SpecialIssue: A Tribute to AveryFisher and The Fisher Line of Tube Receivers • Editor's Page / Tube Industry News 2 In This Issue Fishn$00 Fftmilyo fR eceivers • Fisher 500 � The Start ofa Generation 3 • A Tribute to AveryFisher 10 Design, Historyand Restoration • Book Review· "Tube Lore" 12 6$$0 IJruJKT88 - ThePOtlJet Kings • neRmuWlAmplijier P",!ject I4 Comparisons Between New and NOS TJpes • Story of the Loftin . White Amplifier 17 • Tbe Power Kings - 6550 and KT88 21 • The Audio Test Bench· Oscilloscopes 25 • UncleEric's Dumpster - Type 5687 31 O,,-!hte tube audio buy/sellwallt ads, librtlly of articles, li"ks to other tube web sites aftd more. www.vacuumtube.com , E 0 I T 0 R S P A G E A N 0 I N D U S T R Y N E W s Svetlana Announce5 New J'coducl$ U$S550 and th� AV52B SL will be US $750 Editor's Page and Industry each. For more information contact: Svedana Electron Devices has inuoduced Pe,er Q>xm,up News its SV572 series of l2S-wan power !riodes for Audio No,� UK Ltd. high-end audio amps. This series is available by Charlie Kittleson, Editor Uni, C. Pe.cock Ind. with mu of 3, 10, 30 and 160 for a variety of E."a« L)"onCIas<c SE or push-pull applications. Sved:ma also 12';-127 O.vigdor R.o..d Due !O Eric Barbour's r«em employment introduces irs newSV6L6GC, a dose copy of with Svedana Electronic Devi<ecs, I have taken the classic Sylvania 6L6GClSTR387 with Ho,"e. East Sussex BN3 ISG UK over the Tube Industry News column and ruggedness and low distortion, suitable for � combined it with the EdilOrs Page. in guitar amps or high fidelity equipment. For phon�(44) 1273·22Q511 more informadon, contact: fox(44) 1273-731498 VIVin Ihe News, Again!!! S,·�da"a Electron Dev;ce, Groo,·e Tube and Frinuonics AnnounCC'US 8200 S. Memor;al P.rk"",y Recently. the offices of VrV wn� visited Tube Production by editors from the famous Japanese audio HunlSvill•. AL35802 (800) 239--6900 magazine. Audio Te .:hnolo Y MJ. Makoto phone A co-operalive agreemem ha,; b..:en entered Wantanabe, MJ Editor anl Hishashi Ohrsuka. phone (205) 882-1344 into by Groove Tubes ofSylmar, CA and fox (205) 880-8077 . Tech. EdilOr spent tWO days with us. They gOt FrirlHonies of Randolph, MA The lal1u com- a chance to see Our operations, lOur the dec- any, headed by Mr.S. F. Johnson, will manu- tronies surplus stores in Silicon Valley and visit Audio Note and A1esa Vaie Join Fore"" r,aCtUrC glass vaCuum tubes in its facility in local tube audiophiles and vintage audio col- Milford, . The fifS( product scheduled for An agreement has been made between MA leclOrs. The result is an impressive eight page Audio Note UK Ltd. and Mr. Alesa Vaic (Ior- release is a ....plica of the RCA GL6GC from article on vrv and Co in the January 1997 merly of Yaic Valve) to set up a manufacturing 1956, to be marketed by Groove Tubes and issue of MJ. and distribution agreement. /I.-Ir. Vaic. in con- called GT-6LGFZ. Groove Tu bes claim.5 thal �1I materials and specifications will be the same as New DiSlributor for Triodes junction with the Audio NOle design team, will develop, design and manllfaclUre a range of AV the original lU�, including 'Carboniz�d Grade Welborne Labs is the new distributor tor high-gain small-lignal directly heated triades, A Nickel plates. pure Tungstcn grids, premium A-31 Catholoy Cathodes elC ... all from the orig- KR Enterprise Vacuum Valve (formerly Vaic together with a small range of AV SUIXr Valve Co.) producu. The products available Linea� driver and medium-to-high-power, inal American vendors!" Release date is mid- 1997. :md price is to be announced. include the W300B, a direct .... lacement for directly heated triodcs, which Audio Note UK the Western Electric 300B tube f.eaturing Ltd. will finance and exclusively distribute Quoting from the press rdease: "The improved linearity and increased power capa- under (he brand name Audio Note worldwide. FrirLlfonics Milford factory has been established bility. Also available are the W300B, and of this dale, A1esa Vaic·s association with As inside of the historic Beam Power Tube build- W52B, plus blue glass versions of the W30B Vaic Val"" has been completely seve.... d. (W32B) and W300B (W302B). Matched ing (sic) that once produced vacuum tu�s for pairs may be purchased directly from Production will start on a version of (he the US government and tu� companies such as Welborne Labs. Quantity discounts areavail- 300B, dubbed the AV300B SL. It will be avail· Hytron, Raytheon and RCA. The facility con- able to OEMs and dealers. For more informa· able fromlate December 1996 in limited quan- taim the original RCA production machines tion, COntact: tities of numbe�d units, and carrying a 12 from the RCA Harrison, New Jersey plant in pristine reslored operating condition. M,. Ron Wdh<>m�, Wdbornc ub. month or 2000 hour "abwlutely undisputed" Johnwn has also develoIXd new and innovativt PO Bo� 260198 warranty, where faulty samples will be non-toxi, pnxesses for environmentally friendly Lint.lOn. CO 80126 USA exchanged without argument or delay. The tube manllfacturing (sic). an important goal for (303) 470-6585 worldwide retail price of the AV300B SL is US phone bmh Groo,·e Tubes and Frintronics. For more fox(303) 791-5783 5425.00, not including local taxes. Six montlu information, contact: cm.;1 wl.b'@;x.nCICOIl1.