TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 19B9 Anrairc Dklly Nat P rt« Ron Th8 Wgathar liattrI;(Bti?r Svpttittg Far tfea Waak B aM Foreeaal of C. A Waattar BarP88 Stay 8Srd. 1888 Thomag FItaganUd of WaUtnfford, Hoatty . elofidy, raotUiaSd waSBI Prosperlive Bride waa amimg the gusats. A three­ R. C. Shows Film LT. WflOD 60. 12,925 foolgliL with morwiog fag. Law tiered wedding rake, made by Mrs. nenr 78;. Thwrwfay elondy OMfe Tendered Shower Michael Zwlck of Manchester, was At Waddell Schtfol I C E P U N T Maashes af tlw Aa .bowers. High n*mr 88. 81 B IS 9 E U . ST. Baraan af OrealKian decorated with the original bride M anchester— A C liy o f V iU iifie Charm A personal shower for Miss Mar­ and groom figures from the A new' fUjtt-i^breath resuscita­ couple’s bridal cake. Friends and Cube»-CrtuhedBlocka garet O'fteiily was given yesterday tion be showiri tDPiorrow |t relatives presented vjifts of flow-, at the liome of har mother, Mrs. ere, money and allVer. « p.m. In the cafeteria at W'ad- VOL. l x x v h l no. sm (TWENTY-WJiR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1>SS (Olaaalflai AgassBalag aa Fags $8) PRICE FIVE CENT8 '•'Hi CTiarles O ^ellly, 3$ I-ancastsr Rd. dell School. It was announced by ''..’'•'»r 17 The ahowbr was given by. 'Mrs. Joseph VLcCoot. chairman of the Rudofr Vltall Jr. and Mrs, Michael Manchester Red Cross first aid I'V A Dodofrlo. both of Meriden. I,aurel'CJuhiPlans committee. • , OPEN DAILY The ITalf-hoiir film gives a A buffet waa served In a setting 8A.M.TOYP.M4 > . Laos Lioses '' *^''"1 IS of white flowers. About 80 friends Pl^ht, Food Sale graphic description of the mouth and relatives sftended the shower. to mouth breathing rescue meth­ SUNDAY. 8 A.M .-8P.M . l4t ,,/'t> Pfj Miss O’Reilly Is engaged to od. The ■ film was ‘produced at " ,l’'‘hltMn- The anmial plant, food, and Walter Reed Hospital in Wash­ PINE PHARMACT^^ marry John william I.,shdii Jr. of "treasuree” aale, to be aponsored A rg u ed on 4 Towiis to Dalsytown,- Pa., ilept, 2#, In St. ington. D C. The program 1s ^ 684 OENTEB^^ Ike; Receives Cheers by the Laurel Garden Club of East Jam es Church. Hartford Sept. 12 from 11 a.m. open to the public. to 4 p.m. on the Wickham Me­ Red Troops morial Library lawn, will benefit L a b o r B ill CoupleObservfs the club’s civic project fund. I VIA,. _ Litter bags, donated by the Wai^inRton, Sept. 2 (AV- Sam Neua, Laos, Sept. 2 (/P) 25lh An ni versa rv Hartford National Bank, will be Sen. John F. Kennedy (D> — Pathet Lao battalions, supr dietributed. LECLERC Mkbs) reported today a eon- ported by regular troops froib Mrs. Lloyd J. Biinvham, South . Mr. snd Mrs. John J. Hartl, FUNERAL H<> atmetton site picketing snag Communist North Viet Nam, ■yaylor St.. Talcottville. - celebrat­ Windsor. Is In charge of the plant booth; Mrp. Herbert E. Twining, had caused a aharp setBack to laynched a coordinated attack ed their 2.1th wedding anniversary ERAL in northeastern Safn Neua I SSturday at a catered buffet for Smrth Windsor;" food' chairman; hopes for quick final agree­ I "** tr,!!' 121-gtjeats at their home. Mrs. Arthur C. Holmstrom, Beat ment oh a laBor Bill. The 14 Sunda,v and captured foui; A high 'Masa ' of Thanksglvln,? Hartford "treasures" table; Mrs. SERVICE eonYerees trying to compro­ towns. ‘.'A ’ Raymond H. Arnold and Mrs. Her­ The outnumbered government ■1 First Talks was relebrated Saturday mnimlng Walter N. mise Senate and House Bills L.j-k J 1 '"h. h2 hy the Rev. Ralph Kelly at Sacred bert A. Johnson, both of Eas Leclerc, forces sre drawing back on a Si­ Hartford, co-chalrmen'of the drt^d l^oke up with plans for a H eart Church In Vernon. Mr. and Director mile front toward military hesd- ■ .'1 'V %r mf Mra. Charlea Robblna were vocal- arrangement and driftwopdT’Qiah- final settlement today appar-. qiiartera here. To French Ista and organiat. lers are Mr. and, Myjc^u, Edgar Call Ml 9-5869 ently gone awry. But they The attack along the Nam Ma 1 ' The couple waa married .Sept. 1, Westbrooik, Soutty-Wlndsnr, assist­ 2.3' Maip Street, Manchester I ^^agreed to meet again later in River was at one point supported 1B34 by the late Fr. Hinche.V at ed hy .Oeorge^QdodwIn. Herbert A. :.the afternoon.. by 101 mm howitzers evidently Going WeU St. Bemard'a Church. Rockville. .Iqhnson anid Howard B. Noble, all 'nred from inside North Viet Nsm, of Eiwtl Hartford. Mrs. Carl A. Laotian officers said. They have two chiidreh, Mr.e. Wa.shington, Sept. 2 (/P)— I^ter M. King of Weetport. and Strom, East