Local History of Ethiopia Ga Necu - Ghomasha © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) Ga.., see also Ge.. ga (A) near to, close to; (Gurage) time; GDF51 Ga Necu, see Gallachu gaa (O) enough, sufficient; ga-a (O) 1. grown-up /male/; 2. share HDL23 Gaa (Ga'a) 0917'/3845' 2559 m 09/38 [AA Gz] gaad (O) spy out; gaadh (Som) arrive, reach, almost succeed JDJ83 Gaad 09/41 [WO] at the railway 25 km north of Dire Dawa. JDE12 Gaan 0817'/4338' 1210 m 08/43 [Gz] gaaro: geare (T) roar, thunder HFF91 Gaaro (Gaar) (mountain) 1425'/3930' 2589/2905 m 14/39 [WO Gu Gz] HET78 Gaashi (Ga'ashi) (with church Iyesus) 1320'/3910' 13/39 [Gz] -- Gaba (ethnic group west of Gidole), see Dullay ?? Gaba (Geba) (river) ../.. [20] JDJ91 Gaba (Gabba) 0616'/4238' 327/355 m 06/42 [Gz WO] gaba, gabaa (O) 1. market, market goers; 2. thorn-like barley stalk or shoot; gaba (A,T) thorny shrub, Zizyphus spina-christi; arbi (O) Wednesday or Friday, depending on region HDA15 Gaba Arbi 0818'/3518' 1531 m 08/35 [Gz] GDM02 Gaba Gandura (Gheba Giandura) 09/34 [Gz] 0908'/3434' 1410 m HED14 Gaba Gheorghis (Ghaba Gh.), see HED04 Sede Giyorgis JCJ48 Gaba Gurali 0645'/4221' 581 m, cf Gurale 06/42 [Gz] ?? Gaba Sambato, in Wellega ../.. [x] gababa, gabaabaa (O) short, low; gababdu (O) shortly; gabaa ba-u (O) go to the market HER82 Gababu (mountain) 1327'/3645' 952 m, cf Gebabu 13/36 [WO Gz] JCK94 Gabadilli 0710'/4253' 776 m 07/42 [Gz] JCL62 Gabagaba 0655'/4338' 711 m, cf Geba Geba 06/43 [WO Gz] GDM51 Gabagola, see Katugola gabal (Som) portion, piece, part, province; gabbal (Som) spot, circular mark; gebel (T) python JDE60 Gabal Garis (area), cf Gebel 08/43 [WO] -- Gabala, a probably nomad tribe known since the 1300s; gebela (T) shed, porch, verandah; -- Gabila (Afar?) tribe HFF66 Gabala (waterhole), written Gabal in early sources 14/39 [WO] JEJ56 Gabalti, see Debalti, cf Asa Gabalti gaban (Som) small, young; gabbaan (Som) livestock giving little milk; gabanaa (O) one's personal affairs HDC03 Gabana (Gabano) (mountain) 0808'/3653' 2097 m, 08/36 [WO Gz] see under Seka, cf Kabana, Kabena HCP.. Gabane Abo kebele 07/35 [20] in northern Gomma wereda, with coffee plantations JBT77 Gabanjab (Gebangeb, Gabangab) (well) 05/44 [WO Gz MS LM] 0512'/4405' HCR67 Gabara (mountain), cf Gabbara 07/37 [WO] H.... Gabargé (historical residence west of lake Ziway) 08/38? [x] gabari (O) lining on the inside of clothes; gabbari (O) dependent person, tenant; gebera (O) wealth; gebbere (gäbbärä) (A) pay tribute, pay tax; -- Gabaro, Gabbaro, name of Oromo Leqa people, of Sidama origin JDN85 Gabaro 1045'/4016' 880 m, cf Gebero 10/40 [WO Ne Gz] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 1 of 68 Local History of Ethiopia Ga Necu - Ghomasha © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) gabaru (O) to sacrifice; gabbaruu (O) surrender, pay tax JCE80 Gabas, see Gebas gabata (O) low eating table with four legs, wooden tray HCK87 Gabata (area), cf Gebato, Gebeta .. 