-------------------- ------------~------ ~----~---- ----~-- -~- --- Student survival -page 7 VOL. XXI, NO. 4 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1986 an independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's 69 killed as Administration denies jetliner, plane University recognition collide over to homosexual group California By MARK PANKOWSKI Tyson could not be reached Associated Press News Editor for comment. GLNDSMC is comprised of CERRITOS, Calif. An Student Affairs administrator:; about 50 members, mos~ of Aeromexico jetliner and a light have turned down a homosexual whom are Notre Dame students, plane collided in dear skies yes­ group's set of proposals seeking according to one of the group's terday, killing all 67 people on access to University facilities and members. Faculty, staff, alumni. the two planes and at least two media. clergy members and citizens of people on the ground as flaming Administrators also .declined the community make up the rest wreckage fell on a suburban the request to establish an open­ of the group. neighborhood, authorities said. ended series of meetings with the The group had sought to use "We have at this time con­ campus-based group, Gays and the facilities of the Center for So­ firmed two to three victims in a Lesbians at Notre Dame-Saint cial Concerns, to sponsor events house;• said Los Angeles County Mary's College. in University-owned facilities Fire Department spokesman Rob _ The decision came in a July 7 and to' advertise in University­ Smith. "'It was clear they were letter from Vice President for owned and oper~ted media. indeed residents of the home.-" Student Affairs Father David GLDN!SMC also had sought to In addition, he said, there was Tyson to three GLNDSMC mem­ maintain an address and-hr a possibility that a family of seven bers. phone number in the student had also perished in another The group's six proposals, directory and to set up a series home, bur it was unconfirmed. submitted in April, in effect of meetings with administrators. Four people on the ground, were a request for official Uni­ No avenue of appeal is open either re$idents or firefighters, versity recognition, according to to the group, according to a suffered minpr injuries after the Tyson's letter. By declining the GLNDSMC co-chair."We believe wreckage fell about noon and group's requests, administrators it (the decision) amounts to were being treated at a local denied the group formal recogni­ (Univ,ersity President Father hospital, where officials said they tion. Theodore) Hesburgh says no. had been told to expect more in­ "The University recognizes its " I had hoped that there would jured. role in meeting the pastoral have been a change in adminis­ The twin-engine McDonne[ needs of all studenls, including trarioft' policy, the ·co-chair con­ William "The Refrigerator" Perry warms up Saturday before the Douglas DC-9, bound for Los homosexual students," Tyson's ' tinued. But there wasn't. And it • Chicago Bears' pre-season defeat of the Buffalo Bills in Notre Dame Angeles from Mexico City as letter stated." On the other hand, doesn't seem like there's going to Stadium. Perry threw a block for Bears' teammate Walter Payton as he Flight 498, was carrying 64 it is our judgement that forma~ be a change," he added. drove for a first half touchdown. The Bears went on win the game 31-17. people and was making its final recogmuon of GLNDSMf; · Repeated attempts to reach approach to J.Ds Angeles Inter­ carries with it an implicit sanc­ Hesburgh were unsuccessful. national Airport when it collided tion for a homosexual lifestyle In his letter, Tyson said he 21-drinking age, fed funds with the single-engine Piper Ar­ which is not in keeping with the discussed the proposals with his cher with three people on board, values of the University or the staff and other administrators said Los Ang~les County Sheriffs teachings of the Church. • before a decision was reached. headed on collission course Sgt. Mark Aguirr~. "Moreover, it is our opinion Tyson did not identify these Associated Press penaJty doubles to 10 percent. Earlier, 'au~orities had said that formal recognition of any or­ people in his letter. Half of the eight affected there were 5 ~ people on the jet­ ganization based on sexual pref­ One month before eight states states have no plans to change liner alad -two aboard the small erence is inappropriate." see GAYS, page 3 imd the District of Columbia their drinking law. Legislators in plane, but Aeromexico spokes­ must adopt a drinking age of 21 the other four states are to con­ man Guy Arriola said later there or lose some federal highway sider the issue next year, and were 58 passengers and six crew­ Business dean to resign