MONDAY; AUGUST 11,1M7 ( a OC t w b l v b g O T t t U t g Avarage Daily drealatlen The WeeUer Far me Ms*Oi g| My. IMT af t. a. Wamka a UkalilMpad at a rlaa In tbe The second of the vlelUtlons to Jeas* MMwIiinl a t PWIad*lBhla| budget. la vlalUng WUl Aaimup of 14 M M -: Police Chief laterpreU ^Town Budget the esecutlve mansion and gar­ Kach departmental request will 9,052 Fair I m* amUmwai am dens. which Mr*. James McCon- die turnpike, west/A Mketer Ber- lAiral Rule On U-Turns About Town gewnt during the wrar be was eU -1 he gofi* over aejiaratcly, and it ia HALE'S SELF SERVE taught aughy. wife of the goveraor, has expected that at least two meet- aiTsnged for the four Tuesdays tlohed at th* BUt* Armory here; According to the ruling of Study Starts The Original la New B a g h a i! DUworth-OonieU-Quey P o • t and la well acquainted In town. ! Inga, with additional atinW, tfUl in August, for members of t ^ Chief Samuel G. Gordon, aa ex­ be required U> check all pfurea. Manche»ter*^A City'of ViOago Charm American Legton. will hold lU Pedersted Garden clubs, will take plained to the, Police Oommls- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bolin of 119; Th* final recnramendatlmta td ba ! K fu la r aorlal meeting tonl*nt at place tomorrow from 10 a. m. to slonera at its last nteetlng, it Sriprimrn to Meet To­ AND HEALTH MARKET rvimbridge street have returned made when the town Ik asked to 8:15. Member* are reminded of 8 p. m. The North Btonlngton will be pcrmisaabla for a per- VOL. U O t , N a 2 6 4 (TWBLVB PAGl!») MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1947 Aivarttaes ak Fag* •a PRICK SOUK CENTS the annual meeting on Monday, home after a two weeks' vacation. morrow Might to Look vote appropriafirna. Wrlll depend on Garden club members will aaalat s/in to drive an automobile the aeleetmeri'* review. / Aufuat 25, at whlrh time elec­ tbe hootraa. Local Garden Oub They spent one week touring the from the west aide of Main White Mountains and Canada. | Over Figures CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY tion of a new alate of officer* will members who took sdvanUge of atreet to the east aide and park The second week they spent a t ; take place. Mrs McConaughy'a thoughtful hi* car Without having made Kenneth Ridge, Watch Hill, R. I., . .. MERCHANTS' DAY . Workers March to W ork Through Picket Line« kindness last Tuesday, enjoyed a U-tiim. /' The Boahl "f Selectmen will i Next Year’s Balkan Row Paal Chief Dauilitera of Helen the time epent there. The chief aald that the ruts meet tomorrow night to pay the ] Caridaon Uxlce. Daujhtera of Mrs. Florenca C. Rother, of 28 Th© SHOP TOMORROW! Authorization Voted governing U-tuma only applies past month's bill- and to start In- ' Beotia, will meet tomorrow eve- Bigelow ptreet. was among the Meat Stock Blame Laid Mr and Mr*. John C. Donovan when the driver completes tha itial conaidem.tlur of the budgar n li« at 7:30 with Mr*. DavH pasaengera on the Queen Bliza-1 and daughter. Patricia, of 2M entire turn in one operation. for the new fiscal year. ^ Preaton of 22 Horton ro4d. beth wTileh sailed for Bngland A u -! D©w©y-Richmon Henry street, left .Saturday by guat 1. Mrs, Rother was a guest { He told the romnilssloners that With a general increase in the TUESDAY SPECIALS! Not Certain On America automobile for Maine where they at a number of farewell lunch-' a person In driving from the roet of nearly all public opera- Mr* W. W. Bella and her aon. will spend a week with friends in we.Mt side to the east side and tiona, various department heads eons, and several of her friends Co. Green Stamps Given W ith Caah Sales! To Use All Britain’s Harold Mt*. Bell* of Oakland Bar Mint, that state. and relative* drove to New York parking a car and getting out have Indicated that their requests Yugoslavia Charges De­ street, are enJo>in» a cniiae on to hid her "Bon Voyage." had not completed a U-tum. this year will L* considerably ad­ OCULIST Supply Hangt in Bat- If the driver nr the car did not the Great Lakes. Mr. and Mr*. William Bohyk vanced over thhsr of the peat year, Any Kind once as Heat Wave liberate Misrepresenta­ Bet out of the car but drove and daughter, Carol, of White' Mrs. Francis PaganI of 178 1-2 fk y facw ased Budget PRESCRIPI'IONS HLLED away he woulo have complet­ tion to Justify V, S. street, are spending this week in flpnice street Is spending a week Selectmen, ae la the usual eua- NEW FRAMES Trims Forecast