NORTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE THE SPECTRUM OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VOLUME XLVI. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1931. NUMBER 48 Zwerg Wins Kappa Botany Students To Over 5000 Attend Tau Delta Award Blue Key, Senior Receive Employment Sororities Choose Open House Last Henry 0. Zwerg, Sheboygan, Wis., Staff, Honor Employment during the coming Seven Candidates senior in the department of architec- summer has been secured for 13 stu- ture, was judged the winner of first dents through the efforts of the de- Week At Festival prize in the recent Kappa Tau Delta Members partment of botany here. Eleven of For May Queen sketch problem competition in "Class these men will go to the white pine Engineering, Chemistry Display A". Zwerg's solution of the problem, Special recognition was given 22 forests of Idaho to work on the blister Seebart Announced Election Of Attracts Much Attend "A Cenataph", was well chosen and students on Wednesday - when the rust disease which affects white pines, Three As Final Choice convincing, being very well presented women's senior staff and the Blue gooseberries and currants, according From Visitors to Dr. Herbert C. Hanson, head of the For Pageant Head according to Homer B. Huntoon. Key fraternity conducted their annual Second place went to S. Robert Stin- department of botany. This work is Over 5000 people inspected North recognition, day convocation program under the supervision of the forest All-College Day On May 27 To Dakota State campus annual open son, Fargo, senior, who, with Zwerg, in the college armory. service; and has for its object the Feature Demonstration houses last week at the May festival, received a first medal award. Horace McGrath, Fargo, senior, ' was third; Veronta Weppler, Jamestown, eradication of; the disease. • By Students according to reports received from the Following, are the men who will go heads of the departments yesterday. Herman Skaret, Fargo, senior, was sophomore in home economics, and Constance Heilman, freshman in sci- to Idaho: R. M. Denio, Charles Wal- Seven young ladies, each a member An actual count at the engineering fourth, and Byron Tharaldson, Fargo, of a sorority here, have been nomi- junior, was fifth. All received second ence and literature, were given special dron, and W. R. Weir, Fargo; Myron building showed a total of 4500 be- Wurdenlan, Mandan; C.( L. Quinnild nated by their various organizations medal awards. honor awards by the senior staff, ad- tween the houses of 9:00 and 11:30 and R. A. Quinnild, Hickson; Lars to be a candidate for the annual May p. in. Friday, said Earl Schoessow, Keith Jones, Minneapolis, Minn., visory board to the clean of women. Miss Heilman had the highest scho- Jensen, Oberon; W. F. Altenbernd, Queen to be crowned on' All-College manager of this year's show. Over sophomore, was winner in the "Class day„ May 27. lastic average of any freshman woman Sabin, Minn.; F. K. Nunns, Wahpe- 4000 appeared at the pharmacy dis- B" competition of the problem receiv- ton; J. C. Spaulding, Sherwood, and The preliminary election to pick play and other departments report ing a second medal award as did student during the fall and winter terms. An award to be used as H.1 J. Maker, Hunter. three candidates out of the seven will nearly the same number. Vincent case, Bismarck, freshman, Rodney F. Hanson, Bowbells, and be held in the very near future, ac- The engineering display gave the who placed second. tuition during her junior year at col- lege was presented Miss Weppler be- Earl Snippen, Fargo, will go to the cording to Frank Seebart, commis- public an idea of things that modern These prize winning drawings will United States Department of Agri- sioner of elections. The two election engineering is accomplishing. An ex- cause of scholarship, qualities of lead- be exhibited at the annual open house ership and promise of success in the culture Range and Livestock station methods of selecting the May Queen ample of perpetual motion, an electric was introduced last year, and because beginning Wednesday in the architec- future. at Miles City, Mont., where their work door operator, and model irrigation tural department. Judges for the con- will be general in nature. There they of its success, the same method will and road building projects were test were Prof. Homer Huntoon, Paul The ten outstanding junior women will have the opportunity to learn the be used again this_year. among the things shown. The archi- selected as staff members are: Jane W. Jones, K. A. Henning, and L. S. fundamentals of that kind of station In order to make the annual pageant Canniff, Ovidia Carstens, Virginia tects displayed their drawings along Parsons. work. of the crowning of the May Queen a Davis, Eleanore Erickson, Grace Hun- with