GENERAL INDEX PER – PET O’DANIELITE India Scotland Namibia Bombay: puffballs to 4 cm 4:233–234p; puff- Strathclyde/Dumfries and Galloway Tsumeb 13:139p, 13:142c balls to 7.5 cm 7:253–254p Leadhills-Wanlockhead district 12:(250) United States South Africa OFFRETITE Arizona Transvaal Vs. erionite 2:52ff,q Horseshoe Dam area, Maricopa County (coat- Stavoren 20:398 Australia ing) 14:116 United States New South Wales Virginia Arizona Willy Wally Gully 19:402–403p Fairfax quarry, Fairfax County (micro spheres) Ajo, Pima County (id as conichalcite) 11:265 Victoria 3:178–179p Grand Reef mine, Graham County 11:223, Flinders area sea cliffs (levyne-offretite) Washington 11:224p 12:(108) Skookumchuck Dam, Thurston County (com- Grandview mine, Coconino County (pris- Red Cliff Head, Phillip Island (on levyne) pact spheres to 1.5 cm) 3:33 matic, acicular) 2:220p, 2:221q 19:455 Wyoming Magma mine 14:(82) Sunderland Bluff, Phillip Island (on levyne) Yellowstone National Park (micro) 12:35– Mammoth mine, Pinal County (id as fornacite) 19:457q 36q 11:177 Canada OKLAHOMA New Cornelia mine, Pima County 14:291p, British Columbia 14:296 25: Monte Creek, Kamloops district 19:333n Arbuckle Mountains 385–386s 79 mine 3:254 18: Ireland Bibliography of locality literature 222–223 Nevada 10: Parkgate quarry, County Antrim (poss. erionite) Bibliography of mineralogy literature 24 Majuba Hill mine: euhedral blades to 12 mm 10:174, 10:175p Byars deposit, east of Paoli, McClain County 16:67–68p; fibrous, “leucochalcite” 16:67, 17: Scotland 371–372h,m 16:70 Strathclyde Cherokee (see Great Salt Plains National Wildlife Utah Loanhead quarry, Beith (resembles shredded Refuge) Gold Hill mine: 24:18p; chrysocolla after coconut) 24:392n Great Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge, be- 24:20 tween Cherokee and Jet, Alfalfa County 7:158g,h United States “OLIVINE” Colorado Jet (see Great Salt Plains National Wildlife Ref- Table Mountain, Jefferson County 19:164q, uge) Series name; see also end-members Fayalite and 19:172–173p McCurtain County 25:385s Forsterite Oregon Paoli (southeast of), Garvin County 17:371– In meteorite 15:70, 16:306n Beech Creek, Grant County (on levyne) 374m,p,g,h Toxicity 11:9 6:171–173p Teepee Queen Copper Co. mine, southeast of Burma Paoli, Garvin County 17:371–372h,m Locality not specified (“peridot,” faceted) 19:115n OGDENSBURGITE Wolf Ridge silver mine, east of Paoli, Garvin Germany United States County 17:371–372h,m, 17:374s Rheinland-Pfalz New Jersey “OLIGOCLASE” Laacher See area, Eifel district (colorless, Sterling Hill mine (newly described) 12:369– green, red) 8:323d See also Plagioclase Series 370h,q Greenland Brazil Inner Fiskefjord (Niagununaq) (crystals to 6 OHIO Bahia cm) 24:G15, 24:G17p Bibliography of locality literature 18:222 23: Ibitiara (flawless) 432n United States Bibliography of mineralogy literature 10:24 Portugal Arizona Clay Center, Ottawa County 8:60, 23:425h,s Monte Redondo quarry (1 cm crystals) 2:42n Bisbee district 12:309 Duff quarry, near Huntsville, Logan County 11:97– United States 99s, 18:391–398g Arizona OLMSTEADITE Huntsville, Logan County 10:42s Lowell shaft, Bisbee district (2 cm crystals) United States Huron River (2 localities), Erie County 20:459s, 12:309 South Dakota 20:463s Massachusetts Big Chief mine, Pennington County 17:298– Lime City, Wood County: 18:361s; see also Chester emery mines 9:240–241 299c,d Ohio—Maumee Stone Co. OLIVENITE Hesnard mine, Pennington County 17:298– Maumee Stone Co. quarry, Lime City, Wood 299c,d Australia County: 6:38s; see also Ohio—Lime City White Cap mine, Pennington County 17:299p New South Wales Nagley strip mine, Nagley (Negley, Columbiana OLSACHERITE County?) 