A conformation-specific ON-switch for controlling CAR T cells with an orally available drug Charlotte U. Zajca,b, Markus Dobersbergera, Irene Schaffnerc, Georg Mlynekd, Dominic Pühringerd, Benjamin Salzera,b, Kristina Djinovic-Carugod,e, Peter Steinbergerf, Annika De Sousa Linharesf, Nicole J. Yangg, Christian Obingerh, Wolfgang Holtera,i, Michael W. Traxlmayrb,h,1,2, and Manfred Lehnera,b,i,1,2 aSt. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI), 1090 Vienna, Austria; bChristian Doppler Laboratory for Next Generation CAR T Cells, 1090 Vienna, Austria; cBOKU Core Facility Biomolecular & Cellular Analysis, BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1190 Vienna, Austria; dDepartment of Structural and Computational Biology, Max Perutz Labs, University of Vienna, 1030 Vienna, Austria; eDepartment of Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; fInstitute of Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria; gDepartment of Immunology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115; hDepartment of Chemistry, Institute of Biochemistry, BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1190 Vienna, Austria; and iSt. Anna Kinderspital, Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria Edited by Kevan M. Shokat, University of California, San Francisco, CA, and approved May 8, 2020 (received for review June 28, 2019) Molecular ON-switches in which a chemical compound induces in the treatment of B cell malignancies such as acute lympho- protein–protein interactions can allow cellular function to be blastic leukemia and lymphomas, recently gaining US Food and controlled with small molecules. ON-switches based on clinically Drug Administration (FDA) approval (13). However, a signifi- applicable compounds and human proteins would greatly facili- cant limitation of this therapy is the inability to control CAR tate their therapeutic use. Here, we developed an ON-switch T cells after they are administered to the patient. This often system in which the human retinol binding protein 4 (hRBP4) of leads to severe adverse events, such as neurological toxicities, the lipocalin family interacts with engineered hRBP4 binders in a organ dysfunction, and cytokine release syndrome (13, 15–17). small molecule-dependent manner. Two different protein scaf- Therefore, molecular tools which enable regulation of CAR folds were engineered to bind to hRBP4 when loaded with the T cell activity in vivo are urgently needed. orally available small molecule A1120. The crystal structure of an In this study, we aimed at generating a type of molecular ON- assembled ON-switch shows that the engineered binder specifically switch that matches two important design criteria: the usage of 1) recognizes the conformational changes induced by A1120 in two loop an orally available small molecule with a favorable safety profile regions of hRBP4. We demonstrate that this conformation-specific in vivo and 2) a human protein that undergoes a drug-induced ON-switch is highly dependent on the presence of A1120, as demon- strated by an ∼500-fold increase in affinity upon addition of the small molecule drug. Furthermore, the ON-switch successfully regulated the Significance activity of primary human CAR T cells in vitro. We anticipate that lipocalin-based ON-switches have the potential to be broadly applied Molecular ON-switches are important tools in chemical biology, for the safe pharmacological control of cellular therapeutics. enabling protein–protein interactions to be regulated by small molecules. However, currently available ON-switches that in- protein engineering | lipocalin | CAR T cell | CID | alternative scaffold duce conditional heterodimerization are suboptimal for thera- peutic applications. In this study, we present an ON-switch he ability to control protein–protein interactions with small system based on human retinol binding protein 4 (hRBP4) and Tchemical compounds can open up exciting applications the orally available small molecule A1120. Two distinct protein across various fields such as cell biology, immunology, and im- scaffolds, FN3 and rcSso7d, were successfully engineered to munotherapy. These switchable systems are commonly known as bind to hRBP4 in a small molecule-dependent manner, dem- chemically induced dimerization (CID) systems (1, 2). In gen- onstrating the flexibility of the system. The binders specifically eral, in a CID the interaction between two proteins can be associated with the drug-induced conformation of hRBP4. Our triggered by a small molecule, and therefore, CID systems can study demonstrates that lipocalin-based ON-switches can en- also be regarded as molecular ON-switches. The only molecular able specific regulation of protein heterodimerization and ON-switch that has been used in humans in vivo is based on a provides proof of concept for potential applications in con- mutated version of FK506 binding protein (FKBP) 12, which is trolling the activity of human CAR T cells. homodimerized upon administration of the small molecule Author contributions: C.U.Z., I.S., C.O., M.W.T., and M.L. designed research; C.U.Z., M.D., AP1903 (3). However, for many applications it is necessary to I.S., G.M., D.P., and B.S. performed research; I.S., G.M., D.P., K.D.