1565 ] iliomas Nasb, fornterly, and late of Braintree, in tbc county SECOND NOTICE. of Essex, calmjtft-Kiaker. George Yoomans, lat,«of No. 7, John-street, CrutcUod-friar;*,' ChUrles Moore, formerly, anulrtte of Peckham, in the county and forrurrly' of No, 2, Hart-street, both in the city ef of Surrey, carpenter-. • London, taylor. Thomas SiavthaiVt, -i'lrt-mefjy of Seal, and late t>f Greenwich, .Tames Devilt, late of No. 73, Snowhill, and formerly of No. iwthetminiry wf iCcjrt, tdge-^tool-niaher. 75, Lombard-street, both iu the city of London^ trust*- 'William Masters, formerly of •Bond-str-cet, imtl Iste of Dover- nvaker. stri-ct, Saint Geortje's-fielas, Sbitthwsurh, «hoe-u«iker. James-Keys, late of No. 7, Red Lion-court, Charter-house- tsamrtel Meek,formerly, and late of Chuvch-stetjtJt, Horseley- lane, in -the county of Middlesex, and of Newgate-market, dow.ii, alid of Webb-Street,, Bcrnwndsey, both iu tlie county London, aud formerly of No. 1, Red Lion-court, Cock- of Surrey., 'cooper. lane, Giltspur-street, London, poulterer. ^heopbilus Jftnstun, formerly oT Clafh-Fair, W«st. Smith field, Anu Longs^aff, late of Prujean-square, Oldibailey, and for- -and of Totteubarn-TOuTt-roatl, both in the Bounty of merly of-the Belle Sauvage*yard, Ludgate-hill, both in the "Middlesex, tailor. city of London, widow. 3eseph Hy&m, formerly rif'tber-ttytrf Bristol, and late of William Drought, late of Red Lion-street, .Olerkenwell, and • A'bergavemry, iuthe county of Mouiuouth, shopkeeper aud formerly of Baltic-street, Old-street, both in the county of jeweller. Middlesex, beer-merchant. John Hcmt, forwnrlyoT Hern-y-strart, Broo'k's-£jard<;ns,.Mary- John Wootton, late of No, 2], West-smithfield,'London, and lt-botre, and Intc <rf Haiilpden-street, in the county of Mid- formerly of the Dolphin-yard, West-siuilhdeld aforesaid, dlesex, lath-render. ataWe-keeper and borse-dealur. Mary Ann Elizabeth Gibbons, formerly and late of Vauxhall, Robert William Aldridge (sped by the name- of Robert Al- in the comity of Surrey, spinster. dridge), late of No. '20, Pelham-street, BricTi-laiuc, Spital- TPUViam Green, fonwerty and late of Woolwich, Kent, cabi- &cld>, and formerly of Church-street, Bethnal-greea, both net-maker. in the county of Middlesex;, cabinet-maker. William RatcTiffe Gawthnrnc, formerly of Queen-street, and Richard Evcrard, late of Giltspur-street, in the city of Lon- late of. Denveat House, in the town of Derby, ^traw hat-' jloii, taylor, and formerly of J3rownlo\v-street, Drury-taiu-,. manufacturer. publican. 'Christopher Fryer, formerly x>? Knightsbringe, and late of John Abraham, formerly of Upper Crown-street, Westmin- LittJ« Chelsea, in tbe county of Middlesex, builder ; a per- ster, and late of Saint Martin's-le-Graud, near Newgiite- son 'against wliom a CoTnmission of Bimkrupt has issued aud strcet, in the city of Lomlon, bricklayer. is still in force, irmd -tvho-ltsts -not -obtained a certificate of WillLaiuSlade, formerly of Water-lane, Fleet-street, and late- •my conformity to the statute ^concerning Bankrupts duly of Salisbm'y-court, Fleet-street,, in tlie city of Lpudon^ allowed. taylor. ."William, Woodman, junior,-formerly =and late of 'Glass-iouse- Jojm^Secar, formerly of the Curtain-road, Shoieditch, in the- yard, Goswell-'street, Middlesex, watch-case ma,k«r, -tra- county of Middlesex, and late of Leatherse'lkrs'-buildings, veller, and dealer. " iu the city of London, bookbinder. - John Ward, formerly of Bishopslowton, -near Barnstaple, and Charles Garnons (sued by the name ol Charles Garnon), for- late of Bafnstaple, rn the county of I>evon, butcher. aucrly of High Holborn, in the county of Middlesex, trunk- William Vincent, formerly -and late <if Cambevwjll, in, the maker, and late of Cow-lane, in the city of London, bjack- county of Surrey, taylor. i ug-manufacturer. William Mendhani, formerly of Wtnsley^street,'Oxford-<street, William Glover, formerly of Blaokfriars-road, In tbe county and late of Palace-street, Pimlico, in tbe county of Mid- •of Surrey, china and g^assmanj aud