V ' , y > ' \ ^ « t VC v M* * ' t * ^ ^r *» ^ **&:jL.ff. o -«.% ,, , *? «. f,s* \5 ^ VI *4«E T £>« •» / W • • - -O0»r 4 m$ ^im* / "\f v /i- vrm% - m*i$m *• 4* V & f S-V&V * ;„;.ww 1 " " ' > * J *< J v & j.s / w* ' 'i ^ 'a?V'^M' '""" GRAND FORKS HERALD, SATURDAY, MARCH 2,1918. FAUJ& TH light she received into her body the where Mr. Hitchccclc has 4cce£tei! Willow City Red MUSI' entire 110 volts of electricity which pastorate. ' - v-. •' "'•v.tV-''fira: .the. wire*, carried. She,, received.' se­ FUCKER TALES Cross Entertainment vere burns on her hand and rendered Mandan—"WeuT^f *'»« enwi- l*f. unconscious. Ehr had been warned Bismarck—James Manahan, for­ be a-going to jameatofrn" said M • Nets Nice Sum Of Money of the defective condition of the flight mer dbngressman. at large from Min­ tin Elvik, deranged farmer, 20 ye by a chambermaid and had'promised nesota and high in league^, councils., old, when arraigned before the Mo ,. Willow City, March 2.—Qnp of the to fix the light-but had failed to do so has. been here for several \ days on ton county examining/ (ward todll greatest demonstrations of patriotism' with the result that Mrs. Reid nearly league and private business. ' .When There beir.g no question aboiit hjj which has ever occurred here was lost her life. "Jin" showed up in the Grand Pa­ being Insane his request was granUjil| . given Wednesday night in the form of E. R. Sinkler represented Mrs. Reid cific lobby during the war conference and he was taken to Jamestown tip first provides a lien on the crop itself, an entertainment ior the benefit of and Bradford & Nash, Mr. Ehr. here some friends yelled "get a rope." day. ' • • x • • •<" • - v'i*i•* the farmer who borrows from the the local Red Cross chapter. About A dozen admirers of the "wild Irish­ iN. D. FARMERS county under this bonding act usually 300 people packed Into the opera man" Immediately rushed - to the Neche—Dr. Beri Otten, who for tlM will have had opportunity to pay off FEDERAL CRAND house and the proceeds, which will K0SITZKY IS AFTER cigar counter and returned with a past 18 months ha* been in jSurog)# the' loan before the -dkte upon which go to relief work, netted $108.25. supply of Manahan's favorite brand. and was in Germany on medicil' reller this lien attaches. \The entertainment Was made up ANOTHER JUDGE work when the United States declar­ FACE RUIN, SAYS "There is nothing in the federal entirely of local talent. There were Bismarck — Governor Lynn J. ed war on that country;'has arrived ftt farm loan act which will prevent the JURY RETURNED 22 numbers on the. program, which Bismarck, N. D., March 2.—Judges Frazier returned Friday-vfrom several New York and will visit Neohe short­ loaning of federal funds to North Da­ lasted two hours and a half aridsome are State Auditor Karl Kosltzky's days' tour of the'east, during which ly, according to advices received Mr kota farmers who take advantage of 40 people .tookApart Included with special aversion. The last one to.fall he delivered addresses in. Boston last his father, Jjhn Otten. the seed and feed bonding act," said vocal and ihstrumentSl: solos, - dia­ under his ban is Judge J. M. Hanley Saturday, Sunday .and Monday, Mr. Brennan today. "The farm loan 94ira»KTMEN1S logues and .readinga. quartets, - duets, of Mandan, who is in France as a speaking on the last-named date to Towner—Ted Bercier, the halfbre bank will simply take a first;mort­ selections by the' high school .orches­ major with the- boys from North Da­ the Massachusetts legislature. He who has been passing forged chec$ gage with the notation that it is sub­ tra'ana glee club. were two- patriotic kota. Judge Hanley has been absent also attended 'the wedding of Attor­ rather promiscuously, was taken N. D. Seed Bond law Should ject to a first lien to secure the county 166 Cases Were Submitted speeches by tfye Rev. Fath'6r'..Campau from the state since the Second North ney General William S. Langer at fore Judge A. G. Burr at Rugby "t, seed and feed bonds, should these not and W. E. Johnston. Dakota regiment left. New York city on Wednesday. the court officers and sentenced $ be Repealed, says Presi- be paid prior to October 15 of the and Almost 400 Witnesses An indication of the loyalty and Kositzky Bays that Judge Hanley's serve five years in the ctate peniteg" v year in which they issue. The same energy of the workers of the lopal continued absence from the state dis­ Fryburg—Sixteen votes were cast in tiary.