xfnr6 t'lHCICV lit TKRVS, l\o» Im >1.1.A KM PER TEAR the world is governed roo mccii." ONE DOLLAR AM) FIFTY CENTS iN ADVANCE. NEW SERIIIS, VOL 17. NO. 15. PARIS, MAINE. MAY 1. I KM. FRIDAY, OLD SERIES. VOLUME NO. 25. THE OXFORD DEMOCRAT. M I St K I. I. A N V. ihrtil; m l do »ot ht itopfinj Ion oftra A Capital Story Fiahir.g with Cormorant a BB that* «L*f a«r« ikr num. inj KVITIEB. up prrvrxt* S««f * 'in firr* an eerewtrac uU At full p«iw, tide. tkr bridge mtom tk Miii it WM.A yoor ntakmp liiwe. l>.»n"t oifr torukW riDOINl Co.. A ROUJID HILL WAY TO nimH was a The Mtto -Be ware WEALTH lUrari, finpliwi by (irrufr Foh-t'ha<a ■** often be »een cro« M «>U | potter'a villi men ikil !uif in rornrr kiwi rmrttir< i« W • reerntN heard iW ^rurrriri, in a town •ooh1 *t* or acaen following tturjr r»- living mile* ■ra vm«i«{ tW frtU of the Imw What length ntigk a crinoline to U*uutbk «uh ■ il« umI febiag IilrJ in a railroad <ar jour rLildrtn. fron I he »»-trrly t*rnol>aeot ritef. Milw. urnauranta. TW»» birdt look at a he? A little above lw f*-et. lit • <ii«UiK« J •• I toa ill ih< OHM J P r. R R V jet 11 Yua »r* afif»t to d a F4t««r. Wlrtl I ■»» (nfriMn of % j well. TW ami mJ NbatniiM b*- llool the tin ahop tliat of i |ook, W<1 arc of a dark. If live with rate J.w an I tkrrw i« no poaoible. p«tct»Ur lU Men ha-1 i|n«ti in workman. ; r»»n>n of o4.| K".7, »»i<I »• i>( ««<i. |(arn*< alter having dirty color. Thr bibrrow »b«>haa if Mil, IkM »*4 ► rror|uii(r<l •lir not charge try. p»- t you »boald op Ian kaadrr-l a •• Murk I l>al « r»tr lay proffre*»e<i downward aboat fc-« t. of aiarvla «<»•*• T«• IlklUn •# !■ al • joint tal of forty (Wa, upon a raft abont lao and ft> i» yrar. l>U|er should be frirrd when • I *11 to fownd on» aon»t la work that a Half (rft dicUnt, obliged Itkr bint iw, upou g">r>g nide. and fiftnn or ftfi and *i n rw Wall to n>ak«- a %toer iknrl kf twenty braved wbea ,/■.» »•.%»»» f« ! w. lonjf fol- it* well had prevent. i<>> •%' tbo'ifb kiw• I] what W («r r»w4 in. ami *v 1 null out of 122 >•••• < •• >»• % <-«k I*. R f*rrt»r eeaentially '•of, fire larjjt Stwloi ol lowed my a<5»k* I Mrrr u« a »u I •• 1 we »rr» frllia hill I'mr'i <»rv«k »Uve one >lW», .4MI It M • l inl frit iwtrl? to the Why of tbe k «|> ImimN. The fellow kt<l top So. havmg the de- itmiltr aire and liiafr. (*»ten«d lofctlwr. J'»H -< ivitrk oft the tra> k an mo«f atwNii PftlRflM •••-» Mtl* wmng 1 oo to th«- sire t»L. h mm of voowi? Becaax- tbe artwt '"*♦« hniiJ lie llun have tA what will It ia *ti» >• plate longer I bad knowing Sigkl. and prtfrilxi b* • Tkat ai« im cbterled ber out of know* n{ktoa»*o ly. M be *a>d of thra after are her clotbea. it; unit an I »b!ftle«*. K«i they <l'ad. an<( bo wall pnddte. A baaket ia <mi *»fa vi«ri ia<l nta ke plnre«l tnarlu* or »jo; own* one ret he it to Where ia bomt other iW« ■*« heirj a*tir. ra»r»aM himself in contain the fiah *kt n Kach paper first a^ntioo«-<l in O. D. B1SBKK aowwtbinj oifr foar thou*an I uu|kl dollar* worth of *toi k a rank ibe Bible? When tbe Ikttn that kept Vim trim clear jjr-jwtb of btmio«.k* the ii«l< of a raft baa three or foer roruonai doee tbe foinf in tbe by coaMrttd bnxsght ( company and iIm dm<)«a<I« and in- to N tRD^rllvr and ll ornri at •town. lie alwa«a InokH lalrraM? rV»«. board irnee oear the ntouih of the well, vitb it. Wkm nat green-back ab Law. frw» fidiiif. ll*y craarh of 0nrk am »v»nt to " « aad bi« rlotltM »*r.- t»grther having hr*t left hi* frock and hat on down on bow in ki ii 11». m «nc. pmi* ritrwivrlt re- thirty- tbc itajtidlT tb« raft. Aw. datb yoa like my aioatathe. foar per rrat. It..' !•»«•' I bt« •»« 10 wmd?a** over the well. At Milk Ijori'" R mi *<, 1 • -I paired. n«t«j Via wife. abo break- Tbe i daixlf to |l«k ■< I tiW I'll' Wken I length fiahcrtaan. »L«n be wiahea to a»ake liape-l aawrry !!