Pak. J. Biotechnol. Vol. 15 (1) 25-31 (2018) ISSN Print: 1812-1837 www.pjbt.org ISSN Online: 2312-7791 MARASMIELLUS PALMIVORUS AS A NEW CAUSAL AGENT OF REED WILT DISEASE IN IRAQ Hassan A. Tamur1, Liqaa Y. Mohsin2, Jawad K. Abood Al-Janabi3 and Zahraa, A. N. Al-Yassiry4 1Directorate of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Iraq. 2,3,4Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Babylon, Iraq. Email: [email protected] Article received ABSTRACT Background: Reed plants are widely distributed in Iraq and responsible to invade irrigation channels and drainage systems. Aim: The present study was designed to identify and characterize the causal agent of reed wilt disease. Methods: Disease symptoms, characteristics and growth pattern of causal agent were investigated. Results: Reed wilt disease has been observed during the survey which was held at the end of October 2016. The percent of natural infection of this disease was found in the range of 7-18%, the causal agent was identified as Marasmiellus palmivorus based on macro and microscopic characteristics. Microscopic observation of M. palmivorus revealed the engendered white cottony mycelia turned to creamy with clamp connection. Radial growth of this fungus was greatly varied according to the type of additives supplemented in the growth media and results were as following: M. oleifera (7.8 cm) > wheat (7.7cm) > Reed (7.4 cm) > millet (6.8 cm) > Caladium (6.7 cm) > PDA (5.86 cm) > onion (2.94 cm). Conclusion: The results of present study concluded that M. palmivorus was recorded as the causal agent of wilt disease on reed plant for the first time in Iraq and possibly for other countries as far as we know. Also, this fungus could be act as bio-herbicidal against reed plants, but more attention should be paid to this point. Keywords: Marasmiellus palmivorus, reed plant, wilt disease INTRODUCTION Marasmiellus is an ecumenical distributed genus, and Hasenstein, 2005; Adedji, 2006; Miller et al., particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. It 2010). In other study, Pong et al., (2012) reported comprises of about 400 species which belongs to for first time that M. palmivorus as causative Basidiomycota, Agaricales, Marasmiaceae Roze agent of Bunch rot disease of oil palm trees in & Kühner (Wilson & Desjardin 2005, Kirk et al., Malaysia. 2008; Antonín & Noordeloos 2010). Species of Almaliky et al., 2012, have examined the pathoge- marasmioid fungi have been recognized as being nicity of M. palmivorus to cause bunch rot disease both saprotrophic and parasitic (Wilson and Desj- in oil palm. Besides this, banana stem rot disease ardin 2005). In South America, Marasmius equi- has also been kenned to cause by Marasmiellus crinis fungus was observed to grow on dead sp. (Thiruchchelvan et al., 2013). Other resear- decaying materials of tea, cocoa, coffee and other chers demonstrated the severity of white thread crops and considered as a common lignicolous blight (Marasmiellus scandens) in cocoa was form saprophytic fungus (Kilaru and Hasenstein, 2005; six regions of Ghana (Amoako-Atta et al., 2016). Adedji, 2006; Miller et al., 2010; Molina et al, Phragmites australis (common reed), naturally, 2010). Depending upon the moisture and salt- grows in a variety of habitat including wetlands, tolerant accessibility in the environment, species freshwater conditions, marsh communities, river of Marasmiellus show variability in their living and lake sides. It found to grow almost in every behavior. Therefore, this genus is often available continent except Antarctica. Phragmites australis in coastal climates, dune soil or another littoral has been well characterized for their capability to environment (Pérez-De-Gregorio et al., 2011). persist, grow and modulate according to the envi- Whereas, Marasmiellus ciesanus was collected ronment conditions (Kobbing et al., 2013; Uddin from an open dune in the Atlantic Islands of et al. 2014; Meyerson et al., 2016). P. australis Galicia. It was identified on the basis of morpho- can modify its habitats by altering marshland hyd- logical features and referred as a new species from rology; reducing salinity in salty wetlands. Further Spain (Blanco-Dios, 2015). their existence can rise the possibilities of fire and Although most of Marasmiellus spp. are found to threaten the wildlife (Rebecca et al., 2016). confine to a particular living host, but many spec- To the best of our knowledge there is no scientific ies of Marasmiellus and Marasmius are frequently report available to reed wilt disease caused by mentioned in literatures as pathogenic to many Marasmiellus genus. Therefore, the present study plant species in particular, monocotyledonous such was conducted for identification and characteriza- as sugar cane, palms, taro (Colocasia esculenta), tions of causal agent of reed wilt disease (RWD). maize and turf grass (seashore paspalum) (Kilaru MATERIALS AND METHODS 26 H.A. Tamur et al., Pak. J. Biotechnol. Field observations and disease assessment: Dur- boiled gently in distilled water