THE BASQUE ROUTE En route around the Basque Country Armintza Bakio Gorliz Bermeo Barrika Elantxobe Lemoiz Mundaka Ibarrangelu Plentzia Sukarrieta Ea Hondarribia Sopela Busturia Kanala Ispaster Zierbena Gautegiz Arteaga Lekeitio Getxo Mungia San Sebastián Pasaia Santurtzi Leioa Forua Kortezubi Ondarroa Erlaitz Muskiz Lezo Irun 495 Portugalete Erandio Ibarra Berriatua Mutriku Getaria Errenteria Armañón Deba Zarautz Astigarraga Oiartzun 852 Barakaldo Gernika-Lumo Usurbil Sopuerta Bilbao Markina-Xemein Itziar Zumaia Galdames Orio Lasarte-Oria Hernani Ambasaguas Artzentales Oiz Kalamua / Maax Pagasarri Galdakao 1025 767 Zestoa Murugil (Pagoeta) Urnieta Avellaneda 670 Azkarate Kolitza Basauri Amorebieta 412 716 Adarra 878 Zalla Güeñes Andoain 818 Valle de Carranza Eibar Hernio Balmaseda Ganekogorta / Azpeitia 1076 Villabona THE BASQUE ROUTE, Belaute Durango Azkoitia Izurtza Loiola Anoeta 998 Abadiño Artziniega Llodio Mañaria Tolosa Elorrio Bergara EN ROUTE AROUND Atxondo Anboto Zumarraga Legorreta Alegia Ayala 1330 THE BASQUE COUNTRY Amurrio Gorbeia Mondragón Legazpi Beasain Ordizia Amezketa 1481 Iturrigorri (Tologorri) Otxandio Aretxabaleta Oñati Ormaiztegi Lazkaomendi Abaltzisketa Mutiloa Lazkao Zaldibia 1067 La Barrerilla Eskoriatza Larrunarri / Txindoki The Basque Route is a series of 648 Udana Zerain Idiazabal 1341 Orduña Oiardo 513 Segura Arlaban Leintz Gatzaga suggested car or motorbike routes Goiuri-Ondona 598 Aitxuri Zegama Urkabustaiz Zuia 1494 Altube Recuenco Izarra Uribarri Ganboa Aizkorri along many of the most seductive 641 1524 1238 Repico Aratz scenic roads in the Basque Country. It 1185 Vitoria-Gasteiz 1442 Kuartango is designed to help the traveller enjoy Valdegovía Elburgo Salvatierra Ballo Gazeo 1190 Basque cities, nature, culture and Alaitza Opakua Tuesta Ribera Alta Zaldiaran Okina Opakua gastronomy. 978 Salinas de Añana Pobes 843 Azazeta 1016 Paul 835 Kontrasta Puentelarrá You’ll have to choose your favourite Fontecha San Vicente de Arana Ribabellosa from among the many faces of the Comunión Korres Antoñana Basque Country: the beaches and Berantevilla Campezo Ocio San Román de Campezo fishing villages? the cities, which look Berganzo Muela Santa Cruz de Campezo Peñacerrada 1053 Joar Toloño Bernedo like they were built yesterday? the 1267 Palomares 1413 1432 Labastida Kripan forests wreathed in morning mist? Samaniego Elvillar the mountains carpeted with green The Basque Route Páganos Laguardia The Basque Route Elciego El Campillar meadows? the lonely roads whose Oyón curves lead you to the very heart of Lapuebla de Labarca the Basque Country? the spectacular landscape of the vineyards? or why From BILBAO not all of them? To make it easy to to LEKEITIO ............................................ 4 choose, The Basque Route suggests 8 journeys through different settings in the Basque Country. The Basque Country awaits you. Disclaimer: From VITORIA-GASTEIZ The Basque Route is a recommended route on the existing Basque road network. Driving to LAGUARDIA ............................... 