Thursday, September 12, 2019 // Volume 119 - No. 1 the The students voice since 1901 See Tarnished Brass See Volleyball Bulletin Pg. 3 Pg. 8 Fall 2019 Semester kicks off with various renovation projects Khalid Ghanchi Staff Writer This fall semester, Emporia State students are greeted with renovations all around cam- pus. The biggest of them being the Morse project. “The plan to save Abigail was one that made financial sense,” said Cass Coughlin, di- rector of residential life. “That particular building had the least maintenance needed, and as the first campus residents hall, (it’s) part of the history.” The housing master plan, which started in the fall of 2016, includes renovations and additions in Morse hall, Visser hall, Roosevelt hall and the Memorial Union. The construction of Morse hall has been a topic of con- versation since 2010. Morse has been part of the campus for over a century. It was originally Cass Coughlin, director of residential life stands in front of a Morse renovation sign to explain the project to community members on Aug. 28. Northeast Morse is in the process of complete demolition while the original Morse hall prepares for complete renovation. It is currently see RENOVATION page 7 unknown what will happen with Central Morse, according to Coughlin. Margaret Mellott | The Bulletin Associated Student Government planning safety walk Margaret Mellott ate meeting,” said Paul Frost, actually be Hornet announce- the merger of Cengage and pricing.” Editor-in-Chief ASG president and senior ac- ments being released just to McGraw-Hill,” Frost said. This resolution passed 22 counting major, “That’s where get student involvement...It’s a “The textbook market would in favor, 0 opposed and 0 ab- The Associated Student we will walk around campus great way to get involved and become too small, raising stentions. Government will hold their and identify areas that maybe have your voice heard about textbook prices even higher. “This is just one of our ways annual safety walk following aren’t safe for the students or the safety of our campus.” Something that the students of reaching out to say ‘This the next senate meeting on whatever it may be.” Senate resolution 20002, advisory committee within shouldn’t happen,’” Frost said. Sept. 19. Students are welcome to at- a resolution opposing the Kansas Board of Regents has The next ASG meeting will “I just wanted to put on tend the walk. Cengage and McGraw-Hill done in the past years is they be at 5:15 p.m. on Sept. 19 in the your radar about the campus “We’ve invited administra- textbook merger, was passed submitted a survey that stu- senate chambers on the third safety walk that’s gonna be tors to attend, and then sena- favorably. dents are already paying sig- floor of the Memorial Union, on Sept. 19 following the sen- tors go,” Frost said. “There will “There’s a lot of fear with nificant amounts in textbook according to emporia.com. The Bulletin changes print publication Karst joins governor’s office as schedule, increases Web presence communications coordinator A recent Emporia State secretary, at the governor’s of- graduate and former editor of fice in Topeka. the campus newspaper, The Karst duties include help- The Bulletin Print Dates Bulletin, has been named com- ing the team handle press in- munications coordinator for quiries, write press releases, September October November Gov. Laura Kelly. draft speeches, and post to so- Rayna Karst, who gradu- cial media. ated with a bachelor’s degree “We were pleased to wel- 26 17 14 in English and a minor in come Rayna to the team as our Journalism in 2018, began her new communication coordi- job in August. She is part of a nator,” Dena Sattler, director 31 three-person communications of communications, said in a team, including the director of Infographic by Kalliope Craft | The Bulletin communications and the press see KARST page 7 ad revenues (which all news- Margaret Mellott ad revenues and changing papers have experienced in Editor-in-Chief readerships, have reduced their publication schedules or the past few years) and a re- Since 1901, The Bulletin has changed their delivery meth- duction in our fee allocation Corky’sCorky’s FuzzyFuzzy FriendsFriends been a voice for the students at ods. The Wichita Eagle, for two years ago by Associated Emporia State. example, recently announced Student Government. As technology has changed, it would stop Saturday publi- Despite many cost-saving Breed the newspaper has changed cation, but put more resources measures implemented in the with it. The newspaper’s cur- into a weekend package edi- intervening time period—and Pit Mix rent website is something that tion. And, the Emporia Ga- an emergency grant last se- would