DANNY WEDDING· • RYAN M. NIEMIEC TH MOVIES & Mental 4Edition Illness PSYCHOPATHOLOGY TO UNDERSTAND USING FILMS Movies and Mental Illness This document is for personal use only. Reproduction or distribution is not permitted. From D. Wedding & R. M. Niemiec: Movies and Mental Illness: Using Films to Understand Psychopathology (ISBN 9781616764616) © 2014 Hogrefe Publishing. Dedication For Lester R. Bryant, MD, ScD, who continues to be a great mentor, model, scholar, and friend. DW For my newborn, Ryland Zander, who inspired the revamping of Chapter 2, and elicits the goodness in me each day. RMN About the Authors Danny Wedding, PhD, MPH, is associate dean for management and international programs at the Cali- fornia School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University. He is the editor of PsycCRI- TIQUES: Contemporary Psychology – APA Review of Books, the senior editor for Hogrefe’s book series on Advances in Psychotherapy: Evidence-Based Practice, and the coauthor of Positive Psychology at the Movies: Using Films to Build Virtues and Character Strengths. Wedding lectures widely on international psychology and the portrayal of mental illness in contemporary cinema. Ryan M. Niemiec, PsyD, is education director of the VIA Institute on Character, a global nonprofit orga- nization that advances the science and practice of character strengths. He is a licensed psychologist, ad- junct professor at Xavier University, and an international speaker. He is author of Mindfulness and Char- acter Strengths: A Practical Guide to Flourishing and coauthor of Positive Psychology at the Movies: Using Films to Build Character Strengths and Well-Being, and a number of articles and book chapters on films. He is film editor of PsycCRITIQUES and received a specialization in film studies from Michigan State University. His website is www.ryanniemiec.com This document is for personal use only. Reproduction or distribution is not permitted. From D. Wedding & R. M. Niemiec: Movies and Mental Illness: Using Films to Understand Psychopathology (ISBN 9781616764616) © 2014 Hogrefe Publishing. Movies and Mental Illness Using Films to Understand Psychopathology 4th edition Danny Wedding California School of Professional Psychology Alliant International University San Francisco, CA Ryan M. Niemiec VIA Institute on Character Cincinnati, OH This document is for personal use only. Reproduction or distribution is not permitted. From D. Wedding & R. M. Niemiec: Movies and Mental Illness: Using Films to Understand Psychopathology (ISBN 9781616764616) © 2014 Hogrefe Publishing. Library of Congress Cataloging information for the print version of this book is available via the Library of Congress Marc Database National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Wedding, Danny, author Movies and mental illness : using films to understand psychopathology / Danny Wedding, California School of Profes- sional Psychology, Alliant International University, San Francisco, CA, Ryan M. Niemiec, VIA Institute on Character, Cin- cinnati, OH. -- 4th edition. Includes bibliographical references and index. Issued in print and electronic formats. ISBN 978-0-88937-461-4 (pbk.).--ISBN 978-1-61676-461-6 (pdf).-- ISBN 978-1-61334-461-3 (epub) 1. Psychology, Pathological--Study and teaching--Audio-visual aids. 2. Mental illness in motion pictures. I. Niemiec, Ryan M., author II. Title. RC459.W43 2014 616.89 C2014-902339-1 C2014-902340-5 © 2014 by Hogrefe Publishing http://www.hogrefe.com PUBLISHING OFFICES USA: Hogrefe Publishing, 38 Chauncy Street, Suite 1002, Boston, MA 02111 Phone (866) 823-4726, Fax (617) 354-6875; E-mail [email protected] EUROPE: Hogrefe Publishing, Merkelstr. 3, 37085 Göttingen, Germany Phone +49 551 99950-0, Fax +49 551 99950-425; E-mail [email protected] SALES & DISTRIBUTION USA: Hogrefe Publishing, Customer Services Department, 30 Amberwood Parkway, Ashland, OH 44805 Phone (800) 228-3749, Fax (419) 281-6883; E-mail [email protected] UK: Hogrefe Publishing, c/o Marston Book Services Ltd, 160 Eastern Ave., Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4SB, UK Phone +44 1235 465577, Fax +44 1235 465556; Email [email protected] EUROPE: Hogrefe Publishing, Merkelstr. 3, 37085 Göttingen, Germany Phone +49 551 99950-0, Fax +49 551 99950-425; E-mail [email protected] OTHER OFFICES CANADA: Hogrefe Publishing, 660 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 119 - 514, Toronto, Ontario M4G 2K2 SWITZERLAND: Hogrefe Publishing, Länggass-Strasse 76, CH-3000 Bern 9 Copyright Information The e-book, including all its individual chapters, is protected under international copyright law. 