SOUTH WINGFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Monthly Parish Council Meeting held at the Parish Rooms Thursday 9th March 2017 at 7:00pm Present at the Meeting: Cllr P Jackson (Chair), Cllr K Lancaster, Cllr G Johnston, Cllr C Bonsall, Cllr R Vaughan, Cllr N Birkin, Cllr J Miln, Cllr M Renshaw and Cllr V Thorpe Minutes prepared by the Clerk: Katherine Furby (Clerk) 17/03/01 Apologies Received and Accepted by Councillors: Cllr J Greenhalgh Resolved all apologies 17/03/02 Variation of Order of Business: Item 9(b) to be discussed after item 6 and before item 7 – resolved. 17/03/03 Declaration of Members Interests: The following Councillors declared interest on a point on the agenda: - Cllr G Johnston – on item 7 member of Neighbourhood Plan and item 15c member of the group Resolved - Cllr R Vaughn – on item 9g also uses company and 17b member the Social Club - Resolved - Cllr P Jackson – on item 12a member of the group – Resolved - Cllr V Thorpe – on item 7 member of NP Group, 9f member of the group – Resolved - Cllr M Renshaw – Item 7 member of the group – Resolved 17/03/04 Public Speaking: Cllr Trevor Ainsworth Deputy Leader attended the meeting to introduce the Local Plan and is urging everyone who is not happy with the development sites to state what they are and are not happy with. Wessington Lane consultation begins 10th March 2017. Cllr Ainsworth offered to assist councillors and individuals with their comments. Clerk to put this as an agenda item for the April meeting. Cllr Ainsworth advised that the Local Plan information would be sent on Friday 17th March 2017, this will be forwarded to all Councillors. Cllr Ainsworth is contactable for any queries etc. Cllr Thorpe advised that all other sites that were put forward have now been withdrawn. There will be seven meetings throughout the process and it will be advertised in newspapers, radio etc. Cllr Ainsworth to check residents close by will be informed. Cllr Jackson advised that Inns Lane is flooding continuously and also Garner Lane. Clerk to inform Cllr Williams to action. (b) PCSO C Bannister was not in attendance. County Cllr D Williams had previously sent a copy of his monthly report to all members of the Parish Council. Signed: ………………………….…………… Date: …………………………. Cllr V Thorpe had previously sent a copy of her monthly report to all members of the Parish Council, Clerk to report on website about the recent spate of burglaries. (c) No member prejudicial interests to report. 17/03/05 To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th February 2017: The Minutes were then agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record of that meeting - Resolved 17/03/06 Any agenda items to be taken with the public excluded: Nil 17/03/09 Clerks Report (b) War Memorial – It was resolved to suspend standing orders. Cllr Jackson explained the discussion at the working party meeting to have a war memorial wall made out of marble, engraved with a silhouette and poppy’s. The Parish Council gave ideas to the History Group to work off for a design to be based on. Clerk to email Geoff Brown a copy of the pictures. It was resolved for the History Group to go ahead with the idea of the memorial wall. Geoff Brown informed Councillors that fundraising had begun and donations have been received. It was resolved to return to standing orders. 17/03/07 South Wingfield Neighbourhood Plan (a) Update from Presentation and Meeting on 21st February 2017 – Cllr Johnston went through the household survey, the NP group would like the questionnaire to be agreed and resolved at the Parish Council meeting in April. Clerk to add to the agenda. Cllr Johnson to circulate the questionnaire prior to the next meeting for Councillor consideration. (b) NP Thanks – The NP Group would like to thank the Parish Council for the donation to the Cricket Club and for appointing Helen Metcalfe as Professional Planner. 17/03/08 Finance (a) Banking – 1st to 28th February 2017 Bank Reconciliation (Period 11 – 2016/17). The clerk briefed members on the banking. Period 11 for expenditure was £4494 with income at £48.00. The current account is at £45,048. (b) Grant Aid Applications – Three applications received. Clerk to request further information from the football club to how their grant would benefit the Parish – Resolved. It was also resolved to donate £75 to the Allotment Society and £500 to the Amber Valley First Responders. (c) It was resolved that the following cheques should be paid:- Community Account One - Payments Cheque No Payee Amount (£) HSBC Cheque No 101070 Clerk/Cleaner (Salary – February) £550.46* (includes 3 hours Neighbourhood Plan) HSBC Cheque No 101071 HMRC (PAYE – February) £121.00 HSBC Cheque No 101072 Andrew Coleman Plumbing & Heating (Boiler Service) £95.00 HSBC Cheque No 101073 PHS Group (Dust Mat) £287.04 HSBC Cheque No 101074 K Furby (Expenses, cleaning supplies, travel) £101.74 HSBC Cheque No 101075 Playgroup (Use of Room