4 Continuous j] > w MITMy News Service I 11| ^ iiW Camnbridge Since 1881 | 1 - its I t Massachusetts Volume 96, Number 15 __ 6__ _ Friday, April 2, 1976| _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M . Frdy.prl217 M|T I vestigaias spySing c MCIs By Jim Eisen this campus for purposes of spy- gram at MIT will transfer missile tly related to the refusal of the Allegations concerning a tech- ing or surveillance." Menand an- technology to a dictatorship. Nationalist government to grant nology training program for 15 ticipates future contacts with The Government of Taiwan has passports to two Boston-area Taiwanese graduate students and the Nationalist government. been developing nuclear Taiwanese students, allegedly for And~~ spying by the 'Nationalist In an independent investiga- weapons, and this will help them ,political reasons. However, ac- Chinese Government spurred the tion, open meetings are being get a nuclear delivery cording to Menand, this issue capability." formal initiation of two investi- conducted by an Ad Hoc Facul- "forms part of the context in gations by MIT officials two ty Committee on International Neither investigation is direc- which I'm functioning." weeks ago. Institutional Commitments into AN~SI IDE- < Dr. Louis B. Menaned 1II, the program's orgins, sponsors, Special Assistant to the Provost, and curriculum content. The Am A Woman, Viveca I was asked by President Jerome 1 0 -m e mbo er c ommittee was Lindfors' one-woman show, Wiesner and Chancellor Paul formed last year in response to recently opened in Boston. I . " Gray on March 18 to report on concern over the Iranian training the work, Cheryl Allen reviews charges that a former student, program in Nuclear Engineering. and examines Lindfors' attempt working for the Taiwan govern- . of.~~~.1 The t w o -year non-degree to portray "thirty-six aspects of ment, was attempting to photo- Technology Training Program is womankind." graph Taiwanese students at- administered by the MIT Center t an SACC "teach-in" on tending for Advanced E ngineering i the training program in Feb- L Study. According to Tech Talk, 2~~~*, ruary. The photographer re- it is "aimed at teaching the t portedly surrendered his film A bicentennial March for Jobs in students how to develop highly voluntarily to the students. a Washington, DC is planned for sophisticated technical concepts I Contacted within 48 hours of April 3. Objectives of the march into complex industrial systems the incident, Menland began his include the passage of an and products and thus provide investigation immediately. employment bill, tax reform, the National Taiwan University i; "I'm moving cautiously," he and other legislation in favor of with a group of new entrep- The Tech, "trying to pro- finding work for the country's told reneurs who can assume leader- tect the privacy of those in- r jobless. ship roles in developing new high t volved." In the midst of many technology industry for suspicions, lie added, he has Taiwan. " A more controversial learned "precious few facts." 3----~a aspect is its emphasis on inertial Anyone carrying out an act navigation systems used in '"navi- r government in the 6 The MIT men's varsity sailing for a forecign r gating, guiding, or controlling f U nited States must register team defeats a field of eighteen, high performance vehicles.') The a either with the Department of including six of the seven program began on Jan. 1, 1975. top-ranked teams, to win the Justice or State, according to Boston Dinghy regatta. Menand, and this presents the Concern has been expressed c (n legal aspect of the issue. In by various faculty and student a) addition, in an open letter-to the body members, including E M IT community, President Chinese and Taiwanese students, Wiesner and Chancellor Gray over uses of this t raining. Ac- m stated, ". We would be indig- cording to SACC member OLJ-TS117 nant if any person came onto Howard Shrobe G. "The pro- Dr. Louis Menand II 1, Special Assistant to the Provost I I t The International brotherhood E of Teamsters went on strike +eesn tGavievvan. e styirs llspaIlt nationally for the first time in McNamee Ievanney said. are our misrepresentations. We'd published paper had been the union's history Thursday By Mike The MIT administration is Devanney said that he had do the same for any author who misued by MIT. r. morning, pulling tens of thou- t; committee to withdrawn his permission for use felt he'd been misrepresented." Rosenblith told The Tech sands fo trucks off the nation's naming a special investigate charges that a faculty of the paper he wrote for the that "the ruffled feathers be- highways. While most truckers Cut Threatened? it Funding Sea Grant and Devanney a member's professional reputa- MIT Sea Grant Program after