University of Windsor Scholarship at UWindsor Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive 1962 Riverside Secondary School Yearbook 1961-1962 Riverside Secondary School (Windsor, Ontario) Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks Part of the Public History Commons Recommended Citation Riverside Secondary School (Windsor, Ontario), "Riverside Secondary School Yearbook 1961-1962" (1962). Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks. 106. https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/essexcountyontariohighschoolyearbooks/106 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive at Scholarship at UWindsor. It has been accepted for inclusion in Essex County (Ontario) High School Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of Scholarship at UWindsor. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1-62 IVERSIDE E B 6 E L I 3. 332 0 V 6 .; .::,' I J 2 Public library Dnal Collection Essex County Branch of The Ontario Genealogical Society (EssexOGS) Active Members: Preserving Family History; Networking & Collaborating; Advocates for Archives and Cemeteries This yearbook was scanned by the Essex County Branch of The Ontario Genealogical Society in conjunction with the Leddy Library on the campus of the University of Windsor for the owners of the book. The EssexOGS yearbook scanning project is for preservation and family history research purposes by the Essex County Branch membership. This document is made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder and cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. This material is for personal research use only, and can not be sold or distributed. PATRONS DR. AND MRS. N. A. ALEWICK MR. AND MRS. R. H. MALOWNEY MR.AND MRS.L. A. BARRON MR. AND MRS. JOHN MERSCHBACK MR AND MRS. BOWMAN MR. AND MRS. W. M. MOORE MR. AND MRS. G. W. BROWN DR. AND MRS. G. M. MORTON MR. AND MRS. J.B. CLANCY MR. AND MRS. G. E. MURPHY JR. MR. AND MRS. C. S. DAY MR. AND MRS. BEN ORMSETH MR. AND MRS. W. A. DOUGLAS MR. AND MRS. E.W. PASTORIUS MR. AND MRS. J. vV. DOWKES MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL PODOLSKY MR. AND MRS. J.E. FULLER MR.AND MRS. R. E.POND MR. AND MRS. EDWARD GAZO MR.AND MRS.T.R.RODEN MR.AND MRS.N. T. GEARY MR. AND MRS. JOHN ROZICH MR. AND MRS. JOHN GIFFEN MR. AND MRS. MERRILL RUITER MRS. LEONA HINDMARSH MR. AND MRS. L. F. SCHMIDT MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH G. HOBA MR. AND MRS. L. M. SLUSARCHUK MR. AND MRS. J.M. HOLSEY MR. AND MRS. J.C. SNYDER MR. AND MRS. G. A. HOUSLEY MR. AND MRS. N. H. SPEIRN MR. AND MRS. J. R. HUNTER MR. AND MRS. LEONARD STOTT MR. AND MRS. S. K. JENNISON MR. AND MRS. JAMES B. TAYLOR MR. AND MRS. CRAIG JOHNSON MR. AND MRS. IVAN THRASHER MR. AND MRS. ROBT. M. JOHNSTON MR. AND MRS. E. I. TOUCHIE CST. ARNOLD KAY R.C.M.P. )1RS. JOY R. TWENEY MR. AND MRS. PAUL J. G. KIDD MR. AND MRS. W. F. TYSON MR. AND MRS. C. A. LAPSLEY DR. AND MRS. A. T. WACHNA DR.AND MRS.L.R. LEFAVE MR, AND MRS. R. T. WADDINGTON MR. AND MRS. W.W. LEWIS MR. AND MRS. F. J. WEISS MR AND MRS. NORMAN LYONS MR. AND MRS. A. F. WILLIAMS MR. AND MRS. W. H. MACKAY MR. AND MRS. A. A. WILSON MR. AND MRS. M. C. MCALLUM MR. AND MRS. SYL ZUSKAN . ... l.oeal " OT iO UET,~,< r"" Hi9tory ~~OM HI'; .~.y.11.. MR. ROBERT F. WALTON It is with deep regret that the staff and students of Riverside High School say "au revoir" lo our principal, Robert F . \ Valton. \\·ho first came to Riverside as supervising principal of the public schools in 1942. l lis excellent administrati\·e ability has kept the school functioning smoothly through all the crises and the phenomenal growth of the past five years. 'l'o all students Mr. Walton has bee11 both a friend and mentor, but first and fore most he has been a teacher who has g iven unstint­ ingly of his time and knowledge in order to ensure that his students ha\'e a sound academic founda­ tion for the fut ure. To the staff :.\lr. \\'al ton has been a true and valued friend, mentor and guide. supply teacher, secretary. and general handyman. 