Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations HUN WELL KNOWN IN DENVER TO BE MADE SAINT Formal Canonization eosed Frances Xavier Cabrini, foundress of Decree ‘Tute’ Given $18,000 Pared From Parish Debt!the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, is expected to follow in the usual course with the approval of the decree fufo in the Vatican Jan. 11. This excellent picture of Mother Cabrini was furnished by nuns of Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society. Inc. 1943— Permission to Reproduce, Except insliuilrd personally. Appreval in Cause Obligations of on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue $89,000 Cleared Of Blessed Cabrini in Eight Years DEN VER C A TH O LIC Only Formal Canonization Ceremony Remains; Great Progress Shown in Will Probably Be Held Oespite March Park Hill Under Of War Toward Rome Present Pastor Approval of the decree tuto in the canonization cause Another large cut has been The NationalREG Catholic Welfare Conference News ISTER Seervice Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We of the Blessed Frances Xavier Cabrini leaves nothing to made by the Very Rev. Harold Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller be carried out in the case except the formal canonization V. Campbell, pastor, on the Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. ceremony in'St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome, says radio from debt of Blessed Sacrament VOL. XXXK. No. 20. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 1944. $1 PER YEAR the Vatican via NCWC News service. The favorable vote parish in Park Hill. The par­ of the Sacred Congregation of Rites was made in the pres­ ish started 1943 with a ence of Pius XII. It is thought that the formal ceremony balance of $34,000 outstand­ Intricate Caves Near City Described will be held in the usual course, despite the fact that the ing on the cost of the sisters’ In Parish’s Jubilee Booklet war in Italy daily marches closer new convent. In the annual to Rome. financial report, it was re­ The completion of the cause will Julesburg Fund for New mean the formal declaration of vealed that $18,000 of this sainthood for a person who was . Ml ETTS had been paid in the year and PLICE S [IL S i l t well known in Denver. Mother that the only remaining obli­ Cabrini was in Denver many times gation of the parish is Church Reaches$8,836.43 in connection with the founding $16,000. and conducting of the Queen of sents an interesting story of the Heaven orphanage, operated by the .^dded to the $71,000 figure an­ T im IT S/.Oi The Rev. Andrew Warwick, pas­ Missionary Sisters of the Sacred nounced last year as paid on the tor of S t Anthony’s parish, Jules­ early days concerning Uberto Gi- bello and the Italian caves. These Heart, whose order she founded. parish debts in the last seven years, burg, announces in tne attractive Many Denver persons became ac­ this makes a total of ^89,000 Incomplete returns compiled by booklet printed to mark the com­ excavations are one mile south of ’ the depot and across the South quainted with her, and a number of cleared in eight years. Of this the Holy Childhood Christmas seal pletion of the church’s silver jubi­ sisters in the orphanage we^e asso­ lee that the fund for a new church Platte river in the hills. total, $85,500 has been paid in the committee of St. Thomas’ semi­ ciated with her. These include Edward C. Day, Jr., supervisor pastorate of Father Campbell, who has reached $8,866.43. It is planned It is said that Gibello, a Catholi^ nary, Denver, show a total of $7,- was a soldier in the army of Gari- ■ Mother Aurelia Marzagalli, su­ and rent examiner for the Office (Turnto Pages— Column 6) to build a new church costing from perior; Mother Ignatius, and 10 000 for all of Colorado. Schools $15,000 to $18,000 after the war. baldi and an engineer. He home-' of Price Administration and for­ others. mer associate editor of the Register, that have not reported are urged Father Warwick hopes to have suf­ steaded the land on which the caves' Aged Bishop of are located in 1887. • Much better | This personal acquaintance with has been commissioned a lieutenant to do so as soon as possible. ficient money on hand to pay in a woman whose sanctity will soon cash for the construction. land for farming or cattle raising junior grade in the United States Columbus Dies The winners of the poster con­ was available, but Gibello had other be assured by Papal pronounce­ navy. He will report to the Uni- Besides historical