Ver # 4 Update NOV 07:Update March 07**NEW R5 .qxd 12/11/07 4:01 PM Page 1 Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. quarterly newsletter November-December 2007 Vol 16, No. 5 update friends of the abc NSW FABC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN Enemies of the ABC Darce Cassidy BROADCASTING for 2007 GOES TO While there is little to distin- ROBYN WILLIAMS and the RADIO guish between various parties on the issues of ABC funding, and NATIONAL SCIENCE SHOW advertising on the ABC, there are significant differences with regard to the appointment of the ABC Board. All governments have tended Producer (1972), and included to appoint their own sympathisers and presen- Investigations, Ockham’s Razor to the ABC’s governing body, but ter of The and In Conversation which fea- the Howard government has Science tures leading science writer and taken board stacking to new Show since broadcaster Robyn Williams talk- heights. The Fraser government its launch ing one-on-one with science pro- made generally conservative in August fessionals and other leading figures. appointments, but playwright 1975, David Williamson was a notable Robyn has Robyn describes The Science exception.The Hawke/Keating given 32 Show as follows: government appointed mostly years of outstanding and distin- “The program is essentially Labor sympathisers, but an excep- guished service to both the ABC unpredictable. This is to allow tion was the former Liberal min- and the listening public of maximum flexibility to accommo- ister Ian McPhee. Australia. Working within very date new material and talent. It But for the Howard govern- limited financial resources, Robyn can range from the regular maga- ment selecting a predominatly has, over those 32 years, provided zine program to lectures, scripted conservative board was not us with a program of a consistent- series, of which several by the late enough. In choosing Ron ly high standard, often controver- Professor Peter Mason were leg- Brunton, Keith Windshuttle and sial, always entertaining, and of endary, to hoaxes and satire. Janet Albrechtsen they have cho- interest to both the scientist and sen three strident public critics of layperson. John Clarke began his Australian the ABC. It would not be too career on The Science Show, with unfair to describe the trio as ene- Robyn was born in the UK in reports on the connection between mies of the ABC, and enemies of 1944 (during an air raid), received scoffing red foods and commu- public broadcasting generally. his education in London and nism, and the deep conundrum of Vienna, attending the University whether sheep have ethics (not in (Continued on Page 9) of London, where he obtained a New Zealand, apparently). The BSc(Hons) in biology, and gained Science Show has featured Paul two fellowships at Oxford. He is Hogan, Sting, Bill Gates, Shere INSIDE: The President’s Report 3 currently a visiting professor at Hite, Douglas Adams, John Cleese, What the Parties Say 4 University of NSW. Graham Chapman, Margaret Eden Monaro Update 5 Thatcher, Jane Goodall, but not Save Our ABC by Saving the Senate 6 His career with the ABC began Madonna, Delta Goodrem or Doris Eastern Suburbs Candidates Forum 7 in 1972, when he covered the last Postlethwaite.” Alan Burke Remembered 10 two Apollo Missions. His first Greetings from the radio series was Innovations Other Side of 1980 13 PagePage 11 Ver # 4 Update NOV 07:Update March 07**NEW R5 .qxd 12/11/07 4:01 PM Page 2 Card prepared and distributed by the Ilawarra Branch Friends of the ABC The Senate will decide the Do you know? fate of your ABC � It costs less to run all of your ABC ‘s Your Senate vote will make a difference services (2 TV networks, 5 radio networks, Remember some politicians want to control ABC online, ABC shops) than it does to run your ABC the Channel 9 network? The ABC belongs to everyone not just the � Each year your ABC costs a taxpayer politicians about the cost of one hardcover book Use your vote to ensure an ABC that is � Your ABC provides a lifeline to regional fearlessinovative and comprehensive Australia Join the Friends of the ABC � Public funding allows your ABC to maintain www.friendsoftheabc.org.au independence and journlistic integrity � Nearly all Australians tune in each week to one or more of the many services provided by the ABC Authorised by Jan Kent, Secretary, Illawarra Friends of the ABC Dear Friend, It is my pleasure to extend to you an invitation to join us at our annual Christmas Party at the Dot Strong Terrace, ABC Centre, 700 Harris Street, Ultimo on Friday 7th December at 6 PM. Each year we present our Excellence in Broadcasting award. This year it will go to the Science Show, and presenter Robyn Williams has graciously agreed to attend in person to receive it. We have maintained the all-inclusive cost per person at $20. Non-members are