12 on the route is at your own risk. The Basque Route and Basque Country Tourism do not assume any liabilty for structural changes, diversions, signposting, special events and safety regulations on the route. This is a publication by Basquetour, Basque Tourism Board Design, layout and photomechanics: Digital Screen • Printed by: MCC Graphics • Cover photograph: Opakua Pass (Agurain/Salvatierra); Basquetour, Basque Tourism Board • Photographer: Markel Redondo. Vehicle used for the cover photograph by courtesy of Mercedes-Benz Aguinaga. Armintza Bakio Gorliz Bermeo Barrika Elantxobe Lemoiz Mundaka Ibarrangelu Plentzia Sukarrieta Ea Hondarribia Sopela Busturia Kanala Ispaster Zierbena Gautegiz Arteaga Lekeitio Getxo Mungia San Sebastián Pasaia Santurtzi Leioa Forua Kortezubi Ondarroa Erlaitz Muskiz Lezo Irun 495 Portugalete Erandio Ibarra Berriatua Mutriku Getaria Errenteria Armañón Deba Zarautz Astigarraga Oiartzun 852 Barakaldo Gernika-Lumo Usurbil Sopuerta Bilbao Markina-Xemein Itziar Zumaia Galdames Orio Lasarte-Oria Hernani Ambasaguas Artzentales Oiz Kalamua / Maax Pagasarri Galdakao 1025 767 Zestoa Murugil (Pagoeta) Urnieta Avellaneda 670 Azkarate Kolitza Basauri Amorebieta 412 716 Adarra 878 Zalla Güeñes Andoain 818 Valle de Carranza Eibar Hernio Balmaseda Ganekogorta / Azpeitia 1076 Villabona Belaute Durango Azkoitia Izurtza Loiola Anoeta 998 Abadiño Artziniega Llodio Mañaria Tolosa Elorrio Bergara Atxondo Anboto Zumarraga Legorreta Alegia Ayala 1330 Amurrio Gorbeia Mondragón Legazpi Beasain Ordizia Amezketa 1481 Iturrigorri (Tologorri) Otxandio Aretxabaleta Oñati Ormaiztegi Lazkaomendi Abaltzisketa Mutiloa Lazkao Zaldibia 1067 La Barrerilla Eskoriatza Larrunarri / Txindoki 648 Udana Zerain Idiazabal 1341 Orduña Oiardo 513 Segura Arlaban Leintz Gatzaga Goiuri-Ondona 598 Aitxuri Zegama Urkabustaiz Zuia 1494 Altube Recuenco Izarra Uribarri Ganboa Aizkorri 641 1524 1238 Repico Aratz 1185 Vitoria-Gasteiz 1442 Kuartango Valdegovía Elburgo Salvatierra Ballo Gazeo 1190 Alaitza Opakua Tuesta Ribera Alta Zaldiaran Okina Opakua 978 Salinas de Añana Pobes 843 Azazeta 1016 Paul 835 Kontrasta Puentelarrá Fontecha San Vicente de Arana Ribabellosa Comunión Korres Antoñana Berantevilla Campezo Ocio San Román de Campezo Berganzo Muela Santa Cruz de Campezo Peñacerrada 1053 Joar Toloño Bernedo 1267 Palomares 1413 1432 Labastida Kripan Samaniego Elvillar Páganos Laguardia The Basque Route Elciego El Campillar Oyón Lapuebla de Labarca From LEKEITIO From ZARAUTZ From SAN SEBASTIÁN to ZARAUTZ ............................................6 to SAN SEBASTIÁN.................. 8 to VITORIA-GASTEIZ...........10 From LAGUARDIA From ORDUÑA From LEKEITIO to ORDUÑA ........................................14 to BILBAO .............................................. 16 to VITORIA-GASTEIZ ......18 www.thebasqueroute.eus ALWAYS BY THE CANTABRIAN SEA From BILBAO to LEKEITIO A route alongside the Cantabrian Sea along impressive cliffs, surf beaches, traditional fishing villages and restaurants where you can taste the delicacies of the sea. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao stands where there were once shipyards, warehouses and wharves. By fo- llowing the BI-711, with the Nervión river on the left, we reach the Bizkaia Bridge, the transporter bridge linking 115,5 km 3 h approx. Portugalete and Getxo. The BI-634 connects Getxo with Sopela, where we link up 1. BILBAO with the BI-2122, a pleasant road with the sea on the ho- 11,5 km. | 27 min. rizon. The beaches of Arriatera and Atxabiribil invite us to 2. GETXO 7,5 km. | 16 min take a dip. Nudism is allowed on the small beaches of Me- 3. SOPELA ñakoz and Muriola in the neighbouring village of Barrika. 