10:297 Kintore opencut, Broken Hill (zincian; series Portage (quarry near), Wood County 18:147s with cuprian adamite) 19:427–428p,q Bolivia Pugh quarry, Custar (closed to collecting) 11:54h South Australia El Dragón mine, Potosí (platy to 2 mm) 21:144p Ross County 18:361s Dome Rock (clinoclase, conichalcite after) OLYMPITE 12:107 Sandusky County (locality not specified) 22:384s Russia (formerly USSR) Preamimma mine 12:(107) Suever Stone Co. quarry, Delphos, Van Wert Kola Peninsula 24:(389) 18: Spring Creek mine 12:(107) County 361s OMPHACITE White Rock quarry, Clay Center, Ottawa County Western Australia 22:216s Ashburton Downs (prismatic to tabular, to 1 United States cm) 24:214p California OJUELAITE Bali Lo mine 12:(110) Petaluma (near), Sonoma County 8:433n Namibia 132 North deposit, Widgiemooltha district “ONEGITE” Tsumeb 13:144p (nickeloan; micro prismatic) 25:290 See Goethite OKANOGANITE-(Y) Chile ONORATOITE United States Chuquicamata 9:330d,c Greece Washington Italy Washington Pass (twins to 2 mm) 23:428 Kamaréza mine, Laurium (acicular to 1 cm) Tuscany 7:122n 15: OKENITE Cetine mine: 33–34p,h,c; acicular to 5 Namibia mm 8:285p,q Canada Tsumeb mine: adamite-olivenite series 10:113; Québec crystals to 2.5 cm, some ferroan, zincian Jeffrey mine 10:76, 10:80p 8:T28–29, 8:T50, 8:T57p; olivenite-“cupro- adamite,” crystals to 12 mm 12:45; 1 cm crystals 15:168p The Mineralogical Record Index—Volumes 1–25 165 PET – PHI GENERAL INDEX ONTARIO Dome mine, Porcupine 8:517s, 13:396s Lily Robertson pits, near Bancroft 13:85s Ackerman mine, near Deloro and Marmora, Madoc Dundas quarry, Dundas 20:391s Lincoln quarry, Beamsville, Lincoln County area 13:81s, 13:111s, 17:382s Dyno (Canadian Dyno) mine, Cardiff Township, 13:111–112s Amherstburg quarry, Amherstburg 20:391s east of Tory Hill 10:154m, 10:156 Logan Cuts, near Craigmont, Renfrew County Arnprior area 4:184s, 13:83s Earle farm, near Wilberforce 9:93s, 13:73s 13:85s Atikokan (several mines near) 21:485s Egan Chute, York River, east of Bancroft, Hastings Long Lake (Lynx) mine, near Parham 13:82s, Bailey mine, southwest of Madoc, Hastings County County 13:202–203p 13:83s 13:87–88h,m Eganville, near Lake Clear (see Lake Clear) Long Lake, Olden Township, Frontenac County Bancroft area 10:153–158h,g,m, 13:71–81g Eldorado mine, near Madoc 13:111s 13:72s Bancroft (Highway 62 north of) 13:110–111s Elizabethtown (see Billings mine) Lucy mine (Algoma Steel Co.), near Wawa 13:107s Baptiste Lake (near) 21:485s Enterprise mine, near Enterprise 13:77s Lyndhurst (Steele) mine, Black Rapids 13:82s, Basin property, Hastings County (see Silver Cra- Faraday (Madawaska) mines, near Bancroft, 13:84s ter mine) Hastings County 13:73–84s, 13:111s Lynx mine (see Long Lake mine) Bear Lake Road, Monmouth Township 24:223h,s Faraday mine, Faraday Township, southwest of MacDonald feldspar mine, near Hybla, Monteagle Bicroft mine, near Bancroft, Cardiff Township Bancroft 10:154m, 10:157–158h Township, Hastings County 10:154m, 10:158g,h, 13:83s, 13:111s Fission (Richardson) mine, Cardiff Township, 13:84–85s, 13:198–200m,h