A meeting of the Integration Joint Board will be held on 27 January 2021 at 2pm, via Microsoft Teams Please notify apologies for absence to [email protected] AGENDA 1. NOTIFICATION OF APOLOGIES For NOTING 2. NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES For NOTING 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST For NOTING 4. URGENT BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY CHAIRPERSON/ EMERGENCY ITEMS 5. MINUTE OF THE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD MEETING For APPROVAL HELD ON 25 NOVEMBER 2020 6. CHIEF OFFICER UPDATE For NOTING (Paper presented by Annemargaret Black) 7. NEEDS ASSESSMENT No papers for this section at this meeting 8. BUDGET AND FINANCE 8.1. Finance Report For NOTING (Paper presented by Ewan Murray) 8.2. Budget Update For NOTING (Paper presented by Ewan Murray) 9. PLANNING, COMMISSIONING AND DIRECTIONS No papers for this section at this meeting 10. PERFORMANCE No papers for this section at this meeting 11. UNSCHEDULED CARE No papers for this section at this meeting 12. NATIONAL AND PERSONAL OUTCOMES No papers for this section at this meeting Integration Joint Board Agenda – 27 January 2021 13. POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS No papers for this section at this meeting 14. EXEMPT ITEMS No papers for this section at this meeting 15. FOR NOTING 15.1. Action Log For NOTING 15.2. Decision Log For NOTING 15.3. Minutes For NOTING a) Strategic Planning Group: none to note b) Joint Staff Forum: none to note c) IJB Audit and Risk Committee: none to note d) IJB Finance and Performance Committee: none to note e) Clinical and Care Governance Group: 24 September 2020 16. ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS (AOCB) 17. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 24 March 2021 at 2pm via Microsoft Teams Integration Joint Board Agenda – 27 January 2021 Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board 27 January 2021 Agenda Item 5.0 Draft Minute of Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board meeting held on 25 November 2020 For Approval Approved for Submission by Annemargaret Black Paper presented by N/A Author Debbie Laing Exempt Report No Page 1 of 14 Minute of the Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board meeting held on Wednesday 25 November 2020, at 2pm, via Microsoft Teams PRESENT Voting Members ▪ Councillor Les Sharp (Chair), Clackmannanshire Council ▪ Allan Rennie (Vice Chair), Non-Executive Board Member, NHS Forth Valley ▪ Councillor Martha Benny, Clackmannanshire Council ▪ Councillor Dave Clark, Clackmannanshire Council ▪ Councillor Scott Farmer, Stirling Council ▪ Councillor Graham Houston, Stirling Council ▪ Graham Foster, Non-Executive Board Member, NHS Forth Valley ▪ Gordon Johnston, Non-Executive Board Member, NHS Forth Valley ▪ Julia Swan, Non-Executive Board Member, NHS Forth Valley ▪ John Ford, Non-Executive Board Member, NHS Forth Valley Non-Voting Members ▪ Annemargaret Black, Chief Officer, HSCP ▪ Anthea Coulter, Third Sector Representative, Clackmannanshire ▪ Fiona Duncan, Chief Social Work Officer, Clackmannanshire Council ▪ Natalie Masterson, Third Sector Representative, Stirling ▪ Andrew Murray, Medical Director, NHS Forth Valley ▪ Ewan Murray, Chief Finance Officer, HSCP ▪ Elizabeth Ramsay, Unpaid Carers Rep, Clackmannanshire ▪ Abigail Robertson, Joint Trade Union Committee Representative, Stirling Council ▪ Robert Clark, Employee Director, NHS Forth Valley ▪ Pamela Robertson, Joint Trade Union Committee Representative, Clackmannanshire Council ▪ Angela Wallace, Director of Nursing, NHS Forth Valley ▪ Dr Scott Williams, GP, NHS Forth Valley Advisory Members ▪ Carol Beattie, Chief Executive, Stirling Council ▪ Nikki Bridle, Chief Executive, Clackmannanshire Council ▪ Lesley Fulford, Senior Planning Manager, HSCP ▪ Lindsay Thomson, Standards Officer for Integration Joint Board In Attendance ▪ Wendy Forrest, Head of Strategic Planning and Health Improvement, HSCP ▪ Bob Barr, Locality Manager, HSCP ▪ Debbie Laing, Business Support Officer, HSCP (minutes) Page 2 of 14 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were noted on behalf of: ▪ Cathie Cowan, Chief Executive, NHS Forth Valley ▪ Carolyn Wyllie, Head of Community Health and Care, HSCP ▪ Councillor Susan McGill, Stirling Council ▪ Shubhanna Hussain-Ahmed, Stirling Carer Representative The Chair informed the Board that Morag Mason, service user representative from Stirling, has given notice of her intention to resign from the IJB and Audit & Risk Committee. On behalf of the Board, the Chair expressed thanks and appreciation to Morag for the work she has undertaken for the progression of our Boards aims and ambitions. She always provided well informed challenge at our meetings, and her input will be missed. The Board wished her well for the future and hoped she would continue to keep an eye on our proceedings. 