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Photo by Paul Crawford,T D 254 [email protected] ALABAMASTATE BAR HEADQUARTERS STAFF 4 IS Oo:ttt A\·fflUC',i\'1 on1S()1ncry, Al. 36104 LAV,f DAY 2006: (334) 269-1515, (800) 35'1~ 154 • FAX (33~) 26 1-63 10 E-m11il:111/o ft.nlnbar.org• \\~ t;hc:wwn~al ,tbflr.org 250 Special Event Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Ex«uti,.._.Olm:tor ·-·-···-··"·"'"·-·-····--·····""'Kctth l:l.Nornun Historic Case that Ended Bus Segregation In Alabama ~ uh-e A"id.an1···---- ..··--- ·-·--Diam-l,ock S)"'letn( Adminh 1.nu01_, ______ ,, \\'1ynr J lujllti 251 Hundreds of Law Day Posters, Essays Show Comp1.n« Progr4fflmtt................................... 001.u, L Trout \\lcobAdminucri'llor .... ,----·-·--·-·-···--· ··-Amy S:bc:ll Students' Views of American Legal System Ou«cot of ftrosn!m,, ______ ,f.dw.ardM.. J•J.ucn()n Ad1nlnlnr.ill\Y AJsisi..an1(or Progr.um ......._, .........Rii, Cr.ry ~ Rdnnl s«rccn1,-,,.,_ .................Sh,1nnnn M1gh1 252 Disaster Preparedness: Ready, Set, Go! ~111nd.i1oryCon1inuit15 LtsaJ l!duuhon Dlrtt1or·· -·----·-·-·-····-----·--····-·.An,1.11K. H1mktt (What to Do When the Next Hurricane Hits ) CLEAdmlnl,. ,r,uiwAu 11t1n1·-···- ............... c.a~TI1nm1oi1 B)' Allison Alford Ingram CLE S«::rn1Lff-·----·-·--·-·-·--·-··· ...Osri11 in.t 81't'Wtr Oi.r("(Coro( Cocomunk,11lon.1& Pubbc ln!orm.11mn----------·------­ 254 Preparing for the Unexpected: Pubbau,ona Di:r«1or ·---·-·--J.1~,pn:t L Murphy Cocnniw,ictitJan, and P\lbflc.atlo.ru. Anticipate and Plan for Law Office Disasters k.,ilS-lnl------ ·---Mll.Mll .N.O.U,ld By Laura A. C, lloway "kmbcr!J1jp Sffl,,icn: Dir«IOI -·--- ..• .. --·· - ..... ,j.i,iry Cocbitl ~lttnbcnhlp Adm:inktr;,1th'\'~htm:it ___ Jn1il)' F.irnor Pm I-la( Vice AswS&.ml-----·-- .. CaJby ~ut McCurr1 THE ALABAMA LAW FOUNDATION: Volururcr~ti Prosr.lmDimtor---·-·- ...-Linda Lund VLP Nsimot----·--K.llbcr~ L Ol1Jrd1 257 Awards 2006 JOLTA and Endowment Grants t>in:«or o( Admi~iion,_____ ....1Jom1hy D. Johnmrt t\dmiu iou, Ad.m..inlftr.ihvt~s.iuanu ·----Hcidi A~ receives ADDY Sonia°""II" 258 Atticus Finch Brochure Boold,«!'C:r.. , .. __ --·-·-·---·--·--- ...~le Skin1K'r ASHl ~und,uinn Aui~t.1nt-,... __ ,,_,.,,_, __ ,,.,_, ..... Ann Rl:trnour GraphKt Ari, Oh«ll)r _______ l\~c S.tulk, 260 Making The Plaintiff-Property Owner Whole: Ctuphid Artt Aui,WU-----·· ..