07/38 [WO] -- Gabato, an ethnic group in Wellega near Mendi gabba, gaba (A,T) kinds of shrub or small tree, Zizyphus mucronata, Z. spina-Christi; gabba (O) 1. goal post for "hockey" game; 2. to be sorry, to repent HCN95c Gabba (Gaba, Geba) 0805'/3518'? 08/35 [En] river being the border between Wellega and Illubabor HDH12 Gabba, T. (hill), see under Gimbi 09/35 [WO] JCD91 Gabba, see Gaba gabba ..: gaba ballo (O) Tuesday market HDB20c Gabba Ballo (important market), c. 1700 m 08/35 [Gu] JCJ66 Gabba Galleccia 0659'/4212' 505 m 06/42 [Gz] gabba ..: gaba jimata (O) Friday market HDB14 Gabba Jimmati (G.Gimmati) c. 2100 m 08/36 [+ WO Gu] H.... Gabba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Jiffa) 08/35 [Ad] HCR67 Gabbara (area), cf Gabaro 07/37 [WO] gabbaro (Som) tax; gabaro (O) men of low social status because of not being "pure" Oromo /but rather conquered men required to serve/ JCH49 Gabbenana (area) 06/41 [WO] gabbo (Som) hide oneself, dodge HC... Gabbo (centre in 1964 of Alga sub-district) 07/35? [Ad] -- Gabbra, cf Gabra, ethnic group in southernmost Ethiopia and a minority in Kenya HBK36 Gabbra Algan (area) 03/38 [WO] gabbra mi..: miigo (Som) choke, have difficulty in swallowing HBM50 Gabbra Migo (Gabra M.), cf Boran Gabbra Migo 04/39 [WO] JBG75 Gabdiye (Gabdie) 0420'/4017' 1064 m 04/40 [+ WO Gz] JDP35 Gabelli (area), cf Gabolla 10/41 [WO] JDC28 Gabenaua, see JDC08 Kabenawa JEB.. Gaberto (pools with hippopotami) 11/41 [Gu] HDT86 Gabesa kebele (Gabésa ..) 10/39 [Ad] in north-eastern Kelala wereda, 5-11 km north-east of Kelala settlement; area 1,719 hectares. [CSA 1994] gabeya: gabayaa (O) market HDL51 Gabeya, cf Gebeya 09/38 [AA] JDD85 Gabeyle (Gabeile) (waterhole) 08/43 [+ WO] HEJ04 Gabgarbit (Gabgabit, Gibgebit) 11/37 [WO Gz Ch It] (with church on hilltop) 1150'/3702' 1828 m gabi (A) thick dress put on in evenings; (O) homemade cotton cloth used as a blanket; gebi (gäbi) (A) income; gabi (Som) all, the whole; gaabi (Som) shortness, to shorten; move slowly; gabbi (O) to regret; (Som) to dodge JDR25 Gabi 708 m, cf Gebi 10/42 [WO] gabi m..: muri (O) 1. kind of grass; 2. bush cut and left to dry JC... Gabi Muri (mountain) 06/41 [18] JEJ41 Gabia Hara, see Gabya Hara Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 2 of 68 Local History of Ethiopia Ga Necu - Ghomasha © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) gabia m..: mata (A) evening; mataa (O) head, cranium; hair HDA05 Gabia Mata [=Gebeya M?] 0812'/3519' 1616 m 08/35 [Gz] gabib: gabiib (Som) flat firm soil JDB53 Gabiba (locality) 0835'/4112' 1717 m, cf Gebiba 08/41 [WO Gz] JDB54 Gabiba (mountains), see Dimbiba JDC94 Gabibda (area), cf Gebibda 09/41 [WO] gabicha (A) marriage HCM30 Gabicho (Gabiccio) (area) 06/39 [+ WO] JCS92 Gabiebie 0805'/4245' 870 m 08/42 [Gz] JDP78 Gabillelu, see Gebilu JEB26 Gabillema (mountain) 1105'/4116' 1304 or 1459 m 11/41 [WO Gz] HEH19 Gabina (area) 1158'/3626' 921 m 11/36 [WO Gz] HEU22 Gabir Sagudo 1252'/3934' 3054 m 12/39 [Gz] gablay: gabla (T) basin, trough; gabley (Som) kind of bird JER12 Gablai (Gabla) (well) 1248'/4150' 12/41 [WO Gz] JEH04 Gablaitu 1132'/4104' 468 m 11/41 [WO Gu Ne Gz] (hills with small crater) gabo (O) kind of runner