12. 8 . 91 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 223/ 1 I (Acts whose publication is obligatory) COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 2396/91 of 29 July 1991 fixing for the 1990/91 marketing year the yields of olives and olive oil THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Committee for Oils and Fats, Economic Community, Having regard to Council Regulation No 136/66/EEC of 22 September 1966 on the establishment of a common HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : organization of the market in oils and fats ('), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1720/91 (2) ; Article 1 Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2261 /84 of 17 July 1984 laying down general rules on the granting 1 . For the 1990/91 marketing year, yields of olives and of aid for the production of olive oil and of aid to olive oil olive oil and the relevant production zones shall be as producer organizations (3), as last amended by Regulation specified in Annex I hereto . (EEC) No 3500/90 (4), and in particular Article 19 thereof, 2. The production zones are defined in Annex II . Whereas Article 18 of Regulation (EEC) No 2261 /84 provides that yields of olives and olive oil should be fixed for each homogeneous production zone on the basis of Article 2 information supplied by the producer Member States ; This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day Whereas, in view of the information received, it is appro­ following its publication in the Official Journal of the priate to fix these yields as specified in Annex I hereto ; European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States . Done at Brussels, 29 July 1991 . For the Commission Ray MAC SHARRY Member of the Commission (') OJ No 172, 30 . 9. 1966, p. 3025/66. O OJ No L 162, 26. 6. 1991 , p. 27. 0 OJ No L 208 , 3 . 8 . 1984, p. 3. (4 OJ No L 338, 5 . 12. 1990, p. 3. No L 223/2 Official Journal of the European Communities 12. 8 . 91 ANEXO I — BILAG I — ANHANG I — ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ I — ANNEX I — ANNEXE I — ALLEGATO I — BIJLAGE I — ANEXO I A. ITALIA — ITALIEN — ITALIEN — ΙΤΑΛΙΑ — ITALY — ITALIE — ITALIA — ITALIË — ITALIA Provincia Zona kg aceitunas/árbol kg aceite/ 100 kg aceitunas Provins Zone kg oliven/træ kg olie/ 100 kg oliven Provinz Zone kg Oliven/Baum kg 01/ 1 00 kg Oliven Χιλιόγραμμα Χιλιόγραμμα ελαιολάδου/ Επαρχία Ζώνη ελαιοκάρπου/δένδρο 100 χιλιόγραμμα ελαιοκάρπου Province Zone Olives kg/tree Oil kg/ 1 00 kg olives Province Zone kg olives/arbre kg huile/ 100 kg olives Provincia Zona kg olive/albero kg olio/ 100 kg olive Provincie Zone kg olijven/boom kg