SESSION OVERVIEW Wednesday, November 16 Thursday, November 17 9:00- Y:40 First P.1rallcl Session Fnst Parallel Session Y:SO- 111:311 Second Parallel Session 9:20- 10:00 Second Parallel Sess•on 10:40- 11:20 Third Session 10:10-10:50 Third P<lr.?lllcl Session 11:30-12:10 Fourth Pc!rallel Sess1on II :15- 12:1 S Third Session (only 4-.1) presentations) 12:'15 . 2:00 Lunch Break 11:20-12:40 lunch Break 2:1 n- 2:50 Fourth Parallel Session 12:45 -1·15 Business Meeting - 3 :4ll Fifth Session 12:10-2.30 Break :1:50 - 4 · 30 Sixth Pclrallel Sess•on 1:15-2·15 First Session 4:40- 5:20 Seventh Parallel Sess1on 2:30- 3:10 Fifth P._lrJIIel Session 6:30. 9:00 B.:mquet and Pres•dential Address 3:20- 4 00 S•xth Parallel SeSSIOn 4:10-4:50 Seventh PJrzlllel Session Friday, November 18 5:00- 5:40 Eighth PJrallel Sess10n 7:45 · H:20 Business Session 5:40- 8:00 Dinner Break !UO- 'J:JO Fourth Plenary Scss1on 8:15- 9:15 Second Plenary Session 9:45 - 10:25 First P<1r.:1llel Session I II ::JS - II: IS Second P.lr,lllcl Sess1on 11:25-12:05 Third Parzdlel Session 1L:l5- 12:S5 f-=ourth Prlr.1llcl Sess1on Note: The Church History and Historical Theology Study Group will extend their sessions until 4:00 pm on Friday EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE EVANGEI.,ICALTHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY President Journal Editor Craig A. 8l<tising Andrc.lS Kiistcnbcrgcr Southwestern 8Jptist Theological Seminary Southmstcrn RJptist ThcolngKCJI Seminary President-Elect Demel I Kock, President, 2001 Edwin M. YJilli1uchi OJ lias Seminilry Miami University j. Erickson, Prcsirlcnt, 2002 Vice-President Mounds View, MN Francis Bcckwtth r ' Baylor Umvcrsity Davtd M. HowJrd, lr., President, 2003 \ Bethel Theologtcill Seminary Secretary-Treasurer james A. Borland G. K. Beale, President, 2004 Ltberty Untversity Wheaton College Graduate School 8 STUDY GROUP: OTHER VOICES EVANGELICAL PHILOSOPHICAL OF BJBLICAl INTERPRETATION SOCIETY I Radisson Adams Scanticon Hotel Gettysburg Mark Bailey, Moderator; Dallas Theolog1cal Seminary 9:00 • 11 :20 am Woodrow E. Walton, Moderator; 9:00 - 9:40 am Theologie<1l Seminary Walter Schultz, Northwestern College C. Wood1e S. Terrell, Co-Chair longview, Texas Governing Libertarian Freedom by the Teleological Suspension of the Dispositional 9:00 - 9:40 am Ben M. Carter, Dallas/Fort Worth Hospital Council 9:50- 10:30 am The Next Christendom?: Jenkins and Sanneh Contrasted John Churchill, lndi<ma University Read by Br<1ndon W.1lker, Miami University Openness and Free Agency 9:50 - 1 0:30 am 10:40 • 11 :20 am Woodie C. S. Terrell, Longview, TX Edward Furton, NJtional Catholic Bioethics Center The Dance: An Integral Part of Worship in Biblical Restoring Religion to American Public Life: A Middle History Path Offered by the American Founders 1 0:40 - 11 :20 am EVANGELICAL PHILOSOPHICAl Samuel Murrell, University of North Carolina at SOCIETY I \'\/ilmington; Leviathan's Christian Common\Vealth: A Hobbesian of Christ's Kingdom of Cod Valley Forge Lehigh 11 :30 • 12:10 pm 9:00 - 9:40 am Michael Spence, Grace College & Seminary Doug Geivelt, University To Find the Truth, Co lo the Lie David Hume and a Cumulative Case Argument STUDY GROUP: HERMENEUTICS 9:50 - 10:30 am Radisson Conestoga Francis J. Beckwith, Baylor University THEME: ARE WE ABLE TO Why/./. Thomson's Violinist Argument Does Not Work PRACTfCE TODAY EARI:,Y in the Case of Rape CHRJSTJAN HERMENEUTICS? 