Plum Creek Kennel Club of Colorado Friday, June 11, 2021 Group Results Sporting Retrievers (Golden) 22 BB/G1/RBIS GCHS CH Blueprint's Sweetgold Country Girl. SS06663202 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 12 BB/G2 GCH CH Summit's Four Fans Of Freedom JH. SS01719501 Setters (English) 7 BB/G3 GCHS CH Seamrog Spitfire. SR83127601 Pointers 7 BB/G4 GCHB CH Solivia's Whatever Turns You On. SS01774802 Hound Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 15 BB/G1 GCH CH Benway's Garnet Cut Mw. HP57867101 Salukis 21 BB/G2 GCH CH Issibaa's Llarkin. HP56058603 Borzois 19 BB/G3 GCH CH Kyrov's Sword Dance. HP52959501 Basset Hounds 12 BB/G4 GCHS CH First Class Toast To Empress Sisi. HP52492103 Working Boxers 17 BB/G1/BIS GCHG CH Galaroc N Black Dymond's Gonna Get Real. WS57895701 Bernese Mountain Dogs 31 BB/G2 CH Cor Caroli's Mission to the Stars CD RN. WS56230101 Cane Corso 11 BB/G3 GCH CH Castleguard's Lust For Life. WS67947901 Bullmastiffs 10 BB/G4 GCHB CH T-Boldt's These Boots Are Made For Walkin. WS61531103 Terrier Miniature Schnauzers 9 BB/G1 GCHB CH Laroh's I Ain'T Kidding. RN31868501 Staffordshire Bull Terriers 11 BB/G2 GCHS CH Juggernaut's Chart A Course Sulu. RN29075103 Cairn Terriers 7 BB/G3 GCHB CH Fom's Number One Small Caliber Bullet Of Ctc RN29162402 West Highland White Terriers 17 BB/G4 GCHS CH Snowy River's Trail Rider. RN29921801 Toy Silky Terriers 7 BB/G1 CH Double U's Ace In The Hole. TS34211401 Manchester Terriers (Toy) 5 BB/G2 GCHS CH Passport Sunkissed It's A Yes From Me Bonchien. RN31421802 Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) 9 BB/G3 GCH CH Starry Night Dr. Drake Ramoray. TS41417801 Chinese Cresteds 9 BB/G4 GCHB CH Speechless Limited Edition At Brought Mar. TS41670402 Non‐Sporting Schipperkes 36 BB/G1 CH Topperlyns Anastazia. NP47559002 Bulldogs 18 BB/G2 CH Jc's Fair Dinkum Holiday. NP52181806 Keeshonden 15 BB/G3 GCHS CH Dore's Starry Night. NP39339001 Dalmatians 28 BB/G4 CH Dal's Alley & Summit Moonshine Music. NP54293901 Herding Miniature American Shepherds 7 BB/G1 Crown Prince Dante. DN62675501 Australian Cattle Dogs 9 BB/G2 GCHS CH Straight Arrows Feel The Heat With Corral West DN47009701 Cardigan Welsh Corgis 15 BB/G3 GCHG CH Kingsbury Tail Ridge Road. DN26535003 Shetland Sheepdogs 17 BB/G4 GCHS CH Kismet Legendary. DN42193102 Plum Creek Kennel Club of Colorado Friday, June 11, 2021 Owner Handled Group Results Sporting Pointers (German Shorthaired) 14 OHBB/OHG1 GCH CH Edelmarke-Crestone I Believe In Miracles. SS07368002 Spaniels (Clumber) 7 OHBB/OHG2 CH Shogun's Royal Blackheath. SS08310001 Wirehaired Pointing Griffons 7 OHBB/OHG3 GCHB CH Snowbird's Outlaw Kidd Rock JH. SR92444810 Retrievers (Golden) 21 OHBB/OHG4 CH Goldline Tru To Beelieve In Dreams BN RI NAP NJP SR93548301 Hound Pharaoh Hounds 6 OHBB/OHG1 GCH CH Koso-Charisma A Family Affair. HP47031501 Borzois 19 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Kyrov's Sword Dance. HP52959501 Whippets 17 OHBB/OHG3 CH Windborn Endless Summer. HP60130402 Dachshunds (Wirehaired) 14 OHBB/OHG4 Raydachs J-Walk Kimbers Locked N Loaded Sw. HP58114701 Working Great Danes 15 OHBB/OHG1/OHBIS Black Griffon