Hartford, la chair­ The village headman of Miiong Paris, Sept. 2 man of the sale. Read ITerald Advs. A new compromise •was of- Het, acme eight miles from the Nfrchael Hartl of Talcottville^^,antf dent Eisenhower and Preai' two grandchildren. .iohh'< and feref^ today op the one major frontier, who hiked to Sam Neua Jamea King of Weatportr. ' point remaining in dispute in on a wounded leg. said some of dent Charles de Gaulle IwfaB Mra. Hartl'a mald^of honor, Mrs. the attacking troops were shout­ their conferences in Paris the labor regulation bill. It ing In Vietnamese. Pathet Lao roricems picketing at con­ day in a “good and. eneoot- T W nim is a Communist organization aging atmosphere.“ AU THIS WEEK struction sites, which ruled this province in north­ A Runrh of Pninlprs Repiibltcsns ssld before Senate ern Laos until two years ago! 4 They - Both descriBed tha "!“« Co. For Onl^r Pennlea A Day and House conferees met for their Brig. Gen. Ouane Rathikone, first talks in that manner. Rockville OJuntor ChBmher of Commprco mombrni pitched FREE PONY RIDES 12t,h dsy of sessidhs they would be Laotian army commander, said it White HnOse press secretary U*t night to. eUrt. painting two of the claasrooma at thehe Talcmt-___ X A T T H E willing to give binding pledges appeared that at least 80 per cent James Hajrerly. said. '^vlle School for the mentally retarded. Working fe^riahly you can own the that. Congress woilld consider the of the attackers were- 'Vietminh -With the heavy looking on being done by Robert Ouglletti at the construction Industry problems (North Vietnamese) or Thai Paris, Sept. 2 (/P)— Presi­ 'eft frrwn the bottom are P>ahk Forbea, Alan Taylor. Henry fabulous fieto Royal next year if Democtats"3yould drop tribesmen trained in ^brth* Viet I . ij ^rlppa and William Smith. The paintera (Expect to finiah the the,site picketing Issue' In the Nanl.- dent Dwight Eisenhower and • wo mom a hy the day achool opena- andlhen during school vaca- PARKADE pending bill. Refugees from the captured vil­ General Charlei de Gaulle to­ • lon flnian sm-eral other smaller .rooms. (Herald Photo by 2-8 P.M. DAILY lages of Muong Het, Xieng Khb, Satem fsi. FUTURA \ Several of the conferees saek- day re-lived the heady days of ^ 12-6 P.M. SATURDAY IngKto compromise varying Senate Sop Sai and Sop, Bau also said victory in W'orld War II with Vietminh troops were Involved in I PO HTAB LE and^^uae bt'ls said all other is- a triumphal, parade up the aiiea had been aettled In principle. the attack which opened at dawn Have Your Doctor However,' vptea on the language Sunday. majestic Champs Elyaees. carrying out these agreements Two of the villages were report­ The two wartime leaders, stand­ CoN In Yoor Proscription were to be taken In today’s ses­ ed occupied by 2(K1. to 2K) armed ing in an open .car, beamed proud-, sion. Laotians. The other two'wele re­ ly as they rode up the mile and Dotivorod W ithin The front End Senate Democratic conferees Sal Agrbn/left, who police aay Identified himsejf as the cape- ported more lightly held by the on* quarter avenue which extends HAVE GREAT EASTERN CONSTRUCTION have been inaistlng that conatnie- clad "Digcula" Is shown with Tony Luis Hernandez. ,ssld by government forces. from the Place de la Omcorde>- H o u r IM'I Sm • e»W a»4 ilrMwt 4*r*»4 ttoti site, picketing be exempted police tpi hav8 been the ^Umbrella Man.” (AP Photofax). The government troops were, re­ birthplnce Of FYench revolutions Special French President Charles de Gaulle waves as he and President Blaenhower poee for pbotograph- MOOSE* be** *• Si from a general ban on secondary ported falling back to a defense -- to the Arch .of Triumph. Resign the Exterior of Your Homoivith •ml tr»»4om el fbarla awl a AMI boycotts in the bill. line between the Nam Ma River era on the garden steps of the'EIyaes Palace In Paris today. Both presidents had Just completed De.GiuUle wore the wartime (I) ALIGN FRONT F.XD lunch In the palaCe. (AP Photofax via radio from P aris(. RFG. $7.jM) . y»l h**t »• a «ael. aaa-pliM The problem arises because and Sam Neua town. brigadier general’s uniform with P!NE PHARMACY *Utfibrella Man^ Also Seized which he .led the Free' French. TTie SSi rENTTR ST. (2) BALANCE FRONT 1 LIFETIME BAKED ENAMEL E av«et Hw4'4 a eeacNral VW.I picketing against one sobcontrac- The town of Sop Hao also Is ' WHRKI.S— REG. $4.00 ihai loa* leitHaa Swe* S»«- tor can close down all operations being evacuated.
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