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Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] 1.0 E? K* la ; m 12.2 in ••* 1.4 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TtSI CHART NAIK1NA1 RUMALI (If MANDARIN I <)t-, < A Aß.ituncc in Paper Mill Operation in Indonesia AsiiiUnce in Paper Marketing in Indonesia ÜÍNi„¿^ UNIDO CONTRACTorni No. 70/67-E I I I I I I I I I •H (O •• 41)6*1 I Tt»w:OS-t412 I I WMIatabMfwriHatt 1/IV Tt^phoo« (0111) »2024 Ttfcn: 06-24143 I I T«*M»on4(0811H*14e I I I I I I I QOLLWITZER INGENIEURPLANUNG & CO. I Pwl» PwtO»*i*»fW,VUBI MURMMf I MONCHEH I OOMCLDOBF fiUiAaatattnca in Papar Mill Operation in lndon«#ia AaaioUnce In Pnpar Marketing in bidonati* UNIDO CONTRACT No. T0/67 0/11 í -E TM* **•> *»*• alnboratai on bahalf of UNITED NATION« INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION bate* on Contract No. 70/67 batwaan UNIDO nnd OOLLWITZER 1NQCN1EURPLANUNC k Co.. by Diplom-Kaufmann and Pnpwr fc«fi—*/fiiA|»Ma,r«»»*«»»» hi11ngjf*ti tba monili« •f Juna till Saptambar 1972. JÌ I I I GOt.lWITZER WQENIEURPLANÜNQ ft Co. MM I 9mm Aeaietance In Paper Mill Operation in Indonesia Aeaietance in PiPtr Marketing in Indonesia CONTENTS • 11 I. INTRODUCTION II 1.1 mm Subject: Aeeistence la Paper Mitt II Operation in Indonesia I. t Second Subject: Assistance in Paper Marketing 14 to lndonooia I. S Aeeistance in Formulating tbt Target* of tint II Indonesian Paper Induotrv 1.4 Methodical Action If 1.1 Prf clic ft! E»acu^on It I. MARKET RESEARCH tt 1.1 Faner Market Roooerck tl H. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SAU* MARKET! tl Introduction 1.11 Denerlati«» of Ike Existing Paper Marke« tl 1.11.1 Paper Com swmptloa tl 1.11.1 Conerai Remark« aaont tne M Long.torni Paper Marke* t.11.) Medlam-torm Prägnante of tko II S. tt Domestic Paper Production 14 S.1I Imported Paper '44 1.14 Merket Price Stteatiea and Potter 49 t. II The Problema ef Distribution L • GOLLWITZEB IWGENÍEURPUNUNQ Ä CO. **«» „„ | »*m Assistance in Paper Mill Operation to Indonesia 1 Aaaiataace fa Pmr Market in« in Iné«».eU I II. I Detailed Data oí Market Section« «ad Prognosi» qf Their Ptpr Demand it t. II Now Classification ^ M I. St Summary of the Existing Paper Demand] ti • to ilio Particular Market Sections II. IS Tlio Markot of Catturai and Communica- tion Paper. Printing, Writing, and Related Paper ana Cardboard I t. IS. 1 Newsprint «4 I MS. S Pine Paper, a. g. Main and Special oT t Priming and Publication Paper. Writing and) Other Relatad) Papar gj - New definition 77 a • - statistical survey af printing «ad fino papar I • Market aeetioa of priattog papor f| - Tfcin fino papar lü I • Marmai fine papar Iti • Seaool papar market |«l I - <•»•• papar maraot t#g I • Hoary UM papar, ariete*, and) iff It» I 1.1!. 1 CMM Prisrttog and Convorttog ff Iff I I. M Jh. Market W Cig.ro«. Paper aad Otner Pino»* Paoei It« Ili The Market of PackAgiag Papar aadl IH I Statistical surveyof itttogiag ptjfor te* ' ||| I US I 114 I I I GOLLWITZER INQENIEURPLANUNQ & Co. Mum Statt I **m Assistance in Paper Mill Operation in Indonesia I Assistance in Paper Marktini in Indonesia I - %m market section for wrapping 116 and industrial converting I - the market section for solid-machine Ut board and wet-machine Ward I - Asmara« about the private papar lit and) heard mills la Indonesia 1.14 Household and Sanitary Paper and 111 Paper Products 1.1? Construction Paper and Board HI 1.1 The Procurement Market US ÌB. CRITICAL REMARKS ABOUT EXISTING PROCUREMENTS! US 1. SI The Raw Material and Chemical Markets us 1. St The Market of Machiaea and Sparo Parta 116 1. SS The Financial Means Market ISO 1.S4 Tee Labour Market US I« 9ttflMff<?"i «f„ ISf CHANCES AND PROBLEM» OP THE MARKETS! Uf 1.41 Summary ef the Forecasts IS? 141 Market Chances aad Problems 141 S. ALTERNATIVE! AND RECOMMENDATIONS POR TI« 141 MARKETINO CONCEPTION, INC LU DINO A CRITICAL EXAMINATKDN OF THE EXISTING SITUATION AND NECESSARY CONDITIONS 11 lifarttf rtfr MtrM*fi It ¡MêêîéL 14S LI Recommended Economical and Technical Stem- 1 - tegies «a a Condition far tao Marketing Strategy, ~* » Total aad far Each Paper Mill or Esali i • GOLLWITZER r