late of "Shoe-lane, in, dlesex, taylor: the cii-y of,London, china-painter.. Thomas Shtakwin, formerly of Paisley, near -Glasgow, Scot- William Shepherd the-younger (sued by the name of William. laud, ^andlate of'Somers Town, m the c&airty-of Middlesex, Shepherdt, fortucrly and late of Dark-house-lane., Biilings- Getitleman. gate, in tbe city of London, agent. Willialu Mitchell Price, formerly-of Dog^row, Betbnal-gi'ecn, JSlichard Larubun (sued by tbe name of Richard Lambin), late in the county of Middlesex, and late -of -Guildfoi'd, «n the of No. 4, Charles-Street, Horslydown, aud formerly of cbarity of Surrey, Gentleman. John-street, Horslydowu, both in the county of Si rr.-y,. •Leonard Jarry, formerly of No. 3, Little Mary-Ic-bone-street,, lighteriuan. in the parish of St. Mary-le-bone, a-id bite of Greenland- Richard Draper, late of No. 32, Little Boll-alley, Coleman- place, in .the parish of 'Saint Pancras, both in t-bc 'county .strect, and formerly of No. 39, Aldermanbury, both in the of TXIiddlesex, .gardner. city of London,-engraver. John Barlow, formerlyof Walworth-road, in fhe county of Josiah Hardtug, >late of No. 73 Primrose^strpet, and formerly San'ey', and late of Acoro-street, Bisbopsgate^vitlrout, in of Sun-street, Jiisbopsgate, bot'h^ in the cijty of Lon- 'tbc city of 1/oudon, timber-merchant. don, attorney at .law, ' John Walker,- formerlyof Tower-street, Saint George's-fields, John Hodgson, formerly of Little Bell-alley, Coleman-strcet^ and late of Upper Ground-street, Cliristchurch, Surrey, and late of Broad-street-building, both in tbe city of Lon- bricklayer. don, broker. J'o"bn Ambrose"Tickfcll,1'fcrrmerry-of Manor-place, Wai-worth> Griffith Lewis late of No. 5, Nettleton-court, Aldersj^ate- 'Surrey, and late-of "Bromley-Common, Kent, Gentleman. street, and formerly of No. 4, Berkley-street, Goldew-lauek "Thomas 'Cuming, ibrtnerly of Sitffiolk-street, Oiaring-Cross, Barbican, both in the city of London, sawyer. and late of Turnham-Green, in the county of 'Middlesev, Francis WrigJit, late of No. 31, Warwick-lane, Newgate-street, merchant, and formerly of No. 33, Old 'Change, Cheapside, and of John Valentine Griffiths., formerly and Ifttc of <Ailie-street, Newgate-niajrket, all in the city of London, Fishmonger. GoodmanVfields, in the county of Middlesex, vintner. Thomas Funnell, formerly and late of THaresfield, an tbe Prisoners in the FLEET Prison, in the €ity oF 'county of Sussex, ifanuer. London, Rkbard Coster, formerly nf Benson, in the-county-of Oxford, carrier, and late of Bread-street, Bristol, in 'the county of FIRST NOTICE. Gloucester, provision-merchant, trading under tbe firm of James Cockle, .{arrested -under the name of James 'Cwckel]^ B.. Coster and Co. formerly of-Wells-row, in the rpad leailing to'New Gross, in tbe parish of Saint Paul, Deptford, iu the county of -Kent, Prisoners in LUDGATE Prison., in the City Of .and late of. Dentford Broadway, also in the vond leading to- London. New Cross, in the;parish.and.county aforesaid, sawyer. FIRST NOTICE. Peter Richardson, formerly of "High-street, Portsmouth, andl Charles Gimber, formerly of Fleur-de-lys-Court, Fleet-Street, Jate of Queen-street, Portsea, both in the county of Hants, and late of Fetter-lane, in the city of London, carver. bookseller. William Tilley, formerly of Ratcliffe-cross, in the county-of 'Mountjoy Boss, formerly of Great Wild-street, Lincoln's-inn- Middlesex, and late of Pbilpot-lane, in the city of London, ficlds, and late of Brovvnlow-street,-Drury-lane, both in the attorney at law. county of Middlesex, plater. James Gent, formerly of Oxford-Arms-Passage, Warwick- .Robert Wake, formerly'of No. 121, Petticoat-lane, White- lane, in tbe city of London, and late of No. 12, Islington- chapel, in the county of Middlesex, and since of No. 19, road, in the parish of Saint James, Clerlvemvefl, in the Nortou-Falgate, in the said county, baker, county of Middlesex, hair-dresser. Robert Williams,.formerly of No. 4j BirdiStr.eet, West-square,.
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