Complete Wire Reports of UNITED PRESS, The Greatest World-Wide News Service The Indianapolis Times NOON Generally fair tonight and Sunday; not much change in temperature; lowest tonight near freezing. Entered as SectDd-Class Matter Outside Marion F SCflip PS -WOWAROI Cou-nty VOLUME 42—NUMBER 168 INDIANAPOLIS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1930 at Postoffice. Indianapolis. Ind. TWO CENTS r. Ois TWO DIE IN Bandit Slain in HOOSIER FOES 48,000 to Watch Rockne’s HOSPITALS OF Grocery Holdup ON EDGE FOR Irish Clash With Purple AUTO INJURIES I ‘Boring Burglar’ Victim; New Head of GRiDCLASSK Second Man Makes City ‘Business’ William Post. Struck by His Escape. Pat Page’s I. U. Eleven WELLER WHOOPS IT UP! WINNER MAY Hopes for Upset Hit-Run Driver, Gunfire of Carl Rugenstein, 44, Group Resigns operator of a grocery at 2101 Pleas- Passes On. ant street, Friday night, killed one The Indiana Business Men’s As- Over Purdue. without, Player by Butler of two bandits who attempted to rob ■ sociation, Inc., again is a Great Indian Faced BE NATIONAL him. The other bandit escaped. • president. HURT FATALLY BY CAB The dead bandit is William E. James D. Ermston, attorney, who DOPE AGAINST CRIMSON Sorrell, 24, of 2230 North Rural was named president after Thomas street, known as the “boring bur- C. Whallon, former city judge, re- Times GRID CHAMP glar” who served a term in the state signed, today informed The Powerful Boilermakers Are Ohio Man Is Taken by reformatory in 1929. he had withdrawn “because of busi- Rugenstein told police the men ness reasons.” Ready Wounds Suffered on came into the store and asked for “The association’s business was for Invasion Ticket Scalpers Draw Down cigarets. Suspicious of them, he re- out of my line and I find I can’t of Old Rivals. Ranging From Nov. 11. leased the safety on a small re- attend to it,” he said. Prices carried his He ago volver he in pocket. Several weeks it was reported Times Special Two men died early today at In- as he turned, Sorrell told him to BP S2O to $75. said that Ermston was preparing LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 22.—Pat dianapolis hospitals as a result of they didn’t want cigarets, but withdraw and he then declared he money. further re- Page led his Indiana U. football auto accidents: had given orders that Fires Seven Times ports of misconduct on the part of cohorts here today with the an- William Post, 63. of 1665 South SOLDIERS GUARD GATES Rugenstein drew the gun and the employes would bring his resigna- nouncement that “We’ll capture the Delaware street, succumbed at St. fled. Sdrrell carrying a revol- tion. He said today the resigna- ‘old oaken bucket’ if it takes till men sundown.” Vincent's hospital from injuries re- ver. Grabbing a Luger automatic tion was written Oct. 23, but did not Notre take effect until late Thursday. The “bucket” in question is the Dame Rules Favorite ceived Friday night when he was pistol from the counter. Rugenstein followed them to the door and fired coveted trophy which the Pagemen to struck by a hit-and-run driver at have been attempting to take away Down Wildcats in and Minnesota seven times. Madison avenue said he saw one of the bandits from Purdue for the past four years. Police, with a description of He Midwest Classic. street. stagger and his bandit companion On the surface, this appears to the death auto, are seeking the 2 ON be a broad statement by the genial dragged him. CONVICTED driver.- BY DIXON STEWART in from but • Sorrell’s body, with two bullets Irishman Bloomington, United Press Staff Correspondent Hurt Fatally by Cab found under a the fact that precedent his back, was loading has decreed EVANSTON, 111.. Nov. 22.—Notre platform Sexson coal yards, the Hoosiers upset at least one ma- Post, when taken to the hospital at the ARSON CHARGES Dame and Northwestern the avenue. Po- jor foe during the season with one side of his face torn away Harlan street and Hoyt gives it middle wests only undefeated and lice found him by following a trial some strength. The Crimson-clad and suffering from internal injuries, no-tied football teams—meet today regained consciousness and told at- of blood. warriors have failed to accomplish Go Straight a feat at Dyche stadium before 46.000 fans taches he “was going to get well.” Promised to South Bend Business Men such this season, or even gar- in a game which will decide ner a major triumph. west- Injuries suffered when he was A man. believed to be the bandit, Will Appeal Verdict. ern, and possibly, national, cham- struck by a cab. Nov. 11. at Noble went to Sorell’s home shortly after Boilermaker Line Powerful