Of Danjen. WS58159806 Samoyeds 38 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Snowstar's Reindeer Games. WS64926001 Bullmastiffs 10 OHBB/OHG3 GCHB CH T-Boldt's These Boots Are Made For Walkin. WS61531103 Siberian Huskies 17 OHBB/OHG4 Dark Sky Otopaz Of The Midnight Sun. WS57874803 Terrier West Highland White Terriers 11 OHBB/OHG1 Lindenka U.S. Jammie Dodger. RN35121702 Staffordshire Bull Terriers 11 OHBB/OHG2 GCHS CH Juggernaut's Chart A Course Sulu. RN29075103 Rat Terriers 24 OHBB/OHG3 CH Aacres High Hopes @ Fireball. RN34367605 Cairn Terriers 7 OHBB/OHG4 GCHB CH Fom's Number One Small Caliber Bullet Of Ctc RN29162402 Toy Miniature Pinschers 6 OHBB/OHG1 Sun Run's Penelope Pitstop. TS35543601 Silky Terriers 7 OHBB/OHG2 CH Double U's Ace In The Hole. TS34211401 Biewer Terrier 6 OHBB/OHG3 Rocky Mountain's Dream On Haley At Jodis. TS44690503 Chinese Cresteds 9 OHBB/OHG4 GCHB CH Speechless Limited Edition At Brought Mar. TS41670402 Non‐Sporting Dalmatians 28 OHBB/OHG1/OHRBIS CH Dal's Alley & Summit Moonshine Music. NP54293901 Tibetan Terriers 17 OHBB/OHG2 GCHG CH Teeshas Cute Chix Dig Baker. NP34755201 Schipperkes 36 OHBB/OHG3 CH Topperlyns Anastazia. NP47559002 Bulldogs 18 OHBB/OHG4 CH Jc's Fair Dinkum Holiday. NP52181806 Herding Collies (Rough) 19 OHBB/OHG1 GCHS CH Wild Wind's Rev On The Red Line CD RA. DN34647201 Berger Picards 7 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Double D's Mr. Moonlight. DN47924603 Border Collies 9 OHBB/OHG3 CH Element's Mystery Spot Reykjavik RN CGC TKA. DN57987302 Cardigan Welsh Corgis 15 OHBB/OHG4 GCHG CH Kingsbury Tail Ridge Road. DN26535003 Plum Creek Kennel Club of Colorado Friday, June 11, 2021 Judge: 6094 Mrs. Lorraine W Bisso Barbet Barbet, Puppy (9‐12 Months) Dogs 5 1/W/BB Hickory Tavern Carnivale. SS20324306 OHBB 7/8/2020 Breeder: Judy McMaster Descutner. Sire: Northrock's Athos Pascal Dam: Hickory Tavern Former Child Star CM3. Owner:Kemah and Ron Plusk|Judy McMaster Descutner. Judge: 6094 Mrs. Lorraine W Bisso Brittanys Brittanys, 12‐18 Months Bitches 6 1/W/OS Trio-Schoenhund's The World Turned Upside Down. SS17531904 2/17/2020 Breeder: Angel Rumbolo/Karen Livingston/Clint Livingston. Sire: GCHG CH Tail'Z End Turbo Power From Dual Lane'S JH CGC TKN Dam: GCHB CH Trio-Tonan Into The Woods. Owner:Fred Beardslee|Karen Livingston|Clint Livingston. Brittanys, Best of Breed 7 BB GCH CH Fyrebyrd Sharp Dressed Man. SS10535901 1/8/2019 Breeder: Kellie L Miller/Kristyn Stout/Sara Taylor. Sire: GCHB CH Triumphant's Dark Knight JH Dam: GCH CH Willowick N Zaffres Settin Fire To The Reign. Owner:Margaret Saucerman|Kellie L Miller|Sara Taylor. Judge: 6094 Mrs. Lorraine W Bisso Lagotti Romagnoli Lagotti Romagnoli, Open Bitches 6 AB Carly Dei Terra Incognito. SS03234801 6/18/2016 Breeder: Jacki Barbieri/Sandra Schmidt. Sire: Arezzo Dam: Astra Dei Boschi D'Oro SWM. Owner:Betty Richmeier. 