For over 20 years, Santone Lures has maintained a loyal customer base that demands new developments and unique designs for the beginner, avid and pro fisherman. By expanding the product line, Santone Lures has earned a reputation for producing proven, quality bass baits with hooks that out- perform most lures on the market. Santone Lures manufactures a full line of custom Rattlin’ Jigs, Football Jigs, Swim Jigs, Finesse Jigs, Shakey Head Piglets, Spinnerbaits, and Buzzbaits. Rayburn Swim Jigs 1,2,3,4 Piglets 27 Rattlin’ Jigs 5, 6, 7, 8 The Rig Heads 27 Texas Finesse Jigs 9, 10 Wobble Hogs 27 M-Series Jigs 11 Rayburn Swim Jig Heads 28 M-Series Football Jigs 12 Rattlin’ Jig Heads 28 Pro Football Jigs 13, 14, 15, 16 Texas FInesse Jig Heads 29 Pretender Spinnerbaits 17, 18 M-Series Football Jig Heads 29 Got Five! Spinnerbaits 19, 20 M-Series Jig Heads 29 M-Series Spinnerbaits 21, 22 S3 Swimbait Heads 30 Pretender Spinnerbaits 23 S3 Exposed Swimbait Heads 30 Midnight Series Spinnerbaits 24 S3 Strokers 31 Buzzbaits 24 Santone Gear 32 Lake Fork Braid Buzz 25, 26 Oversized 3D prism eyes Multi-colored weedguard High-quality silicone skirt 2X Strong Mustad Ultra Point Hook Performance tested and tournament proven by lure designer Brian Branum on Lakes Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend, the Santone Rayburn Swim Jig was designed to be the ultimate jig for swimming. Extremely weedless, the Rayburn Swim Jig is loaded with a 2X Strong Mustad Ultra Point Hook Rayburn Swim Jig to keep even the biggest fish pinned down. Its oversized 3D prism eyes, super tough, powder- coated, weedless head design, and high-quality silicone skirt deliver a winning presentation, especially when paired with your favorite trailer. A double-barbed trailer keeper also makes sure your trailer stays secure and straight, while a multi-colored weedguard rounds out the premium features and helps ensure you avoid snags. Available in several proven colors, the Santone Rayburn Swim Jig has all the features you need to be successful. Available Styles: Finesse Series | Siwash Series | Original Series Mean Green | 25 Monkey Gold | 30 White Shadow | 50 Acid Perch | 108 Red River Special | 40 Pake’s Perch | 39 White Blood Chartreuse | 14 Silver Bullet | 31 Monkey Pink | 34 Alewife | 44 ‘Merica | 107 Fouzman | 00 GW’s Baby Bass | 23 Matt’s Blue Herren | 22 Hot Monkey | 35 Psycho Clown | 109 Light Hitch | 105 River Bream | 96 1 2 Black Blue Tips | 52 Houdini | 36 Toledo Perch | 24 Black Brown Amber | 54 Tilapia | 16 Black Blue | 51 Bass Candy | 102 Southern Bream | 45 Bass Candy Blue | 106 Sun Perch | 46 Mexican Heather | 78 J. C.’s Spicy Craw | 121 Rayburn Red | 41 Blue Gizzard Shad | 48 Fiesta Perch | 130 Lure designer, Brian Branum Photo by Brad Weigmann Sloppy Joe | 89 Black Blue Purple | 53 Bluegrass | 90 Fouzman | 00 Galaxy Craw | 122 SIZES AVAILABLE Original Series Finesse Series Siwash Series 3/16 oz. | 5/0 Mustad 3/16 oz. - 3/0 Mustad 5/16 oz. - 5/0 Saltwater Gamakatsu 5/16 oz. | 5/0 Mustad 5/16 oz. | 3/0 Mustad 7/16 oz. - 5/0 Saltwater Gamakatsu Watermelon Red | 70 Threadfin Shad | 47 7/16 oz. | 5/0 Mustad 3 4 Unique chip resistant, powder-coated, stand-up head Silicone skirt Dual rattle system Gamakatsu Hook Santone Lures Rattlin’ Jigs feature super-sharp, Heavy-Wire Gamakatsu Hooks, as well as, Galaxy Craw | 122 Mud Bug | 123 a dual rattle system for added fish