1 Axe by L & I.J. White $ 40.00 2 Chain Wrench 4 Foot Long $ 5.00 3 Bowlus Joint Drill, Springfield, Ohio $ 60.00 4 Coachmakers Router, Large H.F. Gouge & a Lg. D. R. Barton Chisel $ 35.00 5 Bench Mount Fence Post Auger $ 10.00 6 Millers Falls No. 51 Angle Brace Extension $ 35.00 7 Fellow or Turning Saw $ 20.00 8 Ship Caulking Mallet w/3 irons $ 60.00 9 Large Circular Glass Cutter by SOMMER & MACA $ 40.00 10 Parker Vise Pat. Dec 17, 1867 $ 40.00 11 Set of 7 Plow Plane Irons, Ohio Tool Co., in wood box $ 80.00 12 Early Picture Framers Miter Vise w/ H.F. Screws $ 25.00 13 Monster 18" Hand Forged Froe $ 55.00 14 Boxlot of Assorted Shooting Items $ 50.00 15 Sargent No. 600R Take Down Square $ 40.00 16 Take Down Framing Square $ 55.00 17 Foredom Flexible Shaft Tool w/accessories $ 140.00 18 Boxlot of Planes & Shaves $ 35.00 19 Set of 12 Irwin Brace Bits in Box $ 30.00 20 Lot of 9 Tape Measures $ 40.00 21 Lot of 5 Keen Kutter Tools $ 35.00 22 Lot of 2 Buck Bros. Crank Neck Gouges $ 55.00 23 Lot of 10 Bridge Builders Augers w/ handle $ 50.00 24 Blacksmith Leg Vise $ 75.00 25 Adze & Log Dog $ 10.00 26 Three Piece Ulmia Tool Set, Smooth Plane, Router, & Bullnose Planes $ 95.00 27 Lignum Vitae Mallet 3 5/8" face $ 35.00 28 Patternmakers Plane $ 50.00 29 Lot of 2 Sighting Levels, Traughton & Simms, London, U.S. Army Engineers $ 30.00 30 Level, HENRY DISSTON & SONS, PHILA. (partial label) $ 10.00 31 Lot of 2 Lufkin Steel Tapes 100ft I.O.B.s $ 35.00 32 Lot of 12 Assorted Molding Planes $ 50.00 33 Lot of 3 Molding Planes $ 25.00 34 Complex Molding Plane by ANDRUSS, NEWARK $ 70.00 35 Boxed Bead by MOCKRIDGE & SON, and a Coachmaker's Rabbet by MOCKRIDGE & FRANCIS $ 20.00 36 Lot of 2 MOCKRIDGE & FRANCIS Hollow Planes $ 20.00 37 Set of 4 Wood Scrapers & a Shave $ 125.00 38 Lot of 7 Stanley Everlasting Chisels $ 175.00 39 Large Calipers by L S Starrett Co. 24" $ 15.00 40 Early Double Caliper + 2 other calipers $ 30.00 41 Lot of 9 Barn Augers inc 1 Ratcheting Handle $ 35.00 42 Lot of 6 Chisels, Marples, Butcher , Fulton $ 65.00 43 Snap-On 1" drive Torq-O-Matic Wrench 1000 ft/lbs $ 30.00 44 Lot of 2 Glazier's Tools 5' Rule & a 3' Square $ 40.00 45 Stanley No.100B Framing Square & a Wilkenson Adj. Drawknife $ 40.00 46 Ratchet Railroad Drill Rutland RR $ 10.00 47 Lot of 4 Disston Saws $ 25.00 48 Lot of 4 Saw $ 10.00 49 Lot of Books $ 15.00 50 Early Germantown Tool Works Catalog $ 60.00 51 Patent Brace W. BINGHAM CO. No. 146 $ 20.00 52 Lot of 30 Pieces, assorted Machinists Tools $ 20.00 53 Stanley Auger Bit Set & No. 923 10" Brace $ 50.00 54 Shipbuilders Adze by HORTON N.Y. $ 40.00 55 Shipbuilders Lipped Adze by COLLINS $ 60.00 56 Set of Cooper's Trying Hoops $ 35.00 57 