-C., P.S., A.D.S.L., and regulate the interaction of two different proteins. Indeed, various M.W.T. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; C.U.Z., M.D., I.S., G.M., D.P., B.S., K.D.-C., systems have been introduced that enable such conditional het- P.S., A.D.S.L., C.O., W.H., M.W.T., and M.L. analyzed data; and C.U.Z., N.J.Y., C.O., W.H., erodimerization (4–8), including the FRB/FKBP system that is M.W.T., and M.L. wrote the paper. used extensively in vitro. However, their clinical translation is Competing interest statement: The authors declare competing financial interests. C.U.Z., C.O., M.W.T, and M.L. have filed a patent application related to the technology described limited due to unfavorable characteristics of the small molecule in this article. The value of this patent application may be affected by publication of this or the nonhuman origin of protein components (7, 9–12). Thus, article. The other authors declare no competing interests. an effective molecular ON-switch that can induce hetero- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. dimerization in a clinically relevant setting is still lacking. This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 One important application of ON-switches is the regulation of (CC BY). T cells that are genetically engineered to express chimeric anti- Data deposition: Structural data for this study have been deposited in the Protein Data gen receptors (CARs). CARs consist of an extracellular antigen- Bank (PDB), https://www.rcsb.org/ (accession no. 6QBA). binding moiety that is fused via a transmembrane region to an 1M.W.T. and M.L. contributed equally to this work. intracellular signaling domain derived from the T cell receptor 2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or complex and from costimulatory molecules (13, 14). Upon rec- [email protected]. ognition of specific antigens on target cells, CARs trigger the This article contains supporting information online at https://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/ release of cytokines and cytotoxic mediators. CAR T cells tar- doi:10.1073/pnas.1911154117/-/DCSupplemental. geting the B cell marker CD19 have been impressively effective First published June 17, 2020. 14926–14935 | PNAS | June 30, 2020 | vol. 117 | no. 26 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1911154117 Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 conformational switch. We hypothesized that human lipocalins A hRBP4 engineeredd are ideally suited for such a molecular ON-switch. Lipocalins (lipocalin) binder possess a β-barrel fold with an internal hydrophobic ligand- binding pocket, which can bind a range of different hydropho- bic small molecules, depending on the shape and biochemical property of the binding pocket (18). Moreover, some lipocalins undergo conformational change upon binding to a small mole- cule (19–24). Thus, we hypothesized that other proteins could be conformaonall conformaonallyf engineered to specifically recognize the small molecule-loaded switch specific binding conformation of a lipocalin, forming the basis of a molecular ON-switch. In this proof-of-concept study, we used two different B binder scaffolds: 1) reduced charge Sso7d (rcSso7d), which is a loop 2 loop 1 charge-neutralized version of a small (7 kDa), hyperthermostable protein derived from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (25, 26), and 2) the tenth type III domain of human fibronectin (FN3) with a molecular weight of 10 kDa (27–29). Here, we demonstrate that lipocalin-based molecular ON- switches can be designed to be specifically regulated with an orally available small compound. We present ON-switches in which the affinity between the human lipocalin retinol binding hRBP4 bound to A1120 protein 4 (hRBP4) and its engineered binders is increased up to hRBP4 bound to renol 550-fold upon addition of the small molecule drug A1120. The crystal structure of the assembled ON-switch showed that the engineered binder specifically recognizes A1120-induced con- formational changes in hRBP4. Finally, we show that this mo- lecular ON-switch can be used to regulate cytotoxic activity and A1120 (1) renolrenol (2)(2) cytokine production of primary human CAR T cells, illustrating a potential future application of lipocalin-based ON-switches. C BIOCHEMISTRY Results Designing a Lipocalin-Based Molecular ON-Switch System. In this engineerede study, we aimed at engineering binder scaffolds to specifically bindingbi sites recognize a lipocalin in the presence of a small compound. The resulting small molecule-induced protein–protein interaction can be described as a molecular ON-switch (Fig. 1A). To test whether efficient ON-switches can be engineered based on hu- man lipocalins, we searched the literature for lipocalins that undergo conformational changes upon ligand binding.
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