olie/ 100 kg olijven Provincia Zona kg azeitonas/árvore kg azeite/ 1 00 kg azeitonas Trieste 7 18 Trento 10 21 Padova || 10 18 Treviso II 7 18 Verona 1 14 18 2 11 17 Vicenza Il 12 19 Bergamo || 5 15 Brescia 1 16 18 2 13 16 3 9 16 4 6 16 5 8 18 Mantova 8 16 Como Il 5 16 Bologna 10 15 Forlì 10 17 Ravenna 14 17 Genova 4 19 Imperia 1 5 22 2 2 22 La Spezia 6 17 3 21 Savona 3 21 Arezzo 1 13 21 2 9 20 Firenze 1 4 17 2 9 18 3 12 18 Grosseto 1 15 20 2 8 18 3 10 20 4 8 19 Livorno 1 6 18 2 8 18 3 4 17 Lucca 1 3 17 2 7 17 Massa Carrara 1 6 19 l 2 7 20 Pisa 1 9 18 I 2 7 17 3 9 17 l 4 5 18 12. 8 . 91 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 223/3 Provincia Zona kg aceitunas/árbol kg aceite/ 1 00 kg aceitunas Provins Zone kg oliven/træ kg olie/ 1 00 kg oliven Provinz Zone kg Oliven/Baum kg 01/ 100 kg Oliven Χιλιόγραμμα Χιλιόγραμμα ελαιολάδου/ Επαρχία Ζώνη ελαιοκάρπου/δένδρο 100 χιλιόγραμμα ελαιοκάρπου Province Zone Olives kg/tree Oil kg/ 1 00 kg olives Province Zone kg olives/arbre kg huile/ 1 00 kg olives Provincia Zona kg olive/albero kg olio/ 1 00 kg olive Provincie Zone kg olijven/boom kg olie/ 100 kg olijven Provincia Zona kg azeitonas/árvore kg azeite/ 1 00 kg azeitonas Pistoia 1 10 18 2 7 17 3 8 18 Siena 1 12 21 2 10 20 Perugia 1 13 17 2 12 20 3 11 20 4 7 21 Terni 9 18 Ancona 1 9 20 2 11 20 3 5 20 Macerata Il 8 20 Ascoli Piceno 1 8 19 2 5 20 Pesaro 1 8 20 2 5 19 3 3 19 Chieti 1 4 19 2 6 20 3 8 21 l 4 14 20 L'Aquila 1 9 17 2 8 19 3 8 20 Pescara 1 5 20 2 8 19 \ 3 13 19 4 12 19 Teramo 1 6 20 2 8 19 3 9 18 Campobasso 1 9 20 2 11 20 3 18 19 Isernia 9 20 Frosinone 1 7 15 2 9 17 \ 3 7 17 4 4 18 5 2 20 Latina 1 3 17 , l 2 5 17 Rieti 1 2 20 2 8 20 3 18 20 Roma 1 3 18 2 3 16 3 9 19 No L 223/4 Official Journal of the European Communities 12. 8 . 91 Provincia Zona kg aceitunas/árbol kg aceite/ 1 00 kg aceitunas Provins Zone kg oliven/træ kg olie/ 1 00 kg oliven Provinz Zone kg Oliven/Baum kg 01/ 1 00 kg Oliven Χιλιόγραμμα Χιλιόγραμμα ελαιολάδου/ Επαρχία Ζώνη ελαιοκάρπου/δένδρο 100 χιλιόγραμμα ελαιοκάρπου Province Zone Olives kg/tree Oil kg/ 100 kg olives Province Zone kg olives/arbre kg huile/ 100 kg olives Provincia Zona kg olive/albero kg olio/ 1 00 kg olive Provincie Zone kg olijven/boom kg olie/ 1 00 kg olijven Provincia Zona kg azeitonas/árvore kg azeite/ 1 00 kg azeitonas Viterbo 1 9 15 \ 2 13 16 3 15 16 4 12 15 5 13 14 6 20 14 Avellino 1 5 17 2 7 17 3 11 17 4 11 18 Benevento 1 13 17 2 11 19 3 9 18 Caserta 1 4 18 Napoli 1 3 20 2 2 19 Salerno 1 18 18 2 7 19 3 3 19 Bari 1 17 19 2 12 20 3 10 18 4 8 19 5 6 18 6 5 18 Brindisi 1 15 21 l 2 10 21 3 8 19 4 5 19 Foggia 1 27 21 2 22 21 3 17 19 4 6 19 Lecce 1 7 19 l 2 17 19 3 21 19 Taranto 1 8 20 2 21 20 3 9 21 4 15 18 5 13 20 Matera 1 6 20 2 10 20 3 8 22 Potenza 1 6 21 2 7 21 3 5 18 4 6 17 Cosenza 1 4 20 2 9 20 No L 223/5 12 . 