tween r were involved with the strike, I tion was damaged when ther paper was edited by Review The committee apparently have been settled," and that the i some carrier locals made interim i Te ch n ology R eview, MIT's Editor John Mattill. "I told will not investigate allegations committee "won't be concerned agreements and continued to f alumni magazine, allegedly mis- them that the article they were that Devanney threatened to quit with s u c h a Ilegatio ns ." operate. Approximately 60 represented his views in an producing wouldn't represent working with the Sea Grant Pro- Devanney refused to comment percent of the goods producedin adaptation of a paper he wrote. my views, and that I didn't want gram and "to get Washinton to on his Sea Grant relations, say- the US are carried by Teamster i' Associate Professor of Ocean them to publish it," Devanney cut off Sea Grant's funding." ing "it's a matter just between trucks, but strike effects were '' Engineering John W. Devanney said. "I can't imagine anyone Sources told 1 ne 'Tech that Tech Review and myself. I· not expected to be felt before S has charged that the magazine's misunderstanding my position.' Devanney told Rosenblith that "There was never any tmal R next week. A Labor Department i· of an adaptation of his paper Acting source said that President Ford use Technology Review printed Sea Grant's funding would be action taken on that," on offshore oil drilling damaged if Devanney, a con- Sea Grant Director Dean Horn was ready to declare a national the article, however, along with jeopardized his professional reputation by tributor to the program, publi- said. "Professor Devanneyl is still emergency if the Teamsters several other pieces one offshore "misrepresenting my views on a cized charges that his Sea Grant: working with Sea Grant." 4 would not accept an 80-day oil in its February issue, which critical issue." The ·- 6cooling-off" period utnder the appeared two weeks ago. i. Devanney, who said he had Act. a rt icle did not run under · Taft-Hartley :· withdrawn his permission for Devanney's byline. Instead, a s Techsznolog- Reviews to use the footnote introduced the piece as a article, has demanded that the "an adaptation by the Editors of for use of an r THE TECH magazine apologize Technology Re view of 'The he says he did not 31 adaptation O.C.S. Petroleum Pie,' by John authorize. The Tech has recently made W. Devanney, I11, published in r Provost Walter A. Rosenblith February, 1975, by the M.I.T. several large equipment and is expected to appoint a special space changes and would like to Sea Grant Program." i three-member committee to thank the following people for determine the facts of the contro- "The Review felt all along their assistance with the changes versy, with a possibility of draw- that it was not intending to print and associated financial arrange- ing up guidelines for "how to Devanney's article," James ments: Dean for Student Affairs Champy, Executive Vice Presi- deal with the relationship of Robert Holden; Conor Moran what Technology Review wants dent of the Alumni Association staff; and the Student Center to publish and what faculty and Publisher of Technology i Richard DeWolfe and Joseph members feel they ought to Review, said. "Our feelings were the Palmer of Physical Plant; print." that it was a paper published by MIT Locksmiths; the Finance In addition to the investi- Sea Grant, in the public domain, ,Board of the Undergraduate gative committee, Devpnney told and edited by the Review for Association; VP for Financial -The Tech that the Review has re-publication. We thought it Cowen; John Operations Stuart agreed to provide Devanney with was clearly stated that that's and David Sears of Accounting; a page in the next issue to what the piece was -an adapta- Harrigan of the Office of "publish a statement of how I tion." Sponsored Programs; George really feel about the economics Champy said that the Pishenin of the Hobby Shop; of offshore oil drilling." The Re view's promise to print APO, Alice Seelinger of the DSA Review will also furnish copies Devanney's statement was "6just and Glenn Curtis of Purchasing. of the original report Devanney a matter of our giving him a wrote to readers free of charge, chance to correct what he feels LICllsr·lasnsgallIwPam --- --._-Y _IgB PAGE 2 THE TECH FRIDAY, APR I L 2, 1976 SS~~~~~I~~~BB~~~~~BSS~~~~~II~~~~~B ~ ~ 111 I Thirty-six aspects of wonmankind By Cheryl Allen piece blended into another, portraying many different LOOKING FOR A I Am A Woman, Viveca without distinct beginnings or characters without ever leaving Lindfors' one woman show, endings, the characters merged the stage to change costumes, opened March 2 at the Charles into one.
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