• ,- . Syllabus for M. A. HISTORY • Part - I (Effective from June 2003) • • • NORTH MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY, JALGAON • M.A. History New Syllabus (Revised Syllabus as per New UGC Norms. based on UGC module curricula-rm with Effect From. June 2003 ) MA Course in History will be of Eight Papers in aiL The students will offer four papers of 100 mari<seach, one compulsory paper, two specialization papers and one optional paper for Part - I. Similarly, the students may offer four papers for MA Part \\ also. They should offer one compulsory paper, two papers form specialization courses and one from among the optional papers. It is to be noted that the students who had offered two papers from specialization courses for Part -1, must offer two papers from the same group of specialization courses tor M.A. Part -11(For example :- The students who offered two papers from group 'A' of Ancient Indian History for MA Parl-I must offer \WOpapers from the same specialization group of Ancient Indian History for M.A, Part l\ also) Committee suggest that students and teachers 01History will be required to visit .museums, sites under excavations, Historical monuments, forts and other important HlstOrloal places In India for proper understanding of sUbject. • NORTH MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY, JALGAON M.A. History New Syllabus (Revised Syllabus as per New UGC Norms' based on UGC module curricularm with Effect From. June 2003 ) M. A. History Part ~J 11 Compulsory Courses Paper l 20'" Century World 2] Specialization Courses Group 'A' - Ancient Indian History Paper I History of India (Up to AD 650) c Paper II History 01Ancient Maharashtra OR • Group 'B' - Medieval Indian History Paper I Polity And Economy 01India (AD 1200 -1750) Paper II Polity And Economy 01Medieval Deccan (AD 1200 • 1650) OR Group 'C' - Modern Indian History Paper I History of India (AD 1757 - AD 1857) Paper II Rise And Growth Of Nationalism In India 3] Optional Courses Paperl Stale In India OR Paper II Women In Indian H,istory OR Paper III Ancient Societies OR Paper IV History of Medieval Maharashlra (AD 1630 - AD1B1B) Paper V Hisloryof Ancient Indian Numismatics • '. JALGAON HARASH1RA UNIVERSI1Y, MA H' tory Part-I NORTH SyllabuS tor M. A. IS CompulsOry Paper I Twentieth century world (With Effect From June 2003) (Marks 100; BOLectu,e) FIRST TERM 1. a) Growth of capitalism and imperialism; U.K. Unit France. Germany and Japan b) Liberalism and Socialism c) Nationalism a) Origin of the First world war: Unit 2. Paris peace settlement and its consequences c b) Making 01Russian Revolution :-- establishment of socialist state its economic political aspects, responses and reactions in thewest. Unit 3. World between Two Wars :. • League of Nalions -Its fail.ure Great Depression, Collective security and success Ideologies of Nazism. Fascism:- Germany Italy and Japan Unit 4. Second World War:- a) Origin nature and results of the war. b) Nationalist Movements and Decolonization c) Communist Revolution in China and its impact on world politics. SECOND TERM Unit 5. Cold War and its effects:. a) Ideological and political basis of cold war, pacts and Treaties tensions and rivalries, b) Non-Aligned Movement and third world. c) UNO and concept of worid peace :- Regional Tensions:. Palestine, Kashmir, cuba, Korea, Vietnam Unit 6. Age 01 Progress: Economic and Social ;. a) Industry, Agriculture science and technology and communication and information. b) Cultural Revolution - Civil Righls Movement:. Apartheid and Feminism Unit 7. Disintegration ot socialist block and end of cold war a) Gensis and process of disintegration: its impact on society and politics b) Changes in political order c) Socialism in Decline:- globalization and its economic and political impact .', Books lor ReadIngs '.. ('" Co n•ury World) CalT, E H. Intarnlltiom!l RlllaMns between the two rid , Carr, E. H.• Twentyyears Crisis, london 1958 wo wars. l Chambers F. P, and others' Age of CO'nflict ..Co Ie ~esent, George G. Hafr~pand co., London, '~50, n mpofllry World History: 1914 to • C~:::I~i~~'.':~~~~;~~I::~~~;::~::~'Longman,London,1961. 5 , Ergang Aobel1 • Europe in Our Times. , F. L~e B<lnns and Mary Elizabeth Sheldon - Europe' 1939 to Present New York 1971 :~~nSkY M, 1. _Russia. A short History, Macmillan Publisning Co., New York 1989. 2nd 8 9 Fountain A. A History 01Cold War. Gathom Hardy, G. M. _A shon History 01International Affairs, Ollford 1947, " Grant A J. and Templeton _ Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries. longmllns Gresn and " Co., London. 1952. ' Halle. Cold War II History. " Henderson, J. L. _Sinca1945: Aspect ot Contemporary World History: 1914 to present. " George G, Harrep and co, London 1950. Jackson, J. H. _The Between World War, London, 1947 " Kaul. S. M" Conlomtatlon with Pakistan. King-Hall S. _Our Times 1900-1960 - Faber & Faber. London 1961. " Kirk, C. E. _ short History ot Middle East Irom Rise ot Islam 10 Modem Times, Surjeet " publication, 1981, edn. 7 " Knap wmred _A history otWar and Peace, Oldord, 1967. " Langsman, W, C.