SECTION H Copies of Written Comments Blank Page STATE OF CALIFORNIA • THE RESOURCES AGENCY Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gover ----- -------- ---------- -- DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION RECEIVED Sierra District Resource Services Cyndie Walck APR 1 0 2007 PO Box 16 Tahoe City, CA. 96145 CATAHOE COk:, riCY cwalck@ parks.ca.gov Jacqui Grandfield California Tahoe Conservancy 1061 3rd Street South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 I am writing to provide brief comments on the Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project. I am the engineering geologistlfluvial geomorphologist with California State Parks. support the idea of restoring the marsh and geomorphic function of the Upper Truckee at the mouth at Lake Tahoe. From a brief review of the alternatives, I think alternative 3, the Middle Marsh Corridor, would yield the greatest results for river function and habitat improvement. Prior to human disturbance, the river probably was a distributary multi-thread system. This is the only alternative that mimics that condition. Construction of a single thread channel or an inset floodplain would not restore geomorphic function or allow the floodwaters extended time and area on the floodplain. By creating a more natural multi-channel marsh configuration you will have the greatest benefits to both water quality and habitat. A couple of the alternatives also call for narrowing the mouth. A question that I did not see addressed is how the historic mouth and barrier bars would have functioned. Would the channel have closed in low flow years and breached in high spring flows? I am sure the native fish would have been adapted to the natural variability, but how that system functioned should be investigated. Sincerely, Cj,,) lJc.,cf2 Cyndie Walck CilJ of ;South Lakf Tahoe MAR 21 2007 CATAHOE C'· March 19, 2007 Jacqui Grandfield, UC Consultant Wildlife Program Cali fomia Tahoe Conservancy I 061 Third Street South Lake Tahoe, CA 961SO S ubject: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/EIS for the Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project, South Lake Tahoe, Califo1·nia Dear Mrs. Grandfield: Thank you for the opportunity for the City of South Lake Tahoe 10 further comment on the Notice of Preparation (NOP) for this project. The City has one additional comment: There are a number of on-going projects along the river being completed by a number of different organizations. The City of South Lake Tahoe wants to ensure respoosibiHty of reviewing the cumulative effects of all projects on the river in the City of South Lake Tahoe is delegated. For instance, there are several over-bank projects. Has detennination been made as to what type of event is required to allow over-banking occurrences at all locations and/or achievable? It would seem that river modeling based upon all new projects would be appropriate for th.is puiticular project as it is at the bottom of the watershed. Thanks again for the opportunity to comment on the NOP and the City looks forward to working with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (530) 542-6035. inc rely, ohn Greenhut Director of Public Works c: Hilary Hodges, Planning Manager h:\dat1H:1•d"<-lclutr marsh commetll 3-JQ-07.doc PubticW orts Deoanment • Services Center • I05l Tata Lane• South Lake Ta.hoe. CA 96150-6251· l530l 542-6030 · (~301541-3051 rAX RECEIVED APR 2 - 2007 March I 5, 2007 CATAHOE CONSERVANCY Jacqui Grandfield Wildl ife Program California Tahoe Conservancy I 06 I Third Street South Lake Tahoe, CA 96 150 Dear Ms. Grandfield, We received a copy of the public announcement regarding the Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project today and reviewed the 4 alternative proposals. Of most interest to us was the Study Area map. We are property owners abutting your two lots at the east end of Lily Avenue. Although you don't specifically mention those lots in any of your proposals, we noticed that the map includes them in the study area. Last summer, we were talking to one of the prior owners of those two lots, a member of the Harootunian family. She mentioned that her family sold the lots to the Conservancy with the stipulation that no development of any kind is done on the property and that it be maintained as open space. She had also beard last year from talking to one of your planners that he had proposed that those two lots be developed as parking for visitors to the Marsh area. Please be aware that any development of that kind at that location would be detrimental, not only to our neighborhood in terms ofvehicle , foot traffic and littering, but to us personally from a nuisance factor and the ruination of the open land and native plants that exist on the property. My wife's family has ov.'Tled the property surrounding your 2 above-mentioned lots since 1876 and since we acquired the property from my wife's mother's estate a few years ago, wc have tried to maintain the open space of the area and having your two, what we thought were undevelopable Jots, adjacent to our property wou ld assure open space and native plants for the entire corner of the block. It would be a travesty to have that forever-vacant property turned into a public nu isance, just for the sake of making a few parking spaces for the Marsh visitors. Be advised that we, as well as any neighbors that wc can en.list, will vigorously oppose any efforts to convert your undeveloped lots in our neighborhood to a parking lot, and the traffic and disturbances that go along with it. Kathleen Spangler 1'((£1:/~0{)~ William.UU{l Spang -ler ~? 