Shri. Sameer A. Pimpley PPRREEFFEEAASS IIBBIILLIITTYY SSTTUU DDYY FFOO RR SSttoonnee QQ uuaarrrryy ooff SShhrrii.. SSaa mmeeeerr AA.. Pimp ley Pimp ley Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd Page 1 Shri. Sameer A. Pimpley Executive summary Shri. Sameer A. Pimpley have applied for quarrying lease over an area of 4.00 Ha.In the Survey No. 27/1, village Kolewadi, Taluka Haveli, Pune, Maharashtra, with production capacity of the 148500 T/A. The major highlights of the project are: ¾ The project comes under non agriculture land. ¾ Project site has proper road accessibility. ¾ No displacements of settlement are required. ¾ No sensitive places of notified archaeological, historical or tourist importance within or nearby the buffer zone. Project Description Location:The site is located at the Survey No. 27/1, village Kolewadi, Taluka Haveli, Pune, Maharashtra.The site is accessible by Katraj road- Expressway bypass junction Land: The land comes under mining area approved by the government of Maharashtra. Therefore no need of human displacement is needed in the project area. The land provided for stone mining is 4.00 hectare to the project proponent. Co-ordinate: The coordinates of the mining lease boundary are as follows Sr. Latitude Longitude No. 1 18°24'40.02"N 73°49'32.85"E 2 18°24'46.49"N 73°49'36.26"E 3 18°24'44.49"N 73°49'41.66"E 4 18°24'43.43"N 73°49'40.98"E 5 18°24'38.52"N 73°49'39.15"E 6 18°24'37.90"N 73°49'39.10"E 7 18°24'38.48"N 73°49'36.65"E 8 18°24'38.80"N 73°49'36.79"E 9 18°24'39.49"N 73°49'34.65"E Water: Water requirement of the project will be met through the water tanker. Company does not exploit any other water resources or ground water; therefore no adverse impact is anticipated on water environment. The water requirement is estimated to be maximumof 4000 lit/day. Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd Page 2 Shri. Sameer A. Pimpley Electric Supply: The power requirement for the project will be Nil. Project Cost: The total cost of the project including all facilities is estimated to be INR 40 Lakh Location: The project site falls under the district of Pune. The site falls under Survey No. 27/1, village Kolewadi, Taluka Haveli, Pune, Maharashtra. Topography: The project site falls under the district of Pune. The district Pune lies in the western part of the state of Maharashtra. Pune District is located between the north latitudes of 17 degrees 54 minutes and 10 degrees 24 minutes ,and east longitudes of 73 degree 19 minutes and 75 degrees 10 minutes east longitude. Pune district is bounded by Ahemadnagar District on north-east, Solapur district on south-east, Satara district on the south, Raigad district on the west and Thane Distirct on the north-west. The District has a total geographical area of 15,642 square kilometers which is 5.10 percent of the total geographical area of the site . it is the second largest district in the state of Maharashtra. Soil Quality: The soil quality around the Pune district mainly fall into three categories ordinary soil, red soil and brownish black soil. Ordinary or regular soil which is found Pune is fertile and useful for horticulture, paddy cultivation and vegetables. The soil is slightly deep, well drained, fine calcareous. Geology: The entire Pune district is covered by the Deccan trap lava flows of Eocene to upper cretaceous. The Deccan trap is overlain by alluvium along the major rivers flowing through the district. Deccan Trap: The basaltic lava flows belonging to the Deccan traps of Eocene to upper cretaceous is the only major geological formation occurring in Pune district. The lava flows generally consist of two distinct flow units. The upper layer consists of vesicular and amygdular traps. The vesicles are often filled with zeolites, and secondary silica, large crystals of amethyst have been reported from Pune district. The lower layer consists of massive traps. The flows are generally separated by thick layer of red bole. The flow thickness varies from few meters to as much as 30 meters. The flows are ‘Pahoehoe’ and ‘’Aa’’ type. A large number of dolertic dykes intruding the lava flows have been reported. Alluvium: The Deccan Traps are overlain by alluvium along the courses of major rivers of the district viz. Nira, Mula, Bhima and Ghod. The alluvium deposits have very narrow stretch across the river and consist of clay and sand. The thickness varies between 6 to 10 meters. A significant alluvium patch occurs along the river Karha, which covers part of Baramati tahsil. Lineaments: The fractures in the form of lineaments have been observed in the satellite images of Pune district. The prominent trends of the lineaments are north-south, north- east south-west and north-west south-east. The