COURTS POST OFFICE LONDON 1970 ~ttpretne ~ourt of jj ul:Ji catttre. [By the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873, 36 & 37 Vict. cap. 66, sect. 3, as amended by the Amendment Act of 1875, 38 & 39 Vict. cap. 77, § 9, the Court of Chancery, the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequ~r, and the Courts of Admiralty, Probate, and Divorce, were united and consolidated together as one SuPREME CouRT OF JUDICATURE. • By the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1877, 41 Vi et. cap. 9, sect 4, it was enacted that the ordinary Judges of the Court of Appeal should be styled Lords Justices of Appeal, and the Judges of the High Court of Justice (other than the Presidents of Divisions), should be styled Justices of the High Court. • By section 5 it was enacted that a puisne Judge of the High Court of Justice should mean for the purposes of the Act, a Judge of the Hil;h Court of Justice other than the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice of I<~n~lan•l, the }!aster of the Rolls, the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, aml the Lord Chief Baron, and their successors respectively. The Supreme Court has no judicial functions. It never sits a~ a Collrt. It consists of two permanent divisions, viz, "HER }!AJE~ry's HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE" and" HER \lAJESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL." By an order in Council which came into force on 26th February, 11'81, the Three Common Law Divisions were consoli­ dated into one, to be called Queen's Bench Division, & the offices of Chief Justice of the Common Pleas & Lord Chief Baron were abolished. Attorneys, Solicitors and Proctors are now styled" Solicitors of the Supreme Court," Act, 1873, § 87.] HIGH COURT OF (HER. :\IAJESTY'S) CHANCERY DIVISION. THE LORD HIGII CHANCELLOR OP GREAT BRITAIN JuSTICE, The Hon. Sir Edward FRY, 5 The Grove, Highgate N (President), ThP Right Hon. HoundEll, Baron Selborne, P.C. Secretary, Edward Borton, esq 30 Portland place W; official address, Hou~e of Lords SW (At Chambers):- Principal Secretary, Kenneth l\Iuir Mackenzie, esq. 12 12 STAPLE INN, HOLBORN WC Hyde park gate south SW (Div. A to F), Chief Clerk, A. Ra wlinson, esq Office, House of Lords SW Clerks, First Class, Mr. W. J. Wood; lHr. Geo. Wood Secretary of Presentations, The Hon. Edward P. Thesiger Second Class, Mr. E. Wooltorton; Third Clas.~, Mr. [see" Presentation Office," below] l<'redcrick C. J arrett Secretary of Commissions, Evelyn Hay Murray, esq (Div. G to P), Chief Clerk, E. W. Walker, esq Gentleman ofthe Chamber, 1<'. A. Corley, esq Clerks, First Class, Mr. W. P. Williams; Mr. R. Spar~ Registrar in Lunacy, J ames Lowry Whittle, esq. [see "Reg. row; Second Class, .:llr. Charles Cocks ; Third Class, in Lunacy Otflce," below] Mr. I<'. T. Smith Trainbearer, Mr. J. ~W. Etherington (Div. Q to Z), Chi~t Clerk, Edward Shearme, esq Serjeant-at-Arms, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Wellington Patrick Clerics, First Class, Mr. John Wm. Hare; Mr. H. G. Manvers Chctwynd 'l'albot Rogers; Second ClrMs, Mr. C. H. Lovdl; Third Class, Dep'llty Do. Samuel Hand, esq Mr. Joseph Nonwciler TipstajJ, :\Ir. Charles J. Cooper Porter, 'Villiam Burge8B Ushe1·, Mr. 'l'homas Short --- Mes.~enger to the Great Seal, l\Ir. Richard Davis Principal Clerk, Mr. 