•*• \ VI i»|ara»d not tko •* %l 4lkt'< • "J wa« aaore of a wan I Van long ajo. fn>a fast a wu to t very V an* he. I v*-l to being ready. boy A ruraortnt or |IH. Hi. aiork—it looks like tke t fc. !»»•'• !'••«•«■• pita I I'.inoia Jnpalihed tab. puabea throw* it o4f iW fffv>«|« uluianl *1 Iraan* Central, of roam I at the ihrir oft mv at« raRed call hin» i, h<* Meal, when an<i foil on tbe »Wt r«t>«. jwartera lexit#. «a<l ahr !•! t«buld ! rait into tbe »»it, If it » not ha*-k of a ai J* J» bailed me. dhpewl at rab-rpi!! a at at •bop. and it wu iei b that a-irk earl* an.! Iitr She ha t «e»- *joe»-»ed my Harae< wu boned in the once to dive A bind and aeek for fi«b. be beata tbe preacher in Wrrtem M«««a< beset r* terribly, and thanked me with tear* nn< on< imOCH eral rhiUrrtt, etirtoelr grase kvi«!v his own han la water " POSTKR, JR. lookn»g p~ r, but dtj» by witb bia or iMnrtiam atr.kea latelv declared that it would be earner in bia eye*, for *tart:ng kin on the "round- p*ldle. for Hi!! Mfiiaaiiilt iWreal. The alarm and the a« a Tbeir rlutbe* btirj gives. family lU buJ. au it m to dite and rat to ron a Kov* with a foBn«rllt»r and bill a* be glad grt oat op pipe tea»»le al l.aw w« tra>k,** alwaya emit* it. lie m a »et«bU it was Itmrnrj -e b» !!» (ittfl. I ut rU an-1 <1. «i«-»sded to (int eat break* of bia W to generally rrarb b*n if baa a #>«h it ii».l it* tail, than for a siaaer to enter ii»:tmi:I (real favorite in I be *b be *>• offrred a raofht iti^R. the • a< >p fa*>. an 1 then irn-l for the the• rwe« mrteticg rewaarkabl*; I »».| tr rorM*r, to tbe aerfar. it in ita mo-jtb, braven !" f»»» ■ RaMtrt, •»' but be rrfnaed it b« bolding R«ri I'm, |*« '1 M- think that the araaa frreraanibip. *aying minister, and hi* wife and children Swrh |»»M «»p' do well to take and to A m* andrew. oa t*4 -Un 1*4. «b« V'l mak« mora appareatlr tniof awallow it. A rry being aaked bo iaon«T i( won Id n why nt a mtaat if abe tbey s*% apathy did >t Hatter Bame«*» seMesteem lifj ** charge repair ha<l rtricg arnufid it* o- a the : tbe •amo »hop. a better foreman than be louarly neck, played fool, replied For into contd bt; bat be a bit. but he waited UKOKOK A. put* that llfto of btt«lft< m». paUruily. del* ratine <1 metallic rffertuallr rra»on that do WILSON, lik*-« now ring. prevent* awall.-w- yoa oat of want. Yon do and then to bo*< a and to yob. ia of- Itrar what woald he said and aee what Weil. thi« fellow a me in and a«k'd me ii»p. except in tbe rare of it for tbe want of and I do Couom l!or ami ten *ent on o«t door perbapa very wit. it for tbe liloruri al l.a«. join. waa to be s«-en for a ci«t at>n I amal! fid), it • •ima want of job wanted band*. ami It it aiwlljr for tbe MKMiey.** Orriri III • •*•€ what atkx J<» mo*t ia to be directljr Horn. happy rait ** bmd »uw> aurk to do that did not IV-sent all partae* arrived and tbe fitberman. on I be re.jairi •et on a w ly tn-gaa aeetag prise. I have lht» afternoon Sera to M>l TM r%RI«. MK p:ee* of <>rk that rrjuim drat* " preaching ■ai-h .kin or aasartnea* pn •pu t.nu the *cen« of the tovanla it vitb all ; and ho aerated to rate atastroph*-, pa>!dlea apeed leat it a of tfk«e«.** aa<d a nr« fNMftS la. 94 nkill; and really L« d««e* it well, not cor^rvgatica conceited be the wan !•* a« it uwtl m iiwh abovbl *" j««i it. ao 1 Uvnk him <m. ra«ea. At length eaeape from tbe bird Son* tin*-a Then beean** be baa mu.-b natural it hot they young parson. that waa tbe reason I moa atw cap* jr. drew to ri< tbe fiab ia a WM WIHT U.at I had (ol badfr afnr k ; for together as to one and there ia er- voa called VlttUlN (eraa«r be i* flitkful and btn|<i opinions Urp always tbea beloved brethren." lboroajl.1* work* iJcMU I raald not fH rid of him he w«« an what iUmU be don*.
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