“It is better to be making the news than taking it; to be an actor rather than a critic.” -Winston Churchill National Recognition Awards, page 5 9ROXPH;;;,VVXH 0RQGD\-XO\ Arrow Points hWeather Honoring Devotion Today Tomorrow Mostly Sunny Sunny 2UGHU3UHVHQWV/HJDF\RI6HUYDQW/HDGHUVKLSWR2XWVWDQGLQJ0HPEHU Hi 93, Lo 74 Hi 95, Lo 74 20% Chance Precip. 20% Chance Precip. By Tom Eliopoulos hMissing Something? Dabney Kennedy has spent six Any lodges who did not register with special events to receive their decades committed to Scouting and its NOAC wide game cards or VIA ideals; last night the Order of the Arrow luncheon invitations, please stop presented him with the third Legacy of E\WKHVSHFLDOHYHQWVRIÀFHLQ&DVH Servant Leadership Lifetime Achieve- 334A. ment Award. During his impressive career as an hGo Scuba Diving adult in the Order, Kennedy spent 22 Afternoon drop-in Scuba will be years as a Section Adviser, 20 years as held at the Brody Quad. Partici- a Lodge Adviser, and 36 years on the pants are reminded to bring their Hold Harmless Waiver with them National OA Committee in numerous to the pool. capacities. In addition, he served the Order as hCome from Abroad? the Program Chairman for more than The Overseas Arrowman Reunion 10 National OA Conferences, where is meeting today at 11:30 a.m. in he was responsible for coordinating Dabney Kennedy stands with his wife, Peggy Jean, and his two sons, the Gilcrest Sun Porch. NOAC. Kennedy is currently a member both of whom are Eagle Scouts and members of the Order of the Arrow. of the Founder’s Advisory Council of Kennedy is receiving the third Legacy of Servant Leadership Lifetime hHand-tool Sharpening the National OA Committee. Achievement Award. Conservation USA is offering a He was involved in Scouting and course on hand-tool sharpening and crosscut saw use. The crosscut the Order as a youth, serving as Lodge ,QKHEHFDPHWKHORGJH·VÀUVW Manager. saw course will be offered 10:00 Secretary, two terms as Lodge Chief, Vigil Honor member and received the He married his wife Peggy Jean in - 10:30 a.m., and the hand-tool and at the age of 18 he was appointed name “Akikta,” which is interpreted as 1960 and has two sons that are both sharpening course will be of- to be the Junior Lodge Adviser for his “one who works with determination.” Eagle Scouts and Brotherhood mem- fered 11:00 - 11:30 a.m., Monday- lodge. At a time when lodges only had bers of the Order of the Arrow. Wednesday. He is an Eagle Scout with palms lodge patches, Kennedy was one of When asked about his strong and and a recipient of the Silver Explorer WKHÀUVWSHRSOHWRGHVLJQDORGJHÁDS ever present passion for the Order of hA Scout is Courteous. Award, Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope, for his lodge. the Arrow, he responded that the most People that need to ride are not and OA Distinguished Service Award. Kennedy also had an effect on the rewarding part of continued service was able to get on because they are too full. If you are able to walk to Since 1958, Kennedy has participated in Order as a whole by designing and creat- being able to watch young boys grow your events so that people who are and played an instrumental part in the ing the Founder’s Award. and develop into strong, mature leaders handicapped or unable to walk as production of more than 30 national As a visionary of his time, he real- in the Order. well have priority on the bus. There events for the Order. ized the need to have a national event He went on to say that NOAC is are only three busses doing pick- These accomplishments, while im- every summer and the importance of important and unique, because the ups so it will be quicker to walk to pressive in and of themselves, cannot electing new national youth officers standard is set by the youth leadership. class than wait at a bus stop. EHJLQWRGHVFULEHWKHSRVLWLYHLQÁXHQFH for one-year terms instead of two-year NOAC allows young leaders to breathe and mark he has left on this Order. Ken- terms. new life and ideas into the Order and Inside nedy was inducted into the very small In 1964, Kennedy graduated from gives them a chance to nurture their Otena Lodge in 1950. the University of Texas’ School of strengths and become the leaders of Central Region Chief Bio........2 The lodge was so young that there Pharmacy and has had a very successful tomorrow. Chief Scout Executive.............3 were no Brotherhood members in it at career as a pharmacist. Dabney Kennedy is truly an National Honorees...............5-8 that point. In 1952, Kennedy became Most notably, he spent 30 years inspiration to our organization and Service Corp .......................... 10 2WHQD·VÀUVW%URWKHUKRRGPHPEHUDQG working for the Dow Chemical Com- the Order is fortunate to have such a World Jamboree ......................11 was bestowed this honor by Karankwa pany as a Regional Sales Manager, Na- devoted volunteer among us who seeks NASA Expo ............................11 Lodge. tional Sales Trainer, and National Safety the higher vision. 7KH2I¿FLDO3XEOLFDWLRQRI12$& 2 Monday, July 31, 2006 The Daily Legend Meet the Central Region Chief By Andy Foley Activities Chairman. Russ is a student at Benedictine Russ has attended NOAC in 2002 College where he is studying business A native of St Louis, Missouri, Russ and 2004, NLS, and served on staff administration/ entrepreneurship. Bresnahan was elected by his fellow sec- for the 2005 OA Shows at the National In his free time he enjoys camping, tion chiefs to serve as the 2006 Central Scout Jamboree. backpacking, water polo, and working with Region Chief. An Eagle Scout from Troop 229 alpacas (miniature llamas). Russ owns and A Vigil Honor member, he hails of St Louis, he currently serves as an operates Bresnahan Balloons, LLC. from Shawnee Lodge of the Greater St. Assistant Scoutmaster. Russ is very enthused and looks for- Louis Area Council where he has served He says his most memorable ex- ward to representing the central region, his lodge as a Chapter Vice Chief, Lodge perience in the Order was his experi- not only to the national committee, but Vice Chief, Lodge Ordeal and Brother- ence with the 2005 National Jamboree also at NOAC and any other events that hood Chairman and Section Conclave Shows. he attends. Training has a NOAC Participation New CENTRAL Location for You Have you been wondering where This site makes a single library of WRÀQGTXDOLW\WUDLQLQJPDWHULDOZLWK- more than 730 individual download- RXWKDYLQJWRVFURXQJHDURXQGWRÀQG DEOHÀOHV an old copy of a NOAC Resource Now, Arrowmen can easily locate CD-ROM? pertinent material to aid in present- This NOAC, ing and facilitating the Training Com- TXDOLW\WUDLQLQJWR mittee is excited Looking for chapter, lodge, and to release its new online OA section audiences. premiere, one- In addition, stop web resource, training? OATrainingCEN- OATrainingCEN- Visit http:// TRAL allows indi- TRAL. viduals to research The web site is training.oa-bsa. topics on their Jefferey Attebury participates during the Pre-school Triathlon games at Holden available directly at org/ own, advancing Hall and the South Courtyard. The Pre-school Triathlon was one of many http://training.oa- their knowledge things to do Sunday afternoon at the conference. bsa.org. Links can be found from the and fostering better understanding main OA web site, as well as from the of key topics. NOAC Live! web site. The site also has a national training OA Brotherhood Band & Chorus Key features of the website in- calendar so that Arrowmen can easily clude the ability to perform full-text locate an upcoming National Leader- 7KH2$%URWKHUKRRG%DQGFRQGXFWHGLWVWU\RXWVIRUWKHÀQDOEDQGRQ searches of all available content and ship Seminar or National Lodge Ad- Sunday. Music will vary from Marching, to Jazz, and other styles of music. The browse through all resources. viser Training Seminar nearby. OA Band will be playing at various venues throughout the week. The web site is a vast reposi- This one-stop training resource tory consisting of training materials will continue to be updated with ad- The OA Brotherhood Chorus also conducted its tryouts on Sunday. This from every NOAC since 2000 and all ditional material, allowing the Order year marks the 54th Anniversary of the OA Brotherhood Chorus. The chorus Lodge Leadership Development and of the Arrow to truly bring training will be singing at various places throughout the conference. Conclave Training Initiative resources. to the next level. Scouting’s National Honor Society The Daily Legend Monday, July 31, 2006 3 *RLQJ2QHRQ2QHZLWKWKH&KLHI By James Poindexter %R\6FRXW'LYLVLRQDQGVXFFHVVIXOO\ FDPSFRXOGEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUD+LJK FRPSOHWHGWKRVHUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVZKLFK $GYHQWXUHEDVH2QHJRDOLVWRPLQL- Roy Williams serves as the Chief Ex- LQFOXGHGWKHUHZULWLQJRI WKH%R\6FRXW PL]HWKHFRPSHWLWLRQEHWZHHQFRXQFLOV HFXWLYH2IÀFHURI WKH1DWLRQDO&RXQFLO +DQGERRN IRUWKHVHW\SHVRI FDPSV&XUUHQW+LJK %R\6FRXWVRI $PHULFDDQGKDVVHUYHG ,Q5R\:LOOLDPVZDVFKRVHQ $GYHQWXUHEDVHVFDQEHEXLOWXSVRWKDW LQWKLVUROHVLQFH-XQHRI WREHWKH'LUHFWRURI WKH:HVWHUQ5H- WKH\FDQEHWWHUVHUYHWKHVFRXWLQJFRP- %HIRUHEHLQJQDPHG&KLHI 6FRXW JLRQKHDGTXDUWHUHGLQ6XQQ\YDOH&DOLI PXQLW\ ([HFXWLYHKHZDVWKH5HJLRQDO'LUHF- 0U:LOOLDPVLVDUHFLSLHQWRI WKH9LJLO DL::KDWGR\RXHQMR\GRLQJLQ WRURI WKH:HVWHUQ5HJLRQ%R\6FRXWV +RQRUDQGWKH2UGHURI WKH$UURZ·V \RXUIUHHWLPH" RI $PHULFD 'LVWLQJXLVKHG6HUYLFH$ZDUG RW:,HQMR\SOD\LQJJROIKXQWLQJ 0U:LOOLDPVZDVD6FRXWLQ'DOODV The Daily Legend: What are some ÀVKLQJDQGVSHQGLQJWLPHLQWKHRXW- 7H[DV+HLVDYHWHUDQRI WKH86$LU RI WKHELJLVVXHVIDFLQJWKH%R\6FRXWV" GRRUV+RZHYHUWKHDFWLYLW\,HQMR\GRLQJ )RUFHDQGDJUDGXDWHRI WKH8QLYHUVLW\
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