attraction. A unique chip resistant, powder-coated, stand-up head allows the jig to have a natural presentation when it comes to rest on the Rattlin’ Jigs bottom and the silicone skirt delivers maximum action. Each Santone Rattlin’ Jig features a trailer keeper to keep your soft plastics firmly in place. Available in a variety of effective color combinations, the Santone Rattlin’ Jigs will help you catch bass after bass. Firebug | 124 Bama Craw | 125 White Black Scale | 50 Bass Candy | 102 Black Blue Accents | 51 Black Blue Neon | 80 Plum Raisin | 65 BBO&R | 74 Peppermint | 49 Black Blue Orange | 83 Black Blue Purple | 53 Black Blue Purple Tip | 72 Butterscotch | 55 Black Blue Chartreuse | 59 Bedbuster | 75 Black Blue Tip | 52 Brown | 77 Blueberry | 62 Junebug Chartreuse | 87 Black Brown Orange | 69 5 6 Smokin’ Brown Rainbow | 68 Pumpkinseed | 57 Woolybooger | 63 Grasshopper | 82 Black Red Neon | 79 Black Red Accent | 60 Black Chartreuse Tips | 67 Black Purple Tips | 66 Mexican Heather | 78 Falcon Craw | 32 Bullfrog | 64 Camo | 61 Junebug | 86 Watermelon | 56 Sloppy Joe | 89 Solid Black | 76 PB&J | 81 J. C.’s Spicy Craw | 121 Rayburn Red | 41 Bama Bug | 27 Watermelon Chartreuse Red | 71 Pinto Beans & Carrots | 33 Texas Craw | 84 Watermelon Red | 70 Louisiana Craw | 85 Pake’s Perch | 39 Pumpkinseed Chartreuse Tips| 73 Black Brown Amber | 54 1/4 oz. | 5/0 Heavy-wire Gamakatsu 3/8 oz. | 5/0 Heavy-wire Gamakatsu SIZES AVAILABLE 1/2 oz. | 5/0 Heavy-wire Gamakatsu 3/4 oz. | 5/0 Heavy-wire Gamakatsu Bass Candy Blue | 106 Missouri Craw | 38 Fouzman | 00 Pumpkin Green Flake | 58 Melon Red | 88 7 8 Ball head design Weedguard protects against snags 44-count silicone skirt Gamakatsu Hook Equipped with a Gamakatsu Hook for lightning-quick penetration, the Santone Texas Finesse Jig features a ball head design with a unique, multi-colored, chip-resistant, powder-coated finish. A 44-count silicone skirt complete with a rooster collar rounds out the presentation, and an ideal weedguard Texas Finesse Jigs protects against snags. A great choice when the fishing gets tough, the Santone Texas Finesse Jig is available in several proven color combinations and like all Santone Lures, is hand-assembled using only the finest quality components. Sold in packs of 2. Natural Craw | 95 Sloppy Joe | 103 River Bream | 96 Bass Candy | 102 Bruiser | 93 Carolina Craw | 101 Okie Craw | 97 PB&J | 91 Black, Blue, Purple | 53 Black Brown Amber | 92 Louisiana Craw | 104 Matt’s Craw | 94 GP Flake | 58 Bullfrog | 64 J. C.’s Spicy Craw | 121 SIZES AVAILABLE 3/16 oz. | 3/0 Gamakatsu 5/16 oz. | 3/0 Gamakatsu 7/16 oz. | 3/0 Gamakatsu Green Pumpkin Flake | 58 Swamp Craw | 100 Kathy’s Blue Gill | 99 Mexican Heather | 78 9 10 Available colors for M-Series Chip-resistant,powder-coated head Chip-resistant,powder-coated head Jig & M-Series Football Jig Premium silicone skirts Premium silicone skirts Dual rattle system Gamakatsu Hook 74 Gamakatsu Hook BBO&R 59 Equipped with a super-sharp, premium Gamakatsu hook, the Santone M-Series Flipping Jig was Black Blue Chartreuse Our M-Series Football Jigs were designed by Elite Series Pro, designed by Bassmaster Elite Series veteran, Matt Herren. It features a unique, chip-resistant, 69 Matt Herren, in conjunction with Brian Branum and Santone M-Series Jigs powder-coated head design that helps it stand up on the bottom and still slip through heavy Black Brown Orange M-Series Football Jig Lures. They are powder-coated and have a 5/0 Medium-wire cover. Also outfitted with premium silicone skirts in a variety of colors, the Santone M-Series Gamakatsu hook, a dual rattle system, and silicone skirts. 