10:40 • 11 :20 am 9:00 - 11 :20 am Chad Meister, Bethel College (Indiana) Resurrecting Plato: Restoring Classical Philosophy in james De Young, Moder.Jior; Western Seminal)' Higher Education 9:00 - 9:40 am S'rUDY GROUP: BIBLE AS Don.Jid A. HJgner, Fuller Theologic;:ll Seminary Interpretation in the Apostolic Fathers: Lessons for LITERATURE Today! Valley Forge Montgomery THEME: RETORIC, LITERARY 9:50 • 10:30 am FORM, AND MORAL VISION IN Daniel (Invited Guest), Baylor University BIBLICAL LITERATURE Theological Hermeneutics of Tradition before Nicaea 9:00 • 11 :20 am 10:40 • 11 :20 am Leland Ryken, Moderator; Wheaton College Paul Hartog, Faith Baptist Theological Serninary, Patristic Biblical Interpretation and the 'Rule of Faith' 9:00 - 9:40 am David How<1rd, Bethel Theological Seminary The Rhetoric of Lament: Implications for Ethical Reflection 9 9:50 - 1 0:30 am 10:40 - 11 :00 am AndreZts Kbstenbcrger, Haptisr Thenlogic:1l Clyde Billington, Northwestern College SeminJry; The Moral Vision o( john The Two Exodi of ManC'tho 10:40 - 11 :20 am 11 :00 - 11 :20 am Rich<Hd Panerson, Lrberty l3,1ptrst ThL·nlogical SeminJry Charles Aling, Northwestern College Propheric Sat1re as a Vehicle for F.gypt1an Me-dlcmC' and the 13Jh!C': Is there a Connection? 11:30 am -12:10 pm Daniel Estes, Cedarville University, tmd Mtchael Travers, Southeastern Baptist Theologicttl Sernincuy; 11 :30 - 11 :50 am Krista Freiling, Northwestern College When Did joshua 1-la?nr ?. With a Short OPEN SESSION: APOLOC ETICS Examination of Judges 4 Radisson Buchanan 11:50- 12:10 pm 9:00 - 9:40 am Terry Hofecker, Grace Thcnlogic.ll Scmin<1ry William 0. Dennison, Covenant College Iron Age Cezer A Synthetic View from Scripture, Extra- What's So Special aboUI Natural Revelation biblical Texts and Stratigraphy 9:50 - 1 0:30 am OPEN SESSION: CHURCH John A. Bloom, Biola University HISTORY AND HISTORICAL, Does fntelligenl Oes1gn Theot y 1-/e/p Cilnst1an THEOLOGY ApofogelJcs Radisson Hancock 1 ():40 - 11 :20 am THEME: JONATHAN EDWARDS (rJig !\. Smith, Denver ThcologiGll Sc.!ml nMy 9:00 - 11 :20 am Chiasm of Design: (l(nn lntc/lrgcnt Steven M. Studebaker, Modcrc1tor; tmrn:muel College Oesrgn Theory and Their App!tcation lo l.rrerary StructurcJI Analysrs 9:00 - 9:40 am Gary Elkins, Moderator; Toccoa F.1lls College Steven M. Emm.1nucl College NEAR EAST ARCHAEOL,OGICAL Spirit ChrislOiogy and Ecumenical Convergence: A Companson nf Jonathan Edwards's and Oa\'Jd M. SOCIETY Coffey's Spirit Christologies Radisson Franklin THEME: GENERAL SESSION 9:50 - 1 0:30 am Robert Caldwell, Southwestern Theolog1cal 9:00 - 12:20 am Scm1nary; Call the Sabbath a Delight: Jonathan 13ryunt G. Wood, Moderator, As'inci,liL:S for Bihlic.JI [dwards on the Lord's Day in lh<" Chris/ran Lrfc Research 1 0:40 - 11 :20 am 9:00 - 9:40 am Peter Beck, Southern HJptist Thcolngic<"!l Sem1nary 0Jvid Livmgston. Associates for Biblic<1l ReseJrch God's Man: The Imago [)('r in the Works o( Jonathan A UnivP.rsal Flood 3000 BC Edwards 9:50 - 1 0:30 am OPEN SESSION: CHURCH Boyd Seevers, Northwestern College HISTORY AND HISTORICAl, F\ Selected Biblical Cusloms in Light of R\\'ala Bedouin THEOLOGY Customs Radisson Hemlock THEME: SPIRITUAL, FORMATION '" lnv1ted Cuest. 