Bgg " SPORTS' SLATE ELLER AND KERR OPPONENTS AT CHICAGO TODAY] SPORTS i) IOOSIERVOUTHPROVES Wait Until We Get STORY OF SECOND WORLD'S SERIES GAME Reds Holding Batting ASCENSION OF ' 'Em Home, Say Sox Lead for Series Games WILLIAMS Mi- 1110OFSECOND CAW TOLD IN DETAILED STYLE, PLAY BY PLAY I By Associated rreits. I GIVES CI.\CIN.\ CONTESTTO Fans Oct. CINE) I Have ATI, 2..The ncdn. Windy City who caught Weaver at the on p'.ate flied to ftoush. the latter making a nllhoiiKli lirlri to four hit* Edward Rousch, Rod Outfielder, quick throw to Rariden. Jackson wenta] cirrus to by Hopes of Beating Reds p ay< in thr s,orv of the same to third. <jandil on tlrst. catch, having: go almost to Williainn, mnnnRfd to rr. Starts Attack and Pulls Down £3/Vbv ¦ .«. Gandil stole the fence to cot the ball. No runs; one tain . mningrs, w,iich follows: second. Kariden made 110 (liflr lend In liidliiK apalnnt Lefty Claude Passes Four Men and in | Flr«t attempt to hit; no errors. t their rlvalH, the White Sox. The 1/otiR Drive. Chicago. Inning. catch 'him. Risberg Hied to Daubert. Cincinnati.The crowd Knch Player Crosses Home Collins out. Sailor to No runs: two no errors. cave Housh National Lencur club In hitting; .:tXI, i-». J0**70.J- ' hits; an ovation when he Cincinnati. Hath walked. The crowd came to the plate. vrhlle the So* havf a mark of .-."HI. Plate. STEALS HOMER FRQM. FELSCH fH.v Associated Press. 1 Koush walked. This was his 3econd The (ilrnxon iiKtfrrRntlon fnred CINCINNATI. Oct. K.T." began to chcer. Daubert attempted to pass to first. Duncan sacrificed. Wll- better .With the Reds I "shfv°"K»M-!»^*'3oku'blM sacrifice ,but the ball went foul. Dau- at the hat today agalnnt the DUMMY victorious in the first two games of liams to Gandil, llousch taking second. ofTerlnfcn of Nnlire than tliey did IIUR I/HI) FROM PLANE! Ad Not. Oakland, Indiana, Player the series, the demand for v,,:, bert sacrificed, WlllUms to Gaiiclil. Kopf fouled out to tickets to *v»~rs.incinnati.Rath was the first1 fin Rath taking second. T>aubert laid Weaver. .Kousch yeMerday aRnln*t the ofTerinjCM of the third contest to bo down » Grabbed Rail, Different Story played in Cin¬ WUIUm, h a holding second. Neale singled to left, Kuetlier, and, an a renult. have Have cinnati next Monday was greater than ,s perfect bunt. Groh walked. Sc.-iulk scoring I'toush. Itariden May Meant Return of Wliito fi'iw to "ii1"Short center, Fclsoh makinir and CJandil.held a conference up. Neale gained dome Kround. 5 "Would Re Written of Sceond Series ever. The scalpers decided to hold !>!« . with Wil¬ was out stealing. Schalk to Sox Twiiicr Front their tickets liams. Roush singled to center, scor¬ Risberg. Clouds.Windy !j: Game. until Monday, believing nil. it was a bounder that Ri»s. One tun; one hit; no errors. City Rami Sallce they would ho able to Bet enormous ing Hath and putting tiroh on third. Roinluird Slim f sccond- ^r°h 'lied The crowd went into Srvcnth Inning;. ^ prices. an uproar. Dun- Chicago.An airplane passed over INDIANS AND LYNCHBURG Without Success. !. BY DAMO.V ni WON. toTr 8Colhn^r0nVnN° runs: no hits; no j Can up. Housh was out stealing. the held errors. Schalk to and dropped a dummy that b&7 CONCINNATT. Oct. 2..Turn the; "Wait until wo set 'em on our home Risberg. Groh stayed on fell Just behind the COLLEGE MEET TOMORROW ny j Sftond Inninsr. third, makinp no attempt to score. shortstop. Play rilAltl.KS lilt Y l)KX. apotlight on Oaklntid City. Indiana- grounds." was the cry from the White <loi«h>cd to center was called until they removed it. Gan- i>f*.A It »'IX«:y. 2..An air- and a big red Sox Tbis taken to Duncan walked. Kopf tripled to cen¬ dil Doubert William aad Mary'* Eleven Oct. refetably, appropriately camp was mean RnnjHa*°rJaJckson CalCh ^ ter scoring out, to Sailce, Risberg sin- Composed piano sailing ovor the ball park in , A citizen Oakland has that the men of by field,' <5roh and Duncan. of Jght." of City lileason intend to give mrnop FeJsohi-clsch m gjed to left. It was a line drive well Entirely M.tc-Servlee Men the tfftvonth round 'the center of the stane the Reds a !KS2 sacrificed. Salleo The ball went into the crowd in center. I'romlne Bnttle. dropped into the sporting to-j beating. Jackson it handled by Duncan. Schalk singled to Stronn diamond llu* stuffed of a man his name is Kdward Boush. aubert, s:oingr to thlrrl Neale was thrown out. K. Collins to I llgurc fni£ht2&nd * beautiful hunt ' right, scoring Risberg. and when Neale h on slit to be allegorical of the re¬ His occupation is center lidding for The crowd did not begin to fill the Gandil ws Oandil. T.iree runs; two hits; no threw fSpeclal to The Times-Dispatch.1 turn of i the He (w«« "1U»'». errors. wildly. Schalk made t..ie elrcut. l.efty Maude Williams from Cincinnati Beds. pursued thati stands as early as on Wednesday. Williams fanned. .1. Collins flied lo WII,I,IAMSBtRC., VA.. Oct. 