pionship honors. avenue, street and Massachusetts the shooting and told Byron Smith, Bu Times Special The the Because of the records and caused the death of E. C. Haide- Sorrell obstacle between Page- Sorrell’s brother-in-law, that ST. JOSEPH. Mich., Nov. 22. men their annual upset feat is acknowledged strength of the two man of Bellefontaine, 0., at the city and the game had been wounded. Claude E. Nicely and Maurice L. a big and powerful team, one of the teams attracted as much hospital. Haldeman had been in a Following his parole on the one to Hurwich, South Bend (Ind.) busi- interest as any game ever played accident, outstanding gridiron machines in serious condition since the ten-year sentence for a series of ness men, stand convicted today of in Chicago. injuries. the midwest. suffering from internal grocery robberies, Mrs. Sorrell said arson, as a result of the verdict of Coach Only 48,000 will witness the game, cab. Leonard Keith, Noble Kizer has developed Driver of the her husband had promised he a jury in Berrien county circuit a line that has every but three times as many made un- of 628 North Meridian street, he outplayed op- 33. "would go straight.” She said court here, returned to Judge ponent year, the successful application for tickets. was with assault and bat- the this while ball-lug- Scalpers experienced charged left the house shortly before Charles E. White after about three gers have been clipping off an aver- no trouble tery at the tune of the accident and shooting, asserting he was going to and one-half hours deliberation. in securing prices ranging from S2O re- age of more than four yards an at- Coroner Charles H. Keever today sell insurance. The conviction carries with it a tempt against five conference to $75 for tickets and a detail of the years foes. opened the probe of case. penalty of from one to ten in Except for half of 100 Ft. Sheridan soldiers and 25 attorneys 1925, when the Evanston Injured the state prison. Defense policemen has been de- Woman Is two rivals battled to a draw and ba;k signified immediately that the con- the bucket, tailed to turn expected “gate Charles Mayer, 4525 Park viction carried to the shared the aivard has Mrs. would be resided in Purdue’s trophy crashing” attempts. avenue, suffered back injuries Fri- HANGING BARES Michigan supreme court, and Judge case through three Win afternoon when a truck, driven White granted them twenty days consecutive Boiler- 7 Games in Row day maker triumphs. by J. E. Goodhue, 50. of 2622 Brook- in which to perfect the appeal. The Northwestern already lias won a. side avenue, struck her auto at court announced that Nicely and Many Upsets Since 1899 clear claim to a share in the Big Fortieth street and Broadway. Mrs. POISONSCHEME Hurwich could remain at liberty un- Ten conference honors and can win Mayer was thrown from the rear der the $15,000 bonds which each On dope, the Lafayetters are fig- recognition leading ured to retain the victory emblem as claimant for seat, of the car by the impact. posted after their arrest jast spring. western and national champion- Others injured in accidents: Woman Plotted to The St. Joseph Board and Paper today, but dope means little in these Danville battles. Since the was ship laurels by defeating Notre Jake Wilsop. 25. of 1623 Holliday Company plant here was destroyed series started Dame in its season's finale 25. of in 1899 there have been many up- today. street, and Alvin Robinson. Kill Relatives. by fire Jan. 29, 1928, about six The Wildcats have street, and face a surprise win by the Hoo- won seven con- 1621 Holliday body months after Hurwich and Nicely sets, and secutive Lewett, 6, of the siers is not games, defeating two in- injuries, and Wallace ; By United Press obtained a lease and option on today impossible. tersectional rivals. Tulane and Cen- avenue, right of Page has had without 4508 North Keystone DANVILLE, Ind.. Nov. 22.—A property with a down payment two weeks tre,- and teams, game which to revamp his five conference Ohio leg broken. plot in which an entire fam- SI,OOO. : a in State, Minnesota, poison battered squad and sharpen it for Illinois, Indiana ily of three persons may be the ulti- encounter. and Wisconsin. the Notre LEOPARD KILLS BOY: mate toll was revealed here with the FATHER WINS BATTLE AS He reportedly has developed a Dame, undefeated since wide, open atttack which will get its 1928, still lias games with and OWNER FEARS MOB death of Miss Ruby Kesler, 40, and CHILDREN RUN TO HIM Southern Cahtornia on its schedule, critical, illness of her mother and first test today.
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