-- ..Rodctid Pahnt'r The Recovery of Stigma Damages R«q14jonJn ---·-···- ..., ................................. St<'phamir ()gle"Sbr PnlCIM;cMaiugc~nt ~nlu.ntt By StephenT. Etheredge ~m Dlr«ror ...-·-·· ..-·--- ..LauraA. CAllow:iy Al.lb.uniiJlwyn Mlllmcr l'rogmn Ou,:ctQr..• ,.._ ......,--,--k&nfK" ,\bnc t.nhc fllJ.4•7S701 LOMAP ~nd Al.AP AdmlnittrJ liff Au.1~un1..... .-·-··-···-·-,S..nctn Oml<"Rh ,\ubarru l,..iw F011.1Mhoon, Int. Dir« 1ur __ ,... Tr11cy 1>a ,1id Alf AdmlninfllliV(Assist.llll-,-·-"· ---·-·- Ttra AJUIOLl Al.tbamaCmter (c,rD~rute Rc-tol111ion 01r«tl)r ----111d 11hr,..t. ~" f2M-<»091 ADR A»imnL--, ...____ ·--PalSY Shrop~hlrt ALABAMASTATE BAR C..'fTER FOR PROFESSIONALRESPONSLBILITT STAFF Gc'Q(l'NCou1ml-, ...·----·---.J. Anthony ~kl.am Sem11lt)'to Cmmal Cou.rud- ..--- ...V'rvbn fr'ttfflllll Misl:icsl Gtritt ..l Counsd--·-·-·-·-· ....- ...Rtlbal E. Lusk.Jr ,WiJ.iiatlt Gcoe:n.1Coo:nstl.-·-·---·-i;...nu!IC I $. l'ilrt11dgc: ,hsl~#.11l Gcncnl('.ou~'lcL___ ,__ Jcrr:my\i./, Mt lndn Conipb.inu lna:IM'CoordiD1tor -·- ..-·-·-·-·····-, ......Kim fJli, Oi,ciJ~i.n.uyOctk ···-·-·· ..---·-·--···--Bon nk lohmor P.. ~t,:.ihl)m>t1tlpt.On.-- ..---- ·Oittyt L k.attkin Carol M. \~righl CIK'llt s«utity Fund Coo,dln4.10,"--·----.1.411.tit 81.utr R«Cf!Cionbt...... _,,_,,,.,,,_, ... ,- ...., ..... _,_,,.,,_,,_,-5!1(,rry 1..1.n,gley Table of Contents>> comi1111ed011 page 226 I II I \ I A B , \ \ f :\ I :\ H )' I R 225 Table of Contents >> from page225 ThoAlnll00111 Stlllll Biw. P .O.Box m . Momgormry.Al 36101. Phone t334•26'9-151S.(800) 354-6154 • www.afttbt1t.1N!J flobenA. Hutt...._ Mon\llOffiOJ'( , ..... Chair"" Edi.,. 272 Lmda G Aippo, Birnvnghi)m v.ce-chairand Assoc111t0 Editor Mar;arilt L MutJi;y,Mwlpiery_,, ___ ,__ ..S~ trOllison and PiA>licailon,Oirectot ~,a N Daniel____ _,_.tomnu,ICllllontAsslS \8"11 _-l-f("""'Soard ol Cdii.n_.,......__ '°'""·--..... ....,.,c.,._ ·S-.Mill"'I._, C..,-·-AW°"""_....... a-. -ft:mt ft. '7.1m,·-&--&mftjft • MIChw J 1.m.t. fdey·-(-!Mio, • laTIUlti.-t-Klmll, • ~ • Oavdf' MlrU\,lll9Clloar4 • Olr«-(li L A.tooma\-k, lfmirrjwn • -Wlilm G.01leel..k~ ·-C-~ • ...... .Imm1-- 0. l'Ma, Gil!:*I •• l.W..l tJtw, llli;t!Dr\ -R.--Sol.v,TII.G.