'J. .With th«? clouds. Ills nscent early in the occupation to such effect this Holders of reserved seat tickets were »oMini Vhlra*0?.', "s° Klftti Innlnp. after-j " ">ts; no errors. , Roush. Two runs, two hits; one error, the opening e»m« of the 191I* sched¬ combat lost the second battle of the hoon that the Beds took the second much slower in arriving. There was Chicago .Schalk died to Roush. the: Cincinnati- Uariden series to the Hods, \ to 'i. of the world's series of If 10 a crowd cheered Sal latter fouled to Schalk.! ule only two days off Coach '"Jimmio" MSrame steady stream entering the stands lee '"c,nn.ati.Thefor comin? over into left lield lo, Salleo filed to J. Collins, who caught Still, the dummy hurtling to earth ^jirom the Chicnco White Sox. hy a when play began. pue^inp himself out of a hole take it Williams out, Kopf to the ball almost l>river is hard at work putting the might not have been jecore of i to 2, Williams temporarily iosf .?'*. hori. J. Collins on the foul line. Hath J,eftv. It was out, Kopf to Daubert. line-filed to Weaver. No runs; no tinal touches on the William and Mary clad in at least 51 worth or" blue over¬ J "Wherefore is Oakland <"*lty. Indiana. walked Roush. Duncan lined to No runs; no hits; no errors. no hits; alls. at the Jinow assort of little sister to the Managers Oleason. of the Sox, and errors. eleven that will start prevailing price, while proud' Moran, the "Miracle M.in." of the Cincinnati.Hariden singled to left. Klchth against Virginia Williams was garbed in the regulation lJoId Queen City of Ohio, linked by the Reds, It was a drive ( Inning. Christian in Sat¬ of batted bounder* to the inlield during lino that Jackson fielded Chicago.lid Collins Collins Hied College l-ynehburg white "f ihe Sox. one of the 'J00 po¬ bond «f the baseball gr«v-itness their practice. Moran took admirablv. Sal lee to to up. licemen present the ifavorrie son. up his station Thlrtl attempted bum. Roush. Weaver was thrown out. urday. dragged body off to co.-jeh at the first-base line, but Inning;. but I he ball rolled out foul. Sallee, to There have been two the field and sent it to the morgue to Thfcs* fc.»le might htxve rjuite a dif- Gleason died to Kopf Daubert. Jackson singled to scrimmages await Identification. h.*i<l it not for was not much in evidence on F'elsch. Hariden still on first. Daubcrt, who threw ifercnC tinge been Kddie the W ii 1 cd* Hath drove a wild to Sailce, this week and in both the The return of It ho a narrative of coaching lines this afternoon. He iams°"sfnfsl .o"len bounder that Risberp Jackson taking second. eleven) Williama from the .Houscti. might. sat on the . «-«11 ins bounded to It was showed sis a contender clouds cheered the Sox a triumph, instead of the bench and wondered. failed connect with. Rath bert's error. Felseh to Dau-| up strong1 for1 little, and 'Chicago rcpeti-j "In , D^«n- ,aSS'-S,CfI- X° run}:; ti-st and Hariden second. Thereachingolllclal out. Groh Dau- the tins they nipped Slim Sa I lee for a pair of ;tk>n ttf the story of yesterday. cin-. one no Left. Xo runs; one hit; one error. cup year. Today and tomor¬ "The Reds are h?t: errors scorer pnvc Risberg an error. Daubert markers riyht away. Williams had .cinnati owes much to Oakland City.' the most formidable Cincinnati.Daubert out, Uisberg to row there will lie signal work, passing me six 'i. Indiana, and something to Bristol, team I have ever seen," said Federal popped lo ISd Collins, and neither base .Gandil. Groh slipped KimIh passes, and four * runner advanced. \\ walked. Koush Hied to and punting. The team leaves for the of them counted on the four hits, all Conn. Judge Landis. of Chicago, after the Sc.-ialk and ill tains l«'» Is-vh. who threw to K. Collins, who that the . game. held a conference, tiroh line-nted triip Friday afternoon. locals were able to amass Roufeeh started the Red attack upon 1 r^Vo |,o relayed to Gandil.
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