material pre­ ment comes through the fact that test held in conjunction with the viously published in the Denver ideas. Mother Cabrini’s cause, like that annual sale of the seals were an­ Catholic Register, the booklet pre- At first he built a small one room house in which to live; h e' of the Little Flower, another mod­ nounced this week by the contest then began to dig what is known ern saint, progressed with remark­ committee. The prize of $5 for the as the Horseshoe cave near the able speed. The sister died in Chi­ best poster was awarded to Caro- Men’s Auxiliary front door. This cave extends back cago Dec. 21, 1917, barely 26 lyne Dayton of St. Francis de into the hill for 100 feet. It is in years ago. The extent of her Sales’ school. Donald Heisel of the shape of a horseshoe and, if the order in America and the remark­ Loyola school will receive the sec­ Of USD Will Be visitor follows it through, he will able miracles attributed to her ond prize of $2. come out the same hole in which he intercession have brought an un­ The posters chosen as best from entered. The excavation contains Sacred Heart High School usually wide interest in her cause. each school were submitted by the Formed Jan. 17 numerous little shrines, or alcoves, Came to Denver in 1902 following: Patsy West, St. Vin­ cut into the wall as if intended for Mother Cabrini first came to cent de Paul’s school; George the placing of statues or crucifixes. Denver Oct. 24, 1902, on the invi­ Reims, St. Louis’, Englewood; An opportunity for every Cath­ The entrance is six feet wide by Re-Estahlishment Planned tation of the Most Rev. Nicholas Stephen Bohte, Holy Rosary olic man in Denver to offer his eight feet high and the walls are C. Matz, second Bi.shop of Denver, t e l school; Marie McGlothen, the Ca­ services one night a month on the of gypsum rock. to inaugurate a house in which thedral school; Patricia Singen- USO - NCCS committee will be A short di.stance south is the The Rev. Andrew S. Dimichino, the attendance can be built up members of her order could care berger, St. Francis de Sales opened Monday night, Jan. 17, main excavation, which penetrates S.J., new pastor of the historic again and that the re-establish­ for Italian children of the city. school; Richard Chapman, St when a USO men's committee will the hill completely from west to Sacred Heart parish in Denver, ment of the school will tend to This first convent, a rented house John’s school; Barbara Seiben, St. take form. The organizational east. The walled entrance to this expects to re-establish the Sacred keep many Catholic youngsters, at W. 34th avenue and Navajo Anthony’s, Sterling; Margaret La- meeting, under Ed O’Connor and cave is 10 feet wide and six feet Heart high school beginning in the now attending public institutions, street, is still standing and is fevre, St. Joseph’s; Margaret Fox, Tom Nevin, will be held in the high. The cave itself is 350 feet fall of 1944. Plans are indefinite in the parochial school. It may be known by its origyeal name, “ No­ St. Mary’s, Colorado Springs; Ray­ USO club, 1575 Grant street, and long. Near the eastern outlet there as yet but he says that the high necessary to start with the fresh­ tary house.” Mother Cabrini mond Brisnehan, Holy Family; will seek to enroll every active is a gallery that ends in what school, discontinued because of man year and add a year at a time brought four other sisters with William May, Loyola school; Pat her to Denver, and the first floor men’s group in the city—Holy seems to have been intended foij a dwindling attendance, is desired by Assisting Father Dimichino are rick^ Floyd, St. Catherine’s; and (TumtoPageS— Column 5) Name society, St. Vincent de Paul reception room. There are stone the parishioners. He believes that three members of the staff prev­ Robert Sandoval, Annunciation society, Knights of Columbus, Le­ seats around the wall and at least iously stationed there. Fathers school. gion of Mary, and others. Lt. (J.G.) Edward C. Day dozen penpersons could be seated Gets 6 Months' Leave Martin Schiltz, Arthur F. Versa- r The new aides will assist in the Father Newell Will Be All posters submitted gave evi­ ably.comfortably. val, and William Markoe, all of versity of Arizona in Tucson on general USO program. It has been dence of much individual tal The third and smaller cave was the Society of Jesus, The Rev. Jan. 15 for a special indoctrination found in other cities that the pres­ Interviewed Sunday on ent and energy.
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