"V, . Jt 5 Vol. m, ;no. ios. Honolulu, "Wednesday, May 9, S94. Per Montli 50 Cte. Business Cards TV A Business Cards BfjjE EZS 1UST ARRIVED, IS PUBLISHED f WBIBr MAOFAELANE Jfc CO. A.rLLienser-Bu.sch "vvim M. LOSE. 5 JUverv .A.fterrioon -- Brewing Co. 3 Dealers in Wines and Spirits the JPrize at the V Orlds Pair with their jSTotarv Public. EXCBPT SUNDAY BY THE . CoHcfor Kaahnmnn Street, Honolulu. KAGL JBrand Beer. and ffwiera iWfl?s BABY" CARRIAGES Co. St. Louts Oct 23, 1S03. jiyeni. Holoawa Publishing Messrs. Macfarlane fc Co., L'd., Honolulu, H. I. Patentee of Lose's Chemical OF ALT. STYLES. H F. BEETELMANN, Globe-Democ- Dear Sirs: "We have mailed jTona:copy of the rat Compound Clarifying block), - for At Xing St. (Tbomas CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, announcing the great victorv won b- the Ankegser-Bus- h Associa-tIO- N with their "EAGLE" Brand of Beer. Cane Juice. Honolulu, H. I. 8G King St., Bell Telephone 107. Signed Sub-Age- nt tlie ANHEUSER-BUS- for several of r H BEWING ASSOCIATION. h Best CARP Sj, SUBSCRIPTION, per Month, 50 Cts. P. H. EEDWAED. FIRE INSURANCE COS. CONTRACTOR juji BUHNER,' m.'3fliBs4SMJC?. i"e TirJ fii" ""n " 'flui n m i . - - .. SX53S& Mutual Telephone o. P. Q. Box .133. Tke pnper k delivered hy Garners in tbe SiSilM Merchant Honolulu. RUQSj Single Copies No. 506 King Street, Honolulu. I nQ K Uwrn awl sobnrbf. for ale a df at tbe .New Dealers and at the Office of I F I !VCrW" Hawaiian Islands. I e n pttbtiqatiM. , t a ms' 0 J kll ra m M,& i r -- i 5. - HARRISON BROS., nuu zt v. EOMUHD HORRIE, - Editor ij'SiI City Meat Wy a !i !i CONTRACTORS AND George E. Smithies - Manager W BUILDERS. 55 . in PATTERNS. 20S Fort St., Honolulu. k; Market the;latest Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, (( ' . , .Wos. M. s ?-f- ;v Established 1SS3. HOUSEHOLD: NOTICE. H, LOHEIDE, ''c asw -- -- SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. -- iji. -- i! c vr-- ' ,' j.ja;- mmmivicfasKM-wxhJ- f a BoBiness be .ltLmi ?,vw. i All Communications should liJfrVr -- aMreased to George E Smithies Hono- (Hawaiian Co. waagBasaGB&- - ssmsssm-mf. TINKER, Hardware r vy JOS. SEWING MACHINES lulu, H. I. t- r iflMW r "TfirTi TTTrrr r w . :.!"!: nt All orders to. S3 Qornw poncience and Communications tor promptly attended rIEaHSH"H?3iSfeS3iS1i publication should be addressed to the Editor WK!SraffSitaiSlen'S Hand Sewing Machines, Ilriwnii Holomnu. No notice will be paid SS-Ti- f to any anonymous cointnnnicntions. Bell Telephone 3S1. P. 0. Box 32 gSSkS ExTAH With the Latent ImprovemenU"53 W. W. WEIGHT & SON, l?5Wtf SSSJSSSSSE Carriage Wagon !i lfSMmJZJL--Ft!-Mf- - Business Cards and Builders i P vKxBt?v- fj' imtfS&Mfmmtt's.&ysfisz:fcFh 3USEH.r5sK?iSw,. Maker of the Celebrated PAELOE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Ki?c??aajB.wucsfet!!i.p pt; ! A. PETERSON, 79 SO King cSffiseii Cambridge Pork Sausage P. and Street, Honolulu, H. I. Try Them. Orrms, Grmtars ATTORNEY AT LAW. LiSSi3v:! 