INGENIEURPLANUNG 6 Co. o*m MM 4 -*m AtaUtaace to Paper MiU Operation to laéonoato Aeaietanco to Paper ntarketto« ip Indoneti« S.tl ftrategy of Concentration |4§ S.It Strategy of Specialisation 147 1.11.1 Contrai Remark« 147 - Improvement of mark«« 147 pooitioa by product deve- lopment ani marketing • tocreai« to productivity 14* by improvement of tk* tocfc* akal «aaipmaat • I mprov«m«nt of profitability 149 by optimiting th« production programmo S. II. I Quality, Proco»« and Progr amrmAaalyaet | 04 - lifbt weight fioo pop»*» mani. |§| fold lor typing - »fermai fino paper for writing, lit typtog and printlag - UBO popar for duplicating Iff) - ttftavy-weight fine popar, Iff) briatol, taf office oarf board 1.11.} lUraommondatiotia for tmprov«. If* of Productivity aad for Bialiaation of th« papar mUU 144 If« Ite IM If* Iff ita r* GOLLWITZER I INGENIEURPLANUNG & Co. omm mm i I •MKM Aaaiataace to Paper Mill Operati«« fa tedoneela AaaUUoce to Pmp^r Maratta« 1» ladoaaala *. i*. 4 Analysis of ta« Profitability of I fj ta* Existing Production Pro- f ramm« and tac Proposed Spe. cialised Programme, iacladtog Coat Comparisons - deaerai remarks |g§ - Aaalyola of profltaMIlty aad I ft «oat comaarlaoa - laaat aaalysis aad recommea- 100 datioaa to ant tao coat of ma- tarlai - Cact eomaarlaoa of tao pro» «fettle» programme of tat •«par anille la - Latjaa iff 110 ta Im* Qtfpat aaalysia of lac propoaed 111 fotloJiaod production pro. to cot ta« coat of iistrlaatloa l.tl Stratogyof Eapaaaloa g%$ S.U. I Ooaoral Cwdttlea« til S.il.1 AHoiaatrvo Propoaals for tapaadiag til At Prodaotlaa aad Coararcioa of ati IM IS1 • «otoe fjg I.U.S Altaraatto Propoaals far Arañadla« lift of Palp aad Haw Maialili« •MB GOUWITZER ri INGENIEURPLANUNG & Co. Oak* *m a*** Asaiatance in Paper Mill Operation la Indonesia AntrtMco in Pipar Marketing in Inòonoeia Ä- 5.54 Modal of (tatara! Planning la Short-tana* *** Medium-term, and Long-term Stagna S.S Marktini Stratetv t44 S. SI Oaaarai Ramar«« abavi Strategie Cea- Me captiona S.S1 Predaci Strategy ISO 5.55 Dtatribotiaa IM S. M Communication liS 4. ALTERNATIVES ANO RECOMMENDATIONS ON IM- 1ST PROVEMENT OF MANAGEMENT ANO ORGANIZA- TION, INCLUDING PROPOSALS TO THE GOVERN- MENT AS PINAL CONCLUSIONS 4.1 SommarUea Remark» aboat Management IM 4. t Sammari »ed Remark» aboat Oraaalaatioa Iff 4. S Summarised Recommandation» lor Short- 140 term. Medium.term, and Loni-term Planning 4. SI Marke ting Policie» 1*0 ataff department» oí Marhotfcag and 140 - Tao »taff departmant of Raaaareb and HI Davnlaamaat • Sala» dlviaioa St» 4. St NewProdact Planning (Specialiaatloa), 144 af Productivity, and Plaaaing of Eaaaa- •ton 4*4 SoRwnarisaa Racanwnandat ion » far tha baprovamaat MS al Control Sratama 4. S Proaoaal» to tha Government • lié • S*c ammenda tiono regarding tba aropaaed merger lai • Praearemeot of capital lar »loaateo prnjeeta and Sie project» ri GOLLWITZER I INGENIEURPLANUNG ft Co. OMM «M ? | •mm Aaaiatanc« te Paper Mill Operation te Indooeeia Alititene« to Paper Marketing te todcntil« - Cooperation te toe macro-economic area, têf coopération among ta« etat«-owned cam. panica and «opra-regional economic cooperation - Cuaterna mea »are a 170 • Direct »apply of »tat« office paper IT* - Ideational and training meaaarea 271 I. RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE CELLULOSE 171 RESEARCH INSTITUTE (LEWDACA PENEUTUN SELULOSA) OF BANDUNG 1.1 Targeta far tao tedonoaian Papar Indurtry tTS Regarding the Cooperation aita the Coltale«« Reaearch Institute to Bandana •.II Oeaerel largete of the Cellaloac laatitat« 17J I. II Actaal Targate lar the Cooperation with 174 Ik« tedonaatea Paper ladaatry I. Ill Reaoarck and Development 174 - Sateetion of flbroaa raw 174 materiale and nate pro- «oaateg programme •77 Chemical« and «lUtd product SU I. Ill Education and Tratetag Pro- 177 •.IS Paparttandardination Programm« 1.14 Eottlpment ftecommandad for tao Fonar SSI Reaearch and Development Deparlmaat ». t Targata of the Collate«« and Papar R*«oaren Inetitate of Bandung in Cooperation «Uh SCAPE, tf Tarato HI «tory I I oou.wrrz£fi MQONfURPtANimQAOo.
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