27 Flipping Jig delivers Elite Series performance. Available in all Rattlin’ Jig colors. Available in all Rattlin’ Jig colors. Bama Bug 65 Styles available - With and Without Rattles Plum Raisin 79 67 83 Black Red Neon Black Chartreuse Black Blue Orange 86 89 52 Junebug Sloppy Joe Black Blue Tip 58 84 55 PB&J | 81 Pumpkin Green Flake Texas Craw Butterscotch 68 63 Black Blue Accent | 51 Bullfrog | 64 PB&J | 81 Sloppy Joe | 89 51 Smokin Brown Rainbow Woolybooger Black Blue Accent 78 66 53 Mexican Heather Black Purple Tips Black Blue Purple Pinto Beans & Carrots | 33 77 81 76 Brown PB&J Solid Black 87 56 70 Junebug Chartreuse Watermelon Watermelon Red Black, Brown, Amber | 54 River Bream | 96 Bass Candy | 102 Ray Roberts Special | 127 80 33 82 Black Blue Neon Pinto Beans & Carrots Grasshopper 00 J. C.’s Spicy Craw | 121 57 88 Fouzman Pumpkinseed Melon Red 62 32 60 Blueberry Falcon Craw Black/Red Accent 39 Firebug | 124 Mudbug | 123 Purple Haze | 128 Bama Bug | 125 64 61 Pake’s Perch Bullfrog Camo 73 Bass Candy | 102 SIZES AVAILABLE Pumpkinseed Chartreuse Tips 4/0 Heavy-wire 3/8 oz. 72 Gamakatsu SIZES AVAILABLE Black/Blue & Purple Tips 5/0 Heavy-wire 1/2 oz. 5/0 Medium-wire Gamakatsu 1/2 oz. Gamakatsu 71 5/8 oz. 5/0 Medium-wire Gamakatsu 5/0 Heavy-wire 5/8 oz. Watermelon Chartreuse Red 3/4 oz. 5/0 Medium-wire Gamakatsu Green Pumpin Red | 126 Fiesta Perch | 130 Dust to Dawn | 129 Gamakatsu Mexican Heather | 78 85 Louisiana Craw 11 12 Durable powder-coating Premium silicone skirts Dual rattle system Santone Pro Football Jigs are built around super sharp, Heavy-wire Gamakatsu hooks for lightning-fast Missouri Craw | 38 Watermelon Red | 70 Solid Black | 76 Junebug, Chartreuse | 87 penetration and rock-solid hook-sets. The heads are also finished with a durable powder-coating and Pro Football Jig premium silicone skirts in a range of life-like color combinations that help create a winning presentation. Two rattles also provide additional fish attraction and each Santone Pro Football Jig features a trailer keeper to keep your soft plastics firmly in place. Black, Blue Neon | 80 Bullfrog | 64 Bass Candy Blue | 106 Pumpkinseed | 57 PB&J | 81 Mexican Heather | 78 Camo | 61 Black, Blue Accent | 51 Brown | 77 Falcon Craw | 32 Black Blue Tip | 52 Black, Blue, Orange | 83 Sloppy Jog | 89 Plum Raisin | 65 Black, Red Accent | 60 Black, Brown, Orange | 54 Black, Chartreuse Tips | 67 Melon Red | 88 Black, Brown, Orange | 69 Texas Craw | 84 Pake’s Perch | 39 Smokin’ Brown Rainbow | 68 13 14 Pinto Beans & Carrots | 33 Fouzman | 00 Butterscotch | 55 Watermelon Red | 70 Black, Purple Tips | 66 Louisiana Craw | 85 Junebug | 86 Green Pumpkin Red | 126 Grasshopper | 82 Black, Blue, Purple | 53 Rayburn Red | 41 Pumpkinseed Chartreuse Tips | 73 Firebug | 124 Ray Roberts Special | 127 Bama Craw | 125 Purple Haze | 128 Black, Brown, Orange, Red | 74 Black, Blue, Chartreuse | 59 Bass Candy | 102 Blueberry | 62 Galaxy Craw | 122 Dust to Dawn | 129 Fiesta Perch | 130 Mud Bug | 123 Woollybooger | 63 Black, Red Neon | 79 Watermelon, Chartreuse | 71 Bama Bug | 27 SIZES AVAILABLE 1/2 oz.
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