- The World Since 191[1. " Upson _Europe In the 19th and 20th Centuries. Nanda e, R (Ed.)' Indian Foreign PoI>cy,Nehru years. '" Palmer, R R,and Collon Jeel- History 01Ihe Modem World London 1966. " Panikkar K. M. _Asia and western Dominance, George Alen and Unpin Ltd. London 1959. " NewPeretzEdnion,Don _The Middle EaslToday. Hoy!, Rlnehartandwinston, Inc. NeWYork, 1971, 2nd " ""pratt Julius W. _A History ot UniledStales: Foreign PoliCY,Prenlice Halt, Inc. New Jersey, • 1972, 2nd edn. Quiengly Corsrel- The Wo,ld Since 1919, New York, 1968. Rene, Albert Carrie _Diplomatic History of Europe Since the Congress ot Vienna. Sanger. Richard H. _The Insurgent Era, washington, D.C, 1970 Snow, Edgar _Red SlarOverChina, Penguin Books. 1973. Sonteg, R, J, _European Diplomatic History. Tayle', A. J. P. _Struggle for Mastery in Eu,ope' 1848 - 1918. Taylor A. J. P, • First world War. Taylor A, J. P. - History of world War-I- ThomSOn. Dav~- World History. 1914-1968. OXlord, 1969. Vinacke. H, M, _A History of Ihe Far East in Modern Times, George Allen and Unian Ltd. London, 1971. Wales. Peler _World AIIairs Since 1919. watt D. C. and Other _History of the world in the twentieth century. Hodder and Stoughton, LondonWeslWoo:o:l1967.J. N. _Endurance and Endeavour: Russian History. 1812 - 1971, oxlord University Press, London 1976 9 NORTH MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY, JALGAON Syllabus tor M. A. History Part - I Specialization Course: Group - A I Ancient Indian History I Paper I History of India (upto AD 650) (With Effect From June 2003) (Marks 100; BOLectures) FIRST TERM 4 Unit 1 - Reconstructing ancient Indian History a) Sources of Ancient Indian History b) Historiography: diflerenttrends of interpretation. Uni12 • Harappan civilization and culture, First Urbanization. 10 a) Early Harappan b) Mature Harappan , c) Later and post Harappan Unit3 - Vedic Age 10 • a) Early vedic phase - Rigveda, polity, economy, society and religion b) The Latervedic phase: Transition to the state and social orders- Polity, economy, social organisation and religion. Unit 4- Janpadas and Mahajanpadas 06 a) Territorial states: Monarchical and republican b) Religious movements: Jainism, Buddhism, Ajivikism and other sects c) Second Urbanization - urban centres, New classes and changing social relations. Unit 5. The Mauryan Empire 10 a) The mauryan dynasty, b) Polity: Nature and extent of centralization c) Socio _Economic conditions, trade and trade routes,currency and coinage. dl Asokan edicts, dhamma and script e) Mauryan Art and Architecture. ,, SECOND TERM Unit 6- Post Mauryan developments 12 a) Sungas and kanvas; Indo-Greek and Saka-Pallavas. b) Satvahanas and western kshatrapas: 3 Land grants and agricultural expansion; tade and trade guilds, Indo-Rome trade, coins and currency; architecture, sculpture; and cave paintings. c) Kushanas: Society, religion, art architecture, and sculpture- Gandhara, Mathura, Amaravati Mahayan Buddhism; Intemal and extemal Trade & Trade routes; coins and currency; Syncretic elements in Indian society. d) Sangam Age: Literature, society and culture Unit 7. Guptas & Vakatakas 12 aj Guptas i) Political consolidation - extent and structure. ii) Administrative organization iii) Land grants and Agriculture iv) Revival of vedic and puranic religious traditions v) Art Architecture; Literature; Science and technology vi) Coins and currency b) Huna Invasions c) Vakatakas - Poiity; Society; Religion; Arts and Architecture Unit 8. Vardhonos 5 Harsha vardhana; extent of kingdom, Administration, religion; Society and cultural activities. Unit 9 • a) Educational ideas and Institutions in Ancient India 6 b) Position of woman in Ancient Indian History • UnIt 10. Debate on feudalism 5 a) D. D, Kosambi b) A. S. Sharma c) Harbans Makhiya d) D. N, Zhao e) Sharad Patil 0;.'( ~ -h ~ Suggested Readlngs- 1) Allchin, Bridget and F. Raymond, The Risa of Civilisation in India and pakistan (Delhi. Selact Book Service Syrn!icate, 1983). 2) Sharma, A. S., Urban Decay In India C, 300-1000 (Delhi, Munshiram ManohMal, 1987). 3) Sharma, R. S., Material Cullure and Social Formations InAncient India (Delhi, Macmillan, 1983) 4) Sha,ma, R, S" Shudras in Ancienllndia. Rev Edn.2(Delhl, Motilal Bana,sidas, 19M) 5) Sast'i. K. A. N, (ed.), A History 01South India, Edo. 4 (Chennai, OUP, 1983) 6} Sahu, B. p.. From Hunters to Breeders (Delhi, Anamika Prakashan, 1988), i') Agarwal, D. P.,The Archaeologyof India (Delhi, Seleet BOOk,Serioe Syndicate, , 984) 8) Agrawala, Y. S., Indian Arl, Yol. I (Yaranasl,Plitlwi Prakashan, 1972) 9) Allchln, Bridget and F. Raymond, aritlins ot a Civilisation; Tha P,e-History and Ea~yArchaeology of South Asia (Deihl, Oxford and IBH, 1994l. 10) Allchin, F.R" TheArchaaology of Early Histo,lc SouthAsia ,The Emergence of Cities and States (Carnllrtdga,1995), ") Basham, A. L, The Wonder thaI was India (Mumbal, Rupa, 197'), 12) Chakrabarti, D, K., The Archaeologyof AncHlnl Indian Cities (Delhi, aup., 1997). 13} Bhattacharya, N. N" Ancient Indian Ritualsand their Sociafcontents, 2nd Edn, (Delhi Manohar, 1996) .
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