3 I 66 Belle~ue , South Lake Tahoe, CA 96 I 50 RECEIVED MAR 2 7 2007 March 25, 2007 CA TAHOE CONS:RVANCY Jacqui Grandfield, UC Consultant Mike Elam Wildlife Program Associate Environmental Planner California Tahoe Conservancy PO Box 5310 I 061 Third Street Stateline NV 89449 South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 Subject: Upper T ruckee River and Marsh Restoration Project As property owners within 300 teet of the study area boundary for the above named project, we are very concerned with any proposal that could affect the flood level water elevation of the Upper Truckee River near Colorado Avenue in the City South Lake Tahoe. The chosen alternative to the River and Marsh Restoration Project must be selected based on the safety of people and prope1ty adjacent to the project boundaries. Over the past 31 years of property ownership on Colorado Avenue adjacent to the Upper Truckee River Meadow Area, we have experienced the devastating effects of flooding from the River. You have an opportunity to decrease the potential flooding of homes along Colorado Avenue by designing and constructing the Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project to lower the flood water elevation in that stretch of the River and Meadow. \Ve emphatically request that the project considered for the Upper Truckee River and Meadow area near our home on Colorado Avenue include the primary goal to reduce the flooding affects on homes and the danger to human life. Life safety and protection of prope1ty need to be the foremost requirement to be accomplished for this project. Thank you for allowing us to conuncnt. Sincerely, q,!5~::I(~ John and Barbara Gonzales (791 Colorado Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, California) Mailing Address: PO Box 51234 Sparks Nevada 89435-1234 775-626-0250 [email protected] STATE OF CALIFORNIA GoVERNOR'S OFFICE of PLANNING AND RESEARCH STATE CLEARINGHOUSE AND P LANNING UNIT ARNOLD SCHWARZE~l!GGER CTh'TIIIA BRYANT GoVBRNOR DIRECTOR Notice of Preparation RECEJVED March 20, 2007 MAR 2 6 2007 To: Reviewing Agencies CA TAHOE CONS~ Re: Upper Triuckee River & Marsh Restoration Project SCH# 2007032099 Attached for your review and comment is the Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the Upper Triuckee River & Marsh Restoration Project draft Environmental Impact Report (ElR). Responsible agencies must transmit thc,ir comments on the scope and content of the NOP, focusing on specific infonnarion related to their own statutory responsibility, within 30 days of receipt of the NOP from the Lead Agency. l1tis is a courtesy notice provided by rhe State Clearinghouse with a reminder for you to comment in a timely manner. We encourage other agencies to also respond 10 chis notice and express their concerns early in tbe enviromnentaJ review proc,ess. Please direct your comments to: Jacqui Grandfield California Tahoe Conscn•aocy I 061 Third Street South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 with a copy to the State Clearinghouse in the Office of Planning and Research. Please refer to the SCH number noted above in all correspondence concerning this project. If you have any questions about lhe environmental docnmeut review process, please caU the State Clearinghouse at (916) 445-0613. Attachments cc: Lead Agency 1400 10th Street P.O. Box 3044 Sacramento, California 95812-3044 (916) 445-0613 FAX {916) 323-3018 www.opr.ca.gov California Tahoe Conservancy April 26, 2007 1061 Third St. RECEIVED South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 APR 3 0 2007 ATTN: Jacqui Grandfield CA TAHOE CONSERVANCY Re: Upper Truckee River and Marsh Restoration Project. Dear Jacqui: Thank you for hosting our " Thirty Three concerned neighbors" last evening at your office. The information provided cleared up a number of items, but at the same time underscored the 1u-gency to express our concerns with regard to " the meadow" and your scopeing process. I have had extensive conversations prior to our meeting and several since, and the concerns I'm identifying here are common concerns and wishes that we would like you and your agency to strongly consider in your final decision­ rnaking.
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