THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading mnd Mo$t Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County NO. 27 Published 20 Pages—30 Cents Secoad Clw PoK««« TM WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1986 Every Thursday hool Board Appoints Council Authorizes Land ects to Oversee Projects Acquisition for Parking Three ail is to experience in schoolhouse design Housing Corp. and the Westfield An ordinance authorizing the authorizing site plan application Ronald Smith of 711 Glen Ave. oversee, the n the as well as local building codes. Day Care Center's Advisory acquisition of property and for for the new library to the Plann- referred to a log he had kept school sys bond Architect plans for the projects Board. He has been in business the construction of a new ing Board. since the subdivision was granted issue appro .n Oc- will have to be approved by the for more than 20 years. Among municipal parking lot was un- Council also approved resolu- in 1983. Smith cited a number of tober have been appointed by the State Department of Education. his clients are the Summit YM- animously approved by the Town tions authorizing the demolition dates on which his property was Westfield Board of Education. Then, bids to do the work will be CA, the Parsippany-Troy Hills Council at Tuesday night's public of Meeker's Garden Center on flooded. M. Disko Associates of Union advertised by the School Board. town hall and library, and school session. South Ave., and a single family Joe Gazdak of 715 Glen Ave. will be in charge of renovations M. Disko Associates of Union is renovation work in Newark, Irv- The $700,000 bond ordinance in- residence at 209 Palsted Ave. also stated that he had had water of the fieldhouse and Recreation headed by Michael Disko who ington and Plainfield. Recently cludes funds to negotiate the pur- During the open discussion by in his backyard. Field. Ralph E. Jefferson of Sum- holds a doctor of philosphy he completed a project for the chase of property located at the citizens, residents of Glen Ave. Councilman Garland Boo the mit was named architect for the degree in civil engineering and Westfield Community Center. corner of North and Central raised the issue of drainage pro- asked that in view of comments science lab renovations at Edison has designed 19athletic fields, in- The firm of Eckman, Sincox Aves., presently occupied by a blems on a sub-divided and presented, the resolution Junior High School. The firm of cluding fields in Central Park and Bator, located in Westfield, Shell service station, the demoli- developed property on Long- authorizing the expenditure of Eckman, Sincox and Bator of and for Columbia University in is named for three architects: tion of the existing structure, and fellow Ave. escrowed funds for the improve- Wectfield have been designated New York City. Among his high Robert C. Eckman, George F. equipping a ground level parking Frank DeSantis of 719 Glen ments in the Longfellow Ave. for architectural work for the in- school clients are Rigewood, New Sincox and Dennis Bator. It was lot. The proposed parking lot, ac- Ave. told the Council that a subdivision be removed from the dustrial arts shop renovations at Providence, Scarsdale and the started in I960 and has ac- cording to the Council, would change in topography of the agenda until the matter could be Weatfield High School and glass Union field for which he received cumulated a list of clients, in- yield 100 additional parking stalls Longfellow property has resulted investigated further. work at Jefferson and cluding Holy Trinity Roman for downtown shoppers. in the flooding of the surrounding the New Jersey Turfgrass (Continued last page, this section) Washington Schools. Association Award: He also (Continued last page, this section) Also approved was a resolution property. Calling the appointments "a received an engineering ex- wise course of action," Opera- cellence award from the New Superintendent Search tions and Facilities Chairperson Jersey Consulting Engineers .••-.•.. Snow Removal Information James DiClerico noted that the Council for the Lenape Park According to municipal of- School Board was seeking ar- Stormwater Retarding Basin. ficials, residents are required Committee to Meet Feb. 4 chitects for the fieldhouse and Ralph E. Jefferson, a resident to clear sidewalks of snow dur- The 15-member Citizen/Staff "Citizens or staff members in- Recreation Field who have ex- of Westfield, is a former member ing the 12 hours of daylight Superintendent Search Commit- terested in offering suggestions perience and expertise in related of the Board of Education and after snow has stopped falling. tee will hold its first meeting at 8 concerning criteria and a profile work. For the other projects, he currently active in the com- Failure to comply with this