Focus on the Kingdom Volume 1 No. 8 Anthony Buzzard, editor May, 1999 fulfillment of the promise that God would curse Melchizedek those who cursed him (Gen. 14:20). by Jim Kunz It is noteworthy that Melchizedek met and blessed Abram on his return. Where this took erhaps one of the most mysterious figures in place is not stated. Melchizedek brought out P the Bible is Melchizedek. With no bread and wine (a royal banquet hosted by a introduction he appears suddenly on the scene in king, Melchizedek, celebrating Abram’s Genesis 14:18: “And Melchizedek, King of victory?). There is no indication, contrary to Salem, brought out bread and wine; now he was some, that this represented a Passover priest of God most High.” With this brief ceremony. (Not only did Melchizedek bless mention he disappears again. His title, Abram, but Abram gave him a tenth of the war description and briefly described activity leave booty: Gen. 14:20; Heb. 7:1-2). The clear no clear trail. He is said to be King of Salem, but indication here is that Melchizedek was we are not told where Salem is. Many scholars recognized by Abram as the greater of the two. think it was Jerusalem. He is the first priest Abram received Melchizedek’s blessing and paid named in Scripture, “priest of God most High.” him a tenth of the spoils. But the setting and description of his priesthood Who was this Melchizedek to whom Abram are not detailed or enlarged on. paid homage? Some commentaries suggest that He meets Abram who is returning from a it might have been Shem. A few religious groups brief, decisive battle. A confederation of rulers think it was Christ. The Bible does not identify had conquered and occupied a portion of him. He was both a king and a priest. This does Palestine for 12 years, following which the kings not fit the Levitical, Aaronic priesthood. The who had been subdued rebelled. The same Levitical priests after the order of Aaron were federation of conquering rulers banded together not kings. The kings of Israel were not priests. again and put the rebellion down, taking much Often God communicated with Israelite kings booty, spoil and many prisoners. These included through prophets whose office actually exceeded Abram’s nephew, Lot. that of the kings, but Melchizedek was not of Abram quickly gathered his trained men, this order either. went in pursuit of the conquerors, and with his It was not God’s intention to identify small contingent defeated the conquering, allied Melchizedek’s person. This is made clear in force. This is described in Genesis 14:1-16. In Hebrews 7:3, referring to Melchizedek: Genesis 12 Abram was told by God to leave his “Without father, without mother, without relatives and country and go to a land He would genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor show him. God promised that He would make end of life, but made like the Son of God, he him a great nation and that He would bless him. abides a priest perpetually.” Some say this This promise also included an assurance that God would bless those In This Issue who blessed Abram and curse those who cursed him. Abram’s success in putting to flight an army with an Did God Have to Die to Save Humanity? ....3 inferior force was probably the first Conversion and New Birth .......................5 A publication of the Restoration Fellowship, 185 Summerville Dr., Brooks, GA 30205, USA Website: www.mindspring.com/~anthonybuzzard • E-mail: [email protected] All donations to the Restoration Fellowship are tax deductible. 2 Focus on the Kingdom Scripture refers to Christ, and assume he Now the story of Melchizedek becomes preexisted his birth. But Melchizedek was not clear. Psalm 110:4 brings it into focus: “The the Son of God. He was like him. The passage Lord [God the Father] has sworn and will not appears to say that he was not born, and that he change his mind, you [Christ] are a priest forever lives forever. However The Word Biblical according to the order of Melchizedek.” Commentary , on Hebrews, by William L. Lane, Melchizedek’s father, mother, time of birth and indicates that this is not a proper understanding. death were not important for God’s purpose. Lane renders the passage as follows: “His father, What was important was the fact that his mother, and line of descent are unknown, and priesthood was appointed by God and did not there is no record of his birth or of his death, but come by inheritance as the Levitical priesthood having been made to resemble the Son of God, did. Melchizedek did not take up his priestly he remains a priest continuously” (Vol. 47a, p. service from a predecessor and no successor is 157). listed or indicated. In addition, he