Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly FRIDAY, 2 NOVEMBER 1888 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Supply. [2 NovEMBER.] Decentralisation Bill. 1061 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Frid"y, 2 Novcmucr, 1888. Question.-ncccntral isa.tion Bill.-Snpply-rcsumpLion of committf;:c.-Adjonrnmcnt. The SPEAK~!\ took the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. QUESTION. Mr. GLASS.EY aeked the Chief Secretary­ !. Is he aware that the illlmigrants nnd eoolies on board the variou~ mail steamers comin~ to the colouv are g·cncrally muployed to flisdmrge cargo from tho::;C steamers at 'l'owntiYillc, ltockhampton, and oLhcr ~orthern ports of Queensland, to the injury of the wharf labourers st>Ltlod at those ports~'-If so, what action has he takPH in the matter \Vith a vimv of pro­ tceting tho::;e labourers from thh unfair competition~ 2. If he is not awa,rc that such labour i::; genernlly cm}Jloycd on the mail boa.ts at tho:-;e ports, will he iuquirc into the nwtlor, with a view of causing a cc:-;sntion of immigrant ancl eoolie labour on those vessels, an<l t.hns protect the interes-ts of those men who rely UlJOn this elai:is of labour for their living;.- The CHIEF SECHETARY (Hon. Sir '1'. Mc1lwraith) said : l\1r. ::lpeaker,-As an answer to the hon. member's question I will read a letter which ha:; just been put into my hand iu refer­ ence to the matter on which he asks for informa­ tion. It is a letter from ,Tames l\Iunru, of the British-Intlia and Queensland Agency Company, to the Under Secretary of the Post and 'l'cle­ gmph De1•artment, and ie as follows:- "Brisbane, 2nd lXovember, 1888. "SIR • .~In regard to J\Ir. Glassey's question in the House relative to the employment of immigrants and coolie~ on board the Queenslancl Royal mail sLearncrs in the diseharp:e of ca.rgo at the NorLheru ports, we have the honour to stnte that the practice at the principal ports-viz., Cooktown, 'l'ownsvillc, i\iackay, and Rock­ hampton is to employ wharf labourers from the shore, and the employment of immigrants and cre\v is only resorted to when shore labonr is inade({nate. "For some time 11ast there has heen no occasion to utilise the immigrants and crew at the abovenamed ports. "At Thursday Island there is almost no white labour anLilahlc. and we haYc conSC(!UCIHly to employ innniw grants and crew. "·we may state that the immigranlf'l so cmployC(l get the same rate of pa.y as slwre labourers-viz., ls. per hour." DECENTRALISATION BILL. The MINISTER FOR JYIINES AND WORKS (Hon. J. M. Maorossan) moved- That the Speflker le:tve the chair, and the House rp-;o}vp, itself into a, C')nunittcc of the Whole to con­ sider the message of Ills J<~xcelloncy the Administrator of the Government in reference to the Decentralisation B1ll. Question put and passed. CmniiT'l'Jm. The MINISTER J<'Cm JYIINE::l AND WORKS moved- That it is desirable that ~L Bill be intro<lUC!Xl to make provision for dividing the colony into dif'ltricts for 1inancial purposei5, and for the keeping of separate acconnts of thegencnLl and local revenue and expendi­ ture of the colony, and for the expenditure within the 10fl2 Decentralisation Bill. [ASSEMBLY.] Supp(y. several rlistricts of the revenne rah;ecl therein, and for re(jnirements were asked for by me in terms o the constitution of grand committees of revenue and the <Lmmmt they were <Lctually committed to by expenditure within the scYcral districts. contracts, and by general public faith, to carry The HoN. Sm S. W. GRIFFITH said he out for that year. The returns I received showed thought that in bringing in a motion for the intro­ that for the year 1888-!J I was committed to an duction of a Bill, apparently of importance, at expewliture--without having advised anything that period of the session, the hon. gentleman myself or for anything- that might be called the should give some reason for doing so. present Government policy-of £1,815,306. The MINISTER FOR MINES AND The HoN. Sm S. W. GlUFFITH: I am \VORKS said he certainly thought the hon. quite sure you were not. gentleman wanted no reason for the introduction of that measure, and he was sure the Committee The COLOi'\IAL TREASUREH: I will wanted no reason. It would be quite sufficient give the hon. gentleman the detailed estimate of to give reasons when the Bill was read a second the loan expenditure to which I was committed, time, and that would not be this S(,ssion. Dur­ <LS furnished to me by the heads of the dep<Lrt­ ing the recess there would be