7+(2/'(67:((./<1(:63$3(5,17+(&$1$',$1:(67 7KH 0LQQHGRVD We acknowledge the fi nancial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.7ULEXQH 6LQFH Volume 132 Issue 16 Friday, June 27, 2014 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax The Most Recent Talk Mavericks Claim a Few More Wins of the Town By JENNIFER PAIGE he rumour mill has Tbeen hard at work this week after service dogs and wardens were spotted at Sun Sun Restaurant late last week. From a bear living in the garage to the pur- chase and sale of illegal food, Minnedosa residents have certainly not left their creativity behind when discussing the local busi- ness’s situation. While details of the incident were asked to re- main private, residents can be assured that the issue did not involve the RCMP and was regarding a per- sonal matter for the own- ers of the business having no ties to the operation of the popular restaurant. Photo by Jennifer Paige Sun Sun remains open providing its delicious Chi- By JENNIFER PAIGE gan on Wednesday, June ie, Colton Spraggs, hit his home game against the Baseball League, follow- nese Cuisine to its many 18th verses the Austin A’s. fi rst career homerun. Plumas Pirates. ing Portage who sits in faithful customers. Despite he Minnedosa Maver- Th e Mavericks claimed a On Friday, June 20th “We won 1-0. Bryce fi rst place with a 9-1-1 re- being the most recent talk Ticks have had a week 6-1 win. the Mavs took on Neepa- Stephenson was the hero cord. Carberry sits in third of the town, the owner’s full of action banking one Trent Madill pitched wa, defeating them 5-1. picking up the win on the with a record of 5-3-2. appreciate the concern win after another to bring fi ve innings, giving up one Mike Tarleton had a com- mound and scoring the and support shown by the their record to 7-2. hit and one run and strik- plete game on the mound, winning run in the bot- Upcoming Mavericks people of Minnedosa. Last week’s action be- ing out six. Maverick rook- giving up fi ve hits, three tom of the sixth to break Games: walks and striking out a scoreless game,” added three. Richards. Wednesday, June 25th “Bryce Stephenson Jay Klym started the at Carberry +$33<&$1$'$'$<6$/( 23(16$785'$<-81(7+ was 2-4 with an RBI and game and threw fi ve shut- ± a run scored. John Hutton out innings, striking out Friday, July 4th at Minnedosa vs. Austin -81(7+72-8/<7+ &/26('021'$<-81(7+ 78(6'$<-8/<67 was 2-3 with two doubles seven, with Stephenson 3$<12*6725367 d,&^,/KE,Kh^ and a walk,” explained fi nishing off the last two Sunday, July 6th at ϲϱDĂŝŶ^ƚ͘^͕͘DŝŶŶĞĚŽƐĂ 21$//5(*8/$535,&(',7(06 Maverick, Andrew Rich- innings on the mound. Portage ϮϬϰͲϴϲϳͲϯϲϳϰ (;&/8',1*-(:(//(5< +$1'%$*6 ards. Th e Mavs hold the Yh>/dz&^,/KE^ͲWZ^KE>^Zs/ͲWZK&^^/KE>s/ ǁǁǁ͘ĨĂĐĞŬ͘ĐŽŵͬŵŝŶŶĞĚŽƐĂĨĂƐŚŝŽŶŚŽƵƐĞ Th is past Monday eve- second place position in Wednesday, July 9th at ǁǁǁ͘ƚŚĞĨĂƐŚŝŽŶŚŽƵƐĞ͘ĐĂ D/>͗ĨĂƐŚŝŽŶŚŽƵƐĞΛŵLJŵƚƐ͘ŶĞƚ ning, the Mavericks held a the Santa Clara Senior AA Minnedosa vs. Neepawa $67+(0,11('26$75,%81(2)),&(:,//%(&/26('$ 2178(6'$<-8/<67)25&$1$'$'$< :(:,//+$9($1($5/<'($'/,1(2) 021'$<-81(7+$71221)257+(-8/<7+ (',7,21+$33<&$1$'$'$< 2 Friday, June 27, 2014 Th e Minnedosa Tribune Kreshewski Heading to NY for Support Group Convention By JENNIFER PAIGE Scoliosis is an abnormal Founded in 2006 Curvy information and will be At this stage of Amy’s Monday. We have a sched- curvature of the spine, Girls continues to grow in able to talk with others that condition her next step will uled appointment to meet t the end of May a ben- cause unknown. Doctors numbers with 55 support are in similar circumstanc- be to have a consultation with the spinal surgeon for Aefi t social was held informed the Kreshewski’s groups in countries all es to ours,” added Dianne. from a spinal surgeon, who assessment on July 9th in for fourteen-year-old, that Amy in fact had a 47.5 around the world. Th e convention con- will assess her for surgery. Winnipeg at the Children’s Minnedosa resident, Amy degree lateral curve in her In 2013, Curvy Girls sists of various workshops, Spinal surgery involves Rehab Centre,” noted Di- Kreshewski. After receiv- upper and lower spine and held its fi rst international motivational speakers, the placement of steel anne. “Right after we get ing tremendous support was also rotated. convention in Hauppauge, advocacy and leadership rods along the spine to home we will be off to Win- from the community Amy Since the time of di- New York, where 150 girls empowerment as well as straighten and align. It