Coopers V Croze $ 70.00 58 Pair of No.12 H & R by J.H. SMITH, CINt, Ohio AWP** $ 20.00 59 Lot of 2 Molding Planes by TREMAN BROS. ITHICA AWP** $ 20.00 60 Lot of 2 Molding Planes ISRAEL WHITE, GOLDSMITH $ 55.00 61 Lot of Furniture Clamps, 3 long 2 smaller $ 5.00 62 Hand Forged Traveler $ 25.00 63 Lot of 4 Bit Braces, Spofford, sixpenny & etc. $ 40.00 64 hand Forged Eel Gig $ 65.00 65 Connecticut Hand Adze $ 60.00 66 Mortise Gauge by A & E BALDWIN $ 55.00 67 Lot of 9 Plumb Bobs $ 25.00 68 Wooden Butter Churn $ 75.00 69 Framed Fellow Saw 24" $ 25.00 70 Framed Fellow Saw 36" w/handles $ 35.00 71 Hand Forged Coopers Barrel Hoist $ 15.00 72 Tinsmith's Stove $ 55.00 73 Woodworker's Bench Vise, 4 1/4" Jaws, by Rock Island $ 35.00 74 Tool Box with 2 Cherry Tills $ 160.00 75 Large Dovetailed Toolbox with tills $ 90.00 76 Lot of 2 handsaws, F.B.ADAMS, & RICHARDSON BROS. NEWARK $ 15.00 77 Astragal Cove Plane by EASTBURN (N.J.) $ 70.00 78 Lot of 6 Molding Planes, WAY & SHERMAN, BARRY & WAY, OHIO, GREENFIELD $ 30.00 79 Stuffed Shoulder Plane $ 125.00 80 Rosewood & Brass Radius Plane $ 100.00 81 Square 20" $ 50.00 82 Mortise Gauge by E.C. Stearns & Co. (2 beam) $ 20.00 83 Multiblade Screwdriver by BILLINGS & SPENCER Pat. 3/16/92 $ 25.00 84 Patented Scribe by CATHCARD $ 10.00 85 Lufkin 2f4f Protractor & Level No. 863L IOB $ 70.00 86 Lot of 3 Stanley Catalogs, 1907, 1939, 1915 $ 80.00 87 Basketmaker's Froe & a Knife Froe $ 30.00 88 Lot of 2 Gauges, a Slitting Gauge w/brass Wheel & a Marking Gauge $ 25.00 89 Apple Peeler by Lockey & Howland $ 85.00 90 Eel Gig $ 25.00 91 Stanley No. A358 Miter Box and Saw $ 150.00 92 Bookbinders Plow Plane by W.O. HICKOK,HARRISBURG AWP*** $ 55.00 93 Dado Plane 3/4" by J.H. PERRY, N.Y. AWP*** $ 20.00 94 Lot of 2 Carved Molding Planes, J.W. HARRON, & E. BALDWIN $ 10.00 95 Lot of 2 carved Molding Planes, Gabriel etc. $ 50.00 96 Coachmakers Door Check Plane by STOTHERT 1784-1818 $ 70.00 97 Lot of 2 N.J. Planes a J. SEARING, & an ANDRUSS $ 15.00 98 Small Skew Ogee by I. SCHAUER, AWP* $ 40.00 99 Curved & Compassed T-Bottom by ANDRUSS, NEWARK, AWP* B mark $ 65.00 100 A Fillet Plane, Pattern & 2 Molders Tools $ 10.00 101 Lot of 3 Hand Forged Coopers Chamfer Knives $ 20.00 102 Stanley No. 78 Duplex, Rabbet & Filletster Plane (early type) $ 30.00 103 Stanley Transitional Plane 10" No. 35 $ 25.00 104 Sash Plane by CHAPIN UNION FACTORY $ 50.00 105 Pair of Slicks James Swan 3", Jennings & Griffin No 9.2" $ 95.00 106 Stanley No. 45 Combination Plane in Original Chestnut Box $ 70.00 107 Framed Panel Saw $ 20.00 108 Lot of 2 Craftsman Drills $ 20.00 109 Stanley Aluminum Plane A6 $ 20.00 110 Stanley No. 2 Smooth Plane $ 70.00 111 Stanley No. 7 Jointer Plane w/high knob $ 45.00 112 Millers Falls No. 95 Plane $ 120.00 113 Stanley No. 113 Circular Plane $ 70.00 114 Lot of 4 Stanley Planes, Nos. 4, 5, 9 1/4, 9 1/2 $ 35.00 115 Lot of 3 Sargent Planes, Nos. 409, 217, 3409 $ 20.00 116 Lot of 2 Squares and 2 Hacksaws $ 40.00 117 Waffle Iron $ 45.00 118 Stephens & Co. No. 9 2f2f Rule $ 25.00 119 C.S. Osborne & Co. Rare Double Leather Rounder $ 100.00 120 Patented Draw Gauge and set of Grommet Dies by Osborne $ 30.00 121 Rusby Patent Extension Drill $ 65.00 122 Corner Bit Brace $ 95.00 123 Goodell Pratt Corner Bit Brace $ 25.00 124 Corner Bit Brace $ 40.00 125 A Watchmakers Caliper & a Speed Indicator $ 15.00 126 Lot of 2 Jewelers Anvils $ 45.00 127 Lot of 3 Spoke Shaves $ 45.00 128 Aluminum Comb. Plane, Router, Marking Gauge by Ill. Stampg & Mfg Co. $ 10.00 129 Pair of T&G Planes by HUNT & WISEMAN, ST. LOUIS, MO $ 40.00 130 Stanley No. 39 3/8" Dado Plane $ 75.00 131 Lot of 5 Saws, 2 Brass Backed, 3 Handsaws, 1 is Disston D8 $ 30.00 132 GAGE, VINELAND, N.J. 22" Foreplane No. 19 $ 65.00 133 Yankee Plow Plane & a Jack Plane by FLETCHER, N.Y. AWP**** $ 35.00 134 Milk Can Measure $ 15.00 135 Stanley No. 35 Bench Rule w/board measure $ 30.00 136 Davis & Cook 26" Wooden Level $ 20.00 137 Pair of Handcarved Grain Scoops & a Handcarved Ladle $ 45.00 138 Lot of 10 Mortising Chisel Bits $ 50.00 139 Lot of 6 Boxed Machinists Tools by Starrett, B & S, Lufkin $ 30.00 140 Starrett No. 124 Inside Micrometer O.B. $ 25.00 141 Starrett 18" Vernier Height Gauge $ 30.00 142 Combination Square by Union Tool Co. $ 50.00 143 Union No. 22 Transitional Plane 8" $ 25.00 144 Pair #18 H & R by S.H. BIBIGHAUS, J BELL AGT, PHILAD $ 30.00 145 Molding Plane by AUSTIN AWP**** $ 15.00 146 Molding Plane by BEWLEY 1822-1832 AWP** $ 20.00 147 Unusual Toted Boxwood Plow Plane $ 150.00 148 Unmarked Iron Cabinet Scraper (Tatem's Patent?) & a Spokeshave $ 40.00 149 Lot of 1 30" Caliper & 1 42" Divider $ 35.00 150 Starrett 20" No.36 Outside Transfer Caliper $ 20.00 151 Pair of Lufkin Screw Adj Calipers Nos. 21 & 22 In & Out $ 30.00 152 Boxlot of 3 Hammers and 2 Hatchets $ 27.50 153 Lot of 5 Marking Gauges $ 25.00 154 Panel Marking Gauge $ 15.00 155 Wood Handled Iron Router Draw Knife early 1800s $ 20.00 156 Patent Model of Hot Air Furnace dated 1845 $ 140.00 157 Lie-Nieslen No. 66 Scratch Beader (no irons) $ 90.00 158 Crown Tools Mortise & Marking Gauge $ 25.00 159 Wedge Arm Plow Plane by W. RAYMOND $ 95.00 160 Adjustable Groove Plane by A.C.BARTLETTS, OHIO TOOL $ 20.00 161 Lot of 2 Tinsmith's Burring machs. Nos. 5 & 8 By P.S. & W. $ 55.00 162 Tinsmith's Setting Down Machine, Beading by P.S.
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