in the study were pealsruled Nov. 20 that a law pro­ Umted States may be done for no told they testedpositive when fur- White House Says Gays hibiting discrimination against goodmedical reason. ther testing proved them negative. Gay people takes precedence over Dr. Keith Henry, an infectious, Improperly handled test results Are Unfit Parents , · · · a religious institution's claimed dis specialist at the Minnesota can � resultin financialand psycho­ The Interagency taskforce con­ constitutional right to freely exer­ Metdcal School and St. Paul Divi- Washington- Pres. Reagan's logical consequences that are cluded that "marital status, age, or cise its religious beliefs. sion of Public Health, studied test- Interagency Task Force on Adop­ "immediate, severe, and irrevers­ handicapped conditions should not In a5-2decisionissuedNov.20, ing roc� es at a St.Paul hos ital tion has recommended that Gay � � � ible," said an accompanying edito­ precludeindividuals from consid­ the D.C. Court of Appeals ruled and 1ts chmcs for one year. Smce Journal.· Dr. people by excluded as suitable rial in the Renslow eration as adoptive parents; how­ that the D.C. Human Rights Act Minnesota is not a major AIDS parents for adopting children. The Sherer of Cook Co. Hospital in ever, homosexual adoption should requires Georgetown University to center,Dr. Henry believes his da_ta group said in the statement issued Chicago commented that an AIDS not be supported. The group was provide the same "tangible bene­ may reflect handling of the test Dec. 4 that adoptions by Gay antobQdy test is in no way "rou­ established to recommendways in fit$" to Gay student groups as it across the country. people "should not be supported." tine" given the potentiallyadverse which the adoption of children grants to other student groups. "No standard practice is being In a paper· submitted to the effects of the test results becoming could be expanded. Georgetown is the nation's oldest followed for. ordering. HIV anti- Presidential task Force on Adop­ known to people other than the The task forcewas composed of Catholic-owned university. bodytest," said Henry. tion, the Lesbian Rights Project patient. representatives from 10 federal to the report, only (LRP) and the National Gay & According Hecited acaseinwhich hospital agencies and three membersof the 9% of AIDS antibody tests were Lesbian Task Force (NGTLF) test results were forwarded to a White House staff. Galy Bauer, ·a done appropriately,hesays-with urged the Reagan Administration patient's .employer.The man sub­ Reagan domestic policy advisor, consen counseling, and docu- to remove obstaclesto adoption by � sequeritly lost his job, his health recently wrote Health and Human mentation. Unless requested by a Lesbians and Gay men. The paper, insurance and was evicted from Services Secretary Otis Bowen patient, there should be a medical . authored by LRPDirecting Attor­ his a�ent. praisingSen.JesseHelms'effort to reason for testing. ney RobertaAchtenberg, was sub­ In a related development, the stop federal funds for sexually Memphis Gay Coalition Of the 275 people tested, almost Centers for Disease Control has mitted to the Presidential Task 1 see "White House" on half of the testswere orderedfor no announced plans to evaluate more Force on Oct. 9. p. 5 "TurnAbout is Fair Play''Survey Results by John Stilwell return the questionnaire. The Annual River 'Ride - gional news, informative, Lady support unity. And the final ques­ Of the respondents, 100% 46% of those responding were on A's column, well-written, local tion in this series was "Do you cur­ In September of '87, we were caucasian. Men comprised the boat las.l year. 14% said they newsy articles, and local happen- · rently belong to a Gay organiza­ printed a questionnaire covering a 62% and women 38%. The ages didn't know anything about it. ings. Under dislikes, we had: ar­ tion" and 54% said yes. whole myriad of topics from the ranged from 26 to 51 with the aver- Only 14% of those who had not rives late (after events have hap­ As I said in the beginmng, Memphis Gay Coalition to Gaze age age being 38. 85% were resi- attended said they would attend pened),depress ing, all AIDS, not a you can draw your own conclu­ newspaper to the Gay Community dents of Memphis and 15% non- next year, and the maybes also got newspaper at all, not enough Les­ sions from the facts presented here in general. Some of the responses residents. 54% were single. Of the 14%. Several people commented bian input (do you hear that, "However," he said, jumping on to were interesting, some a little sur­ 46% who were in relationships, the on the heat and suggested it should women?), not activist enough, just his soap box, "I think a few edito­ prising, and some just have to be relationship was between 14 beheld later iri.the year. Wha�those reports the news,Lady A's column, rialcomments are in order." Every­ commented on. For the most part, months and 5 and a half years in people have forgotten; or never and non-local news. one needs to read Gaze every I'll let you draw your own conclu­ duration with the average at 3.46 knew,is that theRiverRideisaGay So what did our respondents month. You need the news and sions from the facts and figures. I years. 23% had been married to a Pride event. It is held in)ume be­ want to see more of? More Gay information. Organizauons do use might mention that this is probably person of the opposite sex and 15% cause that is Gay Pi:i.de month. It is movie and book reviews, cam­ it to advertise their events. Every­ the most successful question11aire had children. Although 77% of the held the last week in June in· mem­ paigning for involvement, car­ one of you should be subscribing to we've tried to date.
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