March 14, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1547 Dreamers through legislative action and to product of public schools, I know the Congress will meet some of them on wield our power of the purse to ensure that incredible role our schools play in com- the west front lawn to join them in the Department of Homeland Security does munities across the Nation. Public saying this: Enough is enough. not make immigrant families and commu- schools today have much good news to Mr. Speaker, I thank our distin- nities casualties of a reckless, indiscrimi- nate detention and deportation machine. share, from increasing graduation rates guished colleague from Florida (Mr. Sincerely, and reduced dropout rates to improved DEUTCH) for his extraordinary leader- Luis V. Gutie´rrez; Adriano Espaillat; Rau´ l ratings given by communities on ship, whether it is with the students, M. Grijalva; Jerrold Nadler; Zoe Lofgren; school performance. with legislation on the floor, or in the Michelle Lujan Grisham; Judy Chu; Joe In fact, public school graduation community at large to help make the Crowley; Jan Schakowsky; Jose´ E. Serrano; rates have risen from 79 percent in difference. Steve Cohen; Eliot L. Engel; Ted Deutch; 2010–2011 to 83 percent in 2014–2015. This Dina Titus; Nydia M. Vela´ zquez; Lloyd Dog- b 1015 gett; Carolyn B. Maloney; Linda T. Sa´ nchez; increase of the measured 5 years re- flects that four out of five public Here we are, community after com- Gene Green; Paul D. Tonko; Alcee L. Has- munity, reeling from the horror of gun tings. school students receive a regular high Al Green; Albio Sires; Peter Welch; Bar- school diploma within 4 years of start- violence, perpetrated against our chil- bara Lee; Adam Smith; Keith Ellison; Gwen ing ninth grade. dren, our families. Moore; Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson, Jr.; Ben While the graduation rates varies Our hearts ache for those in Orlando, Ray Luja´ n; Maxine Waters; Bobby L. Rush; among States, 34 States have reported San Bernardino, Mother Emanuel Elijah Cummings; Danny K. Davis; Eleanor graduation rates between 80 and 89 per- Church, Las Vegas, Sutherland Holmes Norton; Yvette D. Clarke; Robert A. Springs, Parkland, Newtown. The list Brady; Hakeem S. Jeffries; Grace F. Napoli- cent, with the highest being 91 percent in Iowa, followed by 90 percent in New is a very long one, and it is, in addi- tano; Jared Polis; Norma J. Torres; Juan tion, on the streets and in the homes Vargas; Bonnie Watson Coleman. Jersey. Based on data from the current Donald Norcross; Tony Ca´ rdenas; Kathleen population survey, the dropout rate across our country. M. Rice; Mark Pocan; Mark Takano; Darren has steadily decreased, from 10.9 per- There has been too much violence Soto; Michael E. Capuano; Ed Perlmutter; cent in 2000 to 7.4 percent in 2010 and and too much pain. This should not be Nanette Diaz Barraga´ n; Grace Meng; Robin 5.9 percent in 2015. a political issue. The American people L. Kelly; Jimmy Gomez; Bill Foster; Joaquin Last year, 69 percent of recent high overwhelmingly want action. A full 97 Castro; Ruben Gallego; Brenda L. Lawrence; school graduates enrolled in a 2-year or percent of Americans support requiring Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’ Scott; Brendan F. Boyle; background checks for all gun buys, in- Donald S. Beyer, Jr.; Earl Blumenauer; 4-year college. Dwight Evans. We are making progress, but we can cluding 97 percent of gun owners. There J. Luis Correa; Pramila Jayapal; Ro do more. is a commonsense, bipartisan path for- Khanna; Suzanne Bonamici; James P. In many communities, the school dis- ward in the Congress. We can take ac- McGovern; Joseph P. Kennedy, III; Jamie trict is the largest employer. Teachers, tion today on comprehensive back- Raskin; Colleen Hanabusa; Jacky Rosen; busdrivers, administrators, cafeteria ground checks without the dangerous John Lewis; Mark DeSaulnier; Val Butler workers, coaches, and facilities man- Concealed Carry Reciprocity bill, al- Demings; Frank Pallone, Jr.; Ted W. Lieu; lowing the CDC to study gun violence, Alma S. Adams, Ph.D.; Salud O. Carbajal; agement all depend on the school dis- Donald M. Payne, Jr.; John Yarmuth; Alan trict, and all of these jobs contribute and gun violence restraining orders Lowenthal. to the fabric of a community. Commu- that empower law enforcement to in- nities are stronger and schools are bet- tervene when someone is a threat to f ter when we all work together to sup- themselves or others. CELEBRATING PUBLIC SCHOOLS port public education. We should all be listening to the WEEK Public schools also make sure our American people on both sides of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The kids receive at least one nutritious aisle, and we should allow the House to Chair recognizes the gentleman from meal a day. More than 30 million vote on bipartisan gun violence solu- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 school lunches are served each day, in- tions. The families and students suf- minutes. cluding 20 million free and 2 million re- fering from the heartbreak of gun vio- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. duced price lunches. For some stu- lence deserve real leadership in this Mr. Speaker, this week our Nation dents, it may be the only meal they re- body, not a Republican White House celebrates Public Schools Week. It is a ceive will be the one at school. and Congress that are saying one thing time when we acknowledge the diver- Mr. Speaker, a child’s opportunity and doing another. It is deeply dis- sity and success of our public schools for success should not be left to appointing that, just days after em- and the sound education that they pro- chance. Every child needs a quality, bracing the need for commonsense, bi- vide. well-equipped school right in their partisan gun violence prevention, still Strengthening America’s public neighborhood where they can learn, be we have nothing coming forward. schools is the best way to ensure our inspired, and thrive. House Democrats have filed dis- children’s future success and our coun- Public education has always been the charge petitions to force votes on the try’s prosperity. Ninety percent of great equalizer in the United States, Thompson-King bipartisan background American children attend public and I am grateful for the contributions check bill with 200 cosponsors. Two schools. of our public schools. I know that, to- hundred cosponsors for a background This week, supporters across the gether, we will continue to work to check bill. That is a start. That is re- country will share stories of the many strengthen them for our most precious markable. And also the Background students, schools, and professionals resource: our children. Check Completion Act. Democrats will who make public schools such a vital Happy Public Schools Week. continue to press for bipartisan component of our communities. This f progress to reduce the epidemic of gun includes parents who are working hard violence in our Nation. to improve educational outcomes for GUN VIOLENCE Let me say, as we go out in a little children. Advocates nationwide will The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bit to join the students who are doing share scores of stories about public Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from their walkout across the country, an school students and their successes. California (Ms. PELOSI). enormous thank-you to them. An enor- Mr. Speaker, public school teachers Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, today, mous thank-you to them. While we truly make a difference in the lives of thousands of students across the Na- have sympathy for everyone who has our students. They prepare them for a tion are walking out of their schools to loss of life because of gun violence bright and successful future. It is their demand real action to end the tragedy across the country—they are always in dedication to our students that builds of gun violence. Young men and women our prayers, in our thoughts, and in strong public schools and, therefore, across the country—children, really— our determination to make a dif- strong communities. from coast to coast and in the heart- ference—the eloquence, the courage, As a senior member of the Education land of America are standing up and the determination of these young peo- and the Workforce Committee and a speaking out for change. Members of ple in Florida to come forward in such VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Mar 15, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.003 H14MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE.
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