8 AB Larcan's I Love A Rainey Night CGCA CGCU. SS14740406 6/30/2019 Breeder: Lisa Sobon/Robert Sobon. Sire: GCHB CH Larcan's Meyer Made Lemonade RN CGC TKN Dam: GCH CH Invidia De La Foret Des Hauts De Galgals. Owner:Betty Richmeier. Judge: 6094 Mrs. Lorraine W Bisso Pointers Pointers, Puppy (9‐12 Months) Dogs 5 AB Solivia's Dish The Dirt At Skyhi. SS21158901 7/8/2020 Breeder: Dennis Brown/Katey Brown/Susan L Thompson. Sire: GCH CH Solivia's Nikola Tesla De Borquiz House Dam: CH Solivia's Desiderata. Owner:Jolene Krohn|Dennis Brown|Katey Brown. Pointers, Best of Breed 7 BB/G4 GCHB CH Solivia's Whatever Turns You On. SS01774802 9/20/2017 Breeder: Katey Brown/Cheryl Green/Dennis Brown/Susan L Thompson. Sire: GCHP CH Chesterhope Never Ask Why For Daykeyne Dam: Solivia's Que Sera Sera At Alcher. Owner:Bernice Spencer |Doug King .Agent: Ruben Lemmens Judge: 6094 Mrs. Lorraine W Bisso Pointers (German Shorthaired) Pointers (German Shorthaired), 12‐18 Months Dogs 5 1/R Edelmarke-Crestone Baron Of The Bluegrass. SS17298802 2/29/2020 Breeder: Lisa Cornell/William Cornell. Sire: GCH CH Edelmarke Shade Mtn Beaux Bear Dam: Edelmarke Moonlight Serenade. Owner:Doris Schoenfelder| Daniel Schoenfelder|Lisa Hauck-Gaede. Pointers (German Shorthaired), Open Dogs 9 1/W/BW I Just B's Flight From Salem's Lot. SS13593703 8/9/2019 Breeder: Kim A Anderson. Sire: GCH CH NMK's Ain't Misbehavin' MH DS Dam: GCH CH I Just B's Once Upon A Dream. Owner:Richard Lavino and Vanessa Hyi.Agent: Monica Lamontagne Plum Creek Kennel Club of Colorado Friday, June 11, 2021 Pointers (German Shorthaired), Open Bitches 8 1/W Iat's Steal Your Heart JH. SS10637902 2/20/2019 Breeder: Sandy Miller/Edna R Miller. Sire: GCH CH Nmk's Wild Mountain Thyme SH DJ CGC Dam: CH Iat's Night N Day You Are The One SH. Owner:Sarah Daley|Jon Daley . 10 2/R Voyager's Refined Finish CGCA. SS12092803 4/28/2019 Breeder: Karen Rooks Nauer/David J Nauer. Sire: GCHS DC Robin Crest Doubleee Shoot To Thrill MH Dam: GCH CH Voyager's Princess Bride JH NA NF. Owner:Karen Rooks Nauer|David J Nauer.Agent: Tiffany Marzluf Pointers (German Shorthaired), Best of Breed 11 OS GCH CH Fieldfine's Quietstorm At Huntheim. SS05318706 4/8/2018 Breeder: Dorothea Hand/Dorothea Simberlund. Sire: GCH CH Legacyk Chelsea's Dreaming In Blue Dam: GCHB CH Fieldfine's Gift Of Gold RN JH CA BCAT DSA AS AJ CGC TKN. Owner:Donna Lee Taylor|Dorothea Hand|Robert Taylir. 12 BB/G2 GCH CH Summit's Four Fans Of Freedom JH. SS01719501 10/18/2017 Breeder: Melissa L Emmett. Sire: CH Ludlam's Mr. Weinland Dam: GCHG CH Summit's Love The View From Above. Owner:Melissa L Emmett.Agent: Sarah Luther 14 SEL GCH CH Edelmarke-Crestone I Believe In Miracles. SS07368002 OHBB/OHG1 8/20/2018 Breeder: Lisa Cornell/William Cornell. Sire: CH Kismet Slipstream No-Hitter Dam: CH Kruz Edelmarke Shimmer Of Gold. Owner:Doris Schoenfelder| Daniel Schoenfelder|Lisa Hauck-Gaede. Judge: 26653 Mrs. Marissa L Clark Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay), Bred‐By‐Exhibitor Dogs 5 AB Akcomi Crestone Peake Of Dalbrian CGCA CGCU TKN. SS02967304 9/4/2017 Breeder: Sybil Winfield/Renee L Wolfe. Sire: GCHB CH Dalbrian Akcomi On The Rox Dam: CH Akcomi Never A Doubt. Owner:Renee Wolfe. Judge: 6094 Mrs. Lorraine W Bisso Retrievers (Flat‐Coated) Retrievers (Flat‐Coated), Open Dogs 5 1/W Flyway Farms Blink And You'll Miss It SH. SR98427015 1/1/2017 Breeder: Alexandra Latta.
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