�I.l!ll after the launch of the AV300B SL, Audio Note intends to introduce a 120-watt�issipation tri- Mr. Aspen Pinman Nonhstar Leading The Way. Inc. will bt ode. dubb<::d llle AV62BSL. utimated retail Groove Tubes Co. dislriburing (he KR Entuprises vacuum tube price is USS7S0 each. All Audio Note triodes 12866 FoorhiH Boulevard. be pream lifiers, integrated amps and pown will in clear glass. but can also � had in Sylmar, CA 91342 ampliK. lers. For more informarion on these cobalt-blue or ruby-red glass at an additional phone (818) 361·4500 products COntact: COSt of USS75 each. Ir is planned 10 also olTer fa>< (818) 365-9884 F.. nk G.rhic replaCl:ment versions of the previous Vai� Valve W Inc. NordlSlar l.c�dingThe ay lriodes, with revised cathode mat�rials to p. ..- ro. Box 3763. Durango, CO 8U02 USA VenT filament br�akage, which a problem was hI M�moryofSaul Maranrz,Audio Piollur pho,,"(970) 259-6722 with earl), W30Bs. The AV32B SL will � who pmud away January16, 1997 F..x(970) 259-6727 11 EDITORIAL STAFF Copyrig,t 1996 Vacuum Tube Valley"" Vacuum Tube Volley is published quar- and Big TonelOO All rights reserved. terly for electronic enthusiasts interested I I Charles Kittlesan- Editor ond Publisher No part of this publication may be re rinted in the calorful post, present and future of p or otherwise reproduced without written vacuum tube electronics. John Alwood - Technical Editor permission of u r the p blishe . Subscription is US$32.00/year (4 issues) Eric Borbour - StaffEditor Send circulation and editorial correspondence 10: $4D/Canada and $45/Asia and Europe Terry Buddingh - Guitar Editor CASH, US BANK CHECK, CREDIT CARDS Vacuum Tube Valley Sieve Parr - Director To subscribe, renew or change address Art 1095 E. Duane Ave., Suite 106 Sunnyvale, CA94086 USA call or FAX us al (408) 733-6146. Julie Werner Copy Editor p, - e-mail [email protected] VACU UM T U B E VALLEY I SS UE # 6 • GOLDEN ERA F SH E R 5 0 0 you had 10 do EVERYTHING YOU NEED - ON SUit SUPERB CHASSIS! The Fisher 500 Family of was 10 add a Receivers - The Start of a fCwrdplayer Generation and a loud­ speaker and E FISHER "SOO" you had a A. "'«.... ·.. ".,".i l� FM·AM '.nc,. By Charles Kitdeson _.rid.... }O. " .",.,UIIo ••• M•• pl t gh­ n . wm e c hi .wl., control <08'" -.u tHoit, "" "". fidelity system �_, �! Si"",!, odd • _ plo"" � """""",,,hr. UIII .. ca.. Ly .. The Beginnings of the Fisher 500 for your home. oIw,.,.,"" .. _""",kl< _,,,. .,(IJ.1Jty •• H... 1ot)'O'l' _. Lh _My-m "'" The 500 was a _ FLSHERlJ'1W;btiooa. It> .,.,. .... _ _ In the fifties, the hi fi hobby was con­ '" <s...i< "mpl><�y Fisher in every "'" ,;mel<» I>cauor sidered an expensive proposition. A 1957 "1('''('''0101 sense of the .... --_. .._ . _..... .. home hi fi set with all thc: bells and whis­ ....- ",.. , _ ... .., --- -­ word,meaning Ior __ ,_, __ tles could set you back $1000 or more in ___ - T _-- excellent � 19505 dollars! Most of the: popula­ I!"..... � ;,:.':.!:. :� !"�""':-o::::'i:: US esig build­ -, ... _ .. _. ",- ..... d n, ..,...., ...... -... -.-- . tion (95%.) did nOI have Ihal kind of .. _.-I.. ...."",fT,, ".. .. -..... ." .. -_ quality and per­ . ...- ......... money to throw around. They were busy formance . [tS rearing the millions of Baby Boomers styling was FM _ AM TUNER MASTER AUDIO CONTROL AMPLIFIER populat ing the coulltryside. For most spectacula folks, a phonograph or a comhirmion r with a die-c;lM brushed-brass faceplate turers introduced stereo components with radio, phono, TV console pro\lided the and escutcht-on with tuning meter and tWO complete amplifiers on one chassis. home entertainment. Component hi fi function lights. Hartnan-Kardon, Pilot, H.H. Scmt and was for rich bachelors, doctors and engi­ many others also introduced stereo neers who had the spare change and lime The 14 tube circuit featured dual rcc­ FM/AM receivers. The catch is, they 10 hook up all thl' cables and fine-Iune tifiers with a 6X4 for the IUner section weren't really FM stereo multiplex units the set-up.
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