“Mary Kassian’s thorough look into the development of feminist thought is a sound refutation of a movement that clearly rejects the authority of the Bible. A valuable tool for today’s Christian!” BEVERLY LAHAYE, Founder and Chairman, Concerned Women for America “This is an incisive, sympathetic, and well-balanced treatment of one of the most important theological and sociological phenomena of our age. The author under- stands the legitimate concern of feminists but, out of her deep commitment to the gospel and to the authority of the Bible, shows us where to draw the line between legitimate reinterpretation and illegitimate deformation of the biblical message.” HAROLD O. J. BROWN, Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “The concern with feminism’s influence within the church is generating heated interest, much of it neither thoughtful nor gracious. This book is an intelligent, bal- anced effort to understand feminist philosophy and theology, going beyond insight- ful analysis into a warmly passionate and reflectively penetrating invitation to grapple with crucial issues. An important book that strikes a much needed biblical posture on gender differences and how the implications of contemporary thinking on the subject impact the church.” LARRY CRABB, JR., Distinguished Scholar in Residence, Colorado Christian University “A well-researched, excellent resource for all seeking a better understanding of the history and philosophy of the feminist movement and how it affects and influences our thinking today. I especially appreciate that Mrs. Kassian reminds us, as Christians, to go back to our only unchanging reference point—the Bible—for answers.” GIGI GRAHAM TCHIVIDJIAN, conference speaker, author of Currents of the Heart “An important and original contribution to debates over feminist theology. One need not agree with every judgment Mary Kassian offers to see how important it is to place various strands of the movement within their cultural and ideological con- texts. But Mrs. Kassian is not some mere traditionalist; she candidly exposes her own struggles and profoundly Christian commitments as she seeks to bring her life into line with God’s gracious disclosure in Christ Jesus and in Scripture. I warmly recommend this book.” D. A. CARSON, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “Timely, fresh, succinct, and best of all, biblical. I commend to you The Feminist Mistake.” ANNE ORTLUND Author of Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman “Mary Kassian is right on target in her book. Having carefully studied the feminist movement for more than fifteen years, I can attest that she understands the major questions Christian feminism is addressing and how the answers it gives lead to less than biblical perspectives of self, society, and God. As she comments in the book, ‘feminism and Christianity are antithetical.’ I wholeheartedly recommend Mrs. Kassian’s book.” WAYNE HOUSE, Professor of Biblical Studies and Apologetics, Faith Seminary, Tacoma, Washington “A penetrating analysis of the impact of feminist ideology on the life of the church. The author convincingly shows how this has resulted in a new ‘gospel.’” DONALD G. BLOESCH, Professor of Theology Emeritus, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary CROSSWAY BOOKS A PUBLISHING MINISTRY OF GOOD NEWS PUBLISHERS WHEATON, ILLINOIS The Feminist Mistake Revised edition copyright © 2005 by Mary A. Kassian Originally: The Feminist Gospel, copyright © 1992 by Mary A. Kassian Published by Crossway Books, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, 1300 Crescent Street Wheaton, Illinois 60187 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law. Cover design: Josh Dennis Research assistance: Candi Finch First printing, 2005 Printed in the United States of America Unless otherwise noted, Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by per- mission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. The “NIV” and “New International Version” trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by International Bible Society. Use of either trademark requires the permission of International Bible Society. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kassian, Mary A. The feminist mistake : the radical impact of feminism on church and culture / Mary A. Kassian. — Rev. ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-58134-570-4 (tpb) 1. Feminist theology. 