- REMEMBERED TUNE.-. that she was the widow of a banker, a Pretty Tales Devoid of Truth.- . Outrunning Death. clumsily and most moderately , and de- ¬ A Ttmc. ' departmental- , bank.br ; v that she 'was lx> idon Philadelphia vote -his- own 'jtime simply to overseeing , limes. of a man seasick from worth $100,000 , and that the § 100 was The good people of Coventry , who "Think getting idleness and country1sports. My hand went o'er the piano keya , riding on a locomotive engine , " said on a song thutyouH ngmy the face value of a note which the clerk to-day celebrate the festive .ceremony But a little farming illustration from And it cbancod Counselor Farley , who last week shot Hfe had paid a dozen times in interest. connected with, the name Lady Go- real English will best illustrate the dear, of down from Philadelphia to Atlantic City This is a sample. diva , ought be a Jittle disturbed by a- point Lhave.in.mind. Lingeringat an When we roamed through the country utill- - to a't rate of more than-u mile a min- ¬ into in. the old English inn , I talked of tno neigh-- bombshell'cast their midst the to reach the bedside of his dying Luxurious Travel. shape of a letter which wo publish , ute borhoou farming with my intelligent Or stood by the * cu when the moon was child. During the present century inventive mercilessly assailing their favorite tra- ¬ landlord. A couple of sturdy looking 'Seasickness' is , of course , not the clear , genius has been most actively employed dition. of Lady Godiva " young men in hunting suits , riding The legend to apply to the disorder, but that In that other year. conceiving and developing plans and ¬ term whips in hand , came into the inn at 10- in has already received some severe treat- than any other name machinery to simplify and lighten the ; expresses it better o'clock in the morning t* guzzle bucr- 1 Torgot the words you were wont to ring, ment at the hands of Mr. Freeman can think of. My ride created labor of man and to give liim more of now Lineal Descendant of- that I awhile.. Landlord said they leased an- But the tune, is a Kwcet and tender one , and "A of wretchedness that a the comforts and luxuries of life , and ¬ the same feeling 80acre farm near by , on which were 40 And sad as the thought of autumn and Leofric and Godiva" selects the occa- ocean always gives in no country has such marked improve- ¬ of procession as an few hours on the sheep , 15 cows , and which spring sion tke Coventry mo of caused by ment in this direction been made as in opportunity for demolishing the story. , only instead its being grow more or less hay, wheat , etc-. one who dreams in the tender sun of a vessel it was brought on- To the United States. Patent has followed The good people of Coventry , by way the rolling .Thejj paid 8 an acre rent. Did done.- . and of a loco¬ That the Bweet time's patent with most marvelous rapidity , of keeping green the memory of their by the pitching tossing nothing themselves. Hired help at 15 motive- . until it would seem that , perfection benefactress , employ a' lady to ride shillings the week , and were always As I play , the old hopes , the old Borrows ."I received a telegram telling me of- must be reached at last, and in no one town attired flesh¬ ready to join the hounds , if there was a move , through their "in my child's- condition about two o'clock- channel have such marked and impor- ¬ ings. " Whether this attire is decent or meet anywhere near them. A hard And It PCCIILS almost that your voice 1 moment tant results been attained as in the ap- ¬ such as "would not be tolerated upon in the afternoon. Every after morning"'s work for them was a walk to hear , that seemed an hour. I realized how plication of steam and electricity to the English stage" is alien to the ques- ¬ the pasture , to see if the sheep were all And my spirit baa gone thin day to rove was , had been machinery , and to the economies of tion of historical accuracy , although a extreme the danger for I right. In theafternoon they might Down the inland way , by the far-off eca- one. life generally. lineal descendant of Lady Godiva may up several nights with the little take a glance at the growing wheat , Of that year.