welcome to attend, and we will also be joined by ABC staff and presenters. Best wishes Mal Hewitt President FABC NSW Page 2 Ver # 4 Update NOV 07:Update March 07**NEW R5 .qxd 12/11/07 4:01 PM Page 3 THETHE PRESIDENT’S PRESIDENT’S REPORT REPORT In this special Election Issue his absence! I am grateful to Jill nalist by the of Update we have provided Greenwell, President of ACT Australian Federal you with information to enable Branch, and the very active Police under our you to assess the policies of membership for the great work extraordinary each of the parties relating to they have been doing in the anti-terror legisla- the ABC. Friends of the ABC marginal NSW seat of Eden- tion, more redo- has never been a supporter of Monaro. Jill reports on their lent of Soviet one or other of the mainstream campaign in this issue. Russia or present-day China. parties (both Labor and Liberal The AGM also elected a new governments have been respon- I am particularly pleased to committee to steer NSW FABC sible for the steady erosion of announce that the recipient of into 2008. I wish to record my funding for the ABC since the Annual Friends of the ABC appreciation of those who have 1986), after 11 years of the Award for Excellence in agreed to serve on the commit- Howard government, their atti- Broadcasting will be Robyn tee for the next twelve months, tude on key issues is fairly clear. Williams, producer and presen- but particularly James ter of Radio National’s Science Buchanan (Secretary /Treasurer) They have abolished the Show since its launch in 1975. and Chris Cartledge position of staff-elected direc- I am no scientist, but have (Membership Secretary), both tor, they have blatantly stacked been a regular listener to the of whom provide a great service the board with very vocal Science Show over the years, to the membership and opponents of the ABC and of and have found it a constant tremendous support to me as publicly-funded broadcasting, source of fascinating informa- president. they have denied the ABC the tion and delightful entertain- necessary funding to convert to ment. Robyn has de-mystified Finally, it is with great sad- digital broadcasting, they have science for many of us through ness that we have just heard of failed to provide guarantees his often irreverent, tongue-in- the death of Peter Andren, that they would not allow com- cheek approach to science, but independent member for the mercials on the ABC, and Robyn also exemplifies the seat of Calare in the Federal through such vocal critics as integrity, professionalism and Parliament and a passionate Senators Alston, Santoro and resourcefulness that we have supporter of the ABC, particu- Fierravanti-Wells, have con- come to expect from ABC staff. larly in its services to rural and stantly attacked the ABC with regional Australia. Kevin Rudd allegations of bias. This Update His capacity to maintain expressed it perfectly: ‘He sets out the policies of each of outstanding quality on a risible brought a rare dignity, honesty the major parties on these budget is legendary. Robyn will and integrity to Australian poli- issues, but also provides a be joining us at the Christmas tics. In the nation’s parliament strong reminder of the impor- party on 7th December to he made a principled and tance of your Senate vote in receive his award. thoughtful contribution to the forthcoming election. debates, speaking on subjects as Legislation favourable to the Distinguished diverse as refugees, Iraq, renew- ABC which is passed in the journalist John able energy and telecommuni- Lower House may still be Highfield was our cations.’ He will be sorely blocked in a hostile Senate. guest speaker at missed. the NSW Friends Reports on the work of our of the ABC Mal Hewitt President branches features prominently Annual General FABC (NSW) again in this Update. Many of Meeting on 6th October. our Branches hold “Meet the Recently retired, John spoke Candidate” public meetings, with passion of his long career where there is opportunity for in radio and television journal- Seasons Greetings each candidate to present their ism, mainly with the ABC, and and a party’s policies on the ABC – I of the changes to presenting Wonderful 2008 recently attended an excellent and reporting over 40 years. He to all forum held by Eastern Suburbs expressed great concerns Branch in the seat of regarding the capacity of jour- Friends of the ABC Wentworth. Sadly, the sitting nalists to bring us the truth in member and Minister for the the current political climate, Mal Hewitt Environment, Malcolm including a chilling anecdote of Turnbull, was conspicuous by the recent treatment of a jour- PagePage 33 Ver # 4 Update NOV 07:Update March 07**NEW R5 .qxd 12/11/07 4:01 PM Page 4 No ads on our ABC - tions of the review of ABC funding by KPMG.
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