for 30 min. Millet ing the month of November 2016, the natural infe- seeds were rewashed again with distilled water ction of wilt disease was observed in reed plants. and autoclaved twice at 15 psi for 1hr. After cool- Observations of various symptoms were recorded ing, each flask was inoculated with three discs (5 in the grown reed plants. Disease incidence (DI) mm) of newly formed colony of RWDF followed was assessed in five agricultural regions (Hilla, by incubation for 3 weeks at 26°C ± 2. The inocu- Kifil, Al Hamzah, Hashimiah, Al-Mahawil), of lated flaks of millet seeds were shaken at regular Babylon Province, Iraq that include an open drain- intervals of 2 days to obtain uniform fungal gro- age network. From each region 100 reed plants wth and to break the mycelial mat. Inoculum of were visually observed alongside the line of drain RWDF was kept in refrigerator at 4°C in conical channels. The numbers of reed plants that exhibi- flasks (Alnuaimy et al., 2017). ted wilt disease symptoms were calculated. The Pathogenicity: 20 healthy, uniform reed plants disease incidence (DI) was assessed according to (one-year-old), were selected from drain field and the equation given below: planted in plastic pots of 20*30 cm sizes with 퐍퐮퐦퐛퐞퐫 퐨퐟 퐩퐥퐚퐧퐭퐬 퐬퐡퐨퐰퐢퐧퐠 퐬퐲퐦퐩퐭퐨퐦퐬 autoclaved sandy clay soil under greenhouse DI = × 100 퐓퐨퐭퐚퐥 퐧퐮퐦퐛퐞퐫 퐨퐟 퐢퐧퐬퐩퐞퐜퐭퐞퐝 퐩퐥퐚퐧퐭퐬 conditions. The plantation process was carried out in the mid of September month, 2016. Reed plants Isolation and identification: The diseased samp- were left to grow for two months under controlled les from stems and rhizomes of reed plants were conditions. After that pots were inoculated indivi- collected and transferred to the laboratory. The dually with disease causal agent by mixing the infected plant samples were cut into small segme- previously prepared inoculum in the soil of pots at nts (3-5mm) followed by surface sterilization by a rate of 5% each. 10 pots without inoculation using the solution of sodium hypochlorite (3%). served as control. Disease symptoms of reed wilt Then samples were rinsed thoroughly by sterilized disease (RWD) were recorded after 15 days of distilled water and dried on sterilized filter paper. inoculation. The dried samples were inoculated on Petri-plates Growth of RWDF in different nutrient sources: containing autoclaved PDA medium supplemen- Solid media were prepared from different sources ted with 250 mg/l of chloramphenicol. Then the such as A: PDA, B: Leaves of M. oleifera, C: Mil- Petriplates were incubated at 26°C ± 2 for 7 days. let seed, D: Wheat seed, E: Reed stem, F: Calad- The mycelium was sub cultured at regular interval ium leaves, G: Outer leaves of red onion. Plant of time on sterilized PDA plates. Fungal isolate parts/organs of M. oleifera leaves, reed stem, Cal- was identified according to the morphological and adium leaves and outer leaves of red onion were taxonomic features such as characteristics of colo- cut manually into 3-5mm thickness. All samples ny and mycelium clamp connections using 40- including wheat and millet seeds were exposed to X Microscopic Objective Lens (Desjardin et al., complete dry in oven (80ºC) followed by grinding 1993; Leslie and Summerell 2006; Kirk et al., in electronic blender until they become fine pow- 2008; Mishra and Mishra, 2012). der. The prepared samples were stored in steri- Growth and maintenance of fungal isolates: lized containers till further usage (Umechuruba Reed wilt disease fungus (RWDF) isolate was and Elenwo, 1999). inoculated in Petri dishes containing PDA (pH To prepare growth media, 2g of each nutrient sou- 7.0) followed by incubation for 5 days at 26 ± rce was dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water 2oC. For making the slants, 20 ml of PDA was using magnetic stirrer. The dextrose and agar were poured in glass tubes and left until solidified. The added to the growth medium at the same rate as in slants were inoculated by streaking the culture PDA and mixed thoroughly followed by autocla- from newly formed colonies of each fungal isolate ving at 15 psi for 15 minutes. Then 20 ml of the followed by incubation at 26 ± 2oC for 6 days. autoclaved medium was poured into each of the The slants were stored at 50C in refrigerator follo- sterile Petri dishes. On solidifications, the plates wed by sub culturing at regular interval (30 days) were inoculated with a disk (0.5 cm) of fungal of time (Obaid et al., 2017). tissues from the edge of RWDF colony (4 days Preparation of fungal inoculum: The inoculum old). Three replicates for each source were taken of RWDF was prepared according to the proced- and incubated for 6 days at 26±2 0C. ure described by Dewan and Sivasithamparam, Radial diameter (in cm) of RWDF was calculated (1989). Briefly, millet seeds (Panicum miliaceum from two intersecting lines from the center of the L.) were taken from Hilla Local Market and filled dish at regular interval of 48 h on various culture separately in 250ml of conical flasks (as 100gm media.
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