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You shall not: (1) rent, assign, timeshare, distribute, or transfer all or part of the e-book or any rights granted by this License Agreement to any other person; (2) duplicate the e-book, except for reason- able backup copies; (3) remove any proprietary or copyright notices, digital watermarks, labels, or other marks from the e-book or its contents; (4) transfer or sublicense title to the e-book to any other party. These conditions are also applicable to any audio or other files belonging to the e-book. Format: PDF ISBNs 978-0-88937-461-4 (print), 978-1-61676-461-6 (pdf), 978-1-61334-461-3 (epub) http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/00461-000 This document is for personal use only. Reproduction or distribution is not permitted. From D. Wedding & R. M. Niemiec: Movies and Mental Illness: Using Films to Understand Psychopathology (ISBN 9781616764616) © 2014 Hogrefe Publishing. Foreword to the Fourth Edition I have been a fan of the Movies and Mental Illness dience can be enjoyable, educational, active and from the first edition, so I am delighted to write this creative” (Pritzker, 2007). Foreword with Ruth Richards. Prior to becoming a An example of the emotional power of film to psychologist, I worked for over 20 years in Holly- influence the viewer was described to me by a Say- wood as a television writer and producer. I saw first- brook University Creativity Studies doctoral stu- hand how powerful TV and of course, movies, can dent. He said that he was watching a scene in the be in impacting viewers. movie Good Will Hunting in which Will Hunting I was lucky enough to work as a writer on The (Matt Damon) is talking to his psychologist (Robin Mary Tyler Moore show, which was seen by many Williams) about Will’s foster father coming up the women as a breakthrough depiction of a woman stairs to beat him. His psychologist repeatedly tells who “could make it on … [her] own.” I also worked him: “It’s not your fault, it’s not your fault, it’s not on Room 222, an Emmy-winning show, where some your fault …” until Will finally breaks down and episodes I wrote were used in schools of education cries. The student who told me this story found for teaching. An episode of Silver Spoons I wrote himself crying as he connected the scene to his about a child who was being physically abused by mother coming up the stairs to beat him with a belt, his father triggered thousands of calls to a hotline and he realized for the first time it really was not by abused children. his fault. Based on my experience both professionally and What is interesting about the hundreds of films personally, I suggested the concept of audience flow in Movies and Mental Illness is the pervasive fasci- could apply to watching television and movies. Au- nation with psychopathology. It is a testament to dience flow is defined as watching “in an active and how deeply mental illness touches almost every- mentally engaged state that may allow insights and body’s life in one form or another. Screenwriters new perspectives to develop. … A ‘conversation’ and psychologists have a great deal in common in develops between the viewer and the work that is trying to understand the dynamics of mental illness, so engaging that all sense of time is lost. This cog- which is a positive development because under- nitive engagement means that being part of an au- standing can lead to compassion. Steven R. Pritzker, PhD Professor and Director, Creativity Studies Specialization Saybrook University President, Division of Aesthetics, Creativity, & the Arts American Psychological Association Co-Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Creativity Steve and I teach together at Saybrook University in “flow” with the movies, as an active and aware and started one of the first graduate programs in observer, can also fit our criteria for creativity, in- psychology with a specialization in creativity, of- cluding originality and usefulness. Creativity can fering certificates and MA and PhD degrees. We do be good for us – and for society as well. not offer these just for fun (although it often is fun), I am a psychiatrist as well as educational psy- but because we truly believe that the process of cre- chologist and professor, and have studied issues of ating can change lives. It can bring us more fully creativity and mental health for quite a few years – into the present moment, aware, open, flexible, and in schools, clinics, and in our spiritual lives. I am adaptive – more in tune with life, its richness, cheered by how much people can learn about psy- beauty, and potential, and with our many life op- chopathology at the movies – and how the best tions.
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