Trinity College Trinity College Digital Repository Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, present) Catalogs, etc.) 1862 Catalogue of Trinity College, 1862 (Officers and aduates)Gr Trinity College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/bulletin Recommended Citation Trinity College, "Catalogue of Trinity College, 1862 (Officers and aduates)"Gr (1862). Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present). 107. https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/bulletin/107 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, Catalogs, etc.) at Trinity College Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present) by an authorized administrator of Trinity College Digital Repository. CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND GRADUATES OF TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, FROJII ITS FOUNDATION IN A. D. 1823. PRO ECCLESI.A. E1' P.A.TRI.A.. HARTFORD: PRINTED FOR THE CORPORATION BY CASE, LOCKWOOD AND COMPANY. JII.DCCC.LXII. NOTE. An asterisk denotes that the person is deceased. Corrections of any errors in the Catalogue are solicited. TRINITY COLLEGE . A PETITION for the charter of Washington College was pre­ sented to the Legislature of Connecticut, May 13, 1823. The charter having been obtained, and the requisite funds for organizing the Institution having been procured, a site was purchased in the city of Hartford, and the buildings were begun in June, 1824. In September of that year the first students were gathered, and in August, 1827, the first class graduated. In 1845, upon a memorial from the Trustees, the Legislature changed the name of the College to that which it now bears. A subsequent amendment of the char­ ter in 1849, revised in 1857, declared the Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Connecticut, for the time being, ex officio, Chancellor of the College, and President of the Board of Trustees. In 1857, the charter was again amended to admit the election of Trustees resid­ ing in other states. In 1845, the Trustees organized the House of Convoca­ tion and th.e Board of Fellows. In 1859, under the same authority, the Board of Visitors was established. The Senate, according to the Statutes, consists of the Chancellor and Visitors, the Trustees or Corporation, the President and Faculty, and all gradt~.ated members of the College, the graduates being organized as the House of Convocation. 'l'he Board of Fellows consists of six Fellows elected by the Corporation, and of six Junior Fellows, ap- 4 proved by the Corporation on nomination of the House of Convocation. The Rt. Rev. T. C. Brownell, D. D., LL. D., first Pre ident of the College, retired from that office in 1831. In 1849, he became the first Chancellor of the College. The second President was the Rev. N. S. Wheaton, D. D., who held his office tili 1837. A constant friend of the Institution during his life, he became tits largest benefactor by his bequests in 1862. The Rev. S. Totten, D. D., LL. D., was President from 1837 to 1848. To him succeeded the Rev. (now Ri. Rev.) John Williams, D. D., an Alumnus and Tutor of the College, and after his retirement from the presidency in 1853, he was appointed Vice-Chancellor. The Rev. D. R. Goodwin, D. D., was President from 1853 to 1860. Among the past Professors were the late Rt. Rev. G. W. Doane, D. D., LL. D., Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory from 1824 to 1828; Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, D. D., LL. D., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy from 1828 to 1833, now one of the Visitors ; the late George Sumner, M. D., Professor of Natural History from 1824 to 1855; the late J. Smyth Rogers, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science from 1828 to 1839; Duncan L. Stewart, LL. D., Professor in several departments from 1833 to 18f>6; and the Rev. A. Jackson, D. D., an Alumnus of the College, 'l'utor and Professor in several departments from 1837 to 1858. Four Professorships are either partly or wholly endowed, under thenames of Seabury, Hobart, Brownell, and Scovill. An endowment for a fifth, to be called the Massachusetts Professorship, has been begun. Four Library Funds, the Elton, the Sheffield, the Peters, and the Burgess, and one Prize Fund, the Tuttle, have been established. The Schol­ arships are enumerated on another page. The College buildings are three in number. Seabury Hall, so named from the first Bishop of Connecticut, contains the Chapel, Library, Cabinet, and other public rooms. The Library consists of about 7,000 volumes. Jarvis and Brown­ ell Halls, named from the second and third Bishops of the ·same Diocese, contain recitation and lodging rooms, with two 5 Professors' residences. The grounds comprise about four­ teen acres and border on the City Park. Trinity College is the only College of the Church in New England and Eastern New York. Nearly two hundred of her graduates have entered