THE AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD THE NATIONAL CHURCH OF ENGLAND NEWSPAPER — NINETY-FIRST YEAR OF PUBLICATION Registered for posting as Printed by John Fairfax and Price 10 cents No 1487 -- May 6, 1971 a newbriaaer -- Category A. Sons Lid., Broadway, Sydney. AUSTRALIAN WOMEN FIND ARCHBISHOP WOODS CHOSEN AS NEW PRIMATE A NEW UNITY IN CHRIST At a meeting lasting for over six hours in Syd- ney, the Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr Frank Woods, EXCITING GROWTH OF THE was elected Primate of the Church of England in Australia. The new Primate is 64 and has been Arch- CONVENTION MOVEJ%1 ENT bishop of Melbourne since December 1957. The phenomenal spread of the Australian Chris- tian Women's ('onventions movement in the past decade and more parlicidark in the last three years, demonstrates strikingly 11w growth of Christian unity among the denominations. the first National Board meet- attended by 1,500 women of all mg of the movement was held at denominations and from all parts liarny's Bay, NSW, 23-25 April of the State. Miss E. Roberts of and was chaired by Mrs Grace Donaster is the State secretary. Collins. 17 board members, repre- The first convention in Darwin senting all States attended. The later this year will mark the ex- National Secretary is Miss Beth tension of the work to the North- Creber and the Treasurer is Mrs ern Territory. 42 conventions are Phyllis Deane. Mrs June Boson- being held this year in NSW, one quet is Editor and Public Rela- in Canberra, eight in Queens- dons Officer. land, four in SA, seven in Vic- Two thousand women attend- toria, seven in Tasmania, five in ed the ACWC Stanwell Tops WA and 12 in New Zealand. Convention (NSW) in March. The ACWC is affiliated with Outstandirig events were the Women's Conventions Inter- solid Bible teaching ministries national, which has affiliates also of Mrs Mildred Dienert, Mrs in the United Kingdom and New Dorothy Hulme Moir and Mrs Q. Zealand. Miss Jean Raddon is Little; the personal introduction now full-time National Co-or- of 40 women representing many dinator for ACWC. missionary societies by the chair- "Christian Woman," the man, Mrs Grace Collins; and the national publication of the move- The Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr Frank Hoods second frost right) speaks to some at the bishops atter his election as Primate. missionary offering which ment, was founded six years ago amounted to 311,000. Mrs A. M. numbers its circulation in thou- After prayers in St Andrew's an archdeacon in New Zealand siderable energy. This has been Chambers, one of the out- sands, carries no advertising and Cathedral. the clergy and laity He was educated at Marlborough brought to bear upon the standing Bible teachers in the now pays its way without sub- who are members of the General and Trinity College, Cambridge. development of the diocese, ACWC conducted a question sidy. It circulates to 23 countries Synod committee to elect a pri- He has had a distinguished developments marked by his time and individual counselling and as far as is known, it is the mate, moved into the Chapter career in the ministry beginning ability to delegate responsibility continued throughout the week- only interdenominational House at 11 am on Thursday 15 with a curacy of the famous Port- and to share the leadership. end. women's magazine in the world. April. sea parish where so many future Probably for this reason, ex- Victoria held a similar con- Its editor, Mrs Jane Bosanquet. The deliberations of the com- bishops begin. He has been chap- periments with new forms of vention on another weekend in is a trained journalist and the mittee were not open to the pub- lain to Trinity, his old College, ministry were succeeding in Mel- March at Belgrave Heights wife of an Anglican minister. lic but it is believed that some 15 vice-principal of Wells Theo- bourne long before they were As an arm of its work among bishops and archbishops allowed logical College, an army chap- tried elsewhere in Australia. Australian women, the ACWC their names to go to ballot. This lain, vicar of Huddersfield, chap- The new Primate is also well- has launched the Bible Stud, would have been followed by a lain to King George VI and known for his great interest in Fellowship which will encour- series of ballots to eliminate can- finally, Bishop of Middleton the work of the World Council age and promote the study of the didates with fewest votes. At where he succeeded Bishop Ed- of Churches and in the move- Scriptures in depth. 