9:30 - 11 :20 pm 9:50 - 10:30 am Ronald Frost, Moderator; Multnomah Bible College Randy Nelson, Northwestern College The Challenge of Canonical Criticism to Background 9:00 - 9:40 am Studies Ronald Frost, Muhnomah Bible College A Conflict over Covenant or How Sermons Explained 10:40-11:20 am New England's Antinomian Controversy A. Sue Russell, Biola University Understanding Early Christianity: An Anthropological 9:50 - 10:30 am Crit1que of Social Scientific Criticism Joanne lung. Biola University Conference: Rediscovering a Communal Tradition of OPEN SESSION: NEW TESTAMENT Puritan Piety Radisson Jefferson THEME: SYNOPTIC GOSPELS 10:40- 11:20 am Kelly M. Kapic, Covenant College 9:00 - 11 :20 am A Peculiar Communion: john Owen's Trinit.arian David H. Warren, Moderator; Heritage Christian Approach to the Lord's Supper University OPEN SESSION: CHURCH 9:00 - 9:40 am HISTORY AND HISTORICAL Samuel Lamerson, Knox Seminary THEOLOGY Demonic Possession in the New Testament, the Early Valley Forge Bucks Church, and Today: An Examination of M. Scott Peck's THEME: EARLY CHURCH ''Glimpses of the Devil" 9:00- 11:20 am 9:50 - 10:30 am Gregg R. Allison, Moderator; Southern Baptist John Noe, Prophecy Reformation Institute The Nature of the Eschatological Kingdom Jesus Theological Seminary Everlastingly Established·· Step #3 9:00 - 9:40 am 1 0:40 - 11 :20 am Gregg R. Allison, Moderator; Southern Baptist Dennis lngolfsland, Crown College Theological Seminary; The Clarity and Obscurity of Scripture in the Early Church: Hermeneutical Tensions The Gospel of Thomas and the Synoptic Gospels 9:50 - 10:30 am OPEN SESSION: NEW TESTAMENT Donald M. Fairbairn, Erskine Theological Seminary Radisson Keystone PatJistic Soteriology: Three Trajectories THEME: ROMANS AND GALATIANS 10:40-11:20 am 9:00 - 11 :20 am John C. Hutchison, Talbot School of Theology The Christian View of Suffering and Martyrdom in the Timothy G. Gombis, Moderator; Cedarville University Early Centuries of the Church 9:00 - 9:40 am OPEN SESSION: NEW TESTAMENT Timothy G. Gombis, Cedarville University Radisson Gladwyne "Even the law preaches faith": Paul's Old Testament Argument in Galatians 3:11-12 9:00- 11:20 am n Ken MacGillivray, Moderator; Hopevale Church 9:50 - 10:30 am Trevor j. Burke, Moody Bible Institute 9:00 - 9:40 am Adopuon and Honour in Romans 8 David H. Johnson, Providence Theological Seminary Recent New Testament Introductions: Evidence of a Paradigm Shih? • Invited Guest. 11 L..____ 10:40- 11:20 am OPEN SESSION: OLD TESTAMENT Thomas R. Edgar, C1piral Brble Semrnary Radisson Bryn Mawr The Nature ol !he Law· An Indica/JOn o{ Its Present THEME: SAMUEL, KINGS AND Inapplicability CHRONICLES OPEN SESSION: NEW TESTAMENT 9:00- 11:20 am Radisson Radnor Janson Condren, Moder.ltm; Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 9:00 - 11 :20 am Stephen S. Kim, Moderator; Multnnmah 81ble College 9:00 - 9:40 am Er1c Mitchell, Southwestern BJptist Theological 9:00 - 9:40 am Semi ntH)' 0Jvld L.
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