2. Notification of Substitutes No substitutes were nominated. 3. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest noted. 4. URGENT BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY THE CHAIR 4.1 Urgent Decision Making Powers The Integration Joint Board considered the paper presented by Ms Lindsay Thomson, Standards Officer which sought approval to extend the urgent decision-making authority delegated to the Chief Officer and Chief Finance Officer at the IJB meeting in March 2020, and which had been extended at the subsequent IJB in September 2020. The paper sought an extension of powers until the 24 March 2021 IJB meeting. Members were fully in support of the proposals; it was agreed that the January 2021 IJB meeting would receive a log of any decisions made under the powers granted. The Chair would pick up the format of this log offline in his regular meeting with Annemargaret Black. Page 3 of 14 The Integration Joint Board Approved the extension of delegated authority to take such urgent measures or decisions as are required to: a. The Chief Officer (or the Chief Finance Officer or their substitutes) b. For the period up until at least 24 March 2021. c. and to take those decisions in consultation with the Chief Executives of the constituent authorities (as appropriate), the Section 95 officers of the Constituent Authorities and Director of Finance (NHS FV) and the Chair and Vice Chair of the IJB before exercising that delegated power. 13.1 Standing Orders This item was brought forward by the Chair for consideration at the start of the meeting to allow for any amendments to the Standing Orders to apply to this meeting. The Integration Joint Board considered the paper presented by Ms Lindsay Thomson, Standards Officer. • Minor changes to the Standing Orders were identified as a result of the March 2020 IJB meeting and were outlined in the considerations section of the paper. • The most significant amendment was to allow the power to explicitly record the online meetings. • A proposed change to arrangements for Chairing was put forward, specifically that the same Local Authority should hold chairship for 2 years to develop the role of the chair. The Board was advised that the issues raised at the March 2020 IJB meeting would be considered separately, however this paper was looking to approve the amendments laid out in appendix 1. The Integration Joint Board 1) Approved the amended Standing Orders. 5. MINUTE OF MEETING HELD ON 23 SEPTEMBER 2020 The Integration Joint Board approved the draft minute as accurate. Page 4 of 14 6. CHIEF OFFICER UPDATE The Integration Joint Board considered the verbal update provided by Ms Annemargaret Black, Chief Officer on activities carried out since the previous meeting. COVID Current State • NHS Forth Valley remains on an emergency footing until at least 31 March 2021. • At the time of meeting, there were 3 care homes across Stirling and Clackmannanshire with outbreaks; a total of 10 homes across Stirling and Clackmannanshire were closed to visitors. • Standard practice remains that a person requires to have two negative Covid tests before transfer into a care home, followed by self-isolation, in line with Scottish Government guidance. • Infection Control Support – HSCP staff being deployed at times to support providers to raise their standards On the whole care homes are engaging well. • Testing regime within care homes continues weekly, increases to twice weekly if there is an outbreak. • Full multidisciplinary assessments are undertaken for exceptional cases before individuals are transferred without a test. These include people who are at the end of their life. • Ms Black reiterated her gratitude and for the continued efforts of staff on the frontline; the workforce continues to be supported with a range of wellbeing resources. • The national Public Health led report has been published; no evidence that transferring people from hospital to care homes was responsible for care home outbreaks. • Revised National Framework for Pandemic Management in place. • National COVID vaccine delivery – planning is underway for deployment and being led by NHS Forth Valley. • Both Clackmannanshire Council and Stirling Council and NHS Forth Valley will issue a joint statement asking people to adhere to the current social distancing measures. Independent Review of Social Care • Derek Feeley continues to lead the ongoing Independent Review of Social Care; so far, the review has conducted 120 engagements with stakeholders such as unpaid carers, COSLA, IJB Chairs, and individuals with lived experience. This is still on course to report in January 2021. Winter Planning and COVID Preparedness • Due to the anticipated increased demand on Acute Services, NHS Forth Valley’s Director of Nursing has been allocated a budget to increase capacity in the team to support care homes Page
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