4.15 pm the election of Dr ward W. Mowll. From this suff- ment for church unity in Austra- Woods was announced. ragan see in the diocese of Man- ia. He has tried to persuade the chester, he came to Melbourne to Methodists and Presbyterians Dr Woods is a son of a former succeed Archbishop Booth. who are planninig for unity in Bibles from Bishop of Lichfield, Dr E. S. Dr Woods has a natural charm Australia, to make it possible for Woods. One brother is now Bish- and friendliness and his tall, Anglicans to be included in the op of Worcester and another is spare build is indicative of con- scheme. slot-machines 4.04.41NINOWAININNIMIAM.,.......o....."141M4,1,1W41.....014,••••••••••••••••••...40, The Belgian Bible Society, viiich has installed a self-service slot-machine on the pavement 1 Bishop Grindrod to Rockhampton outside its headquarters, has stocked it with French New As announced in our last issue, Bishop John wheat and sheep industries. Testaments at a subsidised price. Rockhampton is an even larger %), 11)triollis I Whin. Muir. Basil Rowland Grindrod. Bishop of Riverina, NSW, At present these are in the Re- diocese which has been beset by vised Segond version, but at the since 1966. has accepted nomination to the diocese of long sustained drought and which end of April when the New Rockhampton, Queensland. has 26 clergy. It is regarded as Testament in Francais Courant being far more difficult for a Lord Mayor (today's French) is published, it His acceptance of the see is tehich includes much of NSW's bishop to administer than River- is expected that the machine will generally regarded as an act of mast arid regions and is served Ma or most other dioceses in have an even greater appeal as it great courage and a decision by some 29 clergy. It has been Australia. dispenses 'Bones Nouvelles which he could not have made badly hit by the serious difficul- guest at Au jourd easily. Riverina is a large diocese ties being encountered by the Cathedral Bossey graduate students prefer Luncheon social issues to Bible Club Geneva (EPS) The Graduate School or Ecumenical Studies at Bossey near here, whirl[ is planned each year as an academic program of theological study, The Lord Mayor of Syd- found this :tear that its students on the whole were more interested in social ethics ne), Dr. I,. Emmet McDer- and a multi-cultural and multi-confessional living experience. mott. will 1w the guest In his report on the live month The school, which continued contested by the Bible through speaker at the St. Andrew's expereince Professor Hans-Ruedi from October 15, 1970 to Febru- serious eitegetical work. Cathedral Luncheon Club Weber, associate director of the ary 28, 1971, had as its theme As ustiil, worship became a World Council - sponsored "The Bible: Contested and con- on 4th lune. controversial issue. According to Graduate School, explained that testing." A major part of the Syiltic ,theclial and Town Professor Weber, many theo- the 43 students in the 1970-71 time was spent in four seminars Hall are sited next to each other logogical students do not pray school assumed ft larger share in and the writing of reports. These in the heart of Australia's largest any more, at least not according Bishop John Grindrod, shaping the program than dealt with "Jewish and Christian city and there have always been to traditional patterns. While students at former sessions. They Understandings of the Bible," harmonious relationships some interesting attempts to find The Bishop is an Oxford also preferred experimentation "The Body and Salvation" between the Cathedral and the new forms of worship were graduate and he went to Riverina and work in small groups to for- "Social Revolution" and "Sin and civic fathers. Dr Emmet was made, he said, none was fully from Christ Church South Yarra. mal lectures. the Sick Society," In the last educated at St Ignatius' College convincing or won acceptance by Previously he had been a rector Professor Weber said this ap- and Sydney University. three instances the study con- the whole group. and an archdeacon in Rockhamp- The May gathering of the proach was valuable in studying sisted of a confrontation between ton, so he is quite familiar with Luncheon Club was opened to the programs and structures of biblical and contemporary texts. An innovation in the program his new diocese and the mission- the World Council of Churches. was a series of four practical the- ladies and the opportunity was One observer commented after ary situation which exists there. However, it raised the question ological workshops on the Bible taken to welcome home Dr A. hearing the final reports that this People in Rockhampton have W. Morton, Dean• of Sydney, of whether a trained social psy- and worship, Bible translation, expressed great delight that who spoke on his recent lecture chologist should be added to the graduate school had contested communicating a biblical text Bishop Grindrod is coming back tour in the United States.
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