FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 32 • NUMBER 247 Friday, December 22, 1967 • Washington, D.C. Pages 20697-20760 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Agriculture Department Air Forée Department Atomic Energy Commission Business and Defense Services Administration Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Commerce Department Consumer and Marketing Service Emergency Planning Office Farm Credit Administration Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Highway Administration Federal Housing Administration Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Fiscal Service Interior Department Internal Revenue Service Interstate Commerce Commission Mines Bureau National Aeronautics and Space Administration Navy Department Securities and Exchange Commission Detailed list of Contents appears inside. 2-year Compilation Presidential Documents Code of Federal Regulations TITLE 3, 1964-1965 COMPILATION Contains the full text of Presidential Proclamations, Executive orders, reorganization plans, and other formal documents issued by the President and published in the Federal Register during the period January 1, 1964- December 31, 1965. Includes consolidated tabular finding aids and a consolidated index. Price: $3.75 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register. National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National FEDEMUaPEGISTER__ _ Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address National Area Code 202 - Phone 962-8626 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Admin­ istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents for each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of F ederal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pur­ suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent or Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal Register issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the Code of Federal Regulations. Contents AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Proposed Rule^ Making FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE Charter trips and special services; COMMISSION liberalization of. volume restric­ Notices tions for all-cargo carriers____ 20739 Proposed Rule Making Licensed dealers under Laboratory Statement of general policy; par­ S t a n d a r d broadcast services; Animal Welfare Act; list of per­ ticipation of combination car­ standard method for calculating sons ___ — -------------------------- 20740 riers in blocked space service_ 20739 radiation____________________ 20739 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Notices Hearings, etc.: AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION Rules and Regulations American Television Co., Inc__ 20749 AND CONSERVATION SERV­ Transportation Department; ex­ Berwick Broadcasting Corp., cepted service_______ _______ 20701 and P.A.L. Broadcasters, Inc_ 20749 ICE Buckeye Cablevision, Inc_____ 20749 Rules and Regulations COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Lebanon Broadcasting Co., and Beet sugar area; approved areas See also Business and Defense Risner Broadcasting, Inc___ 20751 for 1066 crop________ ________ 20701 Services Administration. Muniz, Lucas Tomas and Are- cibo Broadcasting Corp., Inc_ 20752 Notices N a t c h e z Broadcasting Co. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Economic Development Adminis­ (WMIS)__________________ 20752 tration; organization and func­ Outer Banks Radio Co. et al___ 20752 See also Agricultural Research tions _________ ______________ 20745 South Jersey Radio, Inc. et al__ 20752 Service; Agricultural Stabiliza­ tion and Conservation Service; CONSUMER AND MARKETING Consumer and Marketing Serv­ FEDERAL HIGHWAY ice. -:A SERVICE ADMINISTRATION Notices Rules and Regulations Indiana, Ohio and Texas; desig­ Irish potatoes grown in Washing­ Proposed Rule Making nation of areas for emergency ton; expenses and rate of as­ Private motor carriers of hazard­ loans_____________ .___ - ____ 20742 sessment _____________ 20702 ous materials; annual safety Onions grown in South Texas; accident report; correction___ 20739 shipment limitations_________ 20702 AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT Proposed Rule Making FEDERAL HOUSING Raisins produced from grapes Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION Appointment of officers in United grown in California; decision States Air Force or as Reserves and referendum_________ 20732 Rules and Regulations of the Air Force; miscellaneous Miscellaneous amendments to amendments________________ 20720 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT chapter_____________________ 20716 See Air Force Department; Navy Department. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION EMERGENCY PLANNING OFFICE Notices Notices Rules and Regulations Special nuclear material; notice Hearings, etc.: of proposed new lease agree­ Employee responsibilities and con­ Manco Corp. et al____________ 20754 ment ______________________ 20748 duct _________ _____________ 20722 Northern States Power Co____ 20753 State of Colorado; proposed agree­ Employee responsibilities and con­ S t a n d a r d Oil Company of ment for assumption of certain duct; cross reference________ 20726 Texas_____________________ 20753 AEC regulatory authority_____ 20749 Stringer, J. Frank___________ 20755 FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION Union Light, Heat, and Power Rules and Regulations Co------------------------------------ 20756 BUSINESS AND DEFENSE Miscellaneous amendments to SERVICES ADMINISTRATION chapter_____________________ 20703 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Notices FEDERAL AVIATION Rules and Regulations Duty-free entry of scientific ar-. ADMINISTRATION Administrative opinions and rul­ tides: ings; legality under antitrust Agriculture Department.______ 20744 Rules and Regulations laws of complying with State Louisiana State University et al_ 20742 Control zone; alteration________ 20704 milk marketing orders________ 20716 New Haven College et al______ 20743 Control zone and transition area; Ohio State University________ 20744 alteration__________ 20705 University of Missouri and City Standard instrument approach FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE College Research Founda­ p r o c e d u r e s ; miscellaneous tion _______ 20743 amendments_________________ 20706 Rules and Regulations University of North Carolina__ 20745 Transition area: Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, University of Washington Medi­ Alteration___________________ 20704 Texas; sport fishing_________ 20704 cal School_________________ 20742 Designation (3 documents)___ 20705 Proposed Rule Making FISCAL SERVICE CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Control area; proposed designa­ tion (2 documents)_____ 20737, 20738 Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Control zone and transition area; Secretary of Defense; delegation Report of charter services per­ proposed designation_________ 20738 of authority to issue substitute formed for Military Airlift Com­ Federal airway; proposed altera­ checks-_____________________ 20717 mand ____ ;____ ____________ 20711 tion_________________________ 20737 (Continued on next page) 20699 20700 CONTENTS HOUSING AND URBAN INTERSTATE COMMERCE NAVY DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT * COMMISSION Rules and Regulations See Federal Housing Administra­ Notices Procedures and requirements for tion. Fourth section applications for appointment as midshipman at relief_________ *___ _________ 20757 U.S. Naval Academy; miscella­ Motor carrier temporary authority neous amendments___ _______ 20717 applications_________________ 20757 Standards of conduct; miscella­ INTERIOR DEPARTMENT neous amendments___________ 20719 See also Fish and Wildlife Service; SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE Mines Bureau. MINES BUREAU COMMISSION Notices Proposed Rule Making Notices Texas; determination of commer­ Supplied-air respirators; proce­ American General Insurance Co.; cial fishery failure due to re­ dures for investigation, tests, notice of application_________ 20756 source disaster______________ 20740 certification, approval, and fees- 20730 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT See Federal Aviation Administra­ tion; Federal Highway Admin­ INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND istration. Proposed Rule Making SPACE ADMINISTRATION Income tax; unincorporated busi­ Rules and Regulations TREASURY DEPARTMENT ness enterprises taxed as Boards and committees; Aerospace See Fiscal Service; Internal Rev­ domestic corporations ______ 20727 Safety Advisory Panel________ 20714 enue Service. List of CFR Parts Affected (Codification Guide)
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