of ed a U-turn and would he liable L b . New York City. Mr. Bohyk I* em­ at White Sands beach with her tom,, will endeav',; to shave doafn Oleomargarine 39c Resources in Crisis to be arrested, the chief as- LENS DUPLICATED Production of Corn Interference in Greece ployed by the Plnehurat Groceo'. slater - In - law. Mrs. Herbert. thebe requests to a minimum, but in Its meat department. Pagan! of M King street, Rock­ aerted. even so, if the present level o f ser­ REPAIRS MADE ville. I vice la to bo maintained, officiala Waahlngton, AUg. 12— Next Bulletin! L b . I ^ r . Gittimons Gives Labor Tomorrow evening at the Coun­ Pure Lord 23c year's meat supply hung In the Lake Sneveas, Aug. 12—<J’> Ihdonesians' 'Srorrhed Earth' try Club tha Manchester Rotary balance today as the mldwestem — The United States made n Government Pow er to direct charge today that Ctai- Club will be shown the new beat wav# trimmed official fore- Muster Manpower and movie, •Tobacco Valley," which muatat groups aupported by i.b . 59c caeta of com production and tellt the story of tobacco raising Snappy Cheese AIbnaIn, Vngoalnvln and Bul­ Industry for Recov* in Connecticut. Ralph C, 1 ^ - threatened to cause still further garin hoped to set up a to­ bury, Jr,, director of the Ahade Miracle WMp loises before harvest time. talitarian regime In Greece. ery Program; Attlee Tobacco Growers Agricultural FEA TURED FOR Heracbel V. Johnson, deputy AN Plagued at planting time by U. S. repreaenUtIve, made the Administration Given Association. Inc.. wUl present and cool waathar and flooda, com now explain the film. Two of the p t, 33c ^ .charge before Die I ’nited Na­ bv OLD CUSTOM Salad Pressing baa nm Into hot dry weather tions Security counclL Extensive Powers yoiinc woin^fi from Pennsylv^iu* which tbe Agriculture department, I t is aa *M ewrtoaa la Naa- who are aaalatlng with the tobac­ Vote of 178 to 63 ekester for the store* ta «el 48 Ox. Can in Ita reguUr monthly report de- Lake Succcaa, Aug. 12.—9P)—' co crop this year and who *r# acribed aa a "airioua threat" to taietber oao day every aammer Yugoslavia today accused the ■■d rtoa* down ka«iaea* far a billeted at the Manchester Com­ all cropa In the mldweat Led by DeaaM Thninaa (white hat), president at tbe stmrii CBatea MarMae Oe.. wrerkiaew mareb four Landon« Aug. 12 — (/ P ) — fM Wedaeaday. Soma year* munity "V " will be r « « l * Tomato Juice 24c Key t* ProdacUoB abrenet toward tbe plant at Clinton, Mich., ewrireiofl by a picket line. A dash followed with Thomas United States of deliberately mis­ The House o( Commons voted club. belag knocked to the gronnd aad Saally reeoned by Ibe group of mm be was Icadlag. H’omm la back- 88% af tke stores da**, atiwr Com la tha key to livestock and representing rondttlons In the. years 88%. How amay are f*- 48 Ox. Can grosmd, under dag, are applauding the marcher*. authorization to the Labor meat production. Balkans "to Justify the lncre#*e government today to muster lac to rlo«* all day %'edarsday, Ander*on-«he* AtixllUry, V. F A abort crop this year would af­ In the interference in Greece" un­ ttds week. Aacaat 18th. I do not W.. will meet tomorrow evening | the full resources of Britain, Apple Juice 29c fect next year'a output of mexta der .the Truman doctrine. It took*, however, aa If at eight o’clock at th# Poat TUESDA Y a t HALE’S and othar livestock producta. Police Captaiu including manpower, and ■ in­ _____ Street woald be pretty rooms, Manchester Green. However, meot aupplies for the Yugoslav Representative Dr. *dead" tkat day when the tawa Snaswead Would Have Senators Joxa Vllfan blamed much of .the dustry, for the national rta laat three or lour montha of thia coyury program. The bijL read department I* to do a Mb year and the catty montha of 1948 Averts Strike Balkan difficulties on the United repair )ah *a the street M’edaea- Q t. ara axpected to be large regardlesa States and on what he called a passed 178 to 63 after an en­ A Great Sale of Seconds in Solid Color Prune Juice 27c failure of the United Nation* Se­ <ay- of how thIa yeai’a com'tuma out Probe Investigations tire night of debate, apoctficalljr DRESSES REDUCED curity council to examine the The department forecaat the gave tha Attle* admlnletration as- CrX>9ED AM . DAY WM. DICKSON Warning Given Com­ problem closely. tanatve powers to direct the man­ la aay case, Plaebarst wtn. Valuea To 816.98 L e e .
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