the ministry, a number amount­ ing to almost one-tenth of the present number of Clergy in the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. To the Church, to all Christian bodies, to the part of the coun­ try in which it is situated, and to the whole country, the College offers a course of education, based upon religious principles, and intended to train its students to be good scholars, good citizens, and good men. ENDOWMENT. THE Endowment of the College was subscribed as follows : " On condition it be located in Hartford," $22,515 General Fund, 42,022 Building Fund, for Brownell Hall, 9,590 PROFESSORSHIPS: Hobart, 19,663 Seabury, 14,054 Scovill, 20,000 Brownell, 15,000 Massachusetts, 2,074 70,791 LIBRARY FuNDS : Burgess, 500 Elton, - 5,000 Sheffield, 5,000 Peters, - 2,000 12,500 PRIZE FuND: Tuttle, - 500 Scholarship Fund, 7,115 Contributions to Library and Chemical Department, 2,050 Total, $167,083 An imperfect list follows of the Contributor of one hundred dollars and upwards to the above endowment ; the names of those contributing one thousand dollars and upwards being printed in capitals. 7 Adams, Mrs. E. D. Bull, Isaac D. Adams, Richard Bull, John W. Alden, Horatio BuRGEss, GEORGE Appleton, William BURR, MRS. SARAH Arnold, Daniel H. Burke, Miles R. .A. verill, Eliphalet BURHANS, DANIEL Butler, John Bailey and Keeler, Baker, William Case, M. Bangs, Frederic'!. Chaffee, H. B. Barnard, Chauncey Chaffee, S. G. Barnard, Ebenezer Clark & Co. Bartholomew, Geo. M. Codman, Henry Bartholomew, Roswell Coit, Jonathan Bas ett, Philo Collins, D. C. Beach, George Collins, S. W. Beers, Joseph D. Colt, S. Belcher, Samuel CONNECTICUT, STATE OF BELKNAP, THOMA.S Cooke, 0. D. & Sons, Benjamin, Mr. Cornell, S. G. Bigelow, William Cornell, S. H. Billings, N. Corning, George Billings, W. W. Coster, John G. Blake, Anson Creighton, Wm. Boardman, Cornelia Croswell, Wm. Boardman, Mary .A.. Boardman, W. W. Dauchy, Nathan Boggs, James Dimock, B. B. Brace, Jonathan Duane, C. L. Brace, Thomas K. Duncan, Alexander Brainard, C. Brainard, H. Eastburn, Manton Brinley, George ELTON, JoHN P. Brownell, T. C. Buck, Daniel & Co. Farwell, .A.sa Buck, Dudley Ferguson, John BucKINGHAlll, S. M. Flower, Ebenezer Buckner, W. G. Foot, George L. 8 Fowler family !MLA y' w ILLI.A.M H. Fullerton, James Ingersoll, Ralph I. Gardner, Daniel JARVIS, WILLIAl\1 Goodman, Richard Jencks, Charles Goodridge, S. W. JEWE'l'T, STEPHEN Goodwin, Charlotte .A.. Johnson, Nathan Goodwin, H. W. Johnson, William Goodwin, James Jones, DavidS. Goodwin, James M. Jones, Margaret Goodwin, John Jones, Samuel Gordon, Thomas D. GREGORY, MRS. SARAH Kilbourn, Freeman Kilbourn, Henry Hall, .A.saph Kip, Leonard Hall, Jesse Kirby, Miss Harriet Hall, Joel Knickerbocker, Mr. Hall, Joseph Hall, Samuel Lake, B. T. Hall, William Law, Jonathan Hallam, Edward Lawrence, Isaac Hallam, Robert .A.. Lawrence, Samuel HART' MISS HETTY Lee, Benjamin F. HARTFORD, TowN OF LEE, WILLI.A.llf T. Hayden, William Loomis, Luther HEARTT' PHILIP Lord, H. Hempstead, Josiah Lorillard, Jacob Hills, William Loyd, Thomas Hilyer, Philo Ludlow, Thomas W. Hoadly, Jeremy Holcomb, Frederick MacDonough, T. Hoyt, Charles MARKS, ZECHARIAH Hoyt, Gould Marsh, Frederick Hudson, H. Marshall, Harvey Humphrey, Lemuel Maurice, De Forest HUNTINGTON, F. J. McCracken, William Huntington, Jedediah Mead, William C. Huntington, S. H. Milner, James 9 Moore, Clement C. Rogers, Fitch Morgan, Denison Rogers, Henry Morgan, John Rogers, J. Smyth Morgan, Joseph Ruggles, Samuel B. Morgan, Nathan Russ, Cornelia Morton, Peter Russ, John Munson, Israel Russell, Daniel Nash, Daniel Sanford family, Nash, Dennis Sargeant, Jacob Newton, Edward A. Saunders, Asahel NICHOLS, CYPRIAN Saunders, Christopher Northam, C. H. ScoviLL, J . M. L . Norton, John T. ScoviLL, WILLIAl\I H. Seymour, Henry Oakes, Frederick Shattuck, George C. Olcott, Michael Shatzel, Jacob Olmsted, John Sheafe, J. F. · SHEFFIELD, JosEPH E. Paine, John Shelton family, Perkins, Isaac Shepard, E. & Co. Peters, Edw. D. Sherman family, PETERS, JOHN T. SIGOURNEY' CHARLES Peters, William C. Sistare, J. C. Phelps, Anson G. Smith, Nathan . Phelps, Walter Smith, Normand PHILLIPs, MRs. E11nLY C. Society for Promoting Re- Pomroy, A. H . ligion and Learning, Pond, Caleb St. James', New London, Porter, David St. John's, Waterbury, Pratt, Joseph St. Paul's, New Haven, St. Paul's, Norwalk, Ramsey, Jonathan St. Paul's, Troy, Randolph, F. F. St. Peter's, Salem, Ripley, Jabez St. Stephen's, Boston, Ripley, Phillip Starr, Jona. Robbins, Edward H. Starr, Jona., Jr. Robinson, D. F. Stedman, G. A. 2 10 Stedman and Gordon, Tuttle, Samuel & Sons, Stuyvesant, P. G. Sumner, George Vail, Henry Van Rensselaer, P. S. Terry, Eliphalet Terry, E. P. Ward, Samuel Terry, H. W. Waring, H. Terry, R. Warren, George B. 'ferry, Seth WARREN, NATHAN Thomas, James WARREN, STEPHEN Thompson, Isaac WATKIN ON, DAVID Thorn, Herman Watkinson, E.
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