1 And Other Mnsical InstmmenU. " Gtuce: 113 Kaahnmnnn Street, Honolulu Elias . Kaululaau Wright JSfIn ordering this Beer be sure to ask for the to Hawaiian Islands. "EAGLE'' Brand. Meat Delivered Auy Part of 53? DENTIST, -- g Alacfarlane & Co., the City and Suburbs. Comer of King and Bethel Sts., Upstairs, -- 2S9. - . OHABLES CREIGHTON, Mar. 14-- 2ud. Atjents for Hanaiian Islan is. Mutual Telephone Numbor Entrance on King Street. Wines, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Liquors, Iker From 9 to 113 Office Hours a.m. dEMEMT vOQoe: Kaahumatm Street, Honolulu AT THE CLUB STABLES. ALWAYSON HAND. AND Hawaiian Ibliinds. 12 m., 1 to i p.m. "S3? Sundays gfflE!4$ excepted. FOR SALE BY " AND - PAUL NEUMANN, ,'- CREOLE," 21,702. ATTORNEY AT LAW. PACIFIC SALOON, ED. HOFFSGHUEGER & GO. Comer King and Nuuanu Streets. aijifse (JiuMng Laid. 31i Merchant Streot, Honolulu, RlnR St. oppo Castle .t CooVo's Race Record : Made at Stockton, Cai. A Mutual Tolcpbono 415. EDW. WOLTER.... Manager. Fourth Heat 2:15. Sept. The Firest selection of LIQUORS and 23, I893. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, BEER, soli anywhere in the town. First-clas- s attendence. Call and jndge Estimates given on all kind3 Sire. Prompter, 2,303, bv Bl-- o 3uli. 73: D.iin, Grace, bv Buccaneer, 2.G36. Prompter ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT SO-t- Anchor-:-Saloo- for yourself. no f. IS also the Sire of Apes. 2:2G: Transit Walker "J25: Wales. 2:27 : Chimv 2:24: n LAW. .2Cl: of and of the Dams Bnlliautiue, 2.17 and Vigor, 2:23. "Ckeole" is jet blu-k- , one hmd OiQce. Old Capitol Building, (Honolnlu white foot and small stripe in fuce. Weight, 1,030 pounds; is very styli-ib- , gentle, a J. PHILLIPS, good producer ind game race horse, Will stand for a limited number of mares at one, CmjcHBEB tfon Ex "A.USTKA.LTA," Halo), adjoining Post Office, FIFTY (S30) DOLLAHS FOR THE SEASON, payable at piaei1 PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS.FITTER time of service. This horse Honolulu. was bred in 1S92 to forty-si- x mares md produced forty-tw- o co.ts. COPPER-SMITH- , -- Concrete a Specialty. Another Invoice of the World feb 17-i- m House "Work r ETDvas. JOHN LOTAKATJLUKOTJ, S3T and Ship Job J NO. F. BOWLEE. Henowned Promptly Executed. ATTORNEY AT LAW, janlT 3m No. 71 King Street, Honolula. & WOBLV Office, corner King fc Bethel Sts. 01BWAT SB FREDERICKSBURG Robinson Block, Hotel St., between Fort and Nuuanu, LAGER BEER LEWIS J. LEYEX, "FAT BOY." Have Just Pccfvid, jcr 1 r-i-c Annals, tie J npest &tcck of FUE it BAY HORSE SALOON! ' Keal Estate and Oeneral N1TURE Ever IiutOrted to t:'is Country, Comprising Wpttltifi On draught and by tbe keg. Auctioneer. P. McTNERNY, Proprietor, Handsome Carved Bedroom Ssts 321 Suuanu Street Comer Fort and Queen Streets, Honolnlu Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. In Solid. Oak, ar.d of the LATEST DESIGNS. Also, as a Specialty, sJQB Personal attontion given to Sales Corner Bethel axd Hotel Sts. ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO T.iESE SETS: All && of Furnituro, Peal Estate, Suits Small Fresh Califo&wV Stock and General To Fit and in the Latent j .Merchandise. W.W. WRIGHT 4S0N Beaut fnl Des gus f "Wicker Ware, consist ng of Style. EOCKERS, . Trfepl'one 23? SOFAS, CHAIRS. etc., you can get these in any OYSTERS, Mnttuil FIjS'IH you desire. Clothes Cleaned and Eepaired. no!7 ? j 3TO:R OOOKTA1J.S A. EOSA, ft Countless numbersCHAIRS,of CHALKS, in every stvle, including OFFICE , raayl 3ms ATTORNEY AT LAW, and