several etchings by noted artists. bigger event, Prof. A. G. Arvold, head In the art department were dis- kins, Maurine McCurdy, Claire Newell, of the department of public discus- Joyce Peterson, Viola Seaburg, and played the projects of the students Archer To Succeed Surprise Decorations sion and social service, has consented taking work under Miss Dorothy Dorothy Smith. to take charge of that project. The Hatch and Miss Nancy Elliott. Bat- Besides naming nine men students pageant will take place in the same tics, blockprints, designs, still life Faber As Spectrum Promised By Seniors as Blue Key members, the fraternity manner as the one of last year but groups, and modeling work were Editor For 1931-32 presented David Minard, freshman in For Last Formal Ball will take on larger proportions, it is shown. science and literature, with the title announced by Erling Thorson, presi- The alchemist of ancient times was of master freshman. The award is Crewe, Vogel, Reichert Given Music, Favors, Entertainment to dent of the student commission. one of the features shown at the made each year to the freshman man To insure a larger turn out at the chemists' open house. A demonstra- Major Positions On Bison, student with the highest scholastic Be Unique Say Members All-College day activities, the student tion with liquid oxygen and a display Paper Staffs average for the fall and winter terms. Of Committee commission is putting forth all of its of chemical apparatus and its opera- New members of the service fra- efforts to include phases of activity tion was shown to the public. Marjorie Archer, sophomore in the ternity are: William Gray, Valley With surprise decorations promised, that will be of interest to every stu- The departments of botany, geology, school of science and literature was City, junior in agriculture; Kenneth the senior ball will be the outstanding dent. The women's activities will be and zoology presented displays that named to succeed Anthony Faber to Wyarcl, junior in chemistry and engi- social event of the year, according to given special attention. The activi- attracted much attention. Experiments the editorship of the SpecS,rum at a neering; Frank Seebart, ' junior in Wallace Lovsness, leader of the an- ties of the day will be of such nature with plant and organism featured the meeting of; the Board of Publications chemistry; James KOnen, junior in nual affair. "Robert Carlson is in that the students will plan to come showing biology departments while Thursday. chemistry; Max Hughes, junior in charge of the decorations," Mr. Lovs- early and stay all day. _ samples of rock formations were dis- Miss Archer is the first woman to mechanical engineering; Hjalmar ness stated further, "and will not an- played by the geology division. be named to the post in several years. Johnson, junior in mechanical engi- nounce the theme of the event until She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta neering; Amos Van Vorst, senior in shortly before the night of the ball." Seven Original Plays Four Men Named social sorority and Sigma Tau Delta, chemistry; Earl Hodgson, junior in The Crystal ballroom will be the English group. During her first year agriculture, and Walter Shamp, junior scene of the affaiii to be held on Fri- Presented Thursday at college she acted as a reporter in science` and literature. day, May 22. As Bison Golfers having had considerable journalism - School Band Plays In keeping with the surprise deco- Costumed, Written, Directed By experience in Fargo high school. Dur- Special features of the program be- rations, Curtis Ball who has charge Members Of Class In Fairhead, Faber, Anderson, And ing the past year she has been one sides the recognition service for the of the music, announces that a sur- Crewe Represent State of the desk editors. honored students included music by prise orchestra will be procured for Production Against U Glenn Reichert will fill the post left the Gold Star band under the direc- the affair. The band's identity will vacant by Earl Hodgson, business tion of Dr. C. S. Putnam and a talk also be kept a secret until a later Seven original one act plays will be manager of the Spectrum. Reichert by Dr. J. H. Shepperd, president' of date. Because the ball is the last all- presented in the Little Country The- Four Bison golfers will represent ater on Thursday evening at 8 by the North Dakota State against the Uni- is a junior in agriculture and has the college. Speaking for Blue Key college formal of the year, Mr. Lovs- worked on the staff this year as as- and the staff was Horace McGrath, ness states that every effort is being members of the class in play produc- versity of North Dakota Saturday at tion under the direction of A. G. Ar- Grand Forks, according to C.
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