plant; (Kefa) Ritchiea steudneri; gaabo (Som) be short; gabbo (Som) hide oneself, dodge; HB... Gabo ../.. [20] Settlement of 4 hectares in south-east Konso. gabob: gaboob (Som) grow old, get old; gaboobey (Som) old, aged JBU73 Gabobe (waterhole) 05/44 [WO] JEB22 Gaboli (area) 637 m, written Gabola in early sources 11/40 [WO] JEB86 Gaboli (area) 11/41 [WO] JDP35 Gabolla 1017'/4112' 672 m, cf Gabelli 10/41 [18 Gz] ?? Gaboma (village) 2160 m nearby ../.. [Mi] In Ilubabor, on the road from Gecha to Inderasha, with volcanic rocks. HDA56 Gaborra, see Gobera gabra (O) same as garba; -- Gabra, ethnic group living among the Borana, speaking Garreh-Ajuran language and numbering about 5,400; two distinct clusters Miigo and Malbe Gabra .. Gabre .., see Gebre .. HBM50 Gabra Migo, see Gabbra Migo H.... Gabrama, see Geberma JCL49 Gabredarre (Gabredahare), see Kebri Dehar JCT34 Gabrehor (Grabrehor) 0733'/4348' 773 m 07/43 [WO Gz] HER69 Gabrel, see Angereb JDK16 Gabri (Gabri Baia?) (area) 1732 m 09/43 [WO] gabri ali, cf Ali as first part of name JCU42 Gabri Ali (Cabri Ali Ghelati) 07/44 [WO Gz] gabri mu..: muno, muunoo (O) mongoose; -- Nonno, a Mecha Oromo tribe JDK66 Gabri Nono (G. Munno) (area) 0937'/4301' 1693 m 09/43 [WO Gz] Coordinates would give map code JDK65 JDK07 Gabribaja (Gabribagia), see Kebri Beyah JCL49 Gabridare, see Kebri Dehar HDC88 Gabriel, S. 1731 m, cf Gebriel 08/37 [WO] HDH08 Gabriel, S. (church) 09/36 [WO] HER79 Gabriel (Gabrel) (area), see HER69 Angered H.... Gabriel sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kimir Dingay) 10/39 [Ad] HFE15 Gabriel Wukien (monastery), see under Abiy Adi 13/38 [n] HDD98 Gabriele, see Kidus Gebriel Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 3 of 68 Local History of Ethiopia Ga Necu - Ghomasha © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) gabro (Som) lie down in a group /said of animals/ JCD98 Gabro 0618'/4316' 340 m 06/43 [Gz WO] HFC36 Gabta (Ghabta) (wide area), see under Kafta 13/37 [+ WO] GDM51 Gabugola, see Katugola JEP35 Gabule 1300'/4107' -73 m, below sea level 13/41 [WO Gz] JFA15 Gabuli (volcanic mountain) 13/40 [MS WO Ne Gz] MS: 1347'/4026 c.700 m = JFA25 Gz: 1340'/4016' = JFA15 JEH11 Gabulle (area) 11/40 [WO] JDS23 Gabur, B. (area) 10/42 [WO] JCN24 Gabura 07/40 [WO] JDD79 Gaburelei (area) 08/43 [WO] gabya (T) cage; gabyaa (Som) poet; hara, haaraa (O) 1. lake, pool; 2. new; 3. anything for common use; 4. broom JEJ41 Gabya Hara (Gabia Hara) (area) 12/41 [+ WO] GCM53 Gac, see Gak gache (O) sling, catapult -- Gache, name of a Wello Oromo tribe HDB28 Gache, see Gechi gacheena (O) shield HCK85 Gachenu (Gacenu, Galcen) 07/38 [+ Gu Gz] 0705'/3802' 1684/1722 m gachi, gachii (O) large jar HDH12 Gachi (Gach'i) 0914'/3555' 1683 m 09/35 [Gz] HCH07 Gachiro (Gaciro) 0623'/3624' 874, 2012 m 06/36 [+ WO Gz] HCH52 Gachit 0650'/3554' 1832 m 06/35 [Gz] HCD70 Gacho (Gacio) 0609'/3732' 1843 m 06/37 [Gz] HDA66 Gacho (Gacio), see Galcho HCH07 Gaciro, see Gachiro gad (O) down, towards lower part of place gaad (Som) 1.
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