for Elections) £180.00 *Clerk and cleaner salary amount are combined (cleaner is by standing order) Signed ………………………………………. Date ………………………….. HSBC DD Plusnet (Broadband for February – Parish Room) £30.00 HSBC TFR Community Account Two (NP) £100.00 HSBC DD Utility Warehouse (Gas & Electricity) £149.79 Income HSBC DD Mrs S Parker (Room Hire) £48.00 Community Account Two – Payments Cheque No Payee Amount (£) Income HSBC CR Groundwork UK (Grant) £1000.00 HSBC TFR Community Account One (PC Transfer) £100.00 17/03/09 Clerks Report (a) Parish Website – This item is ongoing. (b) Landscape Entrances – It was discussed that this will be a costly exercise, it was suggested to look at individual areas and make this an Autumn project with a view to start the car park developments in July 2017. Clerk to confirm quotes received. Cllr Renshaw to contact colleges to get ideas and help. Cllrs to send ideas of entrances by email to the Clerk. (c) Playgroup – Cllr Jackson briefed Councillors on the Clerks Office, Cllr Renshaw to look at the possibility of converting one of the toilets to create further storage. (d) Historical Paperwork – To be arranged once office space is clear. (e) Fire Risk Assessment – Clerk to contact Julian Gawthorpe for advice. (f) Defibrillator – The defibrillator has been purchased from Physio Control through East Midlands Ambulance Service, once received it will be installed on the outside wall of the Parish Room. (g) Payroll – New Street Accountants will take over the payroll services in April 2017. (h) Wingfield Station – Item to be carried forward to the next agenda. (i) BT Phonebox – No update on this item. (j) Parish Room Maintenance – Clerk to obtain a further two quotes. (k) Hanging Baskets – Quote received from Plantscape, clerk to obtain a further two quotes. It was resolved to spend up to £2,500 on floral displays including lamppost testing. Clerk to instruct Plantscape to provide hanging baskets if quote is competitive, request bright colours and less white. (l) Memorial Bench – It was resolved to go ahead with replacing the bench on Wessington Lane. 17/03/10 General Village Appearance (a) Village Annual Schedule – Schedule to be reviewed and discussed at the April meeting. (b) General Village Maintenance – Item to be carried forward to the next agenda. (c) Weed Killer – It was resolved to request AVBC to no longer weed spray the edges of the grass verges and SWPC to instruct a private contractor to strim. Clerk to inform AVBC and request areas usually sprayed. 17/03/11 Village Road Traffic Collisions (a) Report of Incidents – N/A . 17/03/12 South Wingfield Flood Prevention Association (a) Update – No update at present. Signed ………………………………………. Date ………………………….. 17/03/13 Footpaths (a) Footpath Report – To be discussed at a working party meeting. 17/03/14 Current Projects (a) Car Park – No update, carry forward to the next agenda. 17/03/15 Future Projects (a) Village Information Signs – Item to be carried forward to the next agenda. (b) College Community Planting Project – Item to be carried forward to the next agenda. (c) Information Board – It was resolved for Cllr Johnston and the Clerk to go ahead with planning permission for the two boards. Clerk to circulate board design for approval at the meeting in April. 17/03/16 DALC Circulars (a) Circular 02 sent to all Councillors 17/03/17 Information (a) South Wingfield Conservation Area – Item to be carried forward to the next agenda. (b) Battle’s Over – Information passed to South Wingfield Social Club as this is a more appropriate venue. (c) Wingfield Station Letter – Clerk informed Councillors of a letter received, it was resolved for the Clerk to reply to the letter advising it has been passed to AVBC. 17/03/18 Planning Applications (a) Submission of planning application documents to Councillors (b) Planning applications for this period to consider: RefVal: AVA/2017/0095 Address: 55 Church Lane, South Wingfield, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 7NJ, Proposal: Parking bay for a small car No comment from the Parish Council on this application. RefVal: AVA/2017/0133 Address: Peacock Hotel, Chesterfield Road, Oakerthorpe, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 7LN, Proposal: External landscaping works and internal refurbishment No comment from the Parish Council on this application. RefVal: AVA/2017/0134 Address: Peacock Hotel, Chesterfield Road, Oakerthorpe, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 7LN, Proposal: Listed building consent for external landscaping works and internal refurbishment No comment from the Parish Council on this application. RefVal: AVA/2017/0163 Address: Land At Hillside Park, Hillside Park, Oakerthorpe, Alfreton, Derbyshire, , Proposal: Erection of Bungalow as a revision to previous approval (AVA/2016/0309) (This is contrary to the provisions of the Development Plan) Signed ……………………………………….
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