have been undreamed zette dropped carrier delivery mester by Students Affairs— Age of just a couple of generations in May in favor of postal deliv- we face the unpleasant task ago. ery. So, too, must the The Bulle- of having to make significant 1 year Now, esubulletin.com— tin adapt to a changing media cuts. along with the newspaper’s landscape. The question was whether Fee social media presence—are As of this semester, we will we would keep the weekly JADA integral parts of our cover- reduce our print publication print schedule as it has been $25 age, supplementing but not schedule to every other week for the past decade, or wheth- replacing the traditional print during the semester. This will er we would reduce coverage. She is super friendly editions. The focus groups we be an experiment in saving Our decision is to cut back on have conducted over the past printing costs, as well as a way the print edition, but to contin- with lots of energy! few years tell us that students to channel more resources into ue the vigorous, independent like having the print edition. our online presence. coverage we’re known for. We do, too. The cost-cutting measure is The print edition will con- Those interested in adopting Jada should fill out an application to adopt at the Emporia But many regional news- made necessary by a combina- tinue to be delivered on Thurs- Kansas Animal Shelter, 1216 Hatcher St. Jada, like all animals at the shelter, was picked up as a stray. | The Bulletin papers, faced with declining tion of two things: declining see PRINT page 7 Infographic by Kalliope Craft 2 NEWS The Bulletin | SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 Kappa Delta Chi to resume recruitment next semester cording to Lendcy Reyes, chap- (our) scholarship,” Reyes said. everyone,” Reyes said. Vanessa Pruitt Police ter president and senior business “ N e x t s e m e s t e r w e w i l l b e Members played sand volley- Staff Writer major. recruiting.” ball at a social on Sept. 6 at Sonic Kappa Delta Chi, a primar- “This semester we just decid- The scholarship, ‘My Dream, Drive-In. Reports ily Latina sorority, suspended ed to focus more on the chapter My Future’ was created in 2018 Their next social event will be recruitment this semester, ac- itself, since we recently launched to help DREAMers, minor im- a picnic at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 20. migrants who have been grant- The location has not been an- ed residency status, according nounced. Logs from ESU to Mayra Murillo, chapter vice Julissa Razo, chapter trea- Police and Safety president, standards officer and surer and senior nursing ma- senior sociology major. jor, said that the sorority brings Sept. 4 “It’s open to everyone, but we more awareness of diversity to Officer responded to a fire do place a special focus on stu- the campus. alarm call in Singular Trusler dents who don’t receive FAFSA “Emporia is almost half His- Zone 215. No problem was or other student aid,” Murillo panic, but we don’t get that rep- found. said. resentation on campus,” Razo Cram Science Hall fire According to Reyes, they said. “Kappa Delta Chi gives that zone 151. Officer reset faulty wanted to help students through community a say in the student alarm. their education. body and representation.” Singular Trusler zone 1 “We wanted to provide at The sorority also partners and 215 fourth floor North least one scholarship, so they with local schools and commu- stairway pull station and don’t have to come up with too nity organizations. fourth floor duct detector. much money out of pocket,” Reyes said she enjoyed their Unknown mechanical error Reyes said. “It’s our way to help recent partnership with Logan and technician looking into them get by in school, even if it’s Avenue Elementary. it. just $1,000.” “We started a girls-only pro- Diana Kuhlman reported In lieu of recruitment, the so- gram focused on mostly 4th and a parking problem at Gold rority is hosting Project Penguin 5th graders,” Reyes said. “We Lot 9 Gold parking #7. Park- for interested students, Reyes talked about things you wouldn’t ing enforcement issued a said. normally talk about during citation. “We’re trying to keep them in- school like bullying, consent, Officer assisted Emporia volved since we’re not recruiting and self-image.” Police Dept. with an attempt this semester, to make sure we’re Reyes, Murilla and Razo to locate suspect at 1100 East what they want,” Reyes said. all mentioned the positive im- St. Reference a foot chase by Reyes added that Kappa Del- pact the sorority has had on the PD. ta Chi is open to everyone, not their personal and professional Sept. 5 just Latina students.
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