is nipeg for the meeting with will be attending an inter- agnosis, Amy has braved suff ering from scolio- an international panel of estimated at eight to ten the specialist. It is going to national scoliosis support through many of the side sis came together to gain specialists and surgeons hours with a recovery time be a blur of activity but we group convention in Long eff ects of scoliosis and has knowledge and support will be on hand to discuss of three months. are both feeling very posi- Island, New York. been actively treating her one another. the many facets of the dis- “We heard from the tive about everything.” “Th e social was a great disorder with many visits Getting Amy to this order. specialist in Winnipeg last success and we are very to various doctors, phys- convention was the goal blessed to have received iotherapists and neurolo- behind the benefi t social such amazing support gists. held last month and after Silver Soccer Winners from our community. We Th roughout the pro- receiving great support are very appreciative to cess of her treatment Amy from the community, the everyone who came out, has been looking for lo- Krewshewski’s will be at- donated or off ered words cal support networks but tending the 2014 interna- of encouragement,” com- hasn’t found many places tional support group con- mented, Dianne Krews- to turn. Without a local vention that will enable hewski, Amy’s mother. support group, Amy wid- Amy to become a leader in About a year-and-a- ened her search which led advocacy for her disorder half ago, Amy was living her to Curvy Girls, which here at home. the life of your regular thir- has two Canadian chap- “We have booked our teen year-old, until a vol- ters in Ontario and British trip to the convention. We leyball incident found her Columbia. leave on Saturday, June in the hospital. At that time Curvy Girls is a net- 28th and return on the 3rd she was told that she had work of peer-led support of July. Amy’s ultimate severe scoliosis. Not know- groups for young women goal is to form a support ing much about scoliosis, and girls that strive to re- group in Manitoba once the diagnosis came as a duce the emotional impact we return home but we will scary realization. of scoliosis. also be absorbing a ton of Photo submitted Standing :(L-R) Meagan Smith coach, Jenna Usick, Destiny Bukarz, Jordyn Firby, Dezerae Saunders, Rayna Topham, Kate Black, Mackenzie Maduke, Amy Maguire, Corinne Topham manager, Larry Huculak assistant coach Kneeling: Zoey Heino, Emily Reid, Kaleigh Kreshewski, Katie Brown, Madison Huculak, Sydney Austin, Abby Olson Front: Sydney Hartley and Caitlin Holman SUBMITTED Th e girls played their the girls in the top of their fi rst game of the tourna- pool so they advanced to he Minnedosa VM- ment against Brandon the A side fi nals. TTransport/Husky En- Burgundy and won 3-2. Th e game was played ergy GU14 soccer team Later in the afternoon at noon on Sunday against won silver at the Brandon the team played Brandon Brandon Purple and they League Tournament. Th is Yellow and defeated them were defeated 2-0 on two wraps up a great season as 4-2 but the team had to very quick corner kicks. 0,11('26$ ',675,&7 they also placed second in work hard to keep their Th e girls played hard league standings. lead. Th ese two wins put and dominated the Bran- 6(59,&(6726(1,256 don end but they just couldn’t get the ball past Is relocating to the keeper. Destinations Plus Th ey are to be con- Minnedosa 50+ Activity Centre gratulated on their silver 31 Main Street S. $XJXVWWK WK)RONORUDPD placing and their team- 6HSWHPEHUWKWK0RRVH-DZ7HPSOH*DUGHQV work throughout the tour- 3UHVHQWRIÀFHORFDWLRQLQ7RZQ9LHZ0DQRU 6HSWHPEHUWKWK6N\GDQFHU&DVLQR nament and season. ZLOOEHFORVHGIURP-XQHWR-XO\ 2FWREHUWKWK:DONLQJZLWK'LQRVDXUV 2FWREHUWKWK6N\GDQFHU&DVLQR 1HZ/RFDWLRQZLOOUHRSHQ-XO\ 1RYHPEHUWKWK/DGLHV6KRSSLQJLQ0LQRW If your label reads Office Hours: Monday - Friday 1RYHPEHUWKWK6N\GDQFHU&DVLQR 'HFHPEHUWKWK&HOHEUDWLRQV7KHDWUH 14 /06 /30 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 1HZ<HDUV6N\GDQFHU&DVLQR It’s time to renew! If you need assistance please call 204-867-5190 to leave a message. Call Sharon or Wendy Please call and book Call 204-867-3816 867-5777 ahead to secure your 1-800-431-4442 seat! Th e Minnedosa Tribune Friday, June 27, 2014 3 17th Annual Little Valley Jamboree By JENNIFER PAIGE 2013 but early in the New administered daily seizure Year doctors found further medication.
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