HIGH CHAIRS". GHAS. GIRDLER, No. 15 Kaahumauu St , Honolulu, Builders BTEITSIOIT TABLES, Hawaiian Islands. Caniage (SWagoii We have had a number of calls for these Tnbl.es, with CiLALES t Importer and Commission match. We have now in stock the most In Its Branches, Alerchaiit THOMAS LINDSAY All BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE Chas. Tf Gulick Manufacturing Jeweler and ETE SEES HEBE SPECIALTrfcS: Watchmaker, J. & P. Coats Machine Thread NOTARY Horseshoeing -:- - -:- - PUBLIC Sideboards and Chiffoniers Jonas Brooks' Machine Thread , -- Mclnemy Bloc'-e- HIS Fort, Str. Honolulu A SPECIALTY For of ssr :d ta. TXT , BarboarVs Linen Thread the Island Oahu. 97 SO Pears Soap and King St., Honolula Dvans covered with POBTIEES are becomings th-- a i quite rage in McLNTYEE & BEO., of LOQJSGES -- manufucture them P. O. Box 353. llntafilfTelephone 3C6 H. H. place wh io order, and havoa Agent to Take Acknowledgments aigtfstock of POETIERS to sel-- ct from. Grocery, Feed Store & Bakery, 13 Kbnmnn Streft. to Labor Contracts. KWOHG SDIfi GH0I6 t GO. - Corner of ,BBDDIITG- Agent to Grant Marrage Licen- King and Fort Sts., Honolulu Coxi.tia.ctor Great Assortment of WOTES WLEE MATTBESSES Spring. Hnir, LEWIS & CO. ses, Honolulu, Oahu. B-CLild.- ex Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and made to order. & LIVE GEESE FEATHEBS and SILK FLOSS for Pillows. Agent for the Haw'n Islands of G-JEET-Z, Wholesale and IT. IPainting, &c. CELBS, CBADLES. etc. Retail Gro Pitt & Scott's Freight WINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizes. AND and Parcels Express. COEsICE POLES, in wood or bnss trimmings. BE-OPEN- Agent for the HAS ED HIS S3T Welalso keep on hand . PEOVISION DEALEBS. Burlington Eoute. Mattresses, BBPiilEIITG--and all LTpbolstared Bedsteads, Matrasses. Lounges Furniturb mpaired at FRESR CALIFORNIA SALMON OX ICE Boot and Shoe reiisunauiB rues. Tables, Bookcases1 CABINET MAKIKG, in all its branches. l)y Cnmpcaent Workmen. By ETaiy Sao Frasciaco StsftEr. Estate CenoFal MATTING LAID andlnfe-norlJecoratiu- g under the Supemsjouof M Bite ui U Store, Mirrors, Etc. ifr geoege oedwat. Salt Salxon tn Baiuiels Our Goods are CUmt and our prices are the lowest Come Bell Tel. 318; Mat. Tel. Opposite the Club Stable on AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES First A'SPECLiLTY. Fort Street, and will be glad to and be convinced a trial is solicited. 139; P.O. Box 15. - Fori see his old friends. Noj 216 Kiaf st, HooinlH Bell 525. tslxphoxis: Mutual 645. itt SLt Honolulu. TcL 240, OFFICE: So. 3S MEBCHANT OEDWAY k FOKTEB, BobiaoaBiock, Fori and Niuik P. O. Box - . .x 4 btwa Street Honolulu. H V ..H V . ; y t G " ' ''- - Aftt. tJj-ii- - ' .vrv ajfett"- - &atf"tlAf- t- HMfe " r ft, itfPf, M ip that that famous doctrine was tue "Press Association" reported CORRESPONDENCE. & Cq?,, Miwmii promulgated. In the year ISIS or a terrible war in Hawaii with a Hawaiian H. MAY Mshmu large number killed and wounded there about and if we remember fVe do sot told osrvss respoasible for PROGRESS. rightly Hawaii has since then "We in. Honolulu have not yet be opt&kms or th; utterances of oat Dealers, had considerable experience in heard about that war.
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