* ^iuo , dent Quamme. thing is done now with respect to Were Examined. chapter of the Red Cross was shown qualifies him from holding office and the Nonpartisan league precinct cau­ taxes. If the bank refuses to these one day this ^torhen 24 women that he is not entitled to a salary from cus here. Fred Denham, who re­ Westhope Standard—The Standard conditions it will be acting on its started and completed .as many suits the state. ceived nine of them, was elected over was offered three columns a week jot h« (l own volition and not under com­ of pajamas in less than a day. Judge Nuessle of Bismarck has been A. H. Anderson, for whom seven free plate matter, sent out by Towii* Bank's Refusal. >ays Dan pulsion, and it would be an act which Fargo, N. D., March 2.—The federal The Red Cross has a large member­ attending to the court's business in the ballots were counted. Denham will ley's service bureau at t. Paul, of I would consider neither politic nor grand jury, which has been in session ship in Willow City,, pupils of both 12th district since Judge Hanley left represent the precinct at the district which our friend O. T. ' Rishoff uf Brennan, Neitl..m- Politic patriotic at this time." since February 12, made its final re­ the public school and parochial schoo; with the troops. convention. manager. The Standard never ustttf The question raised by Registrar port* last night at 8 o'clock. Judge are knitting and doing various other any dope because it is free, that con­ «r. -•.'. Nor Patriotic. ,. McLean also had been transferred to Amidon dismissed the jurors and things for the benefit of the soldiers. Medora—The Billings county com­ tains advertising, and Ctmrade Rish* the attorney general's office by R. J. thanked them for their close attention Cass County Lutherans mission has voted to bond to supply off knows it dang •wjell. If it wastt*f J. Montgomery, president of the North to the many cases submitted. -"I am needy farmers with seed and feed. It advertising, they wouldn't be offerifi* Dakota Farmers' union, and Mr, pleased to state, gentlemen, that no Gas and Oil Fields ^ Oversubscribed 100 PcL is estimated that about $75,000 will it free-gratis-for-nothing, and if it'Si St. Paul, Minn., March 2.—farm­ Brennan's* opinion is an answer to act of violence ljas occurred during be needed. The county plans to is­ advertising it must be paid for. ers of North Dakota face ruin unless both parties. the past year to stain the fair name Will be Developed sue warrants in lieu of bonds. the seed bond law recently passed by Fargo, N. D., March 2.—Cass county Langdon—The 28th reunion of tKe. the Nonpartisan legislature is repeal­ of our state, and that the law has Lutherans have oversubscribed their been allowed to take its course," said Mandan, March 2.—A. E. Thorberg,) war work quota of $2,000 more.than New Rochford—A congregation Scottish Rite bodies .of Langdon Wilt ed or modified, President 12. G. Judge Amidon, "because the surest that taxed the capacity of the Congre­ open at the temple in Langdon Wetyy Quamme of the .St. Paul Federal Land pioneer resident of Mandan, has se­ 100 per cent, with the drive still in and best safeguard that society can cured a pledge of $50,000 worth of gational church assembled in a fare­ nesday. The reunion will continue bank -declared yesterday. ORGAffiWAR progress in several sections of the well reception for Rev. and Mrs. Sam­ for four days and the degrees frortf "The legislature, by this act, un­ have lies in the enforcement of the capital for the purpose of r.eveioping county. , laW." the oil and gas believed productive in uel Hitchcock, who after three years' the fourth to the 32d, inclusive, W$t, questionably done unwittingly, have The announcement was made by J. residence here leaves, for Williston, be conferred. made themselves the worst enemy of Fourteen indictments were voted in North Dakota. Mr. Thorberg is leas­ H. Daht, Fargo, county chairman, who the North Dakota farmer," President SAVINGSOCIETY sedition cases and thirty bills were ing all the land he can for a period of added that a total of $4,066. had been i Quamme said.. "Such a law should voted fbr violation of the federal bone two years, during which time drill­ reported late Thursday night, and that never have been passed and would dry law.' ing will be done, and if oil or gas is $200 to $300 more was expected. A not have been had there' been real Many of the indictments voted were found the lease on that particular final report will not be available prob­ statesmen in the legislature." Williston Has Honor of the for failing to register and in this con­ property is to be extended ten years ably until Tuesday, Mr.
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