LIGHTINGUP TIME 6.17 pain. Yesterday's Weather Maximum temperature 71.5 Minimum temperature '. 65.5 Sunshine 7J hours Tide Table Fer January Rainfall 18 inches Date High Water Low Water Sun- Sun- A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. rise set 26 10=39 11.59 4.22 5.00 7.19 5 47 27 11.18 1144 5.07 5.36 7.18 5.48 ffilj.* VOL 31 — NO. 22. HAMILTON, BERMUDA FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1951 6D PER COPY Fate Of Britain's "Z" Men Undecided Naval Force Shells Inchon As Signs LONDON, Jan. 25 (Reuter). — One other important topic be­ Commons on Monday. Deputy The Cabinet is expected to make lieved discussed by the Cabinet Prime Minister Morrison made a definite statement on Britain's today was the future of Britain's the announcement today after the rearmament and military call-up 4,000,000 "Z" men — reservists Cabinet had met to study the plans before General Eisenhower who fought in the Second World effects of the expanded pro­ reports to Congress next Thursday War. gramme on the national economy Of Chinese 'Withdrawal" Multiply on the state of the Atlantic The Government has indicated and to discuss how far to go in nation's defences, observers here it intends to call up the "_." men calling up reserves for the forces. .aid today. for training. But it has not stated The Cabinet met again in the TOKYO, Jan. 25 (Reuter). — A Tbey said General Eisenhower how many it wiU mobilize or evening but final decisions prob­ United Nations naval force tonight should be familiar with Britain's when they will be called up. ably will not be taken until the heavily shelled Inchon, seaport of "lacs so he could include them Parliamentary quarters are Cabinet meets again on Monday Seoul where General MacArthur n bis report.' worried about the Cabinet's con­ morning. threw In his vast seaborne in­ This was disclosed after the tinued silence on the "Z" plan —. vasion last September to split and Cabinet conferred this morning which informed sources say may In the meantime Mr. Attlee is to crush the Communists' summer with armed service chiefs. for a start involve about 100,000 deliver an important speech to­ offensive. Observers said Britain's new men now in civil jobs. morrow night calling upon tbe No details were available here rearmament programme would Judging from public reaction nation to make further sacrifices of any supporting ground action. stress production rather than expressed in letters to newspapers and explaining the need for , South of Seoul, U.N. armoured manpower, and considerable em­ and in Parliamentary discussion, greater expenditure on defence. » land patrols probed up to 25 miles phasis will be placed on air there is a widespread feeling that He will not, however, disclose into no-man's-land without en­ strength. if there is any training call-up, details of the Government's plan. countering Communist resistance. They reported negotiations it should affect only those men Mr. Aneurin Bevan, wbo has just Canadian and other Common­ were in progress to obtain U.S. who were not in uniform during moved from the Health Ministry wealth warships were known to be designed Sabre jet fighters. Their tbe war. to the Labour Ministry, is to taking part in the attack on air frames are made in Canada deliver a radio address to the nation on Saturday night As one Inchon. and tbeir engines in the U.S. Special to The New York Times The port, which .lies 20 miles Just how many Britain would and The Royal Gazette who opposed heavy spending on from Seoul on Korea's west coast, :et would depend on American LONDON — The Labour Gov­ armament, his speech will receive was evacuated by U.N. forces on equirements and the progress of ernment will lay its blueprint for considerable attention. January 4 when overwhelming ighting in Korea. rearmament before the House of Con inu d on Page 14 Communist armies threatened to envelop the U.N. defence line. Chinese and North Korean troops have held it since. BEVWTS CONDITION IS I BURNS' NIGHT DINNERS DISTRICT NURSES MADE During the past 24 hours aggres­ sive UJf. patrols pushed between MUCBjMPROVED HELD AT SURF OUB OVER 40,000 VISITS 10 and 25 miles forward from their positions along a 70-mile front, yet Communist forces showed Growing Sacculation As To j 200 Attend Caledonian Details Given At Annual little or no inclination to fight. m "EXTENSIVE PATROLLING" Who Would Replace Him Society's Annual Event Meeting At Southampton An Eighth Army communique tonight spoke of "extensive pat- (Special t" Th" New Y^rk Times "Rabbie" Burns, Scotland's During last year the 12 nurses .- and The Royal Gazette) national bard, was toasted with of Bermuda's Welfare Society rolling" along the whole front but LONDON, Jan. 25.