2. Feminism—Religious aspects. I. Kassian, Mary A. Feminist gospel. II. Title. BT83.55.K37 2005 230'.082—dc22 2005000504 CH 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents Introduction: The Tsunami of Feminism 7 Part One: The Philosophical Quake Stage One: Naming Self 1 The Problem Without a Name 17 2 A Problem in the Church 29 3 The Church and the Second Sex 41 4 Biology Equals Destiny 51 5 Feminist Liberation Theology 61 6 The Personal Becomes Political 71 Stage Two: Naming the World 7 Woman-centered Analysis 85 8 Woman-centered Analysis of Theology 107 9 The First Sex 119 10 Herstory 129 11 Women’s Studies 142 Stage Three: Naming God 12 The Feminization of God 159 13 Changing of the Gods 175 14 Going Too Far: The Feminist Metaphysic 185 15 Household of Freedom 197 16 Godding 217 17 Women-Church 226 Part Two: Shock Waves 18 The Tide Converges 237 19 On Evangelical Shores 247 20 Drifting Away 261 21 Into the Mainstream 279 22 Against the Tide 291 Flow Charts: The Development of Feminism 301 Notes 305 Index 329 Introduction The Tsunami of Feminism he Japanese fishermen twenty miles out to sea didn’t even notice the Tsmall wave that rippled past their boat. Though it advanced at the speed of a jet plane, the seismic wave was less than fifteen inches in height. It could scarcely be distinguished from the normal rhythmic rise and fall of the water’s surface. They were totally unprepared for the dev- astation that awaited them when they returned to the port of Sanriku. The innocent-looking ripple was actually a deadly tsunami. It hit shore with crests of water more than a hundred feet high and a force more pow- erful than 25,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs. Twenty-eight thousand peo- ple were killed, and 170 miles of coastline were destroyed in that infamous 1896 disaster. Tsunami is a Japanese word meaning “harbor wave.” It’s the scien- tific term for a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake, landslide, or volcanic eruption. A tsunami may travel hundreds of miles across the ocean at speeds of up to 550 miles per hour. In deep waters it remains virtually imperceptible. But upon encountering the shallow water of coastlines, bays, or harbors, the rapidly moving energy forces the water into giant waves that assault the shore with tremendous force. A typical tsunami consists of a dozen or more such waves, with the third to eighth crests being the largest and most destructive. The philosophy of feminism is part of the seismic postmodern earthquake. Feminism proposes that women find happiness and mean- ing through the pursuit of personal authority, autonomy, and freedom. This philosophy’s shake-up of society occurred roughly during the thirty- year period from 1960 to 1990. But the cataclysmic consequences will continue to crash on culture’s shores like a tsunami throughout the open- ing decades of the new millennium. In the first version of this book, pub- lished in 1992 (The Feminist Gospel), I examined the cutting edge of feminist theory and theology. The book maintained that a philosophical quake in both society and church with regard to the role of women had, in fact, taken place. Readers then understood the inevitable repercus- 8 The Feminist Mistake sions of such a radical paradigm shift. Now, more than ten years later, the book is gaining an audience among those observing the destruction and seeking to understand its cause—men and women who have been blind- sided by the cultural onslaught and are asking “Where did these waves come from?” and “Why?” Up until the middle of the last century, Western culture as a whole generally embraced a Judeo-Christian perspective on gender, sexuality, and the purpose and structure of the family. Heterosexual marriage, mar- ital fidelity, and the bearing and nurturing of children in an intact family unit were highly valued concepts and the norm of societal practice. Most agreed that the primary responsibility of the male was to lead, protect, and provide for his family, while the primary responsibility of the female was to nurture and care for her children and manage her home. Differences between male and female were accepted and seldom questioned. Furthermore, for both man and woman, the sense of duty and responsi- bility to family was deemed more important than the pursuit of personal fulfillment. Though they may not have been able to identify the source of their values, individuals had a sense of what it meant to be a man or a woman and the appropriate outworking of gender roles and relationships. The speed and magnitude of force with which this understanding was deconstructed is astonishing. Consider the following facts: Since 1960 the divorce rate has increased more than 100 percent.1 The marriage rate has decreased. Since 1960 the marriage rate for fifteen- to forty-four-year-olds has dropped by 41 percent.2 In 1960 cohabitation was called “living in sin.” The behavior was considered shameful and culturally deviant. So few couples lived together before marriage that statistics were not even recorded.
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