8 . 91 Official Journal of the European Communities Provincia Zona kg aceitunas/árbol kg aceite/ 1 00 kg aceitunas Provins Zone kg oliven/træ kg olie/ 1 00 kg oliven Provinz Zone kg Oliven/Baum kg Ö1/100 kg Oliven Χιλιόγραμμα Χιλιόγραμμα ελαιολάδου/ Επαρχία Ζώνη ελαιοκάρπου/δένδρο 100 χιλιόγραμμα ελαιοκάρπου Province Zone Olives kg/tree Oil kg/ 1 00 kg olives Province Zone kg olives/arbre kg huile/ 1 00 kg olives Provincia Zona kg olive/albero kg olio/ 100 kg olive Provincie Zone kg olijven/boom kg olie/ 100 kg olijven Provincia Zona kg azeitonas/árvore kg azeite/ 1 00 kg azeitonas Catanzaro 1 5 19 Reggio Calabria 1 3 20 2 16 20 3 40 20 Agrigento 1 6 21 2 il 22 Caltanissetta 1 10 19 Catania 1 3 17 2 5 17 3 8 17 Enna II 10 20 Messina 1 5 20 2 10 24 Palermo 1 14 23 2 10 23 3 10 22 4 5 17 Ragusa 1 18 20 . 2 10 20 Siracusa 1 7 20 2 11 20 l 3 17 20 4 25 20 Trapani 1 14 20 2 5 20 3 6 24 4 5 22 5 13 18 Cagliari 1 5 17 Nuoro 1 8 18 Oristano 1 9 15 Sassari 1 10 18 B. FRANCIA — FRANKRIG — FRANKREICH — ΓΑΛΛΙΑ — FRANCE — FRANCIA — FRANKRIJK — FRANÇA Zona kg aceitunas/árbol kg aceite/ 100 kg aceitunas Zone kg oliven/træ kg olie/ 100 kg oliven Zone kg Oliven/Baum kg 01/ 100 kg Oliven Χιλιόγραμμα Χιλιόγραμμα ελαιολάδου/ Ζώνη ελαιοκάρπου/δένδρο 100 χιλιόγραμμα ελαιοκάρπου Zone Olives kg/tree Oil kg/ 1 00 kg olives Zone kg olives/arbre kg huile/ 1 00 kg olives Zona kg olive/albero kg olio/ 1 00 kg olive Zone kg olijven/boom kg olie/ 100 kg olijven Zona kg azeitonas/árvore kg azeite/ 1 00 kg azeitonas 1 1,5 16 2 2,5 17 3 2,5 20 4 5,0 25 5 5,0 19 6 4,0 21 7 4,0 18 8 6,0 20 9 5,0 20 No L 223/6 Official Journal of the European Communities 12. 8 . 91 C. GRECIA — GRÆKENLAND — GRIECHENLAND — ΕΛΛΑΔΑ — GREECE — GRÈCE — GRECIA — GRIEKENLAND — GRÉCIA Provincia Zona kg aceitunas/árbol kg aceite/ 100 kg aceitunas Provins Zone kg oliven/træ kg olie/ 100 kg oliven Provinz Zone kg Oliven/Baum kg 01/ 1 00 kg Oliven Χιλιόγραμμα Χιλιόγραμμα ελαιολάδου/ Επαρχία Ζώνη ελαιοκάρπου/δένδρο 100 χιλιόγραμμα ελαιοκάρπου Province Zone Olives kg/tree Oil kg/ 100 kg olives Province Zone kg olives/arbre kg huile/ 1 00 kg olives Provincia Zona kg olive/albero kg olio/100 kg olive Provincie Zone kg olijven/boom kg olie/ 1 00 kg olijven Província Zona kg azeitonas/árvore kg azeite/ 1 00 kg azeitonas Αιτωλοακαρνανίας 1 3 17 2 2 14 3 4 18 I 4 3 16 5 5 17 l 6 1 17 7 7 18 Αττικής 1 2 13 2 4 15 3 2 16 4 5 20 Βοιωτίας 1 8 18 2 11 18 3 7 17 4 8 17 5 6 17 6 3 17 Ευβοίας 1 12 25 .
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