'I'. ~Wiutersgill Court Keeper at Lincoln's inn1 Mr. Henry Keeble Junior Clerk, l\Ir. W. J. Ellis Court Keepers, B. S. Thompson; A. Hawkins VICE-CHANCELLOR, The Honble. Sir James BACON, knt. {Chief Judge in Bankruptcy), 1 Kensing-ton gardens terrace W }fr. Justice Fry sits in Court at Lincoln's !n11, and (on the Secretary, I<'ranCIB Henry Racon, esq first day of }fichaelmas sittings) at Westminster; and also in Chambers in his private room (At Chamber~):- Chiif Clerks, Edward Bloxam ; Charles Harwood Clarke JusTICE, The Hon. Sir Edward 1<~. KAY, 37 Hyde pk.gardens W & Edward Lionel Alexander Clarke, esqrs Principal Clerk, George Victor Wood, esq Junior Clerks, :He~srs. Henry Ross; \Villiam Whiteley; Junior Clerk, Mr. Frederick Keates Philip Marsh all; John l<'ield; J a me~ Hart; J. N JusTICE, The Hon. Sir .Joseph William CHITTY, Rolls court, Hazlitt Chancery lane WC & 33 Queen's gate gardens W .Assistant Clerks, Messrs. P. F. Mar shall; A. A. Durtnall ; Principal CleTk, l\1 r. Henry David Pearr.e S. A. Whitelt:y Second Clerk, ~Ir. J oseph Ga=on Clerk of the Chamber, Mr. Lewis ,John Wood Usher, George '!'ravers Trainbearer, }!r. Charles T. l\Iullings Porter, William IIayes Ushers, Williarn Woodward; George William Winte1 (At Chambers):- RoYAL CouRTS OF JusTICE WC. Vice-Chancellor Bacon sits in Court at J,inr-oln's inn (and (Div. A to F), Chief Clerk, Charles Burney, esq on the first day of l\Iichaelmas sittings at 'V estrninster); and Junior Clerks, Mr. John Raven; Mr. S. J. Bakewell; also in Chambers at 11 New square, Lincoln's inn; hours of :l'.Ir. E. H. Jellicoe; Mr. J. Freeman attendance at Chambers, 10 to 4 ; closed in vacation Assistant Clerk, Mr. F. V. Green (Div. G toN), Chiej Clerk, John William _Hawkins, esq VICE-CrrANCELLOR, The Honble. Sir Charles HALL, knt. 8 Junior Clerks, J\ilr. John Ridley Newman; Mr. W. Maple; .Bayswater hill W l\Ir. A. Warren; lHr. :K H. Millikin (At Chambers):- Assistant Clerk, Mr. W. Lambert RoYAL COURTS OF JUSTICE WC. (Div. 0 to Z), Chief Clerk, Robert Marshal!, esq (Div. A to F), Chief" Clerk, Wm. llinns Smith, esq.; H.oom 297 Junior Clerks, 1\Ir. John Biddle; Mr. William Upjohn; Junior Clerks, Mr. Henry Pritchard; l\Ir. \\"m. Bailey; Mr. W. Saundcrs; Mr. E. Byers Mr. ~William Arthur Marshal! ; il'Ir. 'l'oye Assi.~tant Clerk, :vrr. L. Pritchard Assistant Clerk, Mr. George Philip Baker, jun Porter, Charles Atherton (Div. G to N), Chief Clerk, Henry l<'rancis Church, esq.; Room 288 CHANCERY PAY OFFICE (late--- Accountant General's Office of Junior Clerks, 1\'Ir. Jonathan Pinnington; Mr. William the Court of Chancery), Wright; }lr. James Darby; }lr. Naylor Office, Royal Courts of Justice WC. Hours of attendance Assistant Clerk, Mr. Thomas Nixey from 10 to 4; for payment of cheques from 10.30 to 3.30 (Div. 0 to Z), Chief Clerk, Rbt. 'Vrn. Peake, esq.; Room 292 except saturdays 10 to 2 Junior Clerks, Mr. Williamllenry Hopkins; Ur. Robert · l<'orsaith; ~Ir. J. Stevens; l\Ir. Howe The office of Accoztntant General of the Court of Chancery .Assistant Clerk, i\Ir. Henry Smith is abolished; his duties, powers and authorities being now Messenger, Alfred E. Smith performed and exercised by Her }fajesty's Paymaster General, as on and from 7th ,January, 1873, see "The Court Personal Officers :­ of Chancery ( l<'unds) Act, 1872," :35 and :36 Vict. cap. 44; Principal Clerk, ~Ir. Herbert George .Tames also General Rules and Orders, 22nd December, 1874 Second Clerk, Mr. Robert Lyall .Assistant Paymasier General for Chancery Business, Samuel Court Keepers, Richard Vinnicombe; Richard Gross Parkinson, esq Vice-Chancellor Hall sits in Court at Lincoln's inn; and Chief Clerk, Charles Henry Price, esq (on the first day of l\lichaelrnas sittin.g-s) at 'Vestminster; and Senior Clerk.~ Henry John Haines; John Hair; J ameB also in Chambers at l{oyal Courts of Ju-tJCe (l{oom :3~;:-,) on \Valkcr; James Stewart Balmer; An drew HeiU'f J oyes; mouday, wellnesday and friday in each Wtek at 3 pm I John Lane Evans, esqrs .
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