lineaments have controlled the course of Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd Page 3 Shri. Sameer A. Pimpley the streams, for example, the course of Ghod River is controlled by north-west south-east lineaments. Meteorology: Average rainfall in the district is 600 to 700 mm. This is usually during the monsoon months from July - October. Moderate temperatures are mainly observed here. The rainfall is unpredictable in tune with the Indian monsoon. Summers here begin from early March to July. Summers are dry and hot. The temperature ranges from 20°C to 38°C, though at the peak they may reach 40°C. From November to January, is the winter season. Temperatures at the peak drop to single digits but usually they hover around 9°C to 14°C sometimes lowers up to 3°C. January to March are the months with moderate temperatures. Water: Water needed for operation requirement shall be drawn from water tankers. Ground Water Status : Groundwater Status of Pune Region is mixed type, high rainfall in Sahyadri hill ranges, but due to steep slope and hard rock type more rain off and less recharge, hence poor in groundwater condition. But major irrigation projects are constructed in Sahyadri ranges. The D.P.A.P. area covers part of Sangli, Satara, Pune and entire Solapur district, where groundwater condition is moderate to poor. Ecology: No extra land will be acquired during the operation of the project there will be no adverse impact on some of the environmental aspect. In the area of the project proponent clustered green belt is found in the vicinity, hence there will not be any kind of deforestation. No rare or endangered species of flora and fauna are present in the immediate vicinity as well as the study area. Thus, there will not be any adverse impact on flora and fauna. Socio-economic: The project will provide positive impact on the economic development of the region in terms of employment opportunities. Therefore no population will be displaced. Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd Page 4 Shri. Sameer A. Pimpley PREFEASIBILITY REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT 1.1 Identification of the project proponent Shri. Sameer A. Pimpley have applied for quarrying lease over an area of 4.00 Ha.In the Survey No. 27/1, village Kolewadi, Taluka Haveli, Pune, Maharashtra, with excavation capacity of the 1,55,000 T/A. Shri. Sameer A. Pimpley has appointed M/s. Sadekar Enviro Engg. Pvt. Ltd to carry out Prefeasibility and EMP report. The major highlights of the project are: ¾ The project comes under non agriculture land. ¾ No displacements of settlement are required. ¾ No sensitive places of notified archaeological, historical or tourist importance within or nearby the buffer zone. 1.2 Crushing Activity No crusher installed in lease area. 1.3 Need of the Project The proposed mining production is covered under the Ministry of Environment & Forests Notification 2006. This report of Prefeasibility is given here as a part of the information to be furnished to the DEAC, Govt of Maharashtra for obtaining Environmental Clearance as per office Memorandum No. S.O.141(E) dated 15.01.2016. To meet the ever-increasing local demand for stone by the building industry and Construction Company the project proponent intends to produce the following quantities of non-crushed stones by Manual method of quarry activity. The year wise production and development details for the five years plan period are summarized in the table below. Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd Page 5 Shri. Sameer A. Pimpley Table No. 1: Production Plan for Five years Year Stone, tonnes/A I (2016-17) 130500 II (2017-18) 135000 III (2018-19) 139500 IV (2019-20) 144000 V (2020-21) 148500 Total 697500 1.4 Demand Supply Gap Since it is an allied industry of the construction sector, growth in construction sector may be considered as proxy for the growth in stone crushing sector, i.e. around 7-8%. Crushed/ non-crushed stone has a very minor share among the exports of non-metallic mineral products of India. It is observed that total export volume of the crushed stone has been very low, whereas, Marble has the highest share and remained at the top. The market scope for crushed stone is found to be encouraging in local market with the increased demand from building industry & construction fields. There is also a sufficient demand from Govt. Contractors for laying of roads and construction of industries etc. The entry in the target market is easy and there is a narrow gap in the supply and demand, which is expected to grow in the coming years. The business opportunity to fill the demand and supply gap would be quite profitable.
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