- . was locomotive , other These patent forces plant and har-- be-pardoned for referring even to the There nothing but the turnips , etc. In New England , two Dis-¬ its neat vestrpur grain , jgrind our flour , weave subject of decorum with some and I sat in with the engineer. young farmers running a farm of eighty As a bird that finds warmth. patches were sent ahead ordering all When the winds are over strong, pur cloh', make' our clothes and light Our correspondent goes through the acres would do about ml the work them ¬ regular trains to run for sidings and re- ¬ With quivering wings and panting breast, and warm' our houses. They carry our agonizing process of showing in detail selves. I have only time to hint at the persons and our goods over land and main until the engine passed. We clumsiness of methods Even PO to-day this feong , that the procession which is to take English farming sea, and our thoughts from one end of were about a minnto getting out of the , as often , of Which your dear lips used to Hing , place to-day has no origin in fact , but and machinery though the earth to the other with incredible only in the fertile brains of chroniclers. built-up part of Camden. Then we course not always exhibited. I have From the days long left behind flow ; no rate of speed could bo rapidity , and by thus annihilating time The earliest chronicles , he says , are but stopped by the roadside and looked Enters now and folds its wing too fast for me. As we wildly rushed fiulfill the promise of Puck to- silent about fabulous ; with astomsh'nieut and amusement at remembering the ride"ai\d it' in- In the still mind. "put a girdle round about makes its first appearance in quite a along we enveloped ourselves the sight of three horses dragging a ' cloud of was so thick the earth in forty minutes. " different form from which it has a dust that at heavy iron plow , one man driving , an- ¬ Washington Shylooks.O- . that times eould not see half a dozen Genius having thus demonstrated its assumed in later times. The populace that I other man holding plows moving at a- or.. Philadelphia Record. whistle screamed ability to contrive means to carry us of Coventry , so far from being notified yards ahead. The a snail's pace , turning the furrows in a Driving out to the Soldiers' Home it- note of warning almost every second. safely at a speed of forty to sixty miles to keep house , as Mr. Tennyson sings field where a New England farmer the evening you cannot fail to notice a Indeed , it seemed to my excited mind an hour, now supplements the feat by and tradition now relates , were assem- ¬ would have done the same work alone last horse driven by a fine-looking col-¬ that was all one wild shriek , extend- ¬ the invention of cars that combine bled to view the spectacle : so that the it with a single stout horse holding plow , ored man. Ho has' the neatest light ¬ Delaware to sea. within themselves not only all the com- "low churl , compact of chankless ing from the the After and driving with reins over his neck.- . turnout on the road. Ho is tall , broad- we gone a few miles the engine be- ¬ forts and conveniences of a beautiful earth , " who paid for his treachery by had So it was all round two or three shouldered , soldierly. He has bushy to pitch and toss , and as the speed home , but the luxurious appointments the loss of his eyesight , must be gan men to do a single man's work , and gray whiskersandbo wears goldboweds- more vie ¬ of a magnificent palace as well. Sit¬ accounted mythical. increased the motion became teams of horses out of proportion to th pectacles. Strangers'take him for the Now we seemed to drop into a ting-rooms , drawing-rooms , reading- But even "these early version ? , it lent. labor required of them. Haytian or Hawaiian minister. Ho is- gulf, then to rear into the air, and again , i rooms , smoking-rooms , dining-rooms , seems , are fabulous. Our correspond- ¬ * neither. He is a banker , with the most as quick as , to be in the act of libraries , lavatories , bed-chambers , and , ; ¬ thought Missing profitable customers in the United ent admits a Lady Godiva but he disal- The Link Outdone. in fact, every possible convenience and lows a Coventry in those days.- There leaping into a creek. The trees and Jacksonville ( Flo. ) Times. States. He loans them money which like a , , necessity of life "are now become a mat-¬ was no town which Lady Godiva could fields and houses were long black Perhaps the greatest living curiosities lie is almost certain to get back, and streak. to feel faint ter of course while traveling at a speed have ridden , of anything pertaining te- waving I began now in existence in this country will they pay him 15 , 25 , yes , 30 per cent, a dizzy , and if it had not been for the which , in one day, takes us as far as a town , save , perhaps- , the cluster of and pass through this city on their way to month lor it.
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