'fo you - ~Ir. \\'alton - our grateful thanks for all that you have done to lay the excellent foundations for the R.i versicle J l igh School of to-day and to-morrow and for the unselfish assistance at a ll times to both staff and students. Page One I TIME-SA YING PAY-RAISING TRAINING FOR BUSINESS Whether business or academic preparation is your background, you will probably benefit richly from one of our SECRETARIAL, BUSINESS ADMINISTRA­ TION, ACCOUNTING or CLERICAL COURSES. Here are practicol, useful benefits which all of our students enjoy. * Career-oriented programme * Accelerated instruction * College-grade student body * Experienced staff * Modern classrooms and equipment * Free job placement \I ARE THESE BENEFITS THE BENEFITS YOU SEEK ! I One way to decide is to ask for more facts. Phone or write for our free catalogue, without obligation. WINDSOR BUSINESS COLLEGE R. J. SERVICE, Principal CL 3-4921 709 Ouellette Avenue Pag-e Two SUMOVUZ .1,. Front Row (Left to Right): Diane Morton, Gordon Thompson, B ruce M arlanne Langlois Stott. Back Row ( Left t o Right): David Kelllngton, Ken Woodall, David MacKay. BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS The task of preparing this edition for press has not been without its various lllinor cri ses. Blood almost flowed when non-contributing bystanders offered advise. "\\Thy don't we have a BlC BOOK \\"ith a padded CO\·er ?" ( Oh yes! encrust it with rubies and pearls too. all for a $1.25). "I don't like my photo." (we thought it was flattering). is another common stimulant to the adrenalin. Belated. uncorrected columns. usually grubby and folded into small squares. were a horror to behold! \Ve "the workers" offer YOU the best we could do. \\·here were the critics vvith the brain waves, when the sweat and toil was in. 1,rogress? To the uninitiated we explain - work on a year book begins early in September. First, advertising mm;t be sold. letters written, and a budget set. All year the effort continues in spasms. Then frenzied activity is essential as the time to go tu press draws near. After publication. we begin to collect for "ads." Sometimes. September finds us s till collecting from reluctant accounts. (Those whose names we spelled wrong). Do patronize our adYertisers. without them there would be no Rebelogue. or our selling price would be $3.00 for 30 pages. The Spark behind this year's book is Diane Morton, who never lost hope. t\ble and willing assis­ tance was given by Sandra Sanrn a. Cordon Thompson, our advertising manager. kept the financial worrie~ to a m inimum. Ken \Voodall, the human computer "·ith an eagle eye. is the business manager. .\far ianne Langlois. blonde as a secretary should be, was invaluable. Dave M acKay and Janet Murphy produced the patrons. \\'ho:-;e generous material a!->sistance enables us to keep the line c>n price. V irgil Duff and nlargaret I lodut tramped miles about the halls, to round up the class columns. club r<:ports, and literary gems. The Camera Club. under the direction and actiYe participation of Mr C iles had a difficult task to follow Mr. Logan's professional footsteps. (Neil St. Clair and Da,·e Kel­ lington led the endeavours of this newly formed club). Sheila Georges was a lways ready to offer :-miling help. "Miss ·w estgate and ;\l iss Clary edited the cla:-s columns. to them go special thank,;. l;nder the direction of ;\ Jr. King. the printers at the Star have been helpful and efficient. No doubt some will he overlooked in the mad haste. to them we say SORRY! p lease understand. Among the many be­ h ind these pages are; Kruce Stott. Sue Taylor, Carol Solomchuk. Nancy Housley. Carol Burbridge, Nancy \,\'atrel. Brenda Steele, Jane Anne Bower, Julie Brennan, vYalter Pastorius. 1\faya \ 'an Diessen, Larry Coughlin, Lynn Rozich and the "Forgotten ones." Page Three GOOD SENSE: Good Students Good ·Citizens Compliments of Windsor,. Ontario "Where Good Engineering Puts Something Extra Into Every Vehicle" Page Four HONOUR GRADUATES ., ., N ame: Ron A llan. N ame: Craig Allen. Name: Bob Arnold. Name: David Baker. Act: Basketball, Cadets, Key C lub, Student Council, Black Act: Riverside United Young Act: Hockey Team. Act: Hockey Team, Key Club. and Gold, Ath letic Societ y. Men's C lub, R.U.B.C., Pref ect. Amb: To break int o double Amb: No ambition. Amb: Bachelor of Commerce at figures in English L iterature. Amb: Career in mathemat ics. Assumption University. Name: Carol Burbridge. Name: Gw en Burkhart. Name: David Calcott. Name: Alex Davidson. Act: Library Club, Pref ects, S.S. Act: Volleyball T eam, Glee C l ub, Act: Track and Field, Hockey, B lack and Gold. Teacher at St. Aidan 's Ch urch. Act: Cadets, Bowling Club. Cadets. Amb: To marry a mil lionaire Amb: Home wreck onomics who owns a red Rolls- Royce. (Home Ee.) at u. of T oront o Amb: Get to Western and buy a Amb: Learn the mating call of (R.N.) or Assumption.
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