VOL. 51, NO. 49 • SEPTEMBER 15 - 21, 2016 Charges Dismissed Against Walter Fauntroy Ward 3 Residents Battle over Proposed Homeless Shelter Site - Hot Topics, Page 4 Full Story on Page 9 CBCF: ‘Defining the Moment, Building the Movement’ Annual Conference Returns to District, Bids Farewell to Obama By D. Kevin McNeir [ALC], “Defining the Moment, WI Editor Building the Movement,” conversa- tions and analyses will explore themes As the Congressional Black Cau- ranging from economic opportunity cus Foundation, Inc. [CBCF] cel- and voter suppression to police bru- ebrates its 40th anniversary, more tality and crime in the Black commu- than 10,000 men, women and youth nity. from across the country will gather Nearly 100 forums and sessions in the nation’s capital, eager to weigh will facilitate provocative discussions in on possible solutions for the myr- during a time in our history when iad of issues that continue to impact control of both the White House and Black communities in the U.S. and Congress remain at stake. A. Shuan- around the globe. ise Washington, president and CEO, With the theme for this year’s CBCF, Inc., says she continues to 46th Annual Legislative Conference CAUCUS Page 9 5SERVICE FOR SENIORS AND SOLEMNITY: Thousands of volunteers gathered on the National Mall, wearing red aprons and packing meals for elderly Americans, participating in a day of service on the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on Sunday, Sept. 11. The event took place near the National World War II Memorial – sponsored by the AARP Foundation and the Capital Area Food Bank, among others. Close to 1 million meals were boxed on Sunday with nearly 5,000 participants lending a hand during the Million Meal Pack Challenge. More meals were packaged on Monday. / Photo by Patricia Little Watch Parties Highlight Museum's Opening Week By Stacy M. Brown Providence, Bahamas; Ontario, museum with parties, festivals and NNPA News Wire Contributor Canada; Al Bahr al Ahmar, Egypt; other events. Panama; Port of Spain, and Trinidad More than 150,000 individuals The grand opening of the Smith- and Tobago. are expected to attend the dedica- sonian National Museum of African Meanwhile, multiple cities tion ceremony on Sept. 24, includ- American History and Culture is throughout the United States will ing President Barack Obama. upon the world and with antici- hold watch parties, including one lo- WTOP reported that a welcom- pation now at a fever pitch for the cally that will be hosted by the BDPA ing committee also has planned a Sept. 24 official unveiling, museum of Greater Washington, D.C., a citywide celebration. officials have launched "Lift Every trade organization that was founded "We're welcoming the new kid Voice," a global initiative that high- nearly 40 years ago to bridge digital to the block," Frank Smith, co-host lights organizations celebrating the divides, cyber security, information of the D.C. Host Committee and opening worldwide. technology and telecommunications founding director of the African Registered events — specifically competency gaps in urban and un- American Civil War Memorial Mu- a host of planned watch parties — derserved communities within the seum, told the popular radio station. 5The Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler (left), reads from an Action Litany, an event and other activities may occur any D.C. region. Smith said the many events held simultaneously in 31 other states across the U.S., during a call for action time within the inaugural year, and In all, tens of thousands of visitors planned will draw the new mu- titled "The Revival: Time for a Moral Revolution of Values" in front of the numerous international locations are are expected to attend the official Wilson Building, DC City Hall, on Monday Sept. 12 in Northwest. / Photo by already joining in, including New opening of the Smithsonian's newest MUSEUM Page 11 Roy Lewis Celebrating 51 Years of Service / Serving More Than 50,000 African American Readers Throughout The Metropolitan Area WWW.WASHINGTONINFORMER.COM THE WASHINGTON INFORMER “ So this year, in this election, I’m asking you to join me — to reject cynicism and reject fear, and to summon what is best in us; to elect Hillary Clinton as the next Stand with president of the United States.” Hillary and Barack Obama Democrats Democratic National Convention July 27, 2016 On Election Day Tuesday, November 8 HillaryClinton.com Paid for by Hillary for America 2 SEPTEMBER 15 - 21, 2016 THE WASHINGTON INFORMER WWW.WASHINGTONINFORMER.COM contents SEPT. 15 - 21, 2016 Around the Region ..................5-11 PG County ...............................12-13 Business ................................... 14-15 National ....................................16-17 Health ................................18-20w Education .............................. 22-24 OpEd .......................................27-29 Lifestyle ...............................3o-40 Capture the Moment .............. 42 Sports .................................... 44-45 Religion ......................................... 