quite enough said ments in the month of August. It is as about the Bill. follows :-Railways, £1.,56!J,024; telegraphs-a The HoN. Sm S. W. GRIFFITH: Then very l'ow estim<Lte, which I <Lm quite sure will why is it introduced now? be exceeded-£4,625 ; harbours and rivers, £144,534; work$, £97,123; making a total of The MINISTER ]'OH MINES AND £1,815,306. This was the response to my \VOHKS said it was introduced now so that the demand as to our requirements from the Government might know what the country loan funds for the year 1888-D, irrespective thought about the Bill. <Lltogether of what I might advise myself. I, The HoN. Sm S. W. GRIFFITH said, vs therefore, h<Ld to face these commitments as far as he could see, the Bill was a transcript of part of the policy, in so far as the Government the measure he introduced last session, with a were bound. At the present time, taking all few additional clauses providing for the con­ credit for the two millions and lt-half of money stitution of grand committees to make recom­ that we haYe borrowed recently at home, we mendations to Parliament. He was very glad have in our possession, between Brisbane and that the Government had now a.rri ved <Lt the London, £3,350,000. That, at an expenditure conclusion that the measure they disapproved of something like the figures I have just quoted as bst session was a sufficiently good scheme to our commitments, would do for about eighteen introduce as their own for the approval of or twenty months. Of course, it would be very Parliament. likely to be increased, or, <Lt all events, varied by The MINISTEH FOH MINES AND any action I might take mysdf. Now, view \VORKS said the scheme the hon. gentleman ing the position of the colony in the esti­ introduced last year was a good one as far as it mation of the people from whom we borrow went, but what the Northern members com­ money at home, and viewing also the fact plained of was that it did not go far enough. that we have not succeeded yet in finding That Bill went further, <Lnd did what the ::"J orthern the means to pay the interest on onr loans­ members asked the hon. gentleman to do last when I say we have not succeeded yet, we have year. It gave them the control of their own gone "' considerable length towards finding the revenue, and the right to say in what way it interest, but whether we have fully succeeded in should be expended. finding the interest or not, is a matter to be The PREMIER (Hon. Sir. T. Mcilwraith) s<Lid found out later on-we do not exactly know the hon. gentleman might also bear in mind that what the result will be. I anticipate th<Lt the the scheme, which he claimer! the credit of bi'inging result will be, that we have provided for the in last year, was taken almost word for word, interest, but I cannot say until we see what the even to minute details, from the recommendations result is. Viewing the position we occupy in of the financial districts commission of which he the money market at home, and viewing also the (the Premier) was a member. The intellectual fact that we re'luire to m<Llm provision for part of the scheme was the work of that com­ interest on the money borrowed, I came to the mission. conclusion that it would be a wise policy for Question put and passed. Queensland to refmin from borrowing any money during the year 1888-D. I, therefore, based my On the motion of the MINISTER FOH policy on that conclusion, <Lnd I believe we shall MINES AND WORKS, the Chairman left the be able to go along very well and do all the most chair, and reported the resolution to the House. important and pressing works, and still keep out The report was adopted. A Bill founded on of the money market for that year. I believe that the resolution was presented, re<Ld "'first time, and will materially assist our credit, and at <Lil events it the second re<Lding made m1 Order of the Day will prevent any chance of"' mishap. The result fur that day fortnight. of our last loan was much better than I, or, in SUPPLY. fact, almost anyone at home, <Lnticipated, and I am glad to be <Lble to announce now that REscMPTION oF CmnnTTEE. we stand better in the money market at home On the motion of the MINISTER J<'Oll than possibly ever we did, because "' tele­ MINES AND WOHKS, the Speaker left the gram cmne to us on .Mond<Ly last containing chair, and the House went into committee to the very pleasing announcement that our 3?, further consider the Supply to be granted to Her per cent.
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