— The condi- made no mention of a battle re­ fervour and pride at the annua' made 40,112 visits — an increase 'ion of Britain's Foreign Secretary, Burns' Dinner held under the aus­ of over 7,000 on the figures for tbe ported in the Yongwol area this Mr. Bevin, who is suffering from afternoon between a UJf. division pices of the Bermuda Caledonian previous two years. pneumonia, was described today Society at the Elbow Beach Surf and a large force of North Koreans as serious but not critical. The Motorisation of the nurses Club last night. Tbe'Immortal through the purchase of motor A front line report earlier said slight improvement noticed after Memory* was proposed by the Rev. the UJI. force was "decimating" bis treatment with aureomyein cars by the different branches or Eric M. Rule, the society's chap­ vestries was given as one reason the Northerners wbo bad been yesterday was'maintained and to­ lain. surrounded yesterday southwest night a "decided, improvement" for the increase. That same of Yongwol. was reported. A large gathering, numbering motorisation also brought about Yongwol is in the eastern approximately 200, rose to its feet a great improvement in the • i • sector, 30 miles south-east of Mr. Bevin, who is in bed at his I as the society's piper, Mr. Tommy nurses' own health. official residence, is visited every Wonju, key road and rail junction Aitchison, replendent in Highland This information was given to which was the scene of bitter four hours by his physician, Sab* evening dress, skirled the Gov­ Alexander McCall. He fell vic­ members of the Southampton fighting in the past fortnight ernor, Sir Alexander Hood, to his branch of the Welfare Society at "/•' Wonju is occupied by U.N. troops tim to the influenza epidemic two seat at the principal table. Tbe days ago and yesterday was stated the branch's 24th annual meet­ - after changing hands several stirring rhythm of "The Road to ing at the parish vestry rooms last times. to be suffering from a patch of the Isles" provided a musical pneumonia on one lung. The 69- night. UJf. air observers wported that I background for the setting of tar­ Stressed at the meeting was tbe civilians were digging an en­ year-ohf Foreign Secretary's i tan bows and sashes worn by the , Photo—Wright's Studio health has been failing rapidly in j ladies and the occasional kilt of co-operation between the various trenchment on a hilt three miles the last two. years and there is a welfare societies in Bermuda. Tbe south of Kutnyangjangni. Amer­ to the public wharf at Bailey's Bay yesterday afternoon, with the the men. Southampton branch had as its ican fighters strafed, rocketed and | This 12-ton crane proved too heavy for the road leading fear that his heart, which has been results depicted. (Story elsewhere on this page.) greatly weakened by over-work i The air was again filled with the speakers at the meeting Lady dropped napalm bombs on Com­ Hall, who appealed for funds and munist troops hiding in woods I A sound described as like and the strain of the times, may ranting of the pipes as tbe haggis, | thunder or an explosion, followed not withstand his latest illness. that "great chieftain of the pud­ members for the Lady Cubitt eight miles north of the town. Windscreen Ornaments Compassionate Association, and by a tremor which shook several A Foreign Office spokesman, ding race," entered the dining hall DIG DEFENCE POSITIONS houses, was the first indication borne aloft by a white-coated chef. the Rev. Keith Harman, who was commenting on Mr. Bevin's condi­ kept busy signing up new mem­ More than 3,000 Chinese and Truman Is For Naming Bailey's Bay residents had yester­ Are Now Forbidden tion, said he is "seriously ill," but Proudly Mr. Aitchison, followed North Korean troops were repor­ day afternoon that a 12-ton crane by Mr. Andrew Smith, who bers for Bermuda's branch of the added: "The word 'serious' is used Red Cross. ted in positions 11 miles north- j had broken through the roadway , Plastic birds that bob up and because for a man of Mr. Bevin's addressed the haggis in Burns's west of Yoju. They were digging leading to the public wbarf and j down as ornaments on tbe wind­ age pneumonia is a serious state everlasting lines ("Fair Fa ye Mrs. M. Sully, chairman of the defence positions and using horses Aggressor As Such I toppled over the retaining wall to screens of many of the Colony's of affairs. He is not dangerously honest sonsie face. Great Chieftain branch, was unable to attend as and camels to carry food and a beach below.
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