47 FOLLOW US ON Meet Smokey. Eddie “Smokey” Maye started cutting hair when he was 8, went fulltime when he was 14, and he’s still at it today in his classic barbershop at 1338 H Street NE. It’s a place right out of yesterday with well-worn barber chairs that have hosted the rich and famous for decades, including Muhammed Ali. Jump on the free DC Streetcar and head down to Smokey’s. He’ll give you a trim, sell you a cool drink, and let you slip into a long time ago. It’s a DC treasure you gotta see. Join the party! WWW.WASHINGTONINFORMER.COM THE WASHINGTON INFORMER SEPTEMBER 15 - 21 2016 3 around the region WomenWI HOTBreak theTOPICS Cycle of SOMETHING COMPILED BY D. KEVIN MCNEIR / WI EDITOR NEW EVERYDAY Domestic Violence ByExelon, Tia Carol JonesPepco Offerlaw Freeenforcement. Legal She said Help they tothreat,” First she said.Responders www.washingtoninformer.com WI Staff Writer had come together to bring a Exelon and Pepco, partnering with local law firms, are bringing the “Wills forAmong the programs Marlow sense of uniformity in the way wants to see implemented are Heroes” program to the District to provide firefighters, police officers and other Visit our updated Web site When L.Y. Marlow's 23-year- domestic violence victims and stricter restraining order policies, first responders pro-bono legal support. and give us your comments old daughter told her the father survivors are treated. more rights for victim's families of herThe daughter program threatenedpairs lawyers andher legal administrators“She's using herwith ownfirst personalresponders fromto intervene on behalf of a vic- for a chance to win a gift from life,D.C., and Maryland the life andof Virginiatheir child, to assist story,the emergency her own workers personal and pain their to spousestim, a domestic violence assess- The Washington Informer shecreate knew wills something to provide assurance had to aboutbe thepush future forward,” of their families Davis-Nickens and their estates.ment unit coupled with further done.Pepco Out Holdings of her CEO frustration Dave Velazquezsaid aboutdescribed Marlow. the one-day program astraining a for law enforcement with law enforcement's handling Email comments to: “small gesture for the sacrifices they makeDavis-Nickens each day on behalf said of ouranyone safety.” agencies, a Child's Life Protec- of theThe situation, 9/11 tragedies she decided during whichto whohundreds reads of Marlow'sfirst responders book lost will their livestion Act and mandatory counsel- rburke@ startinitially the sparked Saving the Promise effort to cam-create a structure“get it.” to Sheassist said them she with “puts estate theplanning.ing for batterers. washingtoninformer.com paign. case in such a way, the average “If we are ever going to eradi- “It seems to be a vicious cycle person can get it.” She said at the cate domestic violence, we must thatCong. won't turnWilson my family Honoredend of thefor day, Efforts the book willto Assistlook at both Nigerian sides of the coin.Girls loose,” Marlow said. Marlow help people begin to have a dia- We need to address both the vic- shared her story with the audi- Congresswomanlogue about domestic Frederica violence. S. Wilson (FL-24)tim and was honoredthe batterer,” for her Marlow advocacy on ence at the District Heightsbehalf ofAlso the present kidnapped at theChibok event schoolgirls was said. at the Nigerian-American Public Af- Domestic Violence Symposiumfairs Committee’sMildred Muhammad, Inaugural National the ex- ConventionMarlow on Saturday, would also Sept. like 10 toin seeAtlanta. on May 7 at the District Heights Wilson’swife of ongoing John Allen efforts Muhammad, to reunite the programsgirls with their designed families towere recognizedraise Municipal Center. The sympo- duringwho the was group’s sentenced Foundation to six galaconsec- dinner. awarenessShe has traveled among to Nigeria children several in times sium was sponsored by the and conductedutive life briefings,terms without forums, parole press conferencespublic and and private protests schools. to raise awarenessShe Family and Youth Services by a Maryland jury for his role in feels children need to be educat- of the ongoing threat Boko Haram poses to Nigeria and others. She launched a Center of the city of District the Beltway Sniper attacks in ed about domestic violence. Heights and the National Hook-social2002. media Mildredcampaign Muhammad and has introduced is resolutions“We have and to legislationstop being to pas-keep the Up of Black Women. worldthe from founder forgetting of After the Chibokthe Trauma, girls andsive-aggressive to reinforce and with enhance poor Nigeria’s chil- mil- itaryMarlow effort. has written a book, an organization that helps the dren about domestic violence,” “Color“I am Me a Butterfly,”mother, a former which educatoris a survivors and a lawmaker of domestic so Boko violence Haram’s philosophyMarlow said. and values are the antithesis storyof my about own,” four Wilson generations said. “I amof proudand totheir be honoredchildren. for my work on behalfMarlow of the Chibokhas worked schoolgirls to break and am domesticcommitted violence.
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