p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 4, in the for Westfield's new superintend- said the School Board sought our munity, serving on the Board of law, may result in a $10 fine. Board Administration Building, ent are cordially invited to con- architects with knowledge of and Directors for the Senior Citizen, 302 Elm St. tact any member of the commit- "The committee includes tee." he stated. representatives of the com- Senun Will Not munity-at-large, teachers, ad- Committee members include: Deadline Nears fpr ministrators and the parent- Lynn Bilman, Marsha Broad- Seek Re-Election teacher council," said Leo Senus, well and Jane Cronin, Parent- president of the Westfield Board Teacher Council; Susan Bd of Ed Candidates School Board President Leo J. of Education, who appointed the Fuhrman, Joseph McGroarty, Senus has announced his decision committee at the board's James Nixon and Coker Stogner, not to seek re-election in the April January public meeting. citizens-at-large; Beverly Geddis 15 annual school election. "There were far too many and Paul Infuso, Westfield Ed- Feb. 20 is the deadline for in- schools and secretary to the "I have stated for a long time volunteers for few vacancies," ucation Association; Joseph terested citizens to file Board of Education, at 302 Elm that I would not seek a third term said Mr. Senus. "I appreciate the Muzas and Paula Roy, Westfield nominating petitions to become St. any week day between 8 a.m. — that I would step aside to let interest of so many people to be- Association of Administrators candidates for the Board of Ed- and 4 p.m. other citizens have this oppor- come involved in this important and Supervisors; and Board ucation in the April 15 annual Nominating petitions must be tunity to serve on the School task; however, I limited the Members Alfonse Miele, Carolyn school election. signed by 10 qualified voters and Board after I completed fvo number on the committee to 15 to Moran, Susan Pepper and Westfield citizens)will have the residents of the pchool district. terms,: M r. Senus stated. ', keep at a workable level. Thomas Taylor, chairperson. opportunity to elect ^three The petition must be filed by 4 "I have had the honor of serv- residents to the School Board for p.m. on ThuriMay, Teb 20, with ing or the Board of Education fcr Mrs. Moran Announces three-year terms. The terms of Dr. Foley. Also, the candidate six years. I appreciate the oppor- Board Members Leo Sehus, must sign the petition in the tunity afforded me by fellow School Board Candidacy Kathleen Martin and Carolyn presence of a witness. ' citizens who elected me twice," Moran expire in April. Mr. School Board candidates must he continued. Carolyn Moran, Westfield Senus, who is president of the be able to read and write, they "There have been problems Board of Education member cur- School Board and completing his must be residents of the school (and solutions) and there have rently completing the third year sixth year of service, and Mrs. district for at least two years and been frustrations (and joys). It Leo J. Senus of her first term, has announced Martin who is completing her -they should have no interest in has taken time, but it has been her candidacy for a second three- first three-year term, have an- any claim against the School 'lighthouse' district," the Board year term. This is Mrs. Moran's time well-spent," he said, urging President stated. "We have an nounced that they will not seek Board. Westfield citizens "to consider second year chairing the Board's re-election. Mrs. Moran, who is Citizens interested in further excellent staff. We have parents Finance Committee. "During seriously seeking a seat on the committed to serving as ad- completing her first three-year information about the School School Board in the April 15 this time, the committee has seen term, is seeking re-election. Board and the April 15 school vocates for children. We have a the passing of two successful school election. The deadline to good town government. We have Each year, three of the nine election are invited to contactDr. file a nominating petition to budgets and a bond terms expire. The six remaining Foley at 302 Elm St. dedicated citizens with many referendum," she said. She has become a candidate in the school talents and skills which they School Board members whose The annual school election was election is Feb. 20. also been a member of the terms do not expire in April are: originally set for April 1; generously volunteer not only in Management Committee and a Mr. Senus has been president the STS program but also in the Gail Cassidy, James DiClerico, however, that date was changed of the School Board for the past N.J.S.B.A. delegate for three Thomas Taylor, Alfonse Miele, to April 15 by State Education town and its schools.
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