Billings mine, near Brockville 13:78s Haliburton County 10:154m, 10:157h, 13:73s, MacLeod mine (Algoma Steel Co.), near Wawa Birds Creek, near Bancroft 13:78s 13:198m, 13:200–201h 13:107s Blue Mountain quarry, Methuen Township, near Foymont, Hwy. 515 near Yukes Lake 19:334 Madawaska mines, near Bancroft (see Faraday Bancroft, Peterborough County 13:85s Franch River area 13:85s mines) Bob’s Lake, Frontenac County 2:284–285, 13:73s, Gawley mine, near Deloro, Madoc area 13:81s Madoc area, Hastings County: fluorite mines 13:74s, 13:78s Geco mine, near Marathon 13:107s 13:87–92h,m,g; sulfosalt occurrence 13:93– Bonter quarry, near Malone (see Pinchin quarry) Gibson Road, near Tory Hill 13:72s, 13:73s, 100h,g Bradley mine, southwest of Madoc (see Keene 13:80s Mamainse Point 13:107–108s mine) Glen Lake mine, Cobalt 9:114s Marathon (west of) 13:107s Brudenell, near Lake Clear (see Lake Clear) Godfrey (cave near) 13:83s Marble Rock, Leeds County 13:84s Burgess mine, near Craigmont, Renfrew County Golding-Keene quarry, near York River, east of Marmoraton mines, near Marmora 13:74s, 13:75s, 13:85s Bancroft 13:86 13:83s C.A.M. (Canadian All Metals) property, Mon- Gole (John Gole) quarry, Murchison Township, Marmora Township 11:15s mouth Township, west of Tory Hill 10:154m, near Madawaska 10:154m, 10:155–156 McCoy beryl mine, north of Quadeville 10:155 10:156h Gooderham area 13:78s, 13:85s McKay property, near Gooderham 13:86s Caland pit, Atikokan 18:244s, 24:223s Gowganda 13:109h McLaren mine, near Otty Lake, south of Perth, Cameron quarry, near Carleton Place 13:74s Greely 20:391 Lanark County 13:73s, 24:388s Canada Crushed Stone quarry, Dundas 3:186g,h Grenville geological province 13:71–86m,g Meany mine, Sebastopol Township, Renfrew Canada Talc Co. mines, near Madoc 13:83s, Greyhawk mine, near Bancroft 13:83s County 13:209–210h,m 17:382s Griffith (Hwy. 41 near) 13:77–78s Microminerals 13:107–112 Canadian Beryllium Mines and Alloys Ltd. prop- Gunter quarry, near McKenzie Lake 24:388s Miner’s Bay 13:73s, 13:83s erty, near Quadeville 13:84s Gutz farm, near Rosenthal 13:85s Moira Lake group fluorite mines, south of Madoc, Cancrinite Hill, east of Bancroft 13:85s Harcourt (near) 21:485s Hastings County 13:87–92h,m,g Card quarry, west of Verona 13:84s Hemlo gold deposit, Lake Superior 17:340s Moneta mine, Timmins 11:14s Cardiff mine, Cardiff Township, southeast of Henderson talc mine, near Madoc 13:83s Norland 13:73s Wilberforce 10:154m, 10:157h, 13:72s, 13:80s, Highland Grove, Monmouth Township, Haliburton Normingo property, Dungannon Township, north- 13:225–226 County 13:78s east of Bancroft 10:154m, 10:156–157 Carey quarry, near Mackey 24:388s Highway 7 roadcut, west of Madoc, Hastings North Burgess Township (exact locality lost), Chesterville mine, Larder Lake 13:394s County 13:90h Lanark County 13:83s Classic localities 13:197–203 Hollinger mine, Timmins 13:393s Noyes mine, southeast of Madoc, Hastings County Cobalt (Cobalt Lake) area, Coleman Township Huntingdon Township, Madoc 16:46s 13:88m, 13:89–90h, 13:111s, 17:139s 13:109–110s Huronian mine 13:394s Ottawa area 23:428–429s Coe mine, south of Madoc, Hastings County Indusmin quarry, Methuen Township, Peter- Park property, Sebastopol Township, Renfrew 13:88m, 13:90h borough County 13:85s County 13:209–210h,m Cole quarry, near Madawaska (see J.
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