funds, only the nation's capital state officials say they have as­ members aboard the jet and lo~al appears ready to meet the U.S. surances the funds will be officials said three people were Sp«lalto The Observer ment of a new dean is scheduled Department of Transportation reinstated once the drinking laws on the small plane. for the middle of the spring se­ deadline. are changed. Some of the states " It looked like a model plane Frank K. Reilly, dean of the mester. In some of the affected states, are challenging the law in court. going .dQwn. Then there was a College of Business Administra­ Reilly said he considers the officials have urged resistance to The Loutstana Legislature, big fireb~ll and a big_ball of black tion for the past 4 112 years and doubling of the size of the MBA the federal mandate. with the spirit;ofMardi Gras and smoke billowing up:'said witness the holder of the Bernard J. program and the establishment "We should not allow ourselves Bourbon Street prevailing, Keith Downey, 3(, of Norwalk. Hank Chair, announced he will of two research centers his big­ to be blacknJ_ailed by the federal turned back in June an attempt • Aeromexico had had notified step down as dean at the end of gest accomplishments as dean. govetn~t,""'says Louisiana State to increase"the legal drinking age ~~. half the passengers' rela­ the academic year. Under Reilly'; administration, Rep. Qlaentin Dastugue. At frop1 18 to 21. 'tive's by late yesterday afternoon:· Reilly, who will return to full the graduate program has in­ stake is $*.1 millio(\.in highway • Aint there no .romance left in said Rene Roberts, • .an time teaching and research, said creased from approximately 150 support for Ohio, Colorado, the world? •asked LouiSiaJUl State Aeromexico agent at the Los An­ he decided to make this move in to 315 students and is still Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Sen. Armand Brinkhau5.• What geles airport. A passenger list his career because he felt that if growing larger. The Center· of South Dakota, Wyoming, Ten­ ever hap~ to a i\11 of wine will not be supplied until all the he stayed in administration too Research and Business and the nessee and the District of Colum­ and thou? • families had been contacted, she long, it would be difficult- to Center. for Research and Banking bia. In Wyoming, legislators have said. return to teaching and research. have been established to further The Transportation Depart­ said they plan to file a bill next The DC-9 collided in fligl)t After a leave of absence during expand research facilities in the ment has said it will withhold 5 session to raise the drinking age with a small twin-engine the 1987-1988 academic year, business field: percent of the highway funds from 19 to 21, but Gov. Ed aircraft, said Ira Furmall\ of the Reilly will return as a criair pro­ In a~etter to the faculty and designated for jurisdictions that Hersch~er says he doesn't care National Transportation Safety fessor to teach undergraduate stiw-f, Reilly said that holding his do not ban liquor sales to every­ ~~the government's threat. Board in Washington, D.C. and graduate level courses. A position as Dean of the College one under 21. • Nineteen-year-olds have all The Califorma Highway Patrol specialist in finance, particularly of Business Administration has Ohio would lose the most· at the rights, responsibilities and said the aircraft collided at 11:56 investment banking and security ~een an exciting and satisfying approximately $20 million~. duties of an adult, and to me _a-:m. and fell to the ground 30 analysis, he will teach in the De­ ·experience. Louisiana, $15 million; Colorado, t~t means they ought to have miles southeast of downtown Los partment of Finance and Busi­ He said the College has made, $9.1 million; Tennessee, $9 mil­ the opportunity of doing what Angeles. - ness at Notre Dame. enQrmous strides and is poised lion; Montana, $5.6 millidh; they wish at that qe~Herschler A motorist who watched the A search committee, chaired for even greater growth and de­ Wyoming, $4.5 million; Idaho, said. airliner plummet to the ground by the Provost, will be elected velopment because of the fantas­ $4.3 million; South Dakota, $4 Ohio Gov. Richard Celeste is said the plane was upside down by the College Council to choose tic efforts of the faculty and staff million; the District of Colum­ not. exactly in love with what the when it hit. a new dean. Reilly said the search and with the support and bia, $2.6 million. feds are doing but does not plan ~It · was just going straight committee will be selected in cooperation · of the University Those figures would increase d_own, no power ·at all:' h!_ said.
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