occupied the The writer to the Hebrews merely says that office of king and priest jointly. This is the the Bible does not give Melchizedek’s precedent for Christ’s office in the future genealogy, nor is there a record of when he was Kingdom as King of kings (Rev. 19:16; 17:14) born or when he died. The terms “without and high priest of God (Heb. 5:5, 10). Christ’s father, without mother” come from the Greek office is not inherited as the kingly and priestly words apator and amator . Apator does not lines in Israel were, but appointed by God. mean “fatherless,” but “father unknown.” By Why was it necessary to appoint Christ the implication the term amator carries the same high priest forever? Hebrews 7:11-14: “Now if meaning. In fact Philo uses the term amator to perfection was through the Levitical priesthood refer to Sarah because her mother is not (for on the basis of it people received the law), mentioned in the biblical text (p. 166). The what further need was there for another priest to Syriac Peshita translation renders Hebrews 7:3: arise according to the order of Melchizedek and “whose father and mother were not entered in not be designated according to the order of an genealogies.” Aaron? For when the priesthood is changed, of Our commentary also states, “There is no necessity there takes place a change of law also hint in the argument that unfolds in verses 4-10 [the priesthood and the law were only temporary that the writer regarded Melchizedek in until the seed, Christ, should come, Gal. 3:19, mythological terms. He presents the royal priest 24-26]. For the one concerning whom these of God Most High as a historical personage in things are spoken belongs to another tribe, from primal history. The silence of Scripture which no one has officiated at the altar. For it is concerning Melchizedek’s parents and family evident that our Lord was descended from line is stressed by the writer to amplify the Judah, a tribe with reference to which Moses concept of the uniqueness of his priesthood…It spoke nothing concerning the priests.” implies that Melchizedek’s priesthood was not It was necessary to show that there was a established upon the external circumstances of high priest of God, Melchizedek, to whom birth and descent. It was based on the call of Abraham, the patriarch of the Israelites, gave God and not on the hereditary process by which respect and honor. This took place long before the Levitical priesthood was sustained. Without the Levitical priesthood was appointed, and a recorded priestly genealogy, Melchizedek provided a “type” and precedent for the eternal could not have qualified for Levitical priesthood. priesthood of Jesus Christ. Melchizedek Nevertheless, this man was priest of God Most exercised a priestly role on the basis of divine High, and Abraham recognized his dignity.” appointment and innate worth. Christ, the fulfillment of that type, has been appointed high Focus on the Kingdom 3 priest, also based on divine appointment and on majesty…before all time and to all the ages” his incomparable, unparalleled qualification. (Jude 25). Melchizedek is brought into the picture to make “Before all time” he was the Lamb this important feature of God’s plan clear. The designated for sacrifice “from the foundation of Levitical priesthood and the law served only an the world” (Rev. 13:8, NIV) in order to bring interim function until Christ and his awesome about the reconciliation of a rebellious creation. priestly role could be established. Adam, the son of God created from the dust of Melchizedek was a human person. Hebrews the ground (Luke 3:38), could have gained 7:6 implies that he did indeed have a genealogy, immortality but failed. Eve, a special creation but it was not connected to the family of Levi. from Adam’s body, joined Satan in opposition to God. Then followed the rest of human creation Did God Have to Die through Adam and Eve until God created through the Virgin Mary the prophesied seed to Save Humanity? who was to crush the serpent’s head. Jesus, by Charles Hunting referred to as the second Adam by Paul, during his historical life, divested himself of all the royal he widely held belief in Jesus as preexistent, prerogatives, and “humbled himself by becoming T eternal, coequal Son of God has carried obedient to the point of death on a cross” (Phil. with it the idea that a single human person, in 2:8). This was after having lived a sinless this case Jesus, would not, if only human, have existence entitling him to freedom from the the value necessary to atone for the sins of the death penalty and the reward of eternal life world.
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