7,5 km. | 10 min. 4. PLENTZIA Plentzia looks peculiar because of the meandering Butrón 1,5 km. | 5 min. river as it approaches the sea. From Gorliz, we head along 5. GORLIZ 5,5 km. | 9 min. the BI-3151 to the port of Armintza, a coastal neighbour- 6. LEMOIZ hood of Lemoiz, with four little houses scattered among 15 km. | 21 min. the sea, the rocks and the mountains. 7. BAKIO 12,5 km. | 20 min. We retake the BI-3151 towards Bakio and we’re soon sur- 8. BERMEO prised by a fantastic view of the eastern coast of Bizkaia. 3 km. | 6 min. In Bakio we first see the vines for the famous txakoli, a 9. MUNDAKA 4 km. | 5 min. native white wine, very slightly sparkling, dry, with a hint 10. BUSTURIA of acidity, an ideal accompaniment for fish dishes. We 7,5 km. | 8 min. leave the BI-2101 in the direction of San Juan de Gazte- 11. GERNIKA-LUMO lugatxe, one of the most picturesque places on the Bas- 7 km. | 11 min. 12. KORTEZUBI 1 km. | 2 min. 13. GAUTEGIZ ARTEAGA 16 km. | 23 min. Did you know? 14. ELANTXOBE 6 km. | 10 min. Santimamiñe, World Heritage Site, 15. EA has 50 12,000-year-old charcoal-drawn 10 km. | 14 min. figures. The pine tree trunks in the forest 16. LEKEITIO of Oma are works of art. THE BASQUE ROUTE · 4 THE URDAIBAI ESTUARY WAS DE- CLARED A BIOSPHERE RESERVE BY UNESCO IN que coast. It is an islet connected 1984. THE LANDSCAPE to the mainland by a bridge with UNDERGOES RADICAL CHANGES DEPEN- a solitary chapel at the top. This DING ON THE chapel is reached by means of 241 TIDES steps, rewarding us with a 360º pa- noramic view of the coast. Gernika, We can go as far as Matxitxako lighthouse, the western- symbol of peace most point of the Basque Country. We head down to Ber- Gernika gained a place meo, a town with a strong tradition of fishing. You absolu- in the pages of World tely must visit the port, try some fish, experience the boat History following the races or visit one of its museums. bombardment by the German Condor Legion The BI-2235 will leave you in the neighbouring town, in 1937, as immortalised Mundaka, a small and welcoming place which is also a by Picasso in his famous painting. Two thirds of its destination for surf lovers. The journey to the historic buildings were destroyed town of Gernika along the BI-2235 is dotted with scenic but the Assembly House viewpoints. We follow the BI-2238 northwards and link was left intact, together up with the BI-4244 just before reaching Kortezubi, hea- with the famous Gernika ding towards to magical spots: Santimamiñe cave, one Tree, which it is located of the cathedrals of Basque prehistory and the Forest of alongside. It is worth visiting the Museum Oma, by the artist Agustín Ibarrola. of Peace or the weekly market on Mondays, Along the BI-3234, next to Ogoño Cape, Laga beach selling the best Basque has some of the most crystal-clear waters in the Basque produce. Country. The road runs alongside it to reach Elantxobe, a small fishing village whose houses climb up the slopes of Ogoño. Finally, the BI-3238 leads us to Ea, another unusual town on the Bizkaia coast. From here, we’ll head to Lekeitio. www.thebasqueroute.eus SEA AND MOUNTAINS From LEKEITIO to ZARAUTZ 89 km 2h. 15 min. We set out inland, towards the green Basque approx. Country of rivers and mountains, of lonely farmhouses hiding in the folds of the valleys. 1. LEKEITIO 18,5 km. | 23 min. Lekeitio begs to be discovered by starting out from the 2. ONDARROA 5,5 km. | 10 min. Santa Catalina lighthouse and walking along its narrow 3.
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