~·..,E--·-E--• U.O\lirl~'-~·-0--·•-w.•• &tbJ'l\\teb.·­ 272 Is The Alabama Supreme Court Obliged to Follow Precedental Case Law of Boerdti c.-1...,,11: b1C«IM.,_..E ........ GtN:KII 7"10toa1.lla'OIIK.Br:111n*1. ........ The United States Supreme Court? 311111DmLI.OUIIC,A;-ltlnd,~Sln'9t4!!1Cirwk.f'hl.,HcnrvPifll. Sohll 5tn era. o. rltdiA. ,.,_.. ,1n~,-. taa1 I\ CQO!Jlrhmck By JamesF. Vickrey, Jr. TIIPCIC881h CilcuiC.. Pia tfO.t. AW,MNy ~I. T"**- 1thC'lrl:l.t1. WJ1:.mtt. 11rooma.J.mQ;un flh tcul 1.w. a • o.:.. 9111c....t. "*'1 K.J:wdw\.h~ lOlhOm,!1.Pikl~ ,.~ ... ~ 280 The Contours of Arbitration Discovery ~ lOmCin:lillfwltND.2.S..f"'Oa..o-.Sd~. lOCIIGaal.1'*9 By W. Scott Simpsonand Omer Kesikli NQ.l Glat;tM.,• .i~~ llllhOm,n,,-.Uo. 4. Phl19W ~~ ll»!Cta.1,fla»~ i ~ I' t~ B,nnilp!I 10di0milt.flce~a. MitbttlJ. ftr1B; flirmq.ma 10CIICiml.P!;lC1I No- 1. 287 Practicing Technical Proficiency in Legal Writing: ~Afll'Nfli. llitlfil"*' 10Ch0m!ILl'lalo.l. llcbi,i E Moocllll. lnniighlm l~Diwct.,- No.lc.ed H $liN,wrt.~e..n.OA. Seven Ways to Avoid m.Wlfil,nA. Slot~. ea-. 11111ci.a...,-,J J._..lfbwa. 1tti Cbca.t.Wl'(L a.. Tror1:.~ "9ctHo.1,MICbNIO ~ St. Embarrassing Yourself ,.4d>ol,13th CwoJt. l'lxt tb. t w,111111M. Ci.mrq"lllll ~It 131'1c..a11l P'ilceHo.3.&ltrC.SedMlll,MCI*!:»Dbl AnMl. .f.r.cioi..J.t.d.-, And Your Client Mcbll:13Ut Cmal. "8e:t Ni,, S.A.I_.......,.,. &lilN.Mct:i1t. 141h Cttu(. 0.. By ProfessorNeil M. B. Roweand R S1qNiN,St...i.q:. ISIIIC.::..1, flllcl NII I. I.asHa,ts .• M.:mgt:r!-, 15ft Professor Christopher L. Frost Dltlli\.PIICIIMo. 2..-»i It~~ I~ CillCUllPllteNo l. Dc:nddfl JDl"llt.~.. Mc:tl!IP!*Y, 1SchOio111, Plato Ni) 4, ThcJoowJt~n. ~ 15ChC1Wf.PIK.fHa.1.s.-nFP.,D\~ ISJIOn:wt. "-'Nl a.i.n...l Mli.nt. ~ 1e Cicuc.r McNIIHint. a.a.i. t7*0M( Soxl~O..,C.. llthec..t.JIIME.Med11111. Plhrll lW.Olwrt.~l ~.t..o.inn.mc.ttw1.~A ~ ~. 21n Cbtuc1,Ewtt 11tA. P11ct. .It. &twlM. Z7tld Crair. n.:.ma Akfflcr\An:Wuw. 7.lttl c..m,. fib No I. H HIIOld~ tutu.wit1.lli Crcuc..l'btt Ho 4 L ll'll:mlt11,-n. ~. lbrtr.nl, 23ntCecu<, Pia No 3.fldllr'CI J.ft.,w.._ Jt. )lnlrnlt 2.flhCimlil,Jcmll'libJI. Canollan. '5111Cfml WllillmK. ~ ~ltn 26111CirQil. r.tlNlh l 'ltlllia.ll "-x